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Tag "US coup in Venezuela"

U.S. Hybrid War On Venezuela Entered Hot Phase The US hybrid war on Venezuela has now entered a hot phase. On April 30, Juan Guaido, US-declared ‘Interim President’ of the country appeared in a video calling for a military uprising. Guaido, accompanied by heavily armed men, claimed that he had backing from the military and that the video was filmed at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in the capital, Caracas. Opposition politician Leopoldo Lopez, who had been

U.S. Is Setting Ground For Military Intervention In Venezuela

U.S. Is Setting Ground For Military Intervention In Venezuela The Venezuelan government seems to be openly preparing to face a US military invasion. On February 10, the country’s military kicked off large-scale military drills, which will run until February 15. According to President Nicolas Maduro, the drills are set to become the biggest ones the country has held in its 200-year history. On the same day, multiple air defense systems,

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UNSC on the topic of the situation in Venezuela (MUST SEE!)

On January 26th 2019 the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya, speaking at the 8452nd meeting of the UN Security Council on the topic of the situation in Venezuela, asked America (or more precisely – Mike Pompeo) a simple and rhetorical question: are you going to once again violate the UN Charter? Note by The Saker: Elliott Abrams has been appointed as the United States’ Special Envoy
