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Tag "Xi Jinping"

Full text of Xi’s speech at SCO Samarkand summit

SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) here on Friday. The following is the full text of the speech: Ride on the Trend of the Times and Enhance Solidarity and Cooperation to Embrace a Better Future Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of

China’s President XI Jinping speech on the 95th anniversary of the Communist party of China [Updated]

XI Jinping: Russia and China may form an alliance before which NATO will be powerless Chinese President XI Jinping in his speech on Friday the 1st of July, noted the strategic need for an alliance between Russia and China, which he believes will determine the future world order. “The world is on the brink of radical changes. We see how the EU is gradually crumbling and the US economy is

Chinese President Xi On Russia’s Role in Crushing Fascism

original source: Translation and forword by Anatolii Karlin Xi Jinping  penned an op-ed in a Russian newspaper on May 6th in which, in stark contrast to the typical Western bile and hostility, he acknowledges the role of the Soviet Union in defeating Nazism and warns off against attempts to revise that outcome, be it on paper or in real life. I am translating it in full for two reasons.
