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Tag "tourism"

Visa Vagarities – visiting Russia

by Geneva Observer   Unfortunately I am not one of the lucky few whose mother dropped them on a favored part of the planet blessed with visa free travel to Russia. The two states that makes claim to me have not yet found it in their interest to go forth and negotiate anything but the most annoying terms to visit. I can choose which passport I go with to the

First-hand experience with Russian Emergency Service

by the Geneva Observer Part I Part II Being invited for the first time to your mother-in-law can be a traumatic experience for some. It is especially so when neither speaks the other’s mother tongue. We compromised and decided we would converse in German (she tutors German). Two days before her bathroom light had given up its ghost. The lady had been in darkness for two days, waiting for enlightenment

Trip to Moscow, by the Geneva Observer

Hello Scott,   We have safely arrived from Geneva, both very tired (both of us had to get up at 5am). I am quickly having to learn the Cyrillic alphabet and a few words I can start recognizing (already knowing German, French and English is a big help -Russian, despite the different alphabet is a very much European language). We found a bank to change money. Very well organized, very

Moscow property that Putin could close for Washington, by Scott

Front running a steadily moving train of Russian foreign politic, the Western corporate media announced the possibility of 35 American diplomats being expelled from Russia and barring all who remain from using two properties, one is an industrial size warehouse, and another referred to as a “wooded picnic area.” If you think that a “wooded picnic area” means a couple of tables and a barbecue grill in a park,  you

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016 When good Americans die, they go to Paris.  said Oscar Wilde. Paris is also the place where good Africans and Arabs come to survive after good Americans and French destroyed their countries, their way of life, their healthcare and education systems, their governments, their homes, roads and water supplies. In Russia it’s called Ukrainization of Europe. It’s an old  tried-and-true method to

Crimean Kerch Strait bridge construction new Videos

Crimean Kerch Strait bridge construction at dusk The Kerch bridge construction side on Kerch side   Мы строим Мост, a promo video   Virtual tour of Crimean Bridge presented at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum It says that the trip takes about ten minutes. During the trip a virtual helicopter flies over the Kerch Strait to Kerch and back. It also explains how to operate this virtual helicopter. Principle of
