By Rostislav Ishchenko
Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard


For five years in a row the International Commissions of Inquiry created in Holland has been engaged in investigating the downing of flight MH17 over the skies of Ukraine in 2014.

Every summer, on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy, the commission lazily reports that it very strongly suspects the Donbass militiamen of (with the assistance of Russia) downing the Malaysian “Boeing”. By 2016 it was clear that even if the US would down all “Boeings” in the world and will blame Russia for it, the position of Moscow would not be shaken.

In fact, it is for this reason that a part of the American elite reoriented itself from the globalist agenda of Obama-Clinton to the nationalist agenda of Trump, having propelled the latter towards the presidency. Therefore the Dutch tried not to fuss strongly, reluctantly trudging through the “investigation” without any spark.

They obviously played for time so that it was possible to quietly bury the American provocation – “time has moved on”. Or to transfer the investigation to Malaysia, which has long been indignant with the fact that although its plane was shot down, Malaysian investigators are not allowed in the commission.

And suddenly this year the Dutch “international” investigation defined specific suspects — four people, citizens of Russia and Ukraine, who allegedly transported the Russian Buk that was used to down the plane to the DPR. They immediately started talking about preparations for trialling the “culprits”, although suspicion isn’t proof, and it is possible to suspect anyone, but the court needs facts.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that having said “A”, the commission will also say “B”, having demanded the interrogation of the suspects.

Moreover, the list of these “suspects” can be randomly expanded, up to the country’s top brass. After all, in order to transfer the Buk across the border, a whole interdepartmental operation is necessary. It is possible to take it only from a military unit. And before this – the Ministry of Defence. It has to move to the border along roads and through settlements. This means the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which such a movement has to be coordinated with.

And lastly, protecting the border is a prerogative of the FSB. It is clear that any officer of any of the listed departments will not take part in such an operation without the approval of the highest administration.

Well, and the heads themselves will not involve themselves in such complex and dangerous work without having coordinated it first with the Supreme Commander – the president.

Thus, by accusing seemingly insignificant characters, the commission actually accuses Russia as a state of international terrorism. The Buk is not a “Lada”, it cannot be stolen from a petrol station.

The Dutch, despite having allowed the free sale of drugs, nevertheless didn’t go far enough into nirvana to not understand that this entire scheme was perfectly read by Moscow. Moreover, on the eve of the demarche of the commission, the Prime Minister of Malaysia stated publicly that he was acquainted with the accusations against Russia and wasn’t convinced. After the official publication of accusations, he said that the investigation was engaged, prejudiced, and politicised, and that its results do not suit Malaysia.

The Dutch also know that this year the European Union – which they are a member of – isn’t going to lift the “Crimean” and “Donbass” sanctions imposed on Russia (here the Dutch “revelation” won’t change anything), but does not support Ukraine any more, notices the non-fulfilment of the conditions of the Minsk Agreements by Kiev, and in the near future has to return the Russian delegation in PACE.

I will stress that this concerns the coordinated policy of the EU. Moreover, after the new structure of the European Parliament and European Commission (where the position of globalists weakened, and the position of euro-sceptics strengthened) starts its work, the tendency to reconcile with Russia has to gradually become the dominating one in the European Union.

In the end, Trump, who is trying to obtain a meeting with the Russian president during the G20 summit, once again voiced his desire “to get on with Russia”. I write “trying to obtain” not because Putin evades a meeting or Russia builds some intrigues, but exclusively because of the internal political problems of Trump – the opponent-globalists already disrupted three meetings between Trump and the President of Russia announced by Trump himself.

It seems that the “international” commission had no grounds to opt for an aggravation. Especially since formally the Dutch dominate in it, but in practice the Americans control it. And this is well known in the Kremlin too. And Trump, like his predecessors, already had the time to be convinced that frightening Moscow by unfounded accusations, the “public opinion” of the West, and sanctions are absolutely rotten business – it will make things worse for him.

As was said, it is difficult to believe the desperate Dutch courage is caused by the abuse of soft drugs. Besides, during these same days there was also one more incident.

In Tbilisi radical Russophobes from Saakashvili’s remaining admirers rushed into the parliament at a time when a meeting of the Inter-parliamentary assembly of Orthodoxy was taking place, tried to beat up the representatives of the Russian delegation, who were forced to urgently leave Tbilisi, and after a riot, they started to demand the resignation of the speaker, the Minister of Internal Affairs, and other key figures of the authorities in power.

In Georgia if not a Maidan, then an imitation of a Maidan attempt is being unleashed. However, what it will end in ultimately depends on the adequacy of the Georgian authorities and their readiness to defend the state entrusted to them by the people against rioters.

Georgia is the second ball in the same billiard pocket. Tbilisi was not on friendly terms with Moscow, but had no special hostility (unlike during Saakashvili’s reign). The war of 08.08.08 was gradually being consigned to the past. Georgia, interested in Russian markets and Russian tourists, switched to pragmatic relations, the territorial question was de facto put outside the equation of bilateral relations. And suddenly such a flash, which anyway will introduce some tension in bilateral communication.

If Saakashvili’s followers will manage to pressure the authorities (especially via doing another coup), then Russian-Georgian relations may be dragged backwards to August 2008. Of course, it is worse for Georgia, but it is also unpleasant for Russia, especially since Saakashvili’s followers, should they come to power, are ready at any moment to provoke another war.

So on the one hand, Russia (not the four “suspects, but namely Russia) is accused of destroying a civilian airliner in Ukrainian airspace five years ago. On the other hand, there is an attempt to organize another military conflict (or at least to aggravate the situation) in the Caucasus against Moscow.

What will it give and whom will it benefit?

Firstly, Trump’s opponents once again will be able to pressure the White House for the purpose of disrupting the meeting with Putin. After all, for Moscow this is neither hot nor cold, but for Trump the election comes nearer (in November 2020), and without the normalisation of American-Russian relations, his fight against the Democrat candidate will be extremely difficult.

But if Russia is once again demonized as a terrorist state (it shot down a plane and it again offends Georgia), then the American voter frightened by the “Russian threat” almost with guarantee will fail the “agent of the Kremlin” Trump.

Secondly, these same globalists (I will stress that they are not the EU, not the US Administration, not the united West, but namely the globalists, who still maintain a very serious, although quickly decreasing, but in many respects defining political influence in America and Europe) are strategically interested in disrupting the “Nord Stream-2” project.

Not because they want to help Ukraine or to satisfy the ambitions of Poland, and even not for cleansing the European market for American liquefied gas (although for this purpose too). The implementation of the “Nord Stream-2” project immediately and sharply strengthens the positions of pragmatic national elites in European countries and catastrophically undermines the positions of globalists.

Relying on guaranteed deliveries of Russian energy carriers, the EU (in the persons of state-minded elites) is escaping the control of globalists, which, by the way, will also sharply improve Trump’s position in the US. He then cannot be accused of undermining transatlantic unity, because the EU (if it survives) will take a position similar to Trump’s.

In general, if concerning intra-American affairs the accusation against Russia is favourable only to Trump’s opponents, then concerning the fight for global economic domination and for the EU as a part of the western global project, Trump’s opponents are unambiguously interested in disrupting “Nord Stream-2”. But Trump will have both bonuses and problems as a result.

However, judging by who works in Trump’s team and how they work, the White House is in general also ready to fight against “Nord Stream-2”, but hardly at any cost. In particular, Trump obviously does not want to risk another disrupted and thus final meeting between the Presidents of Russia and the US, because there may not be another one.

From here we can draw a simple conclusion. Both American globalists, who are going into the upcoming election to take away power from the nationalist-orientated Trump administration, and their European colleagues, who are not simply losing their power in the EU, but are facing the prospect of a united Europe crashing, are interested in more demonising of Russia, declaring it a terrorist state and recognising its authorities as being too dirty to shake hands with.

In the political sphere this gives them the chance to intercept the information agenda from euro-sceptics and Trumpists, having focused attention on their threatening “ties with Russia”, which “shoots down planes” anywhere and constantly “attacks neighbours”.

In the economic sphere, disrupting “Nord Stream-2” at the last minute makes Europe a hostage of these same globalists, who, having cut off the EU from Russian energy carriers, will create its critical dependence on the globalist policy in the Middle East and in the World Ocean.

After all, poor Denmark was already exhausted – alone, over the course of a year, to be at the forefront of the struggle to hold off the combined efforts of Russia, Germany, and Italy, while France is demonstratively “neutral”. Copenhagen has no more opportunities, without facing catastrophic consequences for itself, to block the construction of “Nord Stream-2” in its exclusive economic zone. The Belgians, Austrians, and Czechs started to roar at it.

It’s quite another matter if it concerns a project of the “terrorist state”. So then it will be already difficult for European lobbyists for cooperation with Russia to advance their ideas.

So it’s hardly coincidental that, in the fifth year of its “work”, the International Commissions of Inquiry “suddenly” found the “suspects”, “appointed” as such on Ukrainian social networks even in the summer of 2014. Especially since the commission in five years still doesn’t have confirmation of their “suspicions” besides posts on social networks.

This isn’t the effect of weed. This is big-time politics and very big money.