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Tag "Ney Matogrosso"

Sangue Latino by Ney Matogrosso

In these depressing and tragic times, I think that we should often turn to one of the biggest source of joy available to all of us, music.  And today, I want to share with you a beautiful song written and interpreted by one of my absolutely favorite Brazilian composers and singers: Ney Matogrosso.  The song is called “Latin Blood” and under the video, I provided a tentative translation of the

Ney Matogrosso interprets “Oh Moon” – a beautiful song of gratitude

Today I am sharing a song by one of my favorite Brazilian singers, Ney Matogrosso.  I love this song, a kind of lullaby when sung by Matogrosso, because it achieves its haunting effect by using a very simple melody and just a few very basic chords.  If you listen carefully to the minimalist guitar accompaniment (here played by what might be the most talented Brazilian guitarist ever, Raphael Rabello) you

Roberta Sá and Ney Matogrosso interpret “Peito Vazio” ( & translated lyrics)

Two of the most beautiful voices in Brazil Lyrics and my own, very imperfect, and free translation: Nada consigo fazer Quando a saudade aperta Foge-me a inspiração Sinto a alma deserta Um vazio se faz em meu peito E de fato eu sinto Em meu peito um vazio Me faltando as tuas carícias As noites são longas E eu sinto mais frio Procuro afogar no álcool A tua lembrança Mas
