Despite its resounding defeat, NATO is not quite done with inflicting misery on the land of the Afghans
By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle

Photo Credit: The Cradle
Once upon a time, in a galaxy not far away, the Empire of Chaos launched the so-called “War on Terror” against an impoverished cemetery of empires at the crossroads of Central and South Asia.
In the name of national security, the land of the Afghans was bombed until the Pentagon ran out of targets, as their chief Donald Rumsfeld, addicted to “known unknowns,” complained at the time.
Operation ‘Enduring Captivity’
Civilian targets, also known as “collateral damage,” were the norm for years. Multitudes had to flee to neighboring nations to find shelter, while tens of thousands were incarcerated for unknown reasons, some even dispatched to an illegal imperial gulag on a tropical island in the Caribbean.
War crimes were duly perpetrated – some of them denounced by an organization led by a sterling journalist who was subsequently subjected to years of psychological torture by the same Empire, obsessed with extraditing him into its own prison dystopia.
All the time, the smug, civilized ‘international community’ – shorthand for the collective west – was virtually deaf, dumb, and blind. Afghanistan was occupied by over 40 nations – while repeatedly bombed and droned by the Empire, which suffered no condemnation for its aggression; no package after package of sanctions; no confiscation of hundreds of billions of dollars; no punishment at all.
The first casualty of war
At the peak of its unipolar moment, the Empire could experiment with anything in Afghanistan because impunity was the norm. Two examples spring to mind: Kandahar, Panjwayi district, March 2012: an imperial soldier kills 16 civilians and then burns their bodies. While in Kunduz, April 2018: a graduation ceremony receives a Hellfire missile greeting, with over 30 civilians killed.
The final act of the imperial “non-aggression” against Afghanistan was a drone strike in Kabul that did not hit “multiple suicide bombers” but instead eviscerated a family of 10, including several children. The “imminent threat” in question, identified as an “ISIS facilitator” by US intelligence, was actually an aid worker returning to meet his family. The ‘international community’ duly spewed imperial propaganda for days until serious questions started to be asked.
Questions also keep emerging on the conditions surrounding the Pentagon training of Afghan pilots to fly the Brazilian-built A-29 Super Tucano between 2016 and 2020, which completed over 2,000 missions providing support for imperial strikes. During training at Moody Air Force base in the US, more than half of the Afghan pilots actually went AWOL, and afterward, most were quite uneasy with the pile up of civilian ‘collateral damage.’ Of course the Pentagon has kept no record of Afghan victims.
What was extolled instead by the US Air Force is how the Super Tucanos dropped laser bombs on ‘enemy targets:’ Taliban fighters who “like to hide in towns and places” where civilians live. Miraculously, it was claimed that the “precision” strikes never “hurt the local people.”
That’s not exactly what an Afghan refugee in Britain, sent away by his family when he was only 13, revealed over a month ago, talking about his village in Tagab: “All the time there was fighting over there. The village belongs to the Taliban (…) My family is still there, I do not know if they are alive or died. I don’t have any contact with them.”
Drone diplomacy
One of the first foreign policy decisions of the Obama administration in early 2009 was to turbo-charge a drone war over Afghanistan and the tribal areas in Pakistan. Years later, a few intelligence analysts from other NATO nations started to vent off the record, about CIA impunity: drone strikes would get a green light even if killing scores of civilians was a near certainty – as it happened not only in ‘AfPak’ but also across other war theaters in West Asia and North Africa.
Nevertheless, imperial logic is ironclad. The Taliban were by definition “terra-rists” – in trademark Bush drawl. By extension, villages in Afghan deserts and mountains were aiding and abetting “terra-rists,” so eventual drone victims would never raise a ‘human rights’ issue.
When Afghans – or Palestinians – become collateral damage, that’s irrelevant. When they become war refugees, they are a threat. Yet Ukrainian civilian deaths are meticulously recorded and when they become refugees, they are treated as heroes.
A massive ‘data-driven defeat’
As former British diplomat Alastair Crooke has remarked, Afghanistan was the definitive showcase for technical managerialism, the test bed for “every single innovation in technocratic project management” encompassing Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and military sociology embedded in ‘Human Terrain Teams’ – this experiment helped spawn Empire’s ‘rules-based international order.’
But then, the US-backed puppet regime in Kabul collapsed not with a bang, but a whimper: a spectacular “data-driven defeat.”
Hell hath no fury like Empire scorned. As if all the bombing, droning, years of occupation and serial collateral damage was not misery enough, a resentful Washington topped its performance by effectively stealing $7 billion from the Afghan central bank: that is, funds that belong to roughly 40 million battered Afghan citizens.
Now, exiled Afghans are getting together trying to prevent relatives from 9/11 victims in the US to seize $3.5 billion of these funds to pay off debts allegedly owed by the Taliban – who have absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
Unlawful does not even begin to qualify the confiscation of assets from an impoverished nation afflicted by a currency in free fall, high inflation and a terrifying humanitarian crisis, whose only ‘crime’ was to defeat the imperial occupation on the battleground fair and square. By any standards, would that persist, the qualification of international war crime applies. And collateral damage, in this case, will mean the termination of any “credibility” still enjoyed by the “indispensable nation.”
The full amount of foreign reserves should be unequivocally returned to the Afghan Central Bank. Yet everyone knows that’s not going to happen. At best, a limited monthly installment will be released, barely enough to stabilize prices and allow average Afghans to buy essentials such as bread, cooking oil, sugar and fuel.
The west’s own ‘Silk Road’ was dead on arrival
No one remembers today that the US State Department came up with its own New Silk Road idea in July 2011, formally announced by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a speech in India. Washington’s aim, at least in theory, was to re-link Afghanistan with Central/South Asia, yet privileging security over the economy.
The spin was to “turn enemies into friends and aid into trade.” The reality, however, was to prevent Kabul from falling into the Russia/China sphere of influence – represented by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – after the tentative withdrawal of US troops in 2014 (the Empire ended up formally being expelled only in 2021).
The American Silk Road would eventually allow the go-ahead for projects such as the TAPI natural gas pipeline, the CASA-1000 electricity line, the Sheberghan thermal power facility and a national fiber optic ring in the telecom sector.
There was much talk about “development of human resources;” building infrastructure – railways, roads, dams, economic zones, resource corridors; promotion of good governance; building the capacity of “local stakeholders.”
A zombie of an empire
In the end, the Americans did less than nothing. The Chinese, playing the long game, will be leading Afghanistan’s resurgence, after patiently waiting for the Empire to be expelled.
Afghanistan for its part will be welcomed into the real New Silk Roads: the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), complete with financing by the Silk Road Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and interconnecting with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Central Asian BRI corridor, and eventually the Russian-led Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and the Iran-India-Russia-led International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC).
Now compare and contrast with imperial minions NATO, whose “new” strategic concept boils down to expanded warmongering against the Global South, and beyond – including the outer galaxies. At least we know that should NATO ever be tempted back into Afghanistan, then another ritual, excruciating humiliation awaits.
Around Feb., I talked to a woman who told me that her son, who was in the Army, was told that he was likely to be deployed to Afghanistan at the beginning of the summer. I didn’t ask her if he was Special Forces.
This woman was as serious as a heart attack. Not sure what to make of this story.
A most important article. The War Party is shameless.
It will never be possible to know the death toll in Afghanistan, but all the NATO countries were going to train, test weapons and practice shooting with live targets there. Like in Africa.
The dead must have been tens of millions in two decades, it is the result of a culture where “the others” are like animals and are worth nothing.
Hypothesis: Drone assassinations were used to eliminate rival druglords.
And wedding parties!
Yes don’t forget the wedding parties!!
I can highly recommend a book about your hypothesis if anyone is interested in a Truer pictrure of the war in Afghanistan. “No Good Men Among the Living”.
There is a long history of various “intelligence” assets supplying imformation that would assure their ascendency in particular circles, often by eliminating competiton. Also used for settling personal scores.
The timeline for the US leaving Afghanistan could lead one to believe that Washington decided they really had to leave – instead of pretending to leave – and to leave without much delay, because Washington knew that Russia was serious about ending the mess in the Ukraine.
By April 2021, the Russians had put their military in full combat posture for invading Ukraine. That was briefly discussed at the Vineyard, and then the subject was dropped as a sort of false alarm. I stopped reading the Western MSM years ago, but I suppose it was not even mentioned, but that doesn’t mean Washington insiders hadn’t taken the full measure of Russian resolve to settle the conflict. If you believe the Wikipedia version at then it was April 27 when the US State Department urged American civilians in Afghanistan to “leave as soon as possible on available commercial flights”. So on April 27, 2021, Washington made it public that the US would leave Afghanistan in the near future.
Then Biden and Putin met on June 16, 2021 in Geneva. The topic(s) of discussion were never reported by either Washington or the Kremlin – which is quite interesting. In hindsight, and according to some Russian analysts, the Russian build-up of armed forces earlier that spring was discussed that June, and Putin probably made it clear to Biden that Russia needed some positive answers on the pressing matters of ending attacks on civilians in the Donbass, and probably other related items. So Biden was put on notice that if Russia did not get satisfaction, then the Russian military would be the response. So that warning from Putin might have steeled the Americans to finally leave Afghanistan because they could not afford to have their armed forces over-extended.
We also know that in mid-October, the Kremlin made specific demands and again raise the possibility of a military solution to Ukraine, and that’s when the Pentagon began preparing more quickly for war in the Ukraine. Of course there were also Putin’s threats in December, but by then it was, sadly, a formal and public threat, just Putin putting forth a public record, since it was clear Washington was ignoring Russia’s pleas.
BIden is an evil person, but last year I mistakenly gave him credit for doing one – just one – good thing in his overly long life, by choosing to leave Afghanistan. Please don’t give me any nonsense about “Trump was gonna do it, but … but …” For 4 years, Trump kept that war going, and claiming to leave the war until after re-election was an exercise in lying to morons who are trained to accept lies. So now, almost a year later, we can see Biden chose to leave Afghanistan only so the Pentagon could get ready for the next war. Which means Biden has not done one good thing ever.
Trump wanted to leave all wars as he said. But US presidents are mere puppets .Trump wanted to leave Syria but the MIC told him no. However he was informed that the Taliban was going to launch a Major summer offensive and it was best to get out before that.
Remember, the Taliban don’t mind dying, but God bless does. Biden ran at the last moment and was informed by his greatest military that the bribed afghan army would give them cover for a few months. They folded in a day!
Ukraine was always in USA plans to destabilize Russia, arming and training them since yanukovich was ousted via the colour relevolution. Prior to feb24, all those negotiations were always a smokescreen by USA, and even I could see through that.
In fact that was exactly what USA wanted to happen. They fully believed that Russia would get bogged down, and their planned sanctions would cripple Russia. But just like 20 years in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Syria etc.. nothing works.
To take on Russia has saved the world from that evil mess coming again to thief with impunity. The wet dream of taking on China is even more ludicrous.
They can just blow every single USA/ NATO/ Israel democracy warships to hell, from home.
Since a large % of ethnic Russians live in Ukraine, they knew of the plans by the west to unleash hell on the donbass, and they acted.
Some say 15% of Russian forces are used but call it 30%. The rest are waiting for you. Mark my words.
I don’t have hope in mankind that wars will end anytime soon. War is a very profitable business and the lives of people are considered less than a bug to the global elitist. If Russia doesn’t take all of Ukraine very quickly I’m going to consider it’s part of a globalist plan of world domination. I hope I’m wrong about that, but trusting in mankind to secure peace is not my hope. Christ has risen is.
“If Russia doesn’t take all of Ukraine very quickly I’m going to consider it’s part of a globalist plan of world domination.”
Typical Western defeatism, i.e. the all powerful globalist and everybody is in on it, that’s a pathetic excuse to do nothing, that’s all that line of thought is. If it’s all so hopeless for people like you, then you might as well do yourselves in. The more I see pathetic nothing can be done it’s all the master plan of god like globalist, the more that Westerners deserve the calamity that’s coming to them, do something even at the local level or just shut up and go away hopeless whiners.
Not defeatism at all Mike, but one that overcomes with wisdom, knowledge and understanding that the general public is privy to and has reject. The group that I’m with doesn’t rely on global elitist to make the way for we understanding the destruction they desire. We fight against them by pulling down the principality’s and powers of the darkness of this world, and we’re winning.
Structural changes must be made to power, economics, war, and culture. I would say a mix of global constants and losts traditions with very few novelties. For example what form of democracy/republic can fend off invasive and parasitic ideas like Zionism. What republic can kill off mafia houses like Bush/CIA and Rothschild banking. What will destroy globalism and technocracy?
“Typical Western defeatism, i.e. the all powerful globalist and everybody is in on it, that’s a pathetic excuse to do nothing, that’s all that line of thought is. If it’s all so hopeless for people like you, then you might as well do yourselves in. The more I see pathetic nothing can be done it’s all the master plan of god like globalist, the more that Westerners deserve the calamity that’s coming to them, do something even at the local level or just shut up and go away hopeless whiners.”
Yeah, everybody is (secretly) a globalist. Every nation, every government, every leader. Everybody.
They are all globalists in conspiratorial cahoots with each other!
This is the unstated and implicit logic of all these “anti-globalists.”
And you have to wonder: Who really benefits from this kind of viewpoint?
They are kept structurally in the Master : Slave dualism matrix, most likely being atheist, they cannot jump out of it, because there is nothing there for them but a limitless void which is worse than being a Slave. One can only become truly human, if one inserts one’s self into the ladder of being which by definition includes a supreme Being (as Inheritor beyond), a beyond and a beneath where the Master-Slave structural relationship becomes totally worthless and irrelevant. This is just one perspective View on the issue, there are many, many more of course not last philosophical eg. Sokrates vs. Sophists in Republic (absolute Truth vs. absolute Relativism). It took over 2500 years to finally decide the question in the face of secured mutual annihilation and global reach. There is no going back !
The “Empire’s” wars make those who have political power over those wars even more wealthy. That is the main purpose of those wars, and that purpose is achieved. Given the vicious feedback spirals in the funding of the political processes, “losing the war” does not matter if those who have political power over those wars become more wealthy, because, in the ways that actually matter, that “war” was won, since more wealth and power has been transferred to those directing the wars, in order to continue to do so.
The general principle driving Globalized Neolithic Civilization is MALICIOUSNESS MAXIMIIZATION. That principle was exemplified in the attacks on 9/11/2001 being inside job, false flag attacks, which were then used as justifications (despite not being so) for invasions of Afghanistan, etc., as another example of debt slavery backed by wars based on deceits. Recall that all the “money” used to “pay” for those wars is created out of nothing as debts, and then distributed to big corporations that grew up around those big banks. That Anglo-American (Zionist) Finance Empire deliberately starts wars in order to have reasons to continue to make even more “money” out of nothing as debts, with the ownerships of assets then accumulating according to those processes.
Merely knowing that does not matter.
“Truth” does not matter to systems of legalized lies backed by legalized violence.
Systems based on enforcing frauds only want “facts” that will enable them to better enforce bigger frauds. After one focuses on the Profit From War Systems, then, paradoxically, “losing wars” makes even more perverse profits, within those inverted incentives.
MALICIOUSNESS MAXIMIZATIONS now cover every system one looks at, such as the Profit From Disease Systems, which were recently went into hyperdrive due to a man-made virus, in a situation where there were arsonist pyromaniacs in positions of political power regarding that virus, as a new age, biomolecular Frankenstein’s Monster.
“The West,” as led by the USA, is dominated by people who want to destroy the USA, and everything similar which survives as constitutional laws regarding rights and freedoms in other related countries, such as Canada, etc., around the world. MALICIOUSNESS MAXIMIZATION is aiming at destroying the economies of “The West” in ways which will enable the mass murders of those “Westerners.”
Human ecology all over the world is operating as Globalized Neolithic Civilization in ways which are runaway criminal insanities, such that its demographics illustrate idiocracy in action, while its political economy still is almost totally dominated by the abilities to continue to enforce frauds.
MALICIOUSNESS MAXIMIZATION is not unwinding due to “The Empire” apparently losing wars. Rather, that principle is still continuing to actually wind itself up tighter. Apparently “losing wars” is not actually “losing” as long as the financial mechanisms, and related feedbacks through the funding of all aspects of the political processes, continue to make those directing the wars more wealthy, and so, politically powerful.
The entire “Western society” has been built on systems of debt slavery backed by wars based on deceits for several Centuries. Episodes such as in Afghanistan were repeatedly symbolic of those times. During those times, it was actually the vast majority people inside “The West” who were losing the war too, both because they “lost the war” abroad, and lost at home when they “paid” for the war.
Almost everything that “The West” does should be seen as some manifestation of the ability to enforce frauds, because its entire financial accounting system is based upon that, and therefore, everything it does exhibits that as its foundation. Each wave of bogus “War on X, Y, X” does achieve driving the debt slavery systems onwards.
I kept a thread of posts regarding the invasion of Afghanistan here:
I predicted that the invasion would eventually fail, with the only two lasting consequences being that the Canadian Industrial Military Complex would make another hundred billion dollars, and Canada would accept a lot of Afghani refugees. However, it makes no difference if one is “right,” when the actual facts continue to be that every facet of society that makes more profits from anything thereby becomes more politically powerful, and thus, more able to continue to profit from their versions of frauds which will be enforced by governments.
Of course, in the longer term, the society which does that necessarily becomes more insane. One silly little example regarding the Canadian participation in the invasion of Afghanistan was that, in the early days, there was a news story about Canadian soldiers burning marijuana fields. Then, more than a decade later, there were news stories about Canadian soldiers returning with post traumatic stress syndrome being prescribed medical marijuana, which was paid for by the government, within controversial limits.
Of course, that was merely another little wrinkle in the overall runaway criminal insanities manifesting as human ecology, where the death control systems have become most successful by becoming most deceitful, and the political economy has become most successful by becoming most fraudulent.
All human beings live as gangs of robbers in their environment. There is nothing but the dynamic equilibria between different systems of more or less organized lies operating robberies. “The West” led the way towards the development of globalized electronic monkey money frauds, backed by threats of force from apes with atomic weapons. “The West” invented one deceitful war after another, in order to keep the Finance Empire going and growing, whose excessive successfulness became as unbalanced a dynamic equilibrium as possible.
That is the overall context inside of which one should regard the history of invasions of Afghanistan. After doing so, there is nothing to be genuinely optimistic about regarding the probable futures. Indeed, it seems laughable to me to believe that conditions are going to get better in the foreseeable future. I do not share any optimism I infer from Pepe Escobar that an emergent multipolar world is going to be genuinely better.
REPEATING previous post
to emphasize current state
of the threatened speaker:
“The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war.”
~ Julian Assange, 2011
Afghanistan courts need to access damages in court proceedings and then start going to other states seizing US assets to pay off those damages. Basically turn the game around on the US. Other victimized nations should do the same. Some of them have a lot of power in the economic world to do that. Iraq,Iran,Venezuela,hold a lot of influence in OPEC. They should use that influence to target the US and other Western states for damages inflicted on their economies.
Where is the mechanism to collect?
The courts are not talking and war is the answer to non payment and refusal to talk.
The pace of the war is the only question in my eyes.
over at the blog one will find a post about how much military equipment and hardware was actually left behind in Afghanistan. just scroll down to bottom of page and you will find…
Aircraft: The Taliban now ranks #26 in the world in total military aircraft, thanks to us leaving behind
208 planes
110 helicopters
60 transport/cargo planes
20 light attack planes
18 intelligence/surveillance planes
Vehicles: You’ve probably seen the footage of the Taliban riding around in our Humvees.
We left a total of 75,898 vehicles:
42,604 tactical vehicles
22,174 Humvees
8,998 medium tactical vehicles
1,005 recovery vehicles
928 mine-resistant vehicles
189 armored tanks
Weapons: Get ready for this..
599,690 of our weapons are now in the hands of the Taliban:
358,530 rifles
126,295 pistols
64,363 machine guns
25,327 grenade launchers
12,692 shotguns
9,877 RPGs
2,606 howitzers
And you can throw a couple thousand night-vision goggles, surveillance drones, and communication devices on that list as well.
Price tag: In total, it adds up to nearly $84 billion dollars in tax-payer-funded U.S. military equipment.
Joe Biden just funded an army of terrorists in Afghanistan .
Source: GAO analysis of Department of Defense data.
PS Don’t Forget “THE CASH”, A ROOM FULL of “CASH”.
you got to wonder who is going to torture who?
Thanks for the info on the horrors committed by the empire. The leaders of this empire – right down to their families – will pay some Day, I am certain. It’s too great .
I grow tired of this world and it’s pettiness.