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Tag "Sputnik"

Ramin Mazaheri interviewed by Sputnik about the “Yellow Vests” and Macron

Macron Won’t Put Question of Resignation Up for French Referendum – Journo You can listen to the full audio of the interview here: The first referendum in 14 years could take place in France in May as part of President Emmanuel Macron’s response to the ongoing series of weekend ‘yellow vests’ protests. The newspaper Journal du Dimanche reported that Macron was planning to organise the vote on the same

Ramin Mazaheri interviewed by Sputnik on US breaking JCPOA

Iran Deal: Europe Has Truly Broken Up With US Foreign Policy – Journalist On May 8, US President Donald Trump announced that the US was leaving the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and promised to re-instate the toughest economic sanctions against Iran in response to Tehran’s alleged continued work on its military nuclear program. Ramin Mazaheri, PressTV’s chief correspondent in Paris, comments on the news. Sputnik: Despite numerous pleas

Sputnik interviews The Saker on Syria

Dear friends, Here below  is the original Q&A of the interview I had with Sputnik on Monday.  To read the full Sputnik articles please see here: Sputnik: What is behind Donald Trump’s decision to end the CIA covert program to arm the so-called “Syrian rebels”? How will it affect US positions in Syria? Will it help the Syrian Arab Army to defeat al-Qaeda and Daesh and restore the
