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Tag "US Resistance"

Simply beautiful! Deputy Sheriff Protects 1st Amendment at Albany Airport

At a time when basic civil rights are trampled on everywhere, when cops are usually seen beating up protesters, and when the American public is literally trained into mindless obedience to any person claiming to be in authority, it is a heart-warming experience to see that the rights of simple decent people can be protected by a Deputy Sheriff like Stan Lenic who prevented some self-appointed corporate thug from denying

The real progress in the USA

Josh Ledermand reports for the Huffington Post: Voter Turnout Shaping Up To Be Lower Than 2008 A drop in voter turnout in Tuesday’s election didn’t keep President Barack Obama from winning a second term.   Preliminary figures suggest fewer people voted this year than four years ago, when voters shattered turnout records as they elected Obama to his first term. In most states, the numbers were even lower than in 2004,

10 Questions for David Rovics

It is truly a huge pleasure for me to publish this Q&A with David Rovics, a phenomenal artist whose music I have only recently discovered, and about whom I wrote a piece entitled “David Rovics – the beautiful voice of the American Resistance“. Three months have passed since I wrote this piece. I discovered more of David’s songs and I came to the conclusion that he is probably the most
