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Tag "replies to comments made"

Replies to some of the comments made about my latest post on empires and lies

First, I have to apologize but the lack of time does not allow me to reply to all your comments.  I had to pick some and leave other out.  Here we go:@Tom Burnett: That’s it. I am tired of hearing you refer to America as an ‘AngloZionist’ empire and me and my countrymen as AngloZionists”.What a stupid comment to make!  First, I never referred to you or any Americans as

Follow up to my post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism

Dear friends, As, I promised, I am now going to reply to some of your comments concerning my recent post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism.  First, I thought of replying to your comments one by one, and then I changed my mind.  I think that there are some general and recurrent topics which I need to address because they are mentioned several times.  That would save space
