Crimean Kerch Strait bridge construction at dusk
The Kerch bridge construction side on Kerch side
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Virtual tour of Crimean Bridge presented at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum
It says that the trip takes about ten minutes. During the trip a virtual helicopter flies over the Kerch Strait to Kerch and back. It also explains how to operate this virtual helicopter. Principle of operation is like of the real helicopter. The autopilot takes over if a person fails to stay on course.
First a helicopter flies north along the bridge towards island Tuzla. The bridge builders use an existing infrastructure, like island Tuzla and a dam.
The bridge is being built at eight points simultaneously, which significantly reducing the construction time.
Another video that shows the kind of engineering that is going into the construction of the Crimean bridge
The pylons that are going into the seabed to serve as support and foundation of the bridge structures.