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Tag "Oleg Maslov"

Major Russian Geopolitical Moves Going Unnoticed in Wake of US Election

by Oleg Maslov It’s official, Russia has decided to grab the bull by the horns. Just one week after the shocking vote in the US presidential election resulted in a Trump victory, Russia has decided to pull all the stops and take care of some long lingering business while Obama’s administration is working overtime to manage a transition that no one expected would happen and Obama himself is out of

President Trump vs President Clinton … What Will Happen After Inauguration?

by Oleg Maslov The time has come for the country with the largest economy and military in the world will soon go to the polls to choose a new leader for itself. Americans will elect a new president on November 8, 2016. However, the two main candidates running for the office of president in the general election have never been more different from each other. Hillary Clinton has lived in

Islamic State Indirectly Admits Russian Airstrikes Far More Effective than ‘Coalition’ Airstrikes

by Oleg Maslov Islamic State representatives have taken many efforts to claim responsibility for placing a bomb on board a Russian Metrojet passenger airplane bound for Saint Petersburg from Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt. Kogylmavia (Metrojet) Flight 9268 broke apart in the air over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Saturday, October 31, and the wreckage landed in an area roughly 20 square kilometers in size, leading to the death of all

Solving the Ukrainian Crisis

by Oleg Maslov A magnificent project to unite the Eurasian continent in a web of pipelines, high speed rail, fiber optic cables, highways, and trade agreements from Lisbon to Singapore is already under construction and, should this project succeed, it will change the lives of everyone living in between and have profound implications on global geopolitics. Mostly initiated and driven forward by the economic might of China, the New Silk
