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Tag "The Pacific Fleet"

Russian Navy Does 1st Exercises in the Pacific Ocean Since Cold War (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. The Russian Navy organized training exercises in the center of the Pacific Ocean for the first time in recent history. On June 21, our Pacific Fleet deployed up to 20 vessels and the same amount of aircraft for the training. By the way, take note of the maneuvers’ date, on the eve of the Memory and Mourning Day when our people remember all

Naval Brief NB 09/17 May 4th 2017

by LeDahu   Part 1- Brief Background on naval developments with North Korea  (DPRK) & South Korea, (ROK) South Korea staged a large-scale land & air exercises last week. On 29, DPRK carried out a ballistic missile launch test, that lasted for approximately 15mins. It appeared to have failed according to ROK news agency Yonhap. At the same time, (bear in mind that there is no President of ROK at
