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Tag "Sheikh Imran Hosein"

Community news: Sheikh Imran Hosein needs help & SouthFront is censured (again!)

Dear friends, I have two things to report today: First, Sheikh Imran Hosein has had his book “Jerusalem in the Qur’an” (69’000 words) translated to Russian and he now is looking for somebody to check this text for errors.  Considering all the kind support our community has received from the Sheikh I would be delighted if a member of our community would agree to help him with this important task. 

The Saker interviews Sheikh Imran Hosein (part II)

Note: Having listened to this 2nd part I am particularly impressed by two statements of Sheikh Imran Hosein in particular: first, that the highest authority of the Quran allows for a free choice of religion, something I was not aware of, and second the Sheikh’s absolutely correct stance that the first ones to make a list of wrongs committed by Orthodox Christians against Muslims should be the Orthodox themselves.  There

The Saker interviews Sheikh Imran Hosein

Dear friends, It is truly a HUGE pleasure for me to present you today with the first part of an interview I did with the Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein.  It is a pleasure because Sheikh Imran has agreed to reply to my questions in a video rather than a text, and I think that seeing him speak is a much more powerful experience than just reading his replies in
