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Tag "the Saker"

GEOFOR interviews The Saker: Will Kiev decide on an open armed conflict?

Note: in late November I was interviewed by the Russian website Geofor.  Here is the English language translation of this interview. GEOFOR: Mr. Raevsky, no sooner have the American warships left the Black Sea than the British went in there. Apparently, “unscheduled exercises” of NATO ships and Ukrainian watercraft are about to commence, again. Again, near the maritime borders of the Russian Federation. Moreover, a couple of American military boats were delivered to

The Saker on Scott Horton’s radio show for KAOS 95.5 in Austin, Texas

Dear friends, Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Scott Horton for the second time (click here to listen to my first interview with him after the Hamas takeover of Gaza) for his radio talk show. Scott asked me to call his show to discuss my recent article about Iranian options in case of a US attack. Click here to listen to this interview (the interview proper begins

My conversation with Scott Horton about the Middle-East

Yesterday I had the true honor and pleasure of being interviewed by Scott Horton, the fantastic Libertarian radio talk show host from Austin, Texas. His shows for Radio KAOS 95.5 in Austin are also streamed live the Internet through Antiwar Radio and are available on Scott’s excellent blog. I highly reccommend Scott’s show (his list of guests is simply fantastic) and his blog to all those who want to listen
