by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog
Francois Mitterrand, the longest serving president of France (1981-1985), not long before he died (1996), he made this quite extraordinary statement:
“France does not know it, but she is at war with America. A permanent, vital, economic war, and only apparently a victimless war.
Yes, the Americans are inexorable, they are voracious, they want undivided power over the world… It is an unknown war, a permanent war, a war without apparent deaths and yet a war to the death.”
Such sentiments from a modern French president seem extraordinary – after all, France was and still is a historic American ally.
To test the truth of Mitterrand’s words we have, as usual, to remove the dust of history and return to the time of America’s birth. No intent here of re-writing history, but to subject to reason certain opinions that custom or prejudice have exempted from scrutiny or alternative interpretation.
Immediately we face perhaps the hardest task of any historian or of anyone attempting to make sense of history. I calculated that the average human has about 21 million minutes available in his life to make decisions.
A historian has then the task to decide which among the compounded millions of decision made by many individuals involved in the politics of a nation are historically important. Which means that any choice or selection a historian makes is arbitrary.
While admitting these limitations I will extract out of the chronicles and legends surrounding the history of the United States some less known but relevant events, which in the view of some have historical significance and portend of things to come at large.
Starting with the American declaration of independence, the conventional line about the grievances of the American colonists against England, their mother country, is that the Americans wanted political representation in England and England refused. This has been condensed in the punch line, “No taxation without representation.” Which is not entirely true but let’s not discuss it.
Suffice to say that, then as now, propaganda likes punch-lines, which have greater appeal than subjecting facts to scrutiny. On the other side of the Atlantic and typical of a certain British counter-spirit was the famous assertion by Dr. Johnson about the Americans, “They are a race of convicts, and ought to be thankful for anything we allow them, short of hanging.” Even so, many colonists continued to read and admire Dr. Johnson. Both George Washington’s and Thomas Jefferson owned a copy.
The tipping point, the grievance triggering the war for independence had to do with the tax the British government decided to apply to imported tea – tea having become a popular drink in America. Whereupon the Americans rebelled and threw the tea carried by a British ship, into Boston harbor.
This is only partially true, because the London-based East India company had accumulated a large surplus. The idea was to apply the tax, but to reduce the original price so that the cost at retail would be less than that paid for smuggled tea. And smuggling tea had grown into a flourishing business.
It may be a coincidence, but the first financier of the war of independence was John Hancock, whose family had amassed a fortune with smuggling.
The elites of Boston and the other colonies wanted to ensure that their profits remained in their own pockets. It was then necessary to use the masses, being careful that their anger could be properly directed.
During the riots against the earlier stamp tax, promptly abolished, the commander of the British military forces in America had observed:
“The masses of Boston, fomented by certain influential people, and attracted by the idea of being able to plunder … destroyed several houses… the promoters of the riot began to be terrified by the spirit they had fomented, since the popular fury was out of control. And they, too, were afraid of being the next victims of the rapacity of the people.”
Anyway, the independentists converted the artfully fomented winter of discontent into a quest for independence. Or rather, they convince the multitudes that choose by show (then like now), that the already rampant social inequality was the fault of English rather than of local exploiters. Today NGOs in foreign lands, with suitable adaptation, carry an equivalent responsibility. The US government finances them via its overseas embassies, or via even darker entities with equal or more nefarious motives (e.g. Soros et alia).
In America it was the classic case of catching two birds with one stone. The elite already relished the “freedom” to seize new western lands ad libitum and to do away with the various standing Indian treaties established by England – while wresting political power from the historic establishment. At the same time, anger, bitterness and popular resentment had to find an outlet that would safeguard the elite.
Consequently, the desire for a more even social structure, ready to break out into revolution, was converted into a struggle for independence. The elite could not predict the outcome of the war of independence, but it averted the danger of an internal revolution.
The Declaration of Independence is a document with almost the status of a Gospel. I find it therefore necessary to insist that I, an atom in the universe, have no right to impugn the value of such a legendary document. This is a critique, which does not imply rejection or disrespect. But it is possible to find in the declaration the seeds of much that followed in American history, including American exceptionalism.
“We hold that these truths are self-evident: that all men are created equal…” – is the famous beginning. To which we may add – purely for the sake of logical consistency – less the Negroes, because they did not count, the Indians, because they were not white, the women, because they were not men, and the poor, because they were not rich – and therefore couldn’t vote.”
It could be argued that applying logic to history is unhistorical. Agreed, except that even in the history written today, notorious states use or pretend to use logic even in their most murderous enterprises. The reader will no doubt recall many examples of ill-weaved western ambition turned deadly.
Back to the declaration. Apart from the limitations of applicability, those to whom the opening statement applied were endowed by the Creator with “certain inalienable rights,” and among these rights were life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness.
None would disagree but a related anecdote is meaningful. One draft of the declaration, instead of “the pursuit of happiness” had “the right of property,” which no reasoning mind would object to. Why then the substitution with the somewhat vague pursuit of happiness? ‘Pursuit of happiness’ is an abstraction and turning an abstraction into a right compares with discovering that a great cause of the night is lack of the sun. It is a pearl of meaninglessness. Not even Genghis Khan, that I know of, forbade his Mongols to pursue happiness.
Yet better safe than sorry. If you want the poor to fight on behalf of the rich, proclaiming the preservation of property as a means to reduce inequality may perhaps raise some questions even among the distracted multitude, who like not in their judgment but their eyes.
In practice, the Declaration of Independence replaced the old with a new authority, the monarchical with a new Republican ruling class, founded on property, class distinction and inheritance, just as in the previous regime.
The great difference – and here lies the crux of the unresolved American question – is that Americans could not admit distinctions of class and heritage. Distinctions that were the foundation of the new society as they were, indeed, of the old one, which they had detached themselves from.
This paradox created a chasm between practice and theory – between the theory of egalitarianism, used to create the new nation, and the practice of competition that necessarily creates winners and losers.
The whole further reinforced by a mental attitude condensed into the very Yankee expression, “Winner takes All.” A sentence extracted from the rules of a game that expresses both an aspiration and an acceptable and recognized mode of thought and way of life.
But this tension between theory and practice, between egalitarianism and antagonism could not be officially admitted. Therefore it remained not only unresolved, but even concealed. And the frauds, hypocrisies, and illusions necessary to conceal the tension between words and deeds were and have become part of America’s history.
Some may argue that this subterfuge is necessary to create a ‘great’ nation. Someone else may say that the tension between theory and practice is not America’s exclusive legacy. Certainly, but America is the one country in the world that – from birth – has officially pretended that the problem does not exist.
One other key element of the American political psyche – not sufficiently acknowledged, I think – is that the authority that fixes the rules of foreign trade and foreign exchange is also the authority that fixes all others.
Therefore, we have a commercial interpretation of liberty and a perception of international trade quite different, for comparison, from another revolution, the French revolution that followed not long later, based on liberte’, fraternite’, egalite’ – however difficult it may have been to convert that vision into practice. Still, one of the first actions of the French revolutionaries – usually unknown to most – was to abolish slavery, in 1792.
And now let’s examine another symbolic but actual and important cornerstone of the American worldview since 1776. Or rather, to have an idea of how the American collective political psyche views the world, we may focus our observation on the famous US dollar bill.
The front features the portrait of George Washington, himself the owner of 300 slaves.
But in France, in 2005, the 200th anniversary of the legendary victory of Napoleon at Austerlitz, against the Russians and the Austrians, was not celebrated because Napoleon had re-introduced slavery. A small detail in the immense cauldron of history, but sufficient, I think, to perceive one significant difference between the political psychologies of peoples.
When we then examine the back of the one-dollar bill, we find the statement, “In God we Trust”. In different ways we may all do so. But we know that money can be the ‘worse poison to men’s souls…, ‘that too much of which will make black white, foul fair, wrong right, base noble, old young, etc.’ Therefore that “In God we Trust” sounds like a virtual jarring note. It almost equates to printing “we trust in virginity” on the door of a brothel.
Furthermore for Christians thus directly associating God with money has the sound of blasphemy. For it contrasts dramatically with the famous answer given by Jesus to those who tried to trick him by asking him if citizens should pay taxes.
“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”, replied Jesus.
Another item on the back of the dollar bill is the Great Seal, a masonic symbol carrying the date 1776. This is historically congruent, because masonic societies have been largely responsible for revolutions both in the United States and in France. And masonry is considered the antithesis of God, being based on the Cabal, arcane symbolisms etc.
Equally meaningful is the banner below the Great Seal, “Novo Ordo Seclorum,” a Latin sentence meaning “The New Order of Centuries” –the new eternal order of the world. In corporate lingo this would be a veritable mission statement. It suggests the objective for America to establish a new timeless world order. It proposes and promises an imperial mission – which became dramatically evident for the first time in 1812, the first imperial war to annex Canada, under the presidency of James Madison.
Andrew Jackson, who was a general in the war of 1812 and later a president, made a prophetic statement: “We will make prevail our right to free-market exchange, and open the market for the products of our soil so as to duplicate the exploits of ancient Rome.”
A remarkable declaration, especially given the then small number of US inhabitants, about 7 million, mostly dedicated to agriculture. Yet a statement foreshadowing the intent or mission to become a Roman-style empire.
The Americans did not win the Canadian war – even if, in population they outnumbered the Canadians by a ratio of 25 to one.
During their first attempt to invade Canada the Americans crossed the Detroit river to meet a joint force of Canadian and Indian armies. Leading the Indians was the legendary Shawnee Chief Tecumseh, the Canadians were led by Isaac Brock, who, by choice of chance, was born in the island of Guernsey, where I lived for 5 years. Incidentally, Tecumseh had witnessed the massacre of his people and the invasion of Shawnee land by the Americans.
Leading the Americans was General William Hull, who, after crossing the border, issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of Canada. I quote it in full because of the startling implications it contains.
“Inhabitants of Canada!
The Army under my command has invaded your country, and the standard of the United States now waves over the territory of Canada.
“To the peaceable, unoffending inhabitant it brings neither danger nor difficulty. (subtext, if you surrender we will allow you to live). I come to find enemies, not to make them. I come to protect you not to injure you… I tender to you the invaluable blessings of civil, political, and religious liberty… That liberty which has raised us to an elevated rank among the nations of the world (we can read here the seeds of the ‘exceptional nation’).
Remain at your homes, pursue your peaceful and customary avocations, raise not your hands against your brethren… I have a force that will look down on all opposition, and that force is the vanguard of a much greater. If, contrary to your own interests and the just expectation of my country (notice that ‘just expectation’), you should take part in the approaching contest, you would be considered and treated as enemies, and the horrors and calamities of war will stalk before you. If… the savages be let loose to murder our citizens and butcher our women and children, this would be a war of extermination. The first stroke of the tomahawk, the first attempt with the scalping knife, would be the signal of one indiscriminate scene of desolation. No white man found fighting by the side of an Indian would be taken prisoner; instant destruction would be his lot.”
Having the war ended without a winner, a peace treaty was signed in the city of Ghent, Belgium in 1814.
Incidentally and anecdotally, to the 1812 Canadian war is directly attributable the reason why the White House is called the white house. During the war, an attack by British naval forces that had sailed up Chesapeake Bay, overpowered the American resistance, reached Washington and literally burned up the seat of government. The fire blackened the building, which had to be refurbished and repainted in white. Hence the name White House, now sealed in history.
However, the efforts to annex Canada did not end in 1814. I will skip the history of failed subsequent attempts. More interesting are the snares used to achieve the desired results, on the part of the United States. Strategy and snares still successfully applied today.
In 1854 – 40 years after the treaty of Ghent, the backers of the annexation movement succeeded in pushing the British government to negotiate, on behalf of the five eastern Canadian colonies, a so-called ‘reciprocity agreement’. Which meant free trade in natural products, opening Canadian waterways to US shipping, and free access by the United States to the Canadian maritime fishery.
The interesting part of the ‘Reciprocity Agreement’ is how it was achieved. The US government sent a secret agent named Israel D. Andrews to influence the course of events. He used means, or rather a new strategy that, though distant in time, is quite similar to events occurring during our historical present.
Of agent Israel Andrews, by a quirk of fate, his related expense account is extant and it tells us more than many books. To push the annexation and free-trade agreement he paid, in the Canadian province of New Brunswick,
$5,000.00 to an editor – read corrupting the Canadian press
$5,000.00 to the attorney general – read corrupting the justice system
$5,000.00 to an inspector of trade – read corrupting the administration
$15,000.00 to a member of the New Brunswick assembly – read corrupting a politician.
Today, in refined Orwellian language, the procedure is called of course lobbying. Incidentally, we owe the term lobbying to President Ulysses S. Grant who so described the action of people accosting him in the lobby of the Willard Hotel sometime in the 1860s.
On May 14, 1854 Andrews wrote to the Department of State as follows,
“… I have therefore taken such measures, as the circumstances of the case required in New Brunswick, to moderate the opposition and keep the public mind in a quiet state… I was able to reach Fredericton before the New Brunswick legislature adjourned, and prevent any discussion of the proposition now under consideration, or any legislative action of a character adverse to our interests.”
In other words, in this new type of war it was/is important to disorient public opinion guided by media paid-for pied pipers. Besides, in the mind of the Americans the free-trade agreement was the equivalent of, or the prelude to, annexation.
In all Andrews spent more than $100,000 – equivalent to several millions today – trying to persuade prominent individuals in Canada to support either annexation or, as a second choice, free trade with the United States. But the amount was a mere trifle, he wrote, “in comparison with the immensely valuable privileges to be gained permanently, and the power and influence that will be given forever to our Confederacy.” (meaning the Americans).
And this describes perfectly the undeclared war that caused French President Mitterand to say what I quoted earlier on. And, as shown in the recent posture towards Ukraine, the EU is, or behaves as, a US colony.
Unbeknown to most, contrary to conventional history, but supported by ample documentation, the primary promoters and pushers of the European Union were not European men, cosmetically turned into prophets of peace and prosperity, but the Americans, starting with Eisenhower et alia.
Back to the attempts at Canadian annexation. The ‘reciprocity agreement’ ran from 1854 until 1866. After six years from its implementation, the American consul in Montréal reported to the secretary of state of the time, Lewis Cass, that the treaty was “quietly but effectually transforming those five provinces into States of the Union,” meaning American.
Some in Canada viewed things differently. For example a Canadian lumber man, in 1862 said as follows, ”… as regards lumber Canada lost millions by the treaty… The raw material which now will be worth millions of dollars… never returned a farthing to the operators of this country … Labor expended in manufacturing added to the wealth of our neighbors across the line… They and they only were the gainers by reciprocity in lumber, while nearly all on this side engaged in supplying their wants were ruined.”
This sequence of events finds echoes in the process whereby the American Midwest was converted into the properly named ‘Rust Belt’ via the comprehensive shutting down of the industrial powerhouse of America and its transfer to China or elsewhere where labor was cheaper.
Which may be considered as an interesting twist and application of the “In God we trust” principle applied to money at work. For now, to “duplicate the exploits of ancient Rome” – as per Andrew Jackson’s mission statement previously quoted – the time had come to further broaden the horizon, behind the conquest/annexation of Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines.
China would be a somewhat larger bite to swallow, but if there is a will there is a way. That the process did not entirely go to plan (until now) is due to temporary setbacks, for the web of life is of a mingled yarn, where good and ill go together.
Returning to history, the issue of Canada’s annexation became entangled with the American Civil War, when it appeared that Britain, and therefore Canada sided with the South. Incidentally, Canada had abolished slavery in 1793, 72 years before the US did. Anyway, it was the threat of forced annexation by the United States that prompted the leaders of the Canadian colonies to join forces and create what is today the Confederation of Canada.
But as late as 1888, the vice secretary of state John Sherman said, “The annexation of Canada will not be achieved through hostile measures but by making amicable propositions. This annexation is a historic inevitability.” There are echoes here of Obama’s reference to the US as the ‘indispensable nation’)
Sherman’s war, with methods not used before, can be called war by enticement, or even better, making an offer that cannot be refused.
In 1948 the US pushed again for a free-trade agreement, but in the parliament of Ottawa John Deutsch responsible for these negotiations stated, “The price to pay for a custom union with the United States is the loss of our political independence – because we will not have any longer control on our political decisions, which will be made in Washington.”
If we abandon the ballast of bias and use the telescope of reason, the parallel between US efforts to annex Canada and the creation of the European Union and NATO is inevitable. Where the European Union, as current events show to all but those who refuse to see, is but the political annex of the United States, and NATO a branch of the US military.
That the empire-building enterprise treats citizens as expendable fodder and contemptible fools should not surprise. For understanding is the child of reason and the powers-that-be have refined the means to surprise the unawareness of the thoughtless, and taught them to believe anything provided it is quite incredible. The artists of lying censure those who don’t believe the lie, and propaganda is a machine that has little care to preserve probability in its narrative.
With Russia, at least for now, the same powers have bitten more than they could chew. But malignity never sleeps and can easily inflict wounds not easily to be cured. And hoping for a cleansing of evil would be to transgress the bounds of probability.
I remember from the 80’s reading an article about Mitterrand passing a law that cinemas in France had to show a certain percentage of French films consistently (apologies for not remembering the %).
This was done as a response to Hollywood saturating the market. It seems Mitterrand understood Yank imperialism was not just concentrated in the economic and military sphere but also cultural sphere.
I accessed this on Yandex with VPN through Belarus. Everything else I tried was blocked.
Speech by
Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Armed Forces
of the Russian Federation,
Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov
(March 31, 2022)
Analysis of documents related to US military and biological activities in Ukraine
The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.
Earlier, we gave a diagram of the interaction of government agencies and the current military-political leadership of the United States with Ukrainian biological objects. In particular, the involvement of the investment fund, headed by Hunter Biden, in financing biological programs in Ukraine was noted.
Here is the correspondence of the son of the current US President with employees of the Threat Reduction Agency of the US Department of Defence and Pentagon contractors in Ukraine. The presence of these materials is confirmed by Western media.
The content of the letters shows that Hunter Biden played an important role in creating a financial opportunity to work with pathogens on the territory of Ukraine, providing funds for the companies Black and Veatch and Metabiota.
The published correspondence shows that the true goals of the Pentagon in Ukraine are far from scientific. So, in one of the letters, the vice president of Metabiota notes that the company’s activities will be aimed at ensuring “… cultural and economic independence of Ukraine from Russia …”, which is quite strange for a biotech company.
Today we have the opportunity to give the names of specific officials who took part in the creation of biological weapons components on the territory of Ukraine.
One of the key figures is Robert Pope, at that time an employee of DTRA and director of the Joint Threat Reduction Program, whose goal was to involve the states of the post–Soviet space in military biological activities. He is also the author of the idea of creating a central depository of especially dangerous microorganisms in Kiev.
In his letter to the Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun (by the way, US citizens) Pope highly appreciates the activities of the head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, especially noting the provision of admission of American specialists to Ukrainian biological objects and the beginning of work on the formation of a depository of microorganisms.
Let me remind you how this activity ended: according to the available information, all pathogenic biomaterials from the storage in early February 2022 were transported by military transport aircraft to the United States via Odessa.
The coordination of military biological projects in Ukraine and the selection of performers was led by Joanna Wintrol, head of the DTRA office in Ukraine. Under her direct supervision, American projects UP-4, UP- 6, UP – 8 were implemented to study deadly pathogens, including anthrax, Congo-Crimean fever, leptospirosis.
In continuation – the Ukrainian division of the company Black and Veatch, which is headed by Lance Lippencott. He is also the main contact person for officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The company has been working in the interests of the Pentagon since 2008 as part of projects to study potentially dangerous bioagents. Among them is the UP-1 project on the study of rickettsias and tick-borne encephalitis virus in arthropods in the north-west of Ukraine. In order to globally monitor the biological situation during the UP-2 project, the company implemented a remote monitoring system for the incidence of tularemia and anthrax at Ukrainian biological facilities.
The issues of biomonitoring and information transmission were supervised by David Mustra, who is closely associated with another Pentagon contractor, Metabiota. Previously, he led military biological projects in Ukraine and Eastern Europe as part of the Joint Threat Reduction Program.
It should be noted that the activities of the company Black and Veatch caused a lot of questions even from the Ukrainian special services.
So, back in 2017, the Kherson department of the SSU in its memo indicated: QUOTE: “… recently, the potential threat of deterioration of the epidemic situation in our country has been actualized, due to the intentions of DTRA through the company Black and Veatch to establish control over the functioning of microbiological laboratories in Ukraine conducting research on pathogens of particularly dangerous infections that can be used to create or modernize new types of biological weapons …” END QUOTE.
Metabiota is known for its developments in predicting outbreaks of infectious diseases. In addition, it was involved by the Pentagon in modeling the epidemic situation in the post-Soviet space. On the territory of Ukraine, Metabiota was represented by Mary Guttieri, the vice president of the company and a confidant of Hunter Biden, which is confirmed by the materials of their correspondence.
Scott Thornton supervised the modernization of laboratories. In addition, he advised local staff on the handling of particularly dangerous pathogens within the framework of Ukrainian DTRA projects.
The information received demonstrates the direct participation of the US military department and their contractors in the planning and implementation of Pentagon projects on the territory of Ukraine. We believe that the listed officials should answer questions about the true goals of these works.
Earlier, we drew attention to the facts of the development in the United States of technical means of delivery and the use of biological weapons. Thus, the US Patent and Trademark Agency issued document No. 8,967,029 for an unmanned aerial vehicle for the spread of infected insects in the air. The description of the patent states that with the help of this device, enemy troops can be eliminated or disabled without risk to US military personnel.
Other patents, which are presented on the slide, show various types of ammunition for the delivery of chemical and biological formulations. In their description, the characteristics are noted: “… low specific cost of defeat and no need for contact with enemy manpower …”. This corresponds to the concept of “contactless war” implemented by Washington. The possibility of equipping capsules with toxic, radioactive, narcotic substances, as well as pathogens of infectious diseases is shown.
We remind you that these documents came to the attention of the public in connection with the investigation of the activities of another biological project of the Pentagon – the Lugar center in Tbilisi.
In 2018, the Russian Foreign Ministry appealed to the US State Department with a request to give a legal assessment of the development of such technical devices from the standpoint of compliance with the Conventions on the Prohibition of Chemical and Biological Weapons. The US administration limited itself to a formal reply, cynically thanking the Russian side for drawing attention to this issue and pointing out that “… the development and production of biological and chemical weapons are prohibited by national legislation, but the decision to grant a patent does not violate US obligations under the BWC and CWC …”.
In the context of the above, attention is drawn to the request of the Ukrainian company Motor Sich to the Turkish manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles Bayraktar. I want to emphasize that this document is dated December 15, 2021. Its essence: is it possible to equip this UAV with systems and mechanisms for spraying aerosols with a capacity of more than 20 liters.
With the flight range of such a UAV – up to 300 km and the equipment of containers with biological formulations – a real threat of large-scale use of biological weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation is created.
In fact, we are talking about the development by the Kiev regime of technical means of delivery and use of biological weapons with the possibility of their use against the Russian Federation
An important result of the special operation of the Russian Armed Forces was the termination of the activities of five Kiev biological laboratories, in which work was carried out with pathogens of anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, African swine fever.
Part of the collection was exported to the USA, the remaining strains were urgently destroyed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 24.
The facts of the participation of these laboratories in carrying out work commissioned by the American military department have been confirmed. At one of these biological facilities – the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine – several UP projects were implemented at once with a total funding of more than $ 30 million.
Please pay attention to the decision signed by the head of the ethics committee of the said center on June 12, 2019 within the framework of the UP -8 project. The document testifies to the conduct of research with an unknown risk to the life and health of the participants, as well as the concealment of the identity of the subjects.
Previously, we cited the research program of this project and it assumes only a standard procedure for blood sampling. The question arises: what kind of life–threatening tests are we talking about if the document prescribes that “… minor incidents with volunteers must be reported to the US bioethics committee 72 hours after the incident, and serious ones, including the death of the subjects, within 24 hours …”?
We do not exclude that the official research program is only the “visible part of the iceberg”, while in practice, volunteers were infected with the Congo–Crimean fever virus, hantaviruses and the causative agent of leptospirosis.
Such a dismissive attitude towards the citizens of Ukraine well characterizes the pragmatic approach of the United States to the organization of military biological research. Developing countries are considered as a testing ground for biological weapons components and medicines.
We believe that the incoming documents testify to the actual violation by the United States and Ukraine of obligations under Article 4 of the BWC and UN Security Council Resolution No. 1540 of April 28, 2004.
We will continue to analyze the documentary evidence of violations by the American administration and the Kiev regime of international agreements on the non-proliferation of biological weapons and will inform you.
Directorate of Media service and Information
Where was this speech given?
This info should be made public by Russia at the UN, the Red Cross, the WHO, and the latter should be made to respond. It should be raised in any interview by a Western journalist, it should be repeated over and over
The UN and WHO are US puppets.
“There is no United Nations. When the United States leads, the United Nations will follow”.
John Bolton (1994)
The “free trade” mantra of our days, the writer mentions historically, operates under the same principles of rapacity and empire. And is the twin private monopolistic brother of “free market” domestically. If only the people knew – most western occupied nations – how ideologically misled they have been, for such a long time – and most brazenly since the 1980s – in out age, we might have been living more prosperously and more peacefully, both at home and abroad.
Canada where I live has become USA but it was always going to happen in body and racist soul. What else? The history written is true but just read Charles Dickens or George Orwell and see that the white world, now firmly in control by Zionists, never cared for it’s poor. Yes, importation of black slaves alleviated some of the impoverishment of poor white people, but it still exists today.
The only way to get rid of this evil scourge that we have to live under is by the first steps that Russia has taken, and China ain’t fire a missile yet.
Go and bully third world countries, as in your DNA but mother Russia was always a step too far, hence your frantic running around trying to beg/ bully countries to join you. Who joined?
I never expected to see the evil removed in my lifetime, but I see it coming.
an interesting quote by Benjamin Franklin:
“We would gladly have borne the tax on tea if we could have been granted the power to create our own money.”
This of course was denied by King George 111 of England. and why?
as Cantelon tells it is was because the early colonists had a terrible problem with exchange having brought with them from the continent a variety of currencies and their money was only as good as the integrity of those those who issued it. Values would rise and fall and given the lines of communication being long colonists would find themsleves possessing paper which were literally worthless. In the early morning it would be worth one value and by days end throw it in the fire? To circumvent this problem the early colonists petitioned the British government for the privilege of issuing their own currency but again this was denied them by the King. In early America this resulted in all kinds of things becoming legal tender from tea, to trading with corn, codfish, coonskins lumber it was all barter. Finally Tobacco in the states of Virgina, Maryland, and North Carolina was the choice for legal tender. Then along came the bankers of
Eurpoe and the gold standard and then fiat creation. Makes me think they put In God We Trust on their money as a means of establishing integrity in a system that wasn’t working?
Canada for all intents and purposes could be the 51st state. Otherwise we are simply a wholly owned subsidiary of the empire wilfully doing their bidding and in some cases ( the Lima group,) actually leading it.
Jim, you are right but we the few can only look on, knowing truth exists elsewhere and we must reconsile ourselves to that. Western Canada has always been a bastion of hatred, full of wannabe Americans. I think they even had car licence plates “anti-ontario”, and even when Bush banned the meat because of Mad cow disease. Oh, they loved him even more.
In Ontario where I have always lived,we have have all the immigrants/ refugees flocking coming from the places that we, in collaboration with Zion USA destroyed but we wholeheartedly claim that is because we are “multicultural”, but in reality it is because immigrants are sorely needed to help pay for the aging white population, doing the menial labour that whites mostly reject. We are as racist as the boss USA, Australia and Western Europe, and the constant lies, TV and everything else will never erase the truth.
Who needs enemies when you have the U.S as an ally.
In the current conflict who is taking the hits and who is taking the money?
German and European countries are now paying dearly for the war while the “elite” now see their energy portfolios flowing with money.
And who is been tapped on the shoulder for a conflict that the U.S benefits in arms sales? The American taxpayer and Americas allies that’s who.
This war has been very profitable…and Will be for a long time after…for some…a war that didn’t need to happen with a simple agreement.
But a nation did want it to happen, and they are the real enemy.
Exceptionally vulgar I’d say.
It was only 6 weeks or so ago that the US Government used frozen Afghanistan money to make further payments to the victims/families of 9/11, who they incidentally murdered.
Handing out stolen money to survivors of 9/11 is disrespectful to their memories, but the low-life running the US circus or shell, are as I stated in my first sentence, vulgar.
Genocide, bio-weapons, colour revolutions, spent/depleted uranium shell, mines, resource theft, blackmail, sanctions and subjugation through military bases make America the Pirates of The Atlantic.
We close our doors an hide behind our walls as we hear the whispers on the dark night air
the rattle of death and destruction saying you cannot hide from us your dark deeds an sins call to us
you will embrace the arms of your own destruction, moaning pathetic crys of despair an pain
the night is closing in
the armies of the dead have crossed over the wall
the last great battle is shortly to begin
the great day of judgement draws near , run if you can there is no escape
all will see the truth will tell
when man rebelled agains’t his maker the seeds of his destruction were planted
come , come swiftly oh my judgement
I despair of all else there is nuthing to ease my pain
I am ready
If you want to understand what dealing with the United States is like, check this interview out. An interview with the democratically elected President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte: “IF I SURVIVE THE CIA, I STILL HAVE FIVE YEARS TO GO. (quote @ t = 10:52)
‘US, EU meddle in other countries & kill people under guise of human rights concerns’ – Duterte
Who wants to live in a world like that? How does any world leader sleep well at night?
“the longest serving president of France (1981-1985)”
That should be 1995.
Excellent critical interpretation of history.
But in all fairness, creation of EU has done more damage to hegemonic interest than benefit mainly though following measures:
1. Independent euro currency has significantly undermined dollar denominated global trade as much as 30 percent.
2. It has reduced scope of regime change operaions in much smaller EU countries.
3. It has reduced scope of stoking inter state violence among EU countries to restructure global capital flows to benefit empire of lies.
4. EU policy capacity is much better than many smaller lesser developed european countries which would have paved way for “foreign expertise” for you-know-whos bebefit.
Thus so much hostility towards EU as collective entity by Nuland & co.
Notwithstanding, EU has cultural homophily with US which it follows closely, but over all it is still better than having 30 microscopic states which would have been very amenable to be played against eachother and dictated more.
And thus enabling spiral of violence and regime change in northern africa to encourage refugee crisis in EU to stoke nativist sentiments and facilitate breaking up of EU to amenable and dictatable micro states is the best the empire could do. And it succeeded to a good extent as well, but not fully.
If EU is towing the line, than see how bad UK is towing the line. Without EU, all states would have done as bad or even worse than UK.
Absolutely beautiful! I wish you had taught me history in the 1950s and 60s.
Interesting article, in some respects, but I think you are reflecting American history through your communist prism. It’s clear in many places, for example here:
“This paradox created a chasm between practice and theory – between the theory of egalitarianism, used to create the new nation, and the practice of competition that necessarily creates winners and losers.”
Egalitarianism in America always meant (before wokeism) “equal opportunity” (i.e. fair competition), not “equal results” (i.e. reverse discrimination).
The back of the dollar bill has Masonic imagery or is it Zionist? The “ all seeing, all knowing” eye at the top of the pyramid seems a very apt description of the Zionist project as implemented by the Federal Reserve. Global Zionism or economic Zionism is working in conjunction with cultural Marxism and technocratic dictatorship to destroy and atomizer traditional society to be replaced with a Talmudist dystopia. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion describe the plan.
Excellent essay, Mr. Moglia! You have a way with words that is truly only yours. Thanks for writing and publishing them here.
I’d go into a long diatribe in a vain attempt to guild your lily, but I’m saving the effort until the post-war domestic details of Mr. Putin’s New World Order are revealed to the world and exactly how politically powerful Russian oligarchs are going to fit into that NWO. Shouldn’t be that far down the road, either, which is nice for old farts like me who are very interested in these things. I’d like to have a brief view of a possibly brighter, better future for humanity before I die.
Always a pleasure reading/listening to Jimmy as he has an elegant way with words.
Highly recommend his historical series as the one on Ukraine that was posted on this site back in the day is worth a listen.