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Tag "There must be Justice"

Ukraine: blood poured at Kiev protest for a writer Oles Buzina murder suspects’ release

    Oles Buzina murder suspects With Ukraine’s law enforcement and courts gradually locking up the Nazis, members of death squads, political assassins, fake “pro-Russian separatists,” Maidan organizers and other  Washington useful tools and useful idiots, some of their followers can’t quite understand that the show is over. On Jul 29, 2016 Dozens of Ukrainian nationalists demonstrated in front of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Kiev, Friday, to demand the

Bosnian-Muslim witness confirms that the Markale Massacre was a false flag

by Grey Carter for There Must Be Justice source: HAGUE –  During his testimony in defense of Radovan Karadzic,  former Bosnian Muslim policeman stated before the Hague Tribunal that the grenade that murdered 66 and left 140  persons injured at Markale market in Sarajevo, was actually fired by (Muslim) Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina , by order of then – leader Alija Izetbegovic. Under the coded pseudonym KW -586
