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Tag "Starikov"

Book Review : Starikov’s ‘Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom’

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog This book was recommended by one of our commenters in the Movable Feast Café. Initially I was going to put it aside to read later but that evening, while transferring it to my tablet, I paged through and … sleep was impossible. Despite the deeply serious and existential nature of the subject matter, it is just simply a fascinating read, almost like an historical

If this isn’t fascism and a junta then what is it?

by Nikolai Starikov translated by “KA” source: The coup in Ukraine, which the West shamefully calls “the transfer of power” and the victorious “opposition” calls “the revolution of dignity” took place over a year ago. Not so much time has passed since then but that time has been filled to the brim with torrents of horrific information. The territory of Ukraine has not known so much blood, violence, suffering

Russia’s prevailing ideological consensus: sovereignism and anti-capitalism

I thought I had seen in all, from the 100 year ban on homo parades in Moscow to the Pussy Riot circus, but it appears that a new front has opened in the West’s “Free Sex and Blasphemy” crusade against Russia. Under the title Madonna Sued in Russia for Supporting Gays the very serious Wall Street Journal reports the following: MOSCOW—Some Russian activists have sued Madonna for millions of dollars,
