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Tag "No we can’t"

One Obama photo which says it all

Barak Obama is truly the epitome of hypocrisy.  Just look at this photo – here is a Black man shaking hands with a Jew whose so-called government is chock full of racist Jew-hating neo-Fascists (more about that tomorrow).  Here is a man who was nominated by a party which calls itself “Democratic” to become the President of a country which not only is supposed to be “democratic” itself but which

Barak Obama: hated, despised and humiliated both at home and abroad

These are bad times for Barak Obama, and humiliations seems to fall upon him every day.  Yesterday it what a double-whammy: first NBC and the WSJ announced that Obama’s approval rating were at a historical low and then Forbes announced that Obama’s most hated adversary, Vladimir Putin, had displaced him in the Forbes world’s most powerful person list and was now the most powerful person on the planet, followed by

Obama wanted the “Sissy Option” but he might get the “Kosovo Option” instead

I have been following today proceedings in Congress with absolute dismay.  Sure, this was predictable, but still, to see these clowns trying to “out tough” each other is just sickening.  Already, Obama’s proposed Resolution opened the door for much more than just a “Sissy Option” strike (under 3 days, 50-100 missiles).  But now it appears that the Ziocrazies in Congress want to authorize military operations up to 90 days!  That’s

Obama – every bit the pathetic looser that he always was

I never liked Obama and as early as October 2008 I reminded everybody that Malcolm X would certainly consider Obama as a “house Negro“.  Five years later my disgust with this man has almost reached a point where I miss bad old Dubya who, at least, had the excuse of being an ignorant, insecure imbecile.  Obama, of course, has no such excuse.  He is clearly very intelligent, well educated and

The US Empire throws in the towel

This is a great American tradition: declare victory and leave.  And that is what Obama did yesterday when he announced that 10’000+23’000 troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan.  The French immediately announced that they are withdrawing another 4’000 of their own.  Yes, I know, 68’000+ troops will remain.  Make no mistake, that is a fig leaf, also a security and a way to pretend that this is not what is

The US Empire throws in the towel

This is a great American tradition: declare victory and leave.  And that is what Obama did yesterday when he announced that 10’000+23’000 troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan.  The French immediately announced that they are withdrawing another 4’000 of their own.  Yes, I know, 68’000+ troops will remain.  Make no mistake, that is a fig leaf, also a security and a way to pretend that this is not what is

Barak Obama insults the US military (but will anybody notice?)

According to the BBC, Barak Obama met the soldiers which killed OBL and praised their mission as “one of the greatest military operations in our nation’s history”.   Now, readers of this blog will no doubt have noticed that I am not exactly a big admirer of the US military.  And yet, there is no denying the US military did fight – and win – some major and very difficult battles

Lack of change we can all believe in

So Obama, having betrayed every promise he ever made, was in a popularity free fall for a looooooong time already.  Then he decided to announce that he would seek a second term.  That did littele to improve his ratings.  Then OBL was “killed” (on Holocaust Day!) while Obama was about to depart for a trip to New York to visit “ground zero”.  That did the trick and his popularity jumped

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street’s “Super Rich”: The Financial End Time has Arrived

by Prof. Michael Hudson for Global Research Now that President Obama is almost celebrating his bipartisan willingness to renew the tax cuts for the super-rich enacted under George Bush ten years ago, it is time for Democrats to ask themselves how strongly they are willing to oppose an administration that looks like Bush-Cheney III. Is this what they expected by Mr. Obama’s promise to rise above partisan politics – by

Israel in America: Obama’s dance of death

What are we to make of the latest changes in Obama’s entourage, ponders Eric Walberg Obama has just lost his close friend and chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, who is making the unusual transition from national to municipal politics. He is also losing his closest adviser David Axelrod (pragmatist Emanuel described their difference as prose versus poetry) and his mentor and director of the National Economic Council Larry Summers. Why

International Flaw: With New Iran Sanctions, POTUS Calls Tehran’s Kettle Black

by Nima Shirazi for Wide Asleep in America “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.” – Samuel P. Huntington “By alleging Iran has some problems, America’s problems aren’t resolved. Just alleging that Iran has a problem is not going to resolve Mrs. Clinton’s problems

New Internet Censorship Bill Introduced

by Stephen Lendman Like most others in Congress, Senator Patrick Leahy is no progressive. He voted to fund imperial wars, regressive Obamacare, Wall Street-friendly financial reform, and other pro-business measures, including agribusiness-empowering bills, harming small farmers and consumers. Now he’s at it again. On September 20, he introduced S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), “A bill to combat online infringement, and for other purposes.” Referred to committee,

The Obama Presidency in numbers (No We Can’t!)

Amy Goodman for Democray Now reports: New figures show the number of Americans living in poverty and lacking health insurance has reached the highest levels on record. According to the Census Bureau, 43.6 million people—about one in seven—lived below the poverty level of $22,000 for a family of four in 2009. It was the largest number since the census began keeping track fifty-one years ago, and an increase of four

Obama’s War on the Internet

By Philip Giraldi for Campaign For Liberty The Ministry of Truth YES WE CAN! The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984. A recent trip to Europe has convinced me that the governments of the world have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they

The politically hypercorrect President’s crocodile tears

Today, President Obama described the “Srebrenica massacre as “a stain on our collective conscience”. Saying that “there can be no lasting peace without justice” Obama added that he urged “the prosecution and arrest of those that carried out the genocide”. Noble feelings, for sure. There is only one problem. There never was a genocide in Srebrenica. You can read all about it here, but I can’t re-print this article here

Who’s The Boss?

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Katie Couric’s interview on CBS News on July 7 leaves little doubt that she considers Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel ‘s Prime Minister as the boss and that President Obama is irrelevant. Couric, descendant of Jewish immigrants from Germany, anchor and chief managing editor of CBS news, makes it clear that it is more important for Netanyahu to “trust” Obama and his decisions than for the the American people

Zionist censors score ‘victories’ against two high-profile women

Two women have recently been found guilty of aggravated crimethink cleric: Grand Ayatollah : CNN reporter Octavia Nasr and UK ambassador to Lebanon Frances Guy. Their crime? They dared to express respect for a recently deceased senior Shia cleric: Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah. Frances Guy had her blog taken down, Octavia Nasr was simply fired. These two women clearly were not aware of the fact that the ever vigilant Zionist
