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Tag "VDV"

Gorlovka celebrates the Russian Airborne Forces Day

On August 2nd, people in Gorlovka celebrated the Russian Airborne Forces Day Russian airborne forces VDV have traditionally worn a blue beret and blue-striped long-sleeved shirt or telnyashka and are called “desant” (Ru: Десант) from the French “Descente”. Celebration of the Russian Airborne Troops Day in Gorlovka Donetsk People’s republic, Donbass     Oleg Gasmanov: No one, but us Олег Газманов – Никто, кроме нас! (новый клип 2015)

A look into the modern Russian Airborne Forces

What I want to share with you today is a promo movie by Zvezda TV, the semi-official TV channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense, at the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Airborne Forces.  So don’t expect a hard-hitting documentary asking the tough questions and making critical comments.  However, this is nonetheless a very interesting video and when I saw it, I begged Alena Scarecrow and Tatzhit

Chechen deja vu…

Oh God, it appears that everyday some appalling video comes out of Syria. Though these are mostly from the anti-government side, supporters of government have also produced their own share of horrors.  I know about a video of prisoners stabbed to death, and of another of prisoners being cut into pieces by a chainsaw while forced to scream “Assad is my god!”.But there is an important difference between the two

Russia prepares for the worst in Syria

The commander in chief of the Russian Airborne Forces, General Vladimir Shamanov, has confirmed rumors that the Airborne Forces have adopted a plan to evacuate Russian citizens from Syria.  While this does most definitely not mean that Russia believes that the Assad regime will fall, this does show that this is an outcome for which the Kremlin is making all necessary contingency plans. General Shamanov For a while already a

Religious officials in Russia call for the dismissal of the Defense Minister

According to the religious news website Portal Credo several officials of the Department of the Moscow Patriarchate dealing with the Armed Forces have demanded the dismissal of Defense Minister Serdiukov. An official of the Synodal Department for Relations with Armed Forces of the Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko is convinced that the Paratroopers are entitled to demand the resignation of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, after he insulted the Hero of

Major crisis in Russia opposes Airborne Troops to Defense Minister

A major and truly unprecedented crisis is taking place in Russia.  It opposes the Union (of the personnel) of the Airborne Forces to the Russian Defense Minister Anatolyi Serdiukov.  Today, a 3 star General read an appeal of the Airborne Forces Union to the Nation, the President, The Federal Assembly and to the Patriarch of Russia.  Here is the video of this appeal: This is a machine translation of this

Kosovo Case in the International Court of Justice: Time to Shed Illusions

by Pyotr Iskenderov for the Strategic Culture Foundation On July 22, the UN International Court of Justice in the Hague will issue its opinion on the status of Kosovo, the breakaway province which unilaterally declared independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008. For the first time in its history, the Court is to judge on the legality of the proclamation of independence by a territory of a UN-member country without
