by Quantum Bird for the Saker blog
The gossip, moronic jokes and idiotic memes that now constitute the preferred method of communication of Brazil’s native corporate media – BTW, adopted also in good extent by the alternative one – provided the necessary camouflage to cover up the opening of yet another chapter in the book of Brazil’s hybrid re/neo/colonization war. It concerns the swearing-in ceremony of Alexandre de Moraes to the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) recently held in Brasília.
The presence of Alexandre de Moraes in the STF (Superior Federal Court, the Brazilian Supreme Court) is by itself an attestation of the recrudescence of the imperial hybrid war against Brazil. This minister was appointed by Michel Temer, Dilma Roussef’s vice-president from 2014, and one of the main conspirators and protagonists in the political crisis that led to her impeachment – basically a illegal and illegitimate process, as some ministers in the STF itself have already admitted. Temer, who governed for about two years, was implicated in many of the alleged acts that justified Roussef’s deposition, not to mention a myriad of controversies related to his corruption records, yet he was still appointed a minister of the STF, a lifetime position at the top of the hierarchy of the Brazilian judiciary. In short, one could easily conclude that Moraes’ very presence on the court is illegitimate.

Inauguration of Alexandre de Moraes as president of the TSE. Dilma and Temer were separated by former presidents Lula and Sarney – PHOTO: TSE
The presidency of the TSE is, in principle, occupied by rotation among the ministers of the STF, a procedure that constitutes a merely protocolar and administrative act. Or, at least, that is how it should be. In the case of Moraes’ inauguration, we saw a ceremony comparable to the coronation of a king. The current president of the Republic and almost all the former presidents since the redemocratization were present, as well as military high rank personnel, senators, etc. Not to mention the live broadcast, with commentator and everything else. Pompous and empty speeches about the importance of democracy in Brazil were held in the place…
But, be aware, democracy in Brazil is not especially threatened.
Or rather, our democracy is no more threatened than it has always been. At least since we adopted electronic ballot boxes – duly encrypted and unauditable – and allowed the native media corporations – all close collaborators with our former military dictatorship – to operate outside the most basic regulatory mechanisms, always spreading the worst in terms of “culture and entertainment,” executing an explicit anti-national political agenda. Not to mention the such things as an autonomous Central Bank and the independent Public Ministry – read it as “free to coordinate efforts and make agreements with foreign intelligence agencies, to act against interests, and sequester the assets, of Brazilian institutions and enterprises – and the many other chimeras that make up our tortured democratic order.
The irony of the situation quickly turns to scorn when one realizes that the current super-guardian of democracy will be none other than Moraes, who learned quickly enough from (Gilmar) Mendes to become the most avid and shameless anti-democrat of recent years. This is the same Moraes who has been engaged in persecuting the PCO (Party of Worker Cause), aiming at its complete suppression from the communication space. He, who recently rehearsed – and then backtracked – blocking Telegram in Brazil. Moraes decides what is truth or lie in the Brazilian media, obviously suing the “liars”.

Alexandre de Moraes on the top.
If anything, the deliberately pompous – and let’s be honest, rather corny – act that marked the rotation of the TSE president, resembles more a celebration of a collective handshake, or as a friend would say, a collective tug of tails between rats, operated between different sectors of the Brazilian political and ruling class. And this has nothing to do with democracy. In fact, it never could, not with the actors in question.
Just to name the presidents of the Republic, there was the colonel and landowner from Maranhão. Along with the one who for eight years refused to regulate the corporate media while letting the Federal Police seize and destroy equipment from community radios. Along with the one who let Moro’s /CIA Lava-jato Operation run wild and still passed a ludicrous anti-terrorism law that made it impossible for its own supporters to defend her and grounded the arbitrary expulsion of a federal university professor scientist from Brazil – Adlène Hiqueur Affair– on suspicion of terrorism, without any right to defense, let alone evidence or proof. And the conspirator and traitor, who while in office, wasted no time in appointing a military minister of Defense and pushed down the throat of Brazilian society a labour reform that threw the mass of workers in the most abject precariousness. And what about the most recent president, it is not even necessary to comment on. And what about the Brazilian military who in every election threaten the population with a coup d’état if they vote for certain candidates?
It could never be about democracy after Victoria Nuland’s visit – who had come to talk about… “democracy”.
So, what was that pompous and grotesque pantomime about?
What would be the “guarantees” that the puppet masters who stretch the strings of the Brazilian political class have obtained to chancel Brazilian democracy with such enthusiasm? We can only wonder,
1- Consolidation of the national “juristocracy”, with the STF as the spearhead and main guarantor of the neo-colonial regime, in summary the liaison of the imperial elites. Note that in the letter-manifesto devoted to the defense of democracy, there is talk about popular sovereignty – which surmounts to a great and flexible fantasy– and it is not about national sovereignty.
2 – The irreversibility of the criminal privatizations of the past and the continuation of the liquidation of the assets – population included, of course – of the Brazilian state. Here enters the internationalization of Amazonia and the privatization of the water resources that were sold, without actually being advertised, together with the Eletrobras hydroelectric plants.
3- Maintaining Brazil as a geopolitical dwarf, submissive and subservient to the Western empire and far from an assertive role and approachment to the BRICS partners. Let alone some articulation of national interests and insertion in the new multipolar order.
These are the main axes around which Brazil’s domestic and foreign policy has been running a downward orbit in recent years. And, of course, there is the total marginalization of the population in the political and decision-making process of the country. With such an anomic, confused and headless dismayed population, and such morally and ethically bankrupt political parties/leaderships – and its deluded and naïve militancy – no coup d’état (anymore) is really necessary. The broad agreement against the people and the country, being the best cost-benefit choice for the local “comprador elites”, can be celebrated with all pomp, under the spotlight and cameras. That is what happened at the TSE inauguration ceremony.
Portuguese version available at Saker Latinoamérica:
Credits for Lady Bharani, for revising the text and useful suggestions.
No worries, Quantum Bird, and thanks for the kindly acknowledgement! It is always a privilege to read your articles first hand! I constantly learn a bunch from them!
Keep taking your time reflecting upon our world and writing about it! Our scarce independent geopolitics field needs it – almost demands it. ;)
All the very best!
Precisamos de outro Getúlio Vargas, só isso!
Tradução Google:
We need another Getúlio Vargas, that’s all!
Definitely yes!
Whenever someone mentions Brazil here and there is noise in the communication, I feel obliged to adjust, so:
1 – Naivety is acceptable to a certain extent, but freedom is conquered day by day even having to live with some worms. We are on the way to free ourselves from a mad traitor and Minister Alexandre de Moraes (even with the origin correctly cited by the articulator) was the only one in the STF to have the courage to stop the madness of the traitors currently in power.
2 – Strange to speak of a geopolitical dwarf precisely when one of the world’s best-known leaders is about to return to power. Brazil has never been more relevant than in the period from 2002 to 2014. We had international politics and not subservience. This was one of the reasons for the 2014/2016 coup and any minimally informed person knows this. Oil and other stolen riches are in the context, but the objective has always been to occupy Brazil after a period in which the Giant showed what he came for.
We need to realize where our enemies are. Brazil has learned the hard way in the last 7 years to understand psyops, from the simplest to the most elaborate. Demonstrations to complain like spoiled brats because things don’t go their way are often an indication of the empire in action.
There will be no more space for that.
I’m brazilian and agree with your comment. The reality is that Brazil always was USA puppet and when PT (Worker’s Party) entered in power, the country became much more independent and a powerful player in Brics and world. It went so far to become the sixth economy of the world.
As PT did not lose in 4 elections, the way was to make a coup and put a puppet of the elites that act against the sovereignty of the country. So first they made the coup and after put in jail Lula, the ex president from PT who was far away from the second place at the first electoral research after the coup. They put him in jail without proof and the judge that made it became minister of the new government. His name is Sergio Moro and he is known to have ties with CIA.
The government that won is selling all natural resources, including oil sites, water and government enterprises to the west elites.
A hacker showed the messages Moro exchanged with the prosecutors, showing it was all rigged, and Lula was released. Now he probably will win the election in October and we can dream to be close to the Brics and of our sovereignty again. If CIA and the Empire of Lies do not atack again
I’m brazilian and agree with your comment. The reality is that Brazil always was USA puppet and when PT (Worker’s Party) entered in power, the country became much more independent and a powerful player in Brics and world. It went so far to become de sixth economy of the world.
As PT did not lose in 4 elections, the way was to make a coup and put a puppet of the elites that act against the sovereignty of the country. So first they made the coup and after put in jail Lula, the ex president from PT who was far away from the second place at the electoral research. They put him in jail without proof and the judge that made it became minister of the new government. His name is Sergio Moro and he is known to have ties with CIA.
The government that won is selling all natural resources, including oil sites, water and government enterprises to the west elites.
A hacker leaked the conversations of Moro with the prosecutor and they did show it was all rigged. So Lula was released and now probably will win the elections in October. It’s our hope to became close again to the Brics and reassure our sovereignty. This if CIA and empire of Lies do not work to make another coup. Let’s see
Isso se a CIA e o império das mentiras não funcionarem para dar outro golpe.
vamos ver não, já estará em ação desde 01/01/2023…
Translation. Mod:
That is if the CIA and the Empire of lies don’t work to pull off another coup.
let’s see no, it will already be in action since 01/01/2023…
Totally agree, observador! Quantum bird, i’m sorry but your text is a big mistake.
Here s a saviour of the Motherland, Brazil , pointing to a flurry of flops he stumbled into in the country.
Land owners, after factt juristocracies, Roussef s fault , no word about Workers Party and no syllable about the US Justice Dept. President Lula da Silva?, Lula what?
Captain bolsonaro didn t happen.
Lula, as anyother who recently seated in the presidency chair in Brazil, plays mostly by the liberal rules. But still he is our best chance for a real BRICS partner, like it was thinked at the start. He must be helped and protected.
Excelente comentário, Caro Mike.
O Lula não passa de um Ladrão. Tenho propriedade para falar: Votei nele as 5 vezes que ele foi candidato..(Color, FHC nas duas, José Serra e quando ele disputou com seu atual candidato a Vice(Ladrão tb))… Obs.: Deixei de ser Idiota.
why are you here on this blog? you are rude, with untruths in your words, and with shallow vision and illogical argument. Lula was one of the creators of the BRICS, and he is respected in much of the world. Lula participated in the rapprochement between China and Russia. Lula is Brazil’s only salvation now, not to fall into the definitive domination by the US Empire of Evil.
O texto é muito bom, mas há duas correções à fazer, uma trivial, a outra muito importante:
1) O trivial é que, o cargo de Ministro do STF não é vitalício, mas se estende até q o ministro chegue aos 75 anos, como resultado da “Lei da bengala” de maio de 2015, que foi introduzida em maio de 2015 para impedir que a presidente Dilma Rousseff indicasse dois novos ministros logo no início de seu mandato, o que faria malograr o Lawfare e a Guerra híbrida contra seu governo. A Idade anterior a ser atingida era de 70 anos. Coube ao atual “Presidente” indicar os extremamente inexpressivos Cássio Nunes Marques e André Mendonça para os cargos q deveriam ter sido indicados por Rousseff;
2) O principal é que, a Democracia burguesa está sim mais ameaçada do que de costume atualmente no Brasil. E continuará estando enquanto o nazi-fascista Jair Bolsonaro estiver no poder.
First and foremost I’d like to compliment the Saker, his outstanding team and Quantum Bird and Lady Bharani and I will cut it to the point: it’s the best text I’ve written on Brasil in some time publicly. Congratulations for QB for his sharpness, and the crazies in the basement saluting Alexandre de Moraes and one even blatantly teaching that an office “for life” is not “for life” cause someone gets retired after 75 YO is empirical evidence of our headless population.
As for the “public ministry”, it could also be named “jabuticaba” (zhahbooteecahbah), a delicious and small black fruit typical from our Cwa climatefrom Köppen-Geiger table and that is unique to Brasil. So is our “public ministry”: extremely different from everything that happens to exist as a prosecuting office, and more independent and powerful than everything that could be thought as similar around the world. Greetings from Vale do Ipiranga
Hi Luiz Sergio, boa noite! Tudo bem? (Good evening! How have you been?)
Thanks a lot for your compliment! I do appreciate it and I imagine QB as well!
I share your general impressions: this is one of the best analytical articles about our current situation in quite some time. Very concise though encompassing – and quite intertwined.
And this is a great metaphor for our unique “public” ministry: the ja-bu-ti-ca-ba ministry! Though very unfortunate (nice detailed mention about the world’s climate classification also, btw!).
Please, read below what I’m gonna write about a little experiment I just did.
Cheers and all the best!
Aproveitando que nesse artigo, pelo jeito, só tem brasileiro e poucos comentários, vou deixar meu pitaco.
Cada País tem direito a um Líder decente a cada 100 anos, não lembro onde li essa frase mas, se revolvermos a História, se me parece apropriado.
A China teve Mao e agora Xi, a Rússia Stalin e agora Putin, Cuba teve Fidel, o Paraguai Solano Lopes, Argentina teve Peron.
Os EUA tiveram mal e porcamente dois, Kennedy e Rooseveld.
De minha parte, considero que o Brasil teve três grandes líderes e, um equivalente aos dias de hoje, “Sergei Lavrov”, o Barão do Rio Branco.
O primeiro grande líder foi Dom Pedro II que colonizou o Sul do Brasil com colonos europeus, dentre outras coisas, tínha-mos a melhor Marinha do mundo (pouca gente sabe)…
O segudo grande líder, Getúlio Vargas, implantou a indústria de base no Brasil, deu direito aos trabalhadores com a legislação trabalhista, nacionalizou o petróleo dentre outras coisas.
O terceiro, muita gente me ironiza quando digo mas, a História irá confirmar, foi o General Ernesto Geisel! Ele peitou os norteamericanos duas vezes quando eles não quiseram vender caças supersônicos para o Brasil, ele foi à França e trouxe os Mirage (uma bosta, tá certo mas, trouxe!). Quando se decidiu desenvolver Energia Atômica aqui, os EUA negaram, ele foi na Alemanha e conseguiu a tecnologia.
Guardo pra mim o nome de quatro ex-presidentes do Brasil que deveriam ser enforcados, dois em cada braço do Cristo Redentor no Rio de Janeiro…
A estátua do Cristo não aguentaria tanta corda e peso se eu citasse todos os governadores… KKK :-)))
Tradução Google:
Taking advantage of the fact that in this article, by the way, there are only Brazilians and few comments, I will leave my opinion.
Every country is entitled to a decent Leader every 100 years, I don’t remember where I read that sentence but, if we go back in history, it seems appropriate.
China had Mao and now Xi, Russia Stalin and now Putin, Cuba had Fidel, Paraguay Solano Lopes, Argentina had Peron.
The US had badly and poorly two, Kennedy and Roosevelt.
For my part, I believe that Brazil had three great leaders and, an equivalent of today, “Sergei Lavrov”, the Baron of Rio Branco.
The first great leader was Dom Pedro II who colonized southern Brazil with European settlers, among other things, we had the best navy in the world (few people know)…
The second great leader, Getúlio Vargas, implemented the basic industry in Brazil, gave workers the right with labor legislation, nationalized oil, among other things.
The third, many people make fun of me when I say but, History will confirm, was General Ernesto Geisel! He took the Americans twice when they didn’t want to sell supersonic fighter jets to Brazil, he went to France and brought the Mirages (a crap, that’s right, but I did!). When it was decided to develop Atomic Energy here, the US denied it, he went to Germany and got the technology.
I keep to myself the names of four former presidents of Brazil who should have been hanged, two on each arm of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro…
The statue of Christ wouldn’t hold so much rope and weight if I mentioned all the governors… KKK :-)))
Disclosure: This is just for the purpose of sharing that possibly the current Brazilian opinion makers category is even worse than we could even grasp or ponder upon.
I decided to do a little experiment with some Brazilian friends yesterday to see how they would react by reading this very article in its original version, in Portuguese. So, I just sent it to some dear friends, with no commentaries nor any other remarks.
They all come from privilege backgrounds since infancy. Most of them from upper-middle class and one is from higher class. Accordingly, all of them are very successful in their professional fields (considered even role-models) and they are also influencers, be it as entrepreneurs, as scholars or business men.
To my entire surprise, all of them, except from one, reacted as the text above was a Bolsonaro endorsing article. And a few answered with just a reflective (let me think about it) emoji.
How the majority of them could link it to a pro Bolsonaro endorsement is beyond me! Or, perhaps, this could well illustrate the cognitive hybrid war we’ve been inflicted upon for many years now.
Above all based in extremes, if they are not able to categorize the article as an independent analytical material (as we don’t have an expressive voicing and lucid Left anymore), so, the only other available silo for it is that it is endorsing the current government.
In reality, we are in a deeper and bigger black hole than we think.
(I’m an optimist though. If China totally outgrew its century of humiliation and Russia its terrible 90’s and they continue to best themselves, I hope the Global South would do the same in the upcoming decades.)
Bolsonaro colou a imagem dele ao Trump e a ideia de uma direita anti-globalista – por tabela anti-liberal (apesar do slogan “conservador nos costumes liberal na economia”). Também após a sua visita a Rússia pouco antes do início da SMO na Ucrânia, Bolsonaro foi um dos poucos líderes bem recebidos em algum lugar desse planeta (por motivos óbvios, claro) e inclusive voltou da viagem falando que Putin “era um homem de Deus” e bláblablá… por fim o Brasil seguiu neutro sobre a SMO na Ucrânia.
De forma que uma análise mais rasa, com base histórica deficiente, poderia levar sim a conclusões desse tipo. Lembre-se que pra essa turma a corrupção começou na era PT, o estado é o vilão e o grande capital nunca terá culpa de nada (visão maçônica enfiada goela abaixo).
Bolsonaro glued his image to Trump and the idea of an anti-globalist right – by the way anti-liberal (despite the slogan “conservative in liberal customs in the economy”). Also after his visit to Russia shortly before the start of the SMO in Ukraine, Bolsonaro was one of the few well-received leaders somewhere on this planet (for obvious reasons, of course) and even returned from the trip saying that Putin “was a man of God.” ” and blah blah… finally Brazil remained neutral on the SMO in Ukraine.
So that a more shallow analysis, with a deficient historical basis, could lead to conclusions of this type. Remember that for this group, corruption started in the PT era, the state is the villain and big capital will never be to blame for anything (Masonic vision stuffed down their throats).
The game of mixing themes and inserting ideas into a group for analysis and extraction of answers in a controlled way is in essence a psychological operation. You can insert a seed of an idea to develop or collect impressions. We are aware of this. It might even work with some, but we’re watching.
“My fair” Lady Bharany, thank you very much for your words and as usual I’ll go straight to the point: the “whole we’re in” (like Leaving Las Vegas “the hole year inn”…) is a very deep one, and that’s because we’ve seen very important movements inside the brazilian society, and mostly the privileged and wealthy ones, respectful to the state model and worldview that should be embraced and followed by our country.
That happened in the university, civil service, military and other fields, cleansing the way for a silent counter-revolution that wiped out every figment of independent nation building, putting superficial things before much more deeper flaws as the “problem” and using this silencing to construct a “new history or brazilian thought”. Indeed, it was the victory of Eugênio Gudin, Octávio Gouveia de Bulhões and many other ultra-liberal thinkers that wished Brasil to insert itself in the world system as a leading primary resources exporter, cutting for the most our state expenses – mainly the military, a crucial one – and never ever discussing the total absence of basic infrastructure; for example, as most brazilians shall know, it’s simply impossible to go by train from Rio to São Paulo and vice-versa, something inconceivable but simply a fact that is not even the worse, but just a piece of evidence to show the shallowness of brazilian economic debate.
Lastly, I would underscore that ultimately the wining side was the most backward showing itself as “the new”, just like Bertolt Brecht, even having one party that advocates for Brasil becoming more like it was when we were a legal colony (now we’re informally), and calls itself “NOVO” (new). It’s always the same: the most archaic are precisely the one that proclaims himself the most avant-garde.
Thank you once again for our epistolary exchange, cheers from Vale do Ipiranga
Você está correta.
Por isso optei por comentar num viés histórico.
Tive a mesma impressão sobre opiniões tendenciosas.
Grato! :-)
Jair Bolsonaro was one of the (very) few world leaders to fight the Covid “vacine” and denounce it as a money maker for the Pharma. He also fought the confinements and exposed them for what they are: a tool for social control.
Lula da Silva, when president, squandered the windfalls of Brazil’s natural resources, promoted corruption and cronyism, allowed a Woke take over in the education system.
Brazil is a complicated reality.
If you are Brazilian or live in Brazil you will be covering up a lot of information intentionally or not, I don’t want to judge you because political passion is a disease and there is no space to discuss these cases. But if you are a foreigner, I want to clarify that nothing that has been written by you is in the least believable. Brazil is indeed complicated, but this Bolsonaro narrative has long been debunked. He is just a corrupt traitor and will be thrown out of power.
I am a Portuguese citizen with a good insight of the Brazilian reality.
I followed attentively the Lula presidency and I still feel shocked on how destructive it was, economically and socially.
No surprises though, that’s what Marxist leaders do.
Bolsonaro has faults? Yes. His closeness with the Israeli/Jew lobby on top of all. But he is not “just a corrupt traitor”.
A few questions to clear things up:
1 – Did you follow Lula using the dominant media?
2 – Are you following the SMO?
3 – CIA and corrupt judge who became a politician in the Bolsonaro government. Did you notice the link?
Now some additional information:
1 – Rachadinha (here is a designation for stealing employee salaries). Bolsonaro did for 27 years. Little thief (may not qualify as corrupt)
2 – Automatic Empire Alignment (we call this the fifth column or traitor)
3 – Nazi ministers. There are several videos of ministers and religious linked to Bolsonaro asking for the death of opponents. Ukraine?
4 – Color Revolution of 2014 in Brazil did you see this? Did you understand what happened?
There is a lot of information that doesn’t reach Europe about what really happens here, just as there is a lot of information about Portugal that we don’t have. What sticks to one side or the other is often a distorted image. We need to be careful.
Hi guys, good afternoon!
Thank you very much for all your kindly and pertinent feedback! It helped me think so, I do really appreciate it! And also for taking the time!
I had no intention of raising a debate abt Bolsonaro’s government here – though I can clearly see it would easily come up at any point in the comments.
What struck me was to start to realize that, as a society, we are much, much, much more divided as I had realised.
Decades and decades of psyops and cognitive warfare have born their fruits…
I’m going to write more later. Swamped right now.
Thank you, guys!
Alexandre de Moraes nasceu em São Paulo em um sugestivo 13 de dezembro de 1968, o mesmo dia em que foi baixado o AI-5 da Ditadura que assaltou o Brasil… entrou no Ministério Público de São Paulo em 1991 (na farra e na moda da “República dos Promotores” de Fleury-Ferraz de Alvarenga e Pedro Franco de Campos da Chacina do Carandiru, Massacre do Castelinho, etc.), saindo em 2002 para ser secretário de estado “da justiça e da cidadania” do Geraldo Alckmin “Opus Dei”, amigo do Primeiro Comando da Capital – PCC…
Entrou meteoricamente no STF na vaga deixada em razão da morte suspeita do Ministro Teori Zavascki em janeiro de 2017, que freava e tentava moralizar os rompantes midiáticos e a delinquência generalizada da Organização Criminosa Lava Jato de CUritiba.
Ficou amigo do matogrossense ministro Gilmar “Oportunity-Dantas” Mendes, então AGU de FFHH… cujo célebre jurista paulistano Dalmo de Abreu Dallari dizia, já no ano 2000, que destruiria o Supremo Tribunal Federal caso fosse nomeado…
Essa é uma pequena parte do cenário e das perspectivas “democráticas do sistema e processo eleitoral brasileiro” para o ano de 2022, com Alexandre de Moraes na testa do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral e, também como integrante do Supremo Tribunal Federal, que vem “fazendo justiça” aos jurisdicionados desde 1936, que, sob o sinal verde do jurista paulistano, professor Vicente Rao, que era ministro da “justiça” ao lado de Filinto Müller, entregou a revolucionária Olga Benário grávida ao nazismo alemão em 1936 para morrer na Câmara de Gás do austro Adolph Hitler…
machine translation:
Alexandre de Moraes was born in São Paulo on a suggestive December 13, 1968, the same day when the AI-5 of the dictatorship that assaulted Brazil was passed… he joined the São Paulo Public Prosecutor’s Office in 1991 (at the height and fashion of the “Republic of the Promoters” of Fleury-Ferraz de Alvarenga and Pedro Franco de Campos of the Carandiru Slaughter, Castelinho Massacre, etc.), leaving in 2002 to become the state secretary of “justice and citizenship” of Geraldo Alckmin “Opus Dei”, a friend of the First Capital Command – PCC. ), leaving in 2002 to be state secretary “of justice and citizenship” of Geraldo Alckmin “Opus Dei”, a friend of the First Command of the Capital – PCC…
He meteorically entered the STF in the vacancy left due to the suspicious death of Minister Teori Zavascki in January 2017, who was trying to moralize the media riots and the generalized delinquency of the Lava Jato Criminal Organization in Curitiba.
He became friends with the minister Gilmar “Opportunity-Dantas” Mendes, who was then FFHH’s AGU… whose famous São Paulo jurist Dalmo de Abreu Dallari said, back in 2000, that he would destroy the Supreme Court if he were appointed…
This is a small part of the scenario and the “democratic perspectives of the Brazilian electoral system and process” for the year 2022, with Alexandre de Moraes at the head of the Superior Electoral Court and, also, as a member of the Supreme Federal Court, which has been “doing justice” to the citizens since 1936, who, under the green light of the São Paulo jurist, professor Vicente Rao, who was minister of “justice” alongside Filinto Müller, delivered the pregnant revolutionary Olga Benário to the German Nazism in 1936 to die in Adolph Hitler’s Gas Chamber…
Lula represents the salvation of Brazilian Democracy.
At least since June 2013, Brazil has been swaped by psyops. It’s a mirror game, who is who, actually? One thing, I tell you, people are paying more attention now and the election of Lula is more important than ever to Brazil as a sovereign nation to continue existing.
Sugiro que The Saker submeta este artigo a Pepe Escobar, por exemplo pois seu conteúdo me aparece estranho, não reflete o pais onde moro há maisde trinta anos.
Fico reavaliando a credibilidade de muitos artigos que já li aqui de temas que conheço pouco mas que me pareceram muito consistentes.
Hi LidiaZ,
Pepe himself recommended this article on his Telegram channel.
Check it out:
Olá Lídia,
Tanto passou pelo crivo do grande Pepe Escobar que ele mesmo recomenda a leitura desse artigo em seu canal do telegram. Cheque só:
The article contains some rumors and omits important facts:
– nothing important or unusual about the attendance of present and former presidents on the rotation ceremony
– I share with the author the concern about the “juristocracy” (judicial activism) but he fail to mention that TSE and STF are deeply hostile to current president (not only to PCO), oftenly breaching the separation of powers
– the ousting of former president Dilma was not illegal nor illegitimate it followed the rules.
– “Brazilian military who in every election threaten the population with a coup d’état if they vote for certain candidates”. This is a very serious claim.. is there a link to a primary source?
– “Moro’s /CIA Lava-jato Operation”. Id.
– “At least since we adopted electronic ballot boxes – duly encrypted and unauditable”. The author omits that this is a frequent talking point of current president and not a word was said about it by other parties.
Nothing wrong with the fact that the article is biased towards the Brazilian left but the omission of of some facts related to the matter do no good.
O golpe contra Dilma seguiu que “regras”? As do dpto de estado ianque.? As regras que eles estabelecem ao meio dia para descumpri-las antes da meia noite? As da “jurisprudência” de moro, o rato criado do porão da cia?
De uma olhada em volta pra se situar. Aqui vc não está num daqueles perfis vulgares freduentado pelas hordas depolitizadas, imbecilizadas e fascistizadas do brasil. As pessoas que frequentam aqui são de outro nível e discutem coisas que vão muito além de sua capacidade de compreensão. Na melhor das hipóteses esses seus “argumentos” só vão fazê-las rolar no chão de tanto rir.
Google-translate from mod:
Did the blow against Dilma follow that “rules”? Those of the Yankee State.? The rules they set at noon to break them before midnight? Those of Moro’s “jurisprudence”, the rat’s created rat?
Take a look around to situate yourself. Here you are not in one of those vulgar profiles freed out by the depolitic, imbecilized and fascinated hordes of Brazil. People who frequent here are of another level and discuss things that go far beyond their ability to understand. At best these “arguments” will only make them roll on the floor from laughing so much.
Many thanks, moderator!