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Tag "Time off"

Now is the time to give time to time

Yes, the Russians have received a written reply from the US and NATO. However, the actual documents have not been leaked yet (but, of course, they will). Lavrov has said that there are some substantive aspects, but key Russian demands have not been met.  He reminded that all OSCE member states, including the USA, that they all have signed the Istanbul Declaration of 1999 and and the Astana Declaration of

The Saker blog is taking time off from December 23rd through January 9th

Dear friends, We are going to go on a break.  Most of us are exhausted, this has been an amazing, but exhausting year.  I personally am going on fumes.  Furthermore, we are about to enter the period of western Christmas, the civil New Year and the Orthodox Nativity.  Finally, the next year is likely to be extremely interesting, in the sense of the Chinese (?) curse “may you live in
