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Tag "Transcarpathia Transnistria and Gagauzia SITREP"

SitRep Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia 17 Nov – 23 Nov (NEW FORMAT!)

SitRep Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia 17 Nov – 23 Nov A perambulation around the periphery of Ukraine, looking at local and regional viewpoints. The media coverage varies from relatively neutral to rabidly nationalist. Note: some urls in the links are prefixed with ‘’ . This form provides the reader with a Yandex translated version of the source. The original article can be reached by removing this prefix. Kharkov has experienced

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 10 Nov – 16 Nov

(Note: some urls in the links are prefixed with ‘’. This form provides the reader with a Yandex translated version of the source. The original article can be reached by removing this prefix.) Transcarpathia ATO Only two individuals from Transcarpathia have been reported as killed at the front. The first served volunteered in AUgust and received two weeks training. He joined the 128 Mechanised Infantry Brigade and was killed by

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 27 Oct – 09 Nov

by “Y” Whilst the situations in Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia remain essentially stable, the $5 billion bomb detonated at the Ukraine Maidan has set off shock waves that ripple and reflect off pre-existing dormant conflicts and tensions. These have expanded to Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, the Baltic States, Moldova and Romania in the immediate vicinity, let alone the major states at the heart of Europe. Given these effects, I hope the

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 20 Oct – 26 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO Volunteers from the Tachyiv district have shipped ~ 2.5 tons of supplies to the front. These supplies intended for Aidar, the 128th Brigade and the 24th Brigade are described as ‘humanitarian aid’, and consist mainly of winter clothing along with a few specialist items such as night vision imaging devices. Some have raised concerns over these latter items as they appear to have been bought at

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 06 Oct – 12 Oct

Transcarpathia ATO Some of the injured and wounded ATO forces reported last week have been identified and reported in local Transcarpathian press. One ATO action against the Novorossian forces resulted in the death of one individual and the wounding of six, one seriously. The dead man has been identified as Major Victor Semental. The man seriously injured has died of his wounds. He has been identified as Robert Petrovich, 24

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 06 Oct – 12 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATOSpecific figures for the Transcarpathian contribution to the fighting in the east are starting to appear. Mukachevo news reports that more than 3000 local people are serving at the eastern front. These figures, starting from March 2014, include 742 troops, presumably members of the 128th Mountain Infantry Brigade, along with 217 border guards from the city of Mukachevo and a further 153 from the town of Chop.
