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Tag "US-Iran war"

Of aircraft, horses and zebras

When you go to vet school, they teach you a simple principle: if you are under a bridge and you hear hooves, think of horses first, but don’t forget there are also zebras out there. This is exactly what comes to my mind when I hear all the speculation about the shooting down of the Ukrainian airliner by a IRGC SAM. Let’s begin with a few horses: Seems to me

The AngloZionist Empire vs Iran: a discussion of the recent events

First, since we have more reliable data about what happened, let me recap a few key points to being: It is has now become pretty clear that Iran took several steps to make sure that the US would know when and where the strike would happen. Specifically, Iran warned the Iraqi government and the Swiss diplomats who represent US interests in Iran. Yet, at the same time, Iran issued the

The Iranian missile strike: an initial evaluation

First, as always, a recap. Turns out that the Iranian strikes were apparently very accurate, check out these photos: This is interesting, because while I had some US ex-Colonel on idiot-box saying that most Iranian missiles either missed or landed in the desert.  Rah! Rah! Rah!  The US has THE BEST military in the GALAXY!!  We kick these ragheads back to their medieval reality, bla-bla-bla. The reality is that this
