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Tag "Ukraine ceasefire"

Analysis of the ceasefire by Alexander Mercouris

Dear friends,I am under the very strong impression that a lot of folks are in a full-blown “panic” mode for no valid reason at all.  I did my best to calm things down in my recent Q&A/FAQ+RFC post (if you have not read it *please* do so!) but my feeling is that my words have fallen on deaf ears.  Then I tried again, by posting Yuri Baranchik’s article.  Again, I

Ceasefire in Novorussia

It’s official: the Junta and Novorussia have agreed to a 12 point ceasefire (no details yet).  Lugansk’s leader Igor Plotnitsky declared: ““Most of the points of the protocol correspond with our demands. However, the ceasefire does not mean a shift from our course of breaking away from Ukraine. This is a compulsory measure”. That was, so to say, the easy part.  Now things will get really complicated. Stay tuned, The
