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Tag "US aggression against Syria"

Maria Zakharova discusses US policies towards Venezuela (MUST READ!)

Excerpt of the weekly MFA  briefing by Maria Zakharova: ——- The UN Security Council held a meeting in New York yesterday at the initiative of the US to discuss the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. Russia’s position, whereby this is not the appropriate platform or format for discussing this topic, remains unchanged. We are not turning a blind eye to the challenging social, economic and humanitarian developments in Venezuela. Still, we

The new US concept of a “perfect” mission: 32 out of 103

Yup, he said “mission accomplished“, “perfectly executed” and that he was “so proud” of his “great military“. That considering that 71 out of 103 missiles were intercepted. That there were no Syrian (or Iranian or Russian) fatalities. That not a single airfield was hit. That the buildings destroyed were empty. That only Syrian air defense were used. That Russian air defenses were completely bypassed. This guy: Called the strikes “Precise,

The Russians Are Flabbergasted

by Israel Shamir (cross-posted with the Unz Review by special agreement with the author) President Trump is so pissed off by the Stormy affair that he is likely to prefer a good old war to another humiliation. This suits his enemies and friends (though not his voters) to a tee. He has a choice of doing a difficult manly act that needs all his courage, but which one? Should he

Just look at these headlines aka the writing on the wall (UPDATED!)

UNSC fails to pass 3 resolutions on Syria ‘chem attack’ as Russia calls for restraint Macron says US, UK & France to decide on ‘response’ to alleged Syria chem attack in coming days Europe air traffic control issues alert over ‘possible air strikes on Syria within 72 hours’ NOTAM and navigational warnings in force on Wednesday, 11 April 2018. – only usual Russian Navy firing exercise ‘We hope you come

AngloZionist options (intermediate report) UPDATED

An AngloZionist attack on Syria appears to be inevitable and imminent.  There is always a chance of a major pushback from some putative mentally sane, realistic and patriotic generals in the Pentagon, but I am not holding my breath (I asked two of my best informed friends about that, they both told me to forget about it).  Counting on those who have made a life obeying orders to suddenly refuse

Train of thoughts or a wachamacole to get sleep

by F.MAN for the Saker blog After reading the last articles by the Saker and worrying for some hours about the coming events that might turn into the next and last World War, and I say last because nobody is going to survive it if escalate into nuclear (which is a real possibility) And while thinking about what would be the hypothetical response of Russia to the forecasted as highly

US-led coalition downed Syrian army plane in southern Raqqa – Syrian army statement

Statement by the general command of the army and the armed forces: The oldest flight called the international coalition this afternoon to target one of our fighter planes in the south raqqa region during its execution is a combat mission against ISIS terrorist organization in the area leading to the crash and loss of the pilot. This blatant attack confirms beyond doubt the fact that the American position in support
