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Tag "SouthFront video"

Escalation In Syria – How Far Can The Russians Be Pushed?

This video is based on the analysis of the Saker “Escalation in Syria – how far can the Russians be pushed?“. Separately, SouthFront is working on own critical documentary on modern Russia. This documentary will be ready in middle March. If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via:, BTC: 13iYp9CDYZwgSnFXNtpEKgRRqaoxHPr2MH, BCH: 1NE49pQW8yCegnFCMvKuhLUnuxvTnxNUhf, ETH: 0x962b312a9d41620f9aa0d286f9d7f8b1769bfae6 Events in
