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Tag "Sochi Olympics terrorist threat"

Protecting the Olympic Games in Sochi – a most difficult mission for the Russian security services

Today I just want to share with you my very real fears about either a terrorist attack or an “accident” of some kind in Sochi.  What frightens me is that the list of potential “sponsors” for such an event is very long: the Saudis, of course, and their overt threats, but also the Anglosphere and it’s covert subcontractors of al-Qaeda and its affiliates worldwide.  Less likely, but still possible, is

Ugly storm clouds are gathering over the Ukraine and Russia

Yesterday some very serious riots took place in Kiev.  The Yanukovich government has passed a new law which attempts to restrict the kind of rioting the Ukraine has seen in the past months, and the response of the rioters was a full scale assault on the riot police.  What I find the most appalling is that the government is ordering the riot cops to just stand there and hold their
