I have been aware of the numerous reports by Graham Phillips from Novorussia and I knew that he had been kidnapped by Ukrainian goons not once, but twice.  What always touched me in his reports was the visible fondness of the Novorussians for Graham, and in this video below you will see them calling him “Gremchik”.

Not even Graham (terrible!) British accent could be an obstacle for the respect and affection the Novorussians showed him (and in this video, they are clearly upset and distressed at the fact that he got hurt).  I know that Graham did not truly “take a bullet for Russia”, but that he probably took it for the cause of honest journalism and I would say for the Truth.  But I am also quite sure that for the Novorussians it was “our Gremchik” who took a bullet for “us”.

In my opinion President Putin should bestow the medal “for bravery” to Graham just as he did to that other fantastic reporter, Anastasia Popopva, for her truly heroic reporting from Syria.

Check out the video of how Phillips was wounded below.

He took a shrapnel wound to his lower back and his life is not in danger.

I wish him a prompt recovery and I hope that his work will finally get the recognition it deserves.  And even if his courage and integrity are never recognized in the West, his example proves one more time that there is this “other West” which is not hostile to Russia at all and which is principled and honorable.

The Saker