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Tag "Saker’s sandbox"

Naudo Rodrigues: an amazingly talented musician

Dear friends, Just yesterday I discovered the amazing musician Naudo Rodrigues.  Here is a short bio of his I found online: He began to play guitar at age five. He belongs to a family of musicians, but never went to any school or music conservatory. He’s an autodidact. He learned to play guitar by jamming with other musicians, and he played all musical styles. He worked with various musician groups

From the Saker’s inbox

I got this email yesterday, I am posting it with the author’s kind authorization. There is “another West” which is ignored by the Hegemony’s rulers, but which is still real.  There is a Russian saying “one righteous person saves the city”.  I am grateful to Sara for her efforts! The Saker Dear Saker, I had an appointment in London yesterday, and combined it with a visit to No.10 Downing Street,

C праздником ребята и спасибо вам!

  [Scott] This post is a ‘thank you, guys’ note from the Saker and editorial team dedicated to the Russian military intelligence officers. They celebrate their professional holiday on November 5th. This song is written and performed by a military intelligence officer, now retired, and it’s dedicated to a Colonel Breslavsky Sergey Vladimirovich, a legendary military intelligence colonel who served as a commander of the 22nd Detached Spetsnaz reconnaissance

I love Florida :-)

and, yes, I love alligators too :-) Note: Seriously, while alligators can be as big and as powerful as the largest Nile or Saltwater crocs, they are not aggressive at all and they are predictable.  The truth is that the locals (the real locals) don’t fear them and that in 99% of the cases, when a human is attacked by an alligator it is because of gross human error or

Amazing stuff on Russian state TV

Boris Johnson gives the Russians a case of hysterical laughing When I first heard that the ex-Mayor of London Boris Johnson had won an anti-Erdogan insult competition I was not too interested.  But when I saw that this was reported on the hyper-official “Weekly News with Dmitri Kilesev” I was quite amazed.  But when Kiselev then visually showed the original English language limerik I was amazed.  Kiselev was careful to

Sting – I Was Brought to My Senses

Alone with my thoughts this evening I walked on the banks of Tyne I wondered how I could win you Or if I could make you mine Or if I could make you mine The wind it was so insistent With tales of a stormy south But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree There came a dryness in my mouth Came a dryness in my mouth For

The Life of our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt

Dear friends, On Monday March 14th, Orthodox Christians will begin the 40-day long period known as the “Great Lent“.  The single most important “theme”, so to speak, of that period is repentance which, itself, is one of the most important concepts in Orthodox Christianity.  For centuries the Church has seen the example of the life of Saint Mary of Egypt as the perfect example of ideal repentance.  Some, of course,

In my mailbox: bravado patriots and flag wavers.

Dear Saker, I am so glad you accepted being proven wrong in your (relative) pessimism you held only a few weeks ago, as you now declared in your “Week 20”. My gut feeling told me at the moment Putin started this campaign (to a considerable surprise for practically everyone, as he broke in a measured but daring way with years of principled self-restraint) that this would mark a turning point
