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Tag "war against Yemen"

Saudi Air Force Is Leveling Yemeni Capital To Ground In Response To Houthi Strikes On Riyadh

South Front The Saudi-led coalition has been bombing Yemen with a renewed energy following the recent missile and drone strikes on the Kingdom’s capital by the Ansar Allah movement (also known as the Houthis). According to pro-Houthi sources, Saudi warplanes conducted over 60 airstrikes on different targets across the country during the past few days. They insist that the most of the targets that were hit were objects of civilian

Impressive Successes Of Houthis In Yemeni War Amid Saudi Oil Gamble The conflict in Yemen has escalated amid the crisis on the oil market caused by aggressive actions of Saudi Arabia. On March 8, Riyadh launched its oil gamble flooding the market and offering unprecedented discounts in an attempt to defeat other oil producers, mainly Russia and Iran, and capture their share. In the next several weeks, Saudi Arabia was increasing its pressure on Russia on Iran slashing oil prices,

October 2, 2019: Houthis Deliver Devastating Blow To Saudi Arabia

Yemen War Report – October 2, 2019: Houthis Deliver Devastating Blow To Saudi Arabi In late September, Yemen’s Houthis carried out a large-scale operation against Saudi-led forces on the border with the southern Saudi province of Narjan. According to a spokesperson for the Armed Forces of the Houthi Government, the Houthis fully defeated at least 3 brigades of Saudi-backed forces. The Yemeni force killed 500 personnel, injured 2,000 others, destroyed

Houthis’ New Missiles & Combat Drones Revealed On July 7, Ansar Allah (also known as the Houthis) held a military exhibition displaying their new weapon systems, including the Quds-1 cruise missile, the Badr-F precision-guided tactical ballistic missile, and Samad-1, Samad-3 and Qasef-2K unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The Quds-1 cruise missile was the staple of the show. Previously, it was believed that the missile was derivative from the Iranian Soumar cruise missile, developed from the Soviet Kh-55
