Obama-Clinton’s Democrats in a legal war on Russia


In January 2017, the Kiev administration filed a lawsuit against Russia titled:

“Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the  Elimination of All Forms  of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)”

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN).

Latest developments in the case

  • 22/02/2017– NEW Press Release 2017/10 – Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation) – Note to members of the press – Closure of the accreditation procedure  PDF 126.6 Kb
  • 01/02/2017– Press Release 2017/4 – Request for the indication of provisional measures – The Court to hold public hearings from Monday 6 to Thursday 9 March 2017  PDF 156.3 Kb
  • 17/01/2017– Press Release 2017/2 – Ukraine institutes proceedings against the Russian Federation and requests the Court to indicate provisional measures  PDF 168.1 Kb


Related: Zerkal to head Ukrainian delegation at International Court of Justice lawsuit against Russia

Earlier it was reported that Hague Court will hear Ukraine’s suit against Russia in March. Ukraine demands to condemn the acts of terrorism in Donbas, including the Boeing tragedy, incident in Kharkiv and oblige Russia to pay compensation, the amount of which was not specified.

On Monday, March 5th, Elena Zerkal delivered a hysterical speech in the UN court.

In court, the Kiev authorities are being represented by Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Olena Zerkal, Harold Hongju Koh, former Legal Adviser of the Department of State for the Obama administration from June 25, 2009 to  January 22, 2013, a  member of the democratic party, and the partners of Covington & Burling law firm, Jonathan Gimblett and Marney Cheek.


Harold Hongju Koh

Harold Hongju Koh is an American lawyer and legal scholar. He served as the Legal Adviser of the Department of State. He was nominated to this position by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2009, and confirmed by the Senate on June 25, 2009, per Wikipedia. He is also known for as a “U.S. State Department’s Legal Adviser Who  Calls for ‘Smart-Power’ Approach to Transnational Conflicts.”

Koh said, “smart power,” which emphasizes principled engagement, diplomacy, strategic multilateralism and respect for the law, has been a defining characteristic of the foreign policy of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“Secretary Clinton has repeated this theme over and over: that we need to use smart-power approaches because our hard power is weaker than it was,” Koh said. “[We must use] the full range of tools at our disposal, not just the military.”

Conflict management, he said, is a critical aspect of what he called the “Obama-Clinton doctrine.

In 2015, “students at NYU Law School, led by Amanda Bass and Aman Deep, protested the hiring of Harold Koh, a famous human rights lawyer who worked for the Obama administration, to teach human rights. Their petition , signed by some 40 NYU law students (350 total signers), a high number given intimidation, makes a straightforward, technical case that the use of drones which randomly murder civilians (mostly in countries the US has not declared war against) is a crime.”

Killing civilians with drones is a “crime of murder during the commission of aggression.”

“Koh made himself plainly responsible, as a public agent or actor for the administration, for drone strikes.”

“Koh contradicted his scholarship at Yale on the War Powers Act to try to affirm Obama’s unilateral bombing of Libya.”

In his capacity working for the Obama administration, Koh justified the use of torture, which is “a recognized war crime internationally.”

  “There is no service to humanity or decent government in figleafing murder by drone – exactly what “killer Koh” in the CIA’s/military’s derisory terminology did.”

“Koh began lobbying Secretary Clinton and the White House to let him make a speech in defense of targeted killing. …[T]he White House saw an upside in making him the unlikely public face of the CIA’s drone program. … The military and the CIA, too, loved the idea. They called the State Department lawyer ‘Killer Koh’ behind his back.”

Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency, by Daniel Klaidman

The think tank Stratfor’s insiders referred to him as one of the “Obama’s kooks”

 “Obama’s top lawyer at the State Department, Harold Hongju Koh, calls

himself a transnationalist. That means wanting U.S. courts to

“domesticate” foreign and international law – i.e., integrate it into U.S.

domestic law binding on U.S. citizens.


“Koh is eager to put us under a global legal system that would diminish our

“distinctive rights culture” such as due process, trial by jury and our

First Amendment “protections for speech and religion” that give “far

greater emphasis and judicial protection in America than in Europe or

Asia.” Under global governance, the United States will be forbidden to

allow more freedom and constitutional rights than other countries.”

US/YEMEN/CT- Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen

On November 27, 2010 Harold Hongju Koh also signed a letter to Wikileaks demanding from them to stop their publications.


Covington & Burling

Covington & Burling is the US Congress lobbying firm that represents the interests of various Ukrainian political players. In 2011,  this law firm represented interests of Yuliya Tymoshenko regarding the investigation by another US law firm Trout Cacheris into suspected misuse of state funds .

As The Hill reported earlier,The practice draws on the giant law firm’s expertise across several issue areas, having 36 registered lobbyists.

Representing clients via traditional lobbying as well as in more arcane regulatory and legal work in Washington has worked well for Covington. The firm posted solid revenue in lobbying fees for 2011, taking in $11.2 million. That’s a 10 percent jump from 2010, while many on K Street saw their lobbying earnings plateau or fall last year.

Covington’s clients include many big-name corporations — such as Amazon, Microsoft and Qualcomm — and well-known brands like the National Football League, according to lobbying disclosure records.


Today Covington & Burling is a leading force in war of Democrats  against president Donald Trump.

California’s Anti-Trump Strategy, Featuring Eric Holder, Will Cost $25K Monthly for 40 hours per month. Others working with Holder will include three partners from the Covington & Burling’s Los Angeles office: former California Congressman Howard Berman; white-collar attorney Daniel Shallman; and Aaron Lewis, who served as counsel to Holder in the U.S. Department of Justice from 2009 to 2011.


The most prominent counselors in the firm are as following:

Eric Holder, a partner at Covington & Burling, has served in several significant

According to the Podesta Emails database released by Wikileaks, he was considered for a top legal job for the Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Administration.

In January 2017, the California State Legislature has appointed former U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., as an Outside Counsel to advise the state government regarding its legal strategy against the incoming Trump administration. “The unusual arrangement will give Holder, leading a team of lawyers from the law firm Covington and Burling, a broad portfolio covering potential conflicts between California and the federal government. ”


 Michael Chertoff, Senior of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP, former U.S. Secretary of Homeland security under the  President George W. Bush a co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act; Mr. Chertoff, a former secretary of homeland security (2005-09), is senior counsel at Covington & Burling.

Lanny Breuer, Vice-Chairman at Covington & Burling, formerly Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division at the U.S. Department of Justice from April 20, 2009 to March 1, 2013 under the President  Barack Obama and the Attorney General Eric Holder;

Robert Amaee, Partner at Covington & Burling, previously Head of Anti-Corruption and Head of Proceeds of Crime, SFO;

Daniel Shallman, Partner, Covington & Burling LLP and former Federal prosecutor; in 2015 Covington & Burling  lunched an office in Los Angeles office, which was launched in part by former federal prosecutor Dan Shallman, whose brother, John Shallman, is a prominent Democratic strategist whose clients include De Leon.”

Holly Fechner. Government Affairs Practice Co-Chair at Covington & Burling.Sen. Edward Kennedy’s (D-Mass.) “Fechner is among a coterie of former Kennedy aides — like Tony Podesta of Podesta Group and Nick Allard of Patton Boggs.”

Robert D. Lenhard is a senior attorney in the Election and Political Law Practice Group of Covington & Burling LLP, a Counsel to Priorities USA Action;

In his Briefing for John Podesta for Katie McGrath meeting 9.17.15 – WikiLeaks

Bob Lenhard advises his client, “Contributions to and funds raised for Priorities USA Action must be given freely and without expectation of return benefit, aside from helping to elect Senator Clinton the next President of the United States.”

Lenny Breuer, Covington & Burling. Breuer had worked as a special Counsel to President Clinton in 1997-1999 and represented him in the presidential impeachment hearings and trial.

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, a US operative in the USSR and Ukraine, titled “a man behind Onama,” in his book dedicated to Hillary Clinton The white house special handbook, or how to rule the world in the 21st century whites that Lenny Breuer was also an attorney for Eugene Adamov, “who in 1986-1998 a Director of the NIKIET (a secret Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering), one of the Russia’s largest centers for nuclear reactors engineering for civil and military purposes. At the same time he was secretly involved in the Gore- Chernomyrdin deal as chief expert on the Russian side (even Russian Defense Minister Igor Rodionov knew nothing about it).”

According to this deal Russia for $13 million transferred the US 500 tones of low enriched uranium total market price of which is about $8 trillion. 500 tones of fuel has been enough to provide the US with 50% of all electricity its consumes since 2000. Gore- Chernomyrdin deal has been the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.


Keir D. Gumbs, a partner at the law firm Covington & Burling was one of the to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

David  Sutphen, a former  telecommunications associate at Covington & Burling, David Sutphen also used to work as general counsel to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and now a partner with the Brunswick Group, the public-relations giant.  in 2009 became a Board member of Business Forward, a business group which is being described as a progressive alternative to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business in support of Obama.

Back in 2009 the Hill reported that this “Business Forward, a new trade group founded by several Democratic consultants” was a “new business trade group run by Democrats close to President Obama may offer K Street an avenue into a White House extremely wary of lobbyists.”

“David Sutphen knows a thing or two about Washington. As the first Chief of Staff to Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. and later General Counsel on civil rights issues to Senator Ted Kennedy, Sutphen traded Capitol Hill for a career in government affairs representing both the Recording Industry Association of America and then Viacom.

Sutphen’s Washington ties aren’t just about his own career, his sister is Mona Sutphen, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Obama.

Sutphen voiced support for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying that if she were to win the presidency she would likely “double down” on many of the accomplishments started by President Obama.”


Somewhat ironically, Covington & Burling has been one of the sponsors of the Annual Privacy & Data Security Symposiums in Washington


The firm work against Russia has started decade ago. In 2005 the form took a representation of so called “Yukos Oil Company American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)” against Russia in one of the most baseless and frivolous cases of money extortion. After many years of litigations, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a convicted felon and a suspect in the murder investigation, and other plaintiffs lost the case, and were obligated to pay the legal fees to Russia.

Covington & Burling  is also an authority on “the changing landscape of Iran sanctions” and sanction on Russia.

It’s no accident that their Ukrainian clients constantly demand more sanctions of Russia, since advising on the sanctions brings revenue.


Jonathan Gimblett

Jonathan Gimblett is a Partner of Covington & Burling LLP. He joined the firm in 2004 following a successful career in the British Diplomatic Service, he served as a Diplomatic Service Officer at the British Foreign and Commonwealth, of “Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service.”


Marney Cheek

Marney Cheek is co-chair of the firm’s Arbitration Practice Group. She advises clients on public international law and investment issues related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

She also was a part of the money extortion scheme of so called “shareholders in Yukos Oil Company vs. Russian Federation.”

In 2014, the Ms. Cheek and Mr. Gimblett declared Russian Federation “defeated” by them and the Covington & Burling Llp, after the Swedish court made a decision rejecting Russia’s jurisdictional challenge and an Arbitration  ruled under the Energy Charter Treaty that Russia had expropriated Yukos and ordered it to pay $50 billion.

“In addition to Ms. Cheek and Mr. Gimblett, the Covington team involved in the original arbitration included former partner O. Thomas Johnson, Jr., partner David Pinsky, and associates Alexia DePottere-Smith and Alexander Berengaut. Mr. Johnson retired from Covington in April 2012.”

A Dutch court has overturned an order that Russia pay $50bn (£29.5bn) to former shareholders of an oil company, the Hague district court said Russia had never ratified the energy treaty under which the PCA had based its case.

Dmitry Peskov said: “The Russian Federation from the very beginning of this case insisted that the decision of the tribunal didn’t take into consideration the most important aspects of international law.”


In January 2017, Covington & Burling has secured a $6.31 million contract to represent Ukraine’s state-run oil company Naftogaz in an arbitration dispute against the Russian government over its 2014 incursion into Crimea.

“Led by partners David Pinsky in New York, Marney Cheek in Washington, D.C., and Jeremy Wilson in London, Covington represents Naftogaz as it pursues claims that Russia took steps to wrest away the Ukrainian oil and gas company’s assets in Crimea. Naftogaz announced the arbitration in October under a bilateral investment treaty between Ukraine and Russia, saying Russia’s actions in Crimea caused at least $2.6 billion in damages to Naftogaz and six subsidiaries.”

As far as I recall, Naftogaz had left Crimea voluntarily, and refused to operate there and to pay taxes.

As for the political loyalty, according to the Campaign Money, Marney Cheek, a member of the Democratic Paty, an attorney with Covington & Burling Llp, donated $2,700 for the HILLARY FOR AMERICA.


More Covington & Burling’s connections to Kiev

In 2913 Covington & Burling’s lawyers took part in defending Tymoshenko at court in the UKRAINE/US/GV – U.S case

“Representatives from U.S. law firm Covington & Burling LLP and auditing

company BDO will take part in defending Ukraine’s former prime minister

and leader of the Batkivschyna Party Yulia Tymoshenko at the criminal

proceedings in the Pechersky Court.

“The Ukrainian laws prohibit foreigners from acting as defense attorneys

at Ukrainian courts but representatives from these companies will be part

of the group of legal advisors who will handle these cases. They will also

be part of the official group of lawyers, which will represent Tymoshenko

at the European Court of Human Rights.”


Elena Zerkal, a Ukraine’s deputy Foreign Minister

I dedicated a fair amount of time and research to Elena (Olena) Zerkal, after I have heard her  March 5th, 2016 interview for France 24 for their show Talking Europe.

France 24, a Hollande’s regime propaganda channel, named the Ukrainian deputy Foreign Minister Olena Zerkal as a co-author of the Ukraine – EU Association Agreement.



At 05:27 of the video France 24 misspelled Zerkal’s name as Zarkal at the very moment on the video when Zerkal says about Donbass that “people living in this areas are the real hostages of Russia. You see… I also belong to the Russian speaking population. And I never experienced any difficulties because of this. My mother came to Ukraine in earlier 60s. And she came from Saint Petersburg. So, I have pure Russian roots. However, it doesn’t matter for me and for my relatives. This situation for me is purely artificial situation.”

[Eve Ervine: So, do you think that the amount of Ukrainians involved in it is minimal? Is that what you are saying? But, there are some?]

Zerkal cont.: “You see, there is a difference… the difference in some kind of intelligence or education. Because most of those who are dealing from the other side... this false government, or something like that… They are people without hi (maybe “higher”?) education, they had a chance just to get very law (maybe “low”?) education. And sometimes it quite impossible to reach even understanding... for instance of this trilateral group… and they are absolutely under their propaganda machine they are like zombies…. they truly believe that we kill infants

[Eve Ervine: “But they are Ukrainians…,. They recognize themselves as Ukrainians.?.”. ]

Zerkal cont.: “they truly believe in what they see in front of their TVs… and this is amazing because they don’t have any kind of critical sinking ( maybe “thinking“?) [07:07] and they don’t analyze information they receive at all…[At 07:09 the France 24 misspelled Zerkal’s name again as Zarkal]

[Eve Ervine: “There is perhaps a part of this to play in any case... We are going down a very debatable road...”]

As we can see here, France 24, the French government official channel posting an interview with a deputy foreign minister of Kiev junta Olena (Elena, Lana) Zerkal (Zarkal) who in the tradition of Himmler Nazi propaganda says that people living in Donbass “don’t have any kind of critical thinking.” She avoids calling them “Ukrainians” despite of the suggestions made by Ervine. Zerkal gets a response from Eve Ervine, a journalist working for the French government, who agrees with Zerkal’s Nazi statement, but stops her from developing this idea by saying, “We are going down a very debatable road…”

Now, let’s compare Olena Zerkal’s words to the Nazi ideologist:

Fate seems to give us a hint. By giving Russia over to Bolshevism it took the intelligence from the Russian people, which until the present had built and guaranteed its existence as a state.…” Hitler wrote in “Mein Kampf”

Subhuman – is biologically at first glance completely identical to the creation of human nature with hands, feet, a kind of brain, eyes, and mouth. But it is quite different, horrible creature. (zombie?) This is just like a man with a human-like features, situated in the spiritual sense is much lower than the beast. In the soul of these people are violent chaos reigns wild unbridled passion, unrestricted desire for destruction, primitive envy, the most blatant meanness. In short, subhuman. So, not everything that has a human form as well. Woe to him who forgets about it. Keep this in mind.” “Der Untermensch” (The Subhuman), Heinrich Himmler, 1942.

Alfred Rosenberg wrote in 1930: „Das nordisch-russische Blut gab den Kampf auf, das ostisch-mongolische schlug mächtig empor, berief Chinesen und Wüstenvölker; Juden, Armenier drängten sich an die Führung und der Kalmücko-Tatare Lenin wurde Herr”.
“The Nordic Russian Blood gave up the fight, the Eastern Mongolian fought itself up powerfully, appointing Chinese and people from the desert, Jews, Armenians pushed for leadership and the Kalmyk-Tartar Lenin became master..

 Hitler claimed that it was the Jews who treated Russians as “sub-humans,” which was in his opinion perfect reason to attack and invade Russia, since being under the Jewish-Bolshevics’ rule Russians lost their intelligence.

Elena Zerkal, who filed the lawsuit against the Russian people and the Russian state for racial discrimination, is the same Elena Zerkal who goes on the global broadcasting TV channel and  describes people living in Donbass as “zombies”  who are different from others , “the difference in some kind of intelligence.”

Zerkal has done a lot to damage the Russian economy and to bring harm to Russian people by facilitating the economic sanctions against Russia.

In her interview to DW.com in November 2014, Olena Zerkal stated: ”

The sanctions policy has proven its effectiveness in combination with the fall in oil prices. Current market conditions and sanctions has created uncomfortable conditions for the Russian economy. We insist on the strengthening of sanctions, in particular proposed to expand their sphere of gas developments and new technologies, including IT, biotechnology, the chemical industry, that is what can cause most significant damage.”

“The project Northern stream-2″ is a threat to national security of Ukraine,” said Deputy foreign Minister for European integration of Ukraine Elena Zerkal.


News In Brief

It’s a historical moment: On March 6 Ukraine will present the evidence of Russia’ crimes in the UN International Court in Hague. Truth is stronger than weapons!” Poroshenko.



 Moscow’s answer rebuttal of the Ukraine’ allegations

“It is noteworthy that in the summer of 2014 Ukraine’s 156th air defense regiment armed with Buk-M1 systems was in the area of the conflict,” Rogachev said, as cited by TASS, noting that the regiment has 17 systems at its disposal.

Russia submitted a 600 pages rebuttal of Ukraine accusations.

Samuel Wodsworth an attorney that represents Russia stated that it’s not enough for Ukraine to prove that Russia gave the BUK system to the “rebels” but that Ukraine has to prove that the BUK was given with the provable intend to shoot down a civilian aircraft.

Kiev authorities are accusing Russian government in organizing an explosion in Kharkov that injured several people

Two videos explaining in details how the explosion in Kharkov happened and how the Ukrainian court ignored the evidence

Kiev Junta goes nuclear

Ukraine launches negotiations to annul the Budapest memorandum as a result of which in 1994 Ukraine received independence in exchange for returning the USSR stockpile of nuclear weapon to Russia. Ukraine also agreed not to have nuclear weapons and not to become a NATO member.

Speech of the Ukrainian’s foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin


Featured image of Russian journalists being ambushed by the Police in the Capitol on Tuesday after the Ukraine’s delegation claimed they “were attacked by the Russian journalists.”

In the US Senate, Ukraine’s foreign minister Klimkin called for the police claiming that he was attacked by the Russian journalists from Vesti channel


Scott Humor

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