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Tag "Quantum Bird"

Pyrrhic victory or strategic defeat?

by Quantum Bird for the Saker blog Federal elections have just taken place in Brazil and the result – despite the reluctance and insecurity of the “Left” – was expected: Lula was elected president for the third time. Lula defeated Bolsonaro by a margin of approximately 1%, in a universe of almost 100 million useful votes. The profound discredit accumulated domestically and internationally by Bolsonaro, who performed a chaotic mandate,

The Brazilian Democracy Party at TSE

by Quantum Bird for the Saker blog The gossip, moronic jokes and idiotic memes that now constitute the preferred method of communication of Brazil’s native corporate media – BTW, adopted also in good extent by the alternative one – provided the necessary camouflage to cover up the opening of yet another chapter in the book of Brazil’s hybrid re/neo/colonization war. It concerns the swearing-in ceremony of Alexandre de Moraes to

Announcement from the Saker Latin America site

From Quantum Bird from the Saker Latin America site Hello dear Latin-American friends, we just created the “Community Saker Latinoamerica” channel in Telegram (Portuguese and Spanish translations and other contents): Please join yourselves and share with our friends over there. Let’s battle the misinformation together. ———–   Olá queridos amigos latino-americanos, acabamos de criar o canal “Comunidad Saker Latinoamérica” no Telegram (traduções ao português e espanhol e outros conteúdos):

On the 5th and 6th Brazilian columns

By Quantum Bird for the Saker Blog Recently, in his widely praised article “Revisiting Russia’s 5th and, especially, 6th columns” (available in English and Portuguese ), Andrei Raevsky, from The Saker Blog, has revisited his – quite original – 6th-column concept, focusing on the Russian political landscape and geopolitical conjuncture. In this short article, I intend to apply the concepts exposed by Raevsky to Brazil, and as much as possible,

About healthy conservatism

by Quantum Bird* for the Saker Blog After addressing a number of challenging and current issues, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladmir Putin, in his extensive and detailed speech at the XVIII Valdai Discussion Club Meeting in Sochi, explained that: “I have already mentioned that, in shaping our approaches, we will be guided by a healthy conservatism. That was a few years ago, when passions on the international arena
