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Tag "reply to comment"

Replies to some comments to my post about Europe and Russia

First, thanks a lot for the very interesting comments you posted in response to my post about Russian-European relations.  Since I did not want to put up with the (silly) length limitations in the comments section, I decided to reply to a few your comments in a separate post.  Sorry I cannot reply to all of them, so I had to pick:Here we go:Anonymous wrote:  actually europe ahs bene infiltrated

Answer to a russophobic bigot

I get remarkable little hate mail these days.  When I began this blog, I got quite a few emails accusing me of being an anti-Semite, but that tide gradually petered out.  It was replaced by letters from various Jew-hating types who had hoped that I also hated Jews, only to realize that I did not. That got them angry at me too.  And then, I had the Right-wingers who hoped
