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Tag "the US elections"

Outcome of a disputed US vote: a ‘Hot Fall’ or an ‘Icy Crusade’?

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with Press TV In the 21st century a disputed vote in the US presidential election is almost a 50-50 proposition: if November’s popular and electoral college votes do not correspond yet again that would mark the third such occurrence in the last six presidential elections. A disputed vote has produced dramatic changes: the disputed election of Republican Rutherford (also known as “Rutherfraud”) B. Hayes in

On the election of Mr. Trump, by Auslander

First, I wish to congratulate the president elect of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. I can only imagine what this gentleman has gone through in this election cycle and this does not address the vitriol poured on his wife and children during the media attack, and that is exactly what it was and is, a concerted and ongoing news media and blog attack on Mr. Trump and
