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Tag "nuclear deterrence"

The End of M.A.D. — The Beginning of Madness

by Eric Zuesse John Helmer, who explains military-strategic matters better and more knowledgeably than just about anyone, headlined on May 30th, “The Red Line Crossed, In the Cross-Hairs, At Trigger Point”, and he opened: First there was the red-line announcement. On Friday [May 27th] in Athens there was the cross-hairs statement. By the month of October, the month before the US presidential election, there will be the trigger point. The

Did Russia just “gently” threaten the USA?

Interesting stuff today.  A major Russian TV channel just aired a report about Putin meeting with his top military commanders.  I don’t have the time to translate what Putin said word for word, but basically he said that the USA had refused every single Russian offer to negotiate about the US anti-missile system in Europe and that while the US had initially promised that the real target of this system

Nuclear Special Forces Only BRICS countries will survive

Foreword by the Saker: Today I am posting an article with great reluctance but with a sense that what this article conveys must be made public in the West.  I will tell you immediately that I am sickened by the idea that Russia might simply completely destroy the entire USA, be it by “regular” nuclear strikes, by blowing up the Yellowstone caldera or triggering a tsunami.  In my years as

Why the US-Russian nuclear balance is as solid as ever

Ok. Today I am going to address the nuclear threat canard one last time.  After that, I will just ignore this topic which, frankly, is a waste of time.  Here are two comments which were recently posted on the blog: “Security experts in the U.S. do not agree that Russia has a credible nuclear deterrent. The story is that the Russian nuclear force is in disrepair and that the U.S.
