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Tag "Russian sanctions against the US"

Russia expels American diplomats and intelligence operatives

by Scott Humor In the last days of 2016, one couldn’t do enough to avoid announcements of 35 Russian diplomats being expelled from the US and Russian government-owned property being seized. Every five minutes on every channel, there was footage of people burdened with children and suitcases waiting on wet tarmac for a plane to pick them up, because they weren’t allowed to remain inside the airport building. Also, there

Russia’s Foreign Ministry’s statement on the U.S. counter-sanctions

№ 1420-28-07-2017 28.07.17 Foreign Ministry’s statement   On July 27, the US Congress passed a new bill on tougher anti-Russia sanctions. This measure is further proof of the Unites States’ extremely hostile foreign policy. Hiding behind its sense of superiority, the United States arrogantly ignores the stances and interests of other countries. It is common knowledge that the Russian Federation has been doing everything in its power to improve bilateral

You wanna be Uncle Sam’s bitch? Pay the price!

Dear friends,I just took a short break from my life in “meatspace” to comment upon the great news of the day:  Russia is introducing a full 12 months embargo on the import of beef, pork, fruits and vegetables, poultry, fish, cheese, milk and dairy products from the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and the Kingdom of Norway.  Russia is also introducing an airspace ban against European and US
