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Tag "Zionism"

The bloody sore on humanity’s conscience

Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. And above all, Thou shalt not be a bystander. Yehuda Bauer Globalize the Intifada! Lowkey Intro – where do we really live? Each society, each country has at least two foundational bases: an official ideology and a number of foundational myths (and these myths can be very close to the historical truth or not).  In the case of

For The Sake Of Jewish Sensitivities

by Gilad Atzmon It occurred to me recently that the Palestinian solidarity discourse is spiritually, ideologically and intellectually driven by some very misleading terminology: crucial notions such as Zionism, colonialism and apartheid (heard in every discussion, and present in every text book about the conflict), are either confusing, or even delusional: I believe that they are there to actually block any attempt to grasp the true spirit and ideologies that

Netanyahu, Obama and the rest of them are polarizing the world, and this is a very good thing indeed

Yesterday I watched with some amazement how the entire US Congress stood up and down and up and down and up and down again “interrupting” Netanyahu’s speech with obligatory standing ovations and thought to myself, is there any way at all a country could humiliate itself any more?  Keep in mind that the man for whom the US Congress folks were obsequiously hopping up and down is the same man

Reflections on the future of Palestine and the Middle-East

Things are clearly heating up in the Middle-East again: a US-Israeli attack on Iran appears to be in the final stages of planning. Israel, which has finally clearly given up any pretense of being a civilized, never mind democratic, state, is now preventing dissident American Jews like Finkelstein or Chomsky from entering Israel. Former DIA and CIA analyst Philip Giraldi is suggesting that Israel may have to strike at Iran

The Banality of Jewish Symbolism by Gilad Atzmon

by Gilad Atzmon In a remarkable exposé of the Mossad operation in Dubai, The Times happens to refer to Meir Dagan’s (the Mossad chief) ‘philosophy’. “The tone of Dagan’s directorship is set by a photograph on the wall of his modest office in the Tel Aviv headquarters. It shows an old Jew standing on the edge of a trench. An SS officer is aiming his rifle at the old man’s

After all I am a Proper Zionist Jew

by Gilad Atzmon Yes, I am a survivor, for I have managed to survive all the scary accounts of the Holocaust: the one about the soap (1), the one about the lamp shades, the one about the camps, the mass shooting, the one about the gas (2) and the one about the death march (3). I just managed to survive them all. In spite of all these fear inflicting stories,

Zionism and the Colonization of Language

by Roger Tucker Part II – The Emperor Has No Clothes: Of Genes and Memes This is the second in a three part series that deals with the phenomenon we call “the State of Israel.” This can only be a rudimentary sketch, of course, as the subject is vast and this essay must be very brief. Israel is not a nation-state like other nation-states, which accounts for the hysterical attempts

How Does the World Protect Itself from Israel and the Scourge of Zionism?

by Roger Tucker There are many people, “progressive” Zionists included, who loudly object to the Occupation in the Palestinian territories, but see no problem with the continued existence of an Israel that privileges Jews over all others who happen to live there, particularly the Muslim, Christian and other non-Jewish” citizens.” These people are referred to by Zionists as the “Arab-Israelis,” but they are, of course, Palestinians. This population also includes

Dieudonne’s anti-Zionist campaign in full swing in France

(For those of you who do not know who Dieudonne is, or what he does, please check my previous article on this topic here). First, the big news is that the French government has not succeeded in outlawing Dieudonne’s Anti-Zionist Party or the list he has presented for the upcoming European elections. Official polls put the party’s estimated support at 4% which, considering who is running such polls in France,

The Three-Legged Monster

by Gilad Atzmon for Paletine Think Tank Unlike her cosmopolitan brothers and sisters who spread Zionism and tribal racism using a liberal and progressive disguise, Melanie Philips is open about it all. The other day she defined what Zionism is in a very clear manner: “Zionism,” writes Philips, “is simply the movement for the self-determination of the Jewish people. And its significance is greater than any other movement of national

Gilad Atzmon – Lexicon of Resistance

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank The following is an attempt to present my own personal dictionary of what seems to be the most charged terminology and concepts attached to the Palestinian solidarity and anti-war discourse. Palestine– a piece of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. For many years Palestine was the home of the Palestinian people: Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived in peace and

Living on Borrowed Time in a Stolen Land

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Communicating with Israelis may leave one bewildered. Even now when the Israeli Air Force is practicing murder in broad daylight of hundreds of civilians, elderly persons, women and children, the Israeli people manage to convince themselves that they are the real victims in this violent saga. Those who are familiar intimately with Israeli people realise that they are completely uninformed about the roots

The Saker interviews Roger Tucker, author of the One Democratic State blog

After a lengthy break from making interviews, I am finally returning to this aspect of my work with what I consider one of the most interesting interviews I ever made. One of my readers (thanks RC!) pointed me to the website and work of Robert Tucker, truly an immensely interesting and courageous person whom I consider to be the living proof of the fact that no amount of propaganda and

Report by Mohamed Khodr – How Zionists Occupy Two Nations: America and Palestine

by Mohamed Khodr for Palestine Think Tank From America’s “Jewish Triangle” to Iraqi’s “Sunni Triangle: Government Job Notice: No Gentiles Need Apply “The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.” –Yuri Slezkine, Professor of History at University of California, Berkeley, “The Jewish Century”; Princeton University Press (Russian Jewish immigrant to the U.S.) No, America, there is no Zionist Conspiracy running our

The Wall of Hate – a must see video for every American home

There are, alas, many examples of grotesque violations of international law, human rights and basic norms of civilized behavior in our times. But the arrogant, brazen and cynical one is probably also the one which the least number of people have had the courage to condemn even after the International Court of Justice in the Hague did so: the “Wall of Hate” built by the racist Zionist state of Israel.

Reflections on the Israel-Hezbollah Prisoner Swap Deal

by Khalid Amayreh for Palestine Think Tank The latest prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hezbollah is a healthy indicator that at least some Arabs are beginning to understand the depraved Zionist mentality, and act accordingly. Such mentality is based on arrogance, insolence, and religious and ethnic superiority. Israel, a country whose collective mindset views non-Jews as virtual animals or at least lesser human beings, had to face a new

Israel’s dead end

(thanks to Mari for this interesting contribution) Zionist dreams of clearing “Greater Israel” of all Palestinians continue to be played out via insidious and violent means, but they won’t be realized, writes Jonathan Cook in Al-Ahram Weekly. In 1895, Theodor Herzl, Zionism’s chief prophet, confided in his diary that he did not favour sharing Palestine with the natives. Better, he wrote, to “try to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across

Meet the Israel Lobby “à la française”

First: here is the ‘approved” official version of the events by Ynet and AFP French official sacked over for anti-Israel slur: Senior civil servant sacked for writing in online column Israel is ‘only state where snipers shoot down little girls outside their school gates’A French senior civil servant has been sacked for publishing a violent anti-Israeli diatribe on a website, the Interior Ministry said. The article was published on March
