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Tag "Zoran Petrov"

Serbia SITREP: Kosovo – the endless game

by Zoran Petrov for The Saker Blog UPDATE! Although I tried to predict possible outcomes from White House meeting, the results were more then a surprise! What is obvious from 2 (or 3 days) summit is that stakes of the actual three party meeting were different from those involving Belgrade-Pristina. Thanks to coming presidential elections in US, Serbia managed to get some concessions that were impossible before (see images from

Why empty can makes the most noise? Or how visible is hidden deep in invisible?

Note by the Saker: I want to express my deepest gratitude to Zoran for taking up my (always standing) invitation to express a point of view different than the one expressed by Johnny-on-the-spot in Serbia.  And, just in case, I want to remind everybody that I take NO personal position on this issue.  I hope that with Zoran’s column we can now have a discussion of substantive issues even if
