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Tag "translation of official documents"

Executive Order on partial mobilisation in the Russian Federation

The President signed Executive On Declaring Partial Mobilisation in the Russian Federation. As per federal laws No. 61-FZ On Defence, dated May 31, 1996, and No. 31-FZ On Mobilisation Preparations and Mobilisation in the Russian Federation, dated February 26, 1997, and Federal Law No. 53-FZ On the Military Duty and Military Service, dated March 28, 1998, the President declared a partial mobilisation in the Russian Federation as of September 21,

Russian Federation Federal Law “On measures (countermeasures) to unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States)”

translation by Miles for the Saker blog R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N FEDERAL LAW On measures (countermeasures) to unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States) Adopted by State Duma on 22 May 2018 Approved by Federation Council on 30 May 2018 Article 1. Objective and scope of application of this federal law 1. Objective
