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Tag "Poroshenko"

The head of DPR appeals to the world community to prevent an outbreak of large-scale hostilities in Donbas

The head of DPR appeals to the world community to prevent an outbreak of large-scale hostilities in Donbas According to the DPR intelligence services, Kiev authorities are getting ready to conduct a large-scale sabotage against industrial objects of Donbass that might cause a significant negative impact on ecology of the region. This information was announced by the Head of the Republic Denis Pushilin.  He has received information that a provocation

Poroshenko’s Dictatorial Laws by Russlan Ostashko

  Translated and captioned by Leo Among the fairy tales of the Kiev Maidan there is this one; striving to be in Europe, Ukrainian citizens couldn’t wait for their march for freedom from the previously accepted Viktor Yanukovych. This talk is in reference to the so-called “dictatorial laws” from January 16, 2014. And here now, pro-European Petro Poroshenko is getting ready to surpass them. But as for a new Maidan,

Petro Poroshenko celebrates his birthday today

For his birthday, NATO started an anti-terror operation drills near  the large city of Vinnytsa in the Western Ukraine. Vinnytsiaka oblast is the center of the Maidan coup and the war against Donbass. It’s from here in February 2014 the tank divisions and artillery brigades of the foreign and domestic mercenaries went to attack Crimea and Donbass. Kalynivka airfield is also a home to the 51st Separate Helicopter Brigade and

Putin prevented a war: Why Donbass needs the UN peacekeepers

by Ruslan Hubiev (RoSsi BaRBeRa) exclusively for Regrum translated by Scott Humor   In resolving a conflict in the East of Ukraine there has been a fundamental turn — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin unexpectedly initiated a resolution for the UN Security Council on the deployment of a peacekeeping mission along the demarcation line in the Donbass. What’s behind this far-reaching suggestion? What geopolitical objectives does Moscow plan to

SBU cleans-up after Ukrainian air force shoots down MH17

Featured image: Since Maidan in 2014, the SBU of Ukraine shares its main building with CIA headquarters. by Scott Humor Part I. SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17 Part II. A few notes regarding the published materials: Upon release of these documents by the Sovershenno secretno newspaper, some observers  pointed out that these documents are most likely fake, because of the reference used in

Behind Ukraine vs. Russia case in the UN International Court icj-cij

 Obama-Clinton’s Democrats in a legal war on Russia   In January 2017, the Kiev administration filed a lawsuit against Russia titled: “Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the  Elimination of All Forms  of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)” The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). Latest developments

Poroshenko doesn’t want another Maidan SITREP

Maidan has come full circle: masked protesters took down the EU flags in Kiev and Social Media exploded with the revelations that Maidan was Russia’s plan to push Ukraine into the EU to destroy them both. June 2015,  the EU flag raised over City Hall in Kiev.   March 2017, Extremists from the Right Sector took down all the EU flags outside of the administrative buildings in Kiev   “I

Annual address of President to Verkhovna Rada “On Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2016”

Fellow Ukrainians! Dear people’s deputies! Dear Ukrainian Government! First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone once again on the 25th anniversary of restoration of our state independence. Yes, it is true that the parliament is made up from the ruling faction and the opposition. This is the inviolable and important feature of democracy. But sometimes there are moments when one should forget at least for a second who

Ottoman crescent and Ukrainian trident

by Uncle Vania at Translation by Vox Populi Evo. So it happened historically, that after losing Northern Black Sea lands, Turkey keeps looking for revenge. It looks like Ankara has decided, that time for this has come. It’s no coincidence that regime of Erdogan is increasing his support of radically minded Ukrainian activists Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov. Events of recent years in Turkey and Ukraine show us with

Kiev is in a stalemate

by Rostislav Ischenko source: translation: Alena Scarecrow On July 21st in Minsk there was held another regular meeting of the contact group devoted to settling the Ukrainian conflict. It resulted in reaching an agreement on the withdrawal of tanks and weapons of up to 100 mm caliber from the delimitation line. The corresponding document was drawn out – however, not signed. As for the political issues, the parties once

Poroshenko’s message to Novorossiia and Russia

Poroshenko’s inauguration speech has sent a  message to Novorossiia and Russia: No federalization No state status for the Russian language No recognition of the Novorossian political leadership Full and unconditional surrender of the Novorossian Defense Forces Crimea will forever belong to the Ukraine. He could not have been any clearer: that is basically a declaration of war and an ultimatum.  This is also a full endorsement of the “Banderastan project”.Clearly,
