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Tag "Ukrainian military losses"

Ukrainian Army losses in ATO (“anti-terrorist operation”) according to the IISS’s Military Balance

by Colonel Cassad Source: Translated by Seva One of the readers sent a comparative analysis of UA losses in the war in Donbass based on the data of the Military Balance for 2013 and 2016, with the emphasis on the lists of official personnel of the UA (Ukrainian Army) units. The most authoritative in the world military analytical agency International Institute for Strategic Studies issued a report Military

Seeing through the doublethink: Primary evidence on losses of the combatants at Donbass

(Note by the Saker: Tatzhit Mihailovich submitted this article with *many* embedded photos and videos and I asked him to replace them by links to the media in order not to overload the page and to make the formatting easier.  Make sure to check his YouTube and LiveLeak channels which are chock-full of very good stuff!) Seeing through the doublethink: Primary evidence on losses of the combatants at Donbass by
