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Tag "official documents"

Official Russian response to the American written response to Russian claims on security guarantees in Europe

Note: The website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs might be under DDoS as I cannot reach it.  The following is therefore a UNOFFICIAL machine translation of the Russian reply: The Russian Foreign Ministry has published a written response to the American written response to Russian claims on security guarantees in Europe. On February 17, 2022, US Ambassador John Sullivan, invited to the Russian Foreign Ministry, was given the

The new Russian Naval Doctrine – one very important sentence

Russia has recently published her new official Naval Doctrine.  The full document can be downloaded from the Presidency’s website here (in Russian). To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this document.  The document explains the purpose of this doctrine, the missions of the Russian Navy and includes a region by region review of the challenges and opportunities for Russia on the world’s oceans, including the Arctic and Antarctic

Amendments to the Ukrainian Constitution proposed by the LNR

Dear friends, Please find hereby the full English translation of the (infamous) amendments to the Ukrainian Constitution proposed by the Lugansk People’s Republic.  Thanks to AS for his overnight translation of this document! The Saker ——- SECTION X [1] LEGAL STATUS OF SEPARATE REGIONS OF DONETSK AND LUGANSK OBLASTS Article 139[1]. A number of regions, cities, and other settlements of Donetsk Oblast form a separate region with special status. A
