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Tag "stupidity and ignorance"

Western international diplomacy as a dead baby joke

I have just been watching the news and, frankly, I ended up laughing.First, I saw the Eurobureaucrats adding another 12 or so names to a list of 20 or so (sorry, I was not paying attention) names which are going to be on the sanctions list.  The US did something similar yesterday.  Looking at that circus, I was wondering: does these imbeciles really believe that these puny sanctions of 30-40

The BBC and Russian aircraft – a small but telling example.

Since nothing dramatic is going on (thanks God for that!), I can mention little things which want to share with you.  This time, yet again, its the BBC which triggered my disgust.  This is the BBC article about the airplane crash which took place in Algeria today: An Algerian military transport plane has crashed in the north-east of the country, killing all but one of the 78 people on board.

Imperial hubris and plain stupidity

I have to say that I am both amazed and amused at the fantastically stupid manner in which US politicians have reacted to the Snowden affair.  Without pausing for a single second to think of the possible reaction to their attitude, they began to demand, threaten and otherwise bully not only China and Russia, but even any other country which in the future might render some assistance to Snowden.  Apparently,

There is a price to pay for ignorance

There is a price to pay for ignorance such as, for example, having a foreign Ambassador issuing the following communique: click on image for full size Nope, this is not a joke.  You can find the original page here: what a shame for a country which fancies itself as some kind of world policeman with a “special responsibility’ or even the ‘leader of the free world”.This reminds me of this
