By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog

Jens Stoltenberg NATO Fuhrer.
It is interesting to note how the collective west has reacted to the present and ongoing events in Eastern Europe – namely, in Russia and Ukraine. As I understand it Russia has concerns about its own security and NATO’s inexorable push toward the Russian frontier. Moreover, there has been a positioning of missile systems, nuclear and otherwise, right smack on the borders of Romania and Poland. How did this situation arise, to the extent which it has?
Back in 1990 but not wishing to alarm the Russians the American Secretary of State, James Baker, proposed a hypothetical bargain to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev after the fall of the Berlin Wall: if you give up your part of Germany, NATO will “not shift one inch eastward.” (Famous Words).
Controversy erupted almost immediately over this 1990 exchange—but more important was the decade to come, when the words took on a new meaning. Gorbachev let his East Germany (DDR) go, but Washington rethought the bargain, not least after the Soviet Union’s own collapse in December 1991. Russia was initially assured that NATO forces and hardware would not move one inch further to the Western borders of Russia. Washington realized, however, that it could not just win big but win bigger. The new approach completely reversed the original pact: Not one inch of territory need be off limits to NATO. The Russians had not done their paperwork and had not signed up to the original written agreement. A silly oversight perhaps, but a costly, legal, and enforceable one.
Well, we all know how this worked out. Just to rub salt in the wound NATO Chief, Jens Stoltenberg, has made it clear that there is more to come. Apparently, anyone can join NATO and have its own missile system installed and pointing at Russia with a 3-to-5-minute flight time to St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Well, and who could possibly object to this! (Sarcasm). Sooner or later, however, Russia was going to alter facts on the ground starting with Ukraine. No state worth its salt, viz., a sovereign state, could possibly allow itself to be surrounded with a view to war, invasion, and total obliteration. The Cuba crisis of 1962 was a prototype of this face-off. At that time both the US and USSR adhered to a Westphalian posture, to wit, non-interference in each other’s sphere of influence, security imperatives and recognition of each other’s sovereignty. But it would appear things had changed since the US Anglo-Zionist empire came into being by NATO’s incremental expansion and push to Russia’s western frontiers. It would appear things had changed in terms of the West’s foreign policy which had become belligerent and expansionist. If Russia didn’t like the new ‘Rules-Based’ Policy of the western hegemon in tow with its Western allies, well, too bad!
Russia’s initial inertia in 2014 allowed the NATO backed Ukrainian army to push up to the eastern republics in the Donbass, Lugansk and Donetsk. But the stout resistance of these two republics halted the advance of the Ukie army and inflicted two heavy defeats at Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo in 2014/15. At that time Russia did not allow the incorporation for the two republics into the Russian Federation. (It should be understood, however, that the two republics were in fact receiving aid, both in war materiel and ‘volunteers’ from Russia, although this was never openly admitted by the Russian government.) Be that as it may, Crimea, was a different matter; it was the home base of the Russian navy and a permanent military presence for Russia. Russia also held the freehold for its base in Sevastopol until 2045 and paid an annual rental for this to the Ukrainian government. This being the case there was a referendum which overwhelmingly endorsed the outcome: Crimea, whose population was dominantly Russian, and Russian speaking, became Russian again after the temporary period of Ukrainian stewardship which had lasted since 1954.
This much is history.
The West. God’s own creation. Where to start!
The United States.
The United States is – unlike western central and eastern Europe – a sovereign state. Since its inception the US has pursued wars just about everywhere around the globe but started at its home base. After the anti-British revolution, the US started to play the imperialist game. First there were the wars against Mexico. From 1846 to 1848, the United States of America and Mexico fought the Mexican American War. There were many causes of the war, but the biggest reasons were Mexico’s lingering resentment over the loss of Texas and the Americans’ desire and acquisition of Mexico’s western lands, such as Arizona, Nevada, California and New Mexico. The Americans believed their nation should extend to the Pacific: this belief was called “Manifest Destiny.” This was a quasi-religious doctrine, which if anything has actually grown stronger as the centuries pass.
Additions to the US empire came in the form of Cuba, Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines – pretty run of the mill stuff, as imperialism goes. The US did not have a hinterland beyond the Americas but got global after the first and more importantly the second world war. The United States was to become a full-blown imperialist power, particularly in Western Europe, and Japan which had become a patchwork of non-sovereign states under US hegemony. This is still the case today. Now even Eastern European non-sovereign states became part of the US-NATO bloc.
But the US war machine ran into trouble in Southeast Asia, first with the Korean and then Indo-China wars. The carnage and general fall-out of these wars was unparalleled. See the bombing of Laos, Vietnam and particularly North Korea. These were outright defeats for the American war machine, though the Americans were loath to admit it.

US B52 dropping its load of bombs somewhere in South East Asia.
Then of course there has been the US involvement in the middle east which has included, ongoing wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. More to come to be sure. But It seems ominous to conclude that the US is trapped in unwinnable wars in the middle-east but in fact leaves much of the heavy lifting to its Zionist Rottweiler, not only in the middle-east, but crucially in the US itself where the Anti-Deformation League (ADL) American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA); in terms of international relations and foreign policy I suppose you could call this the tail wagging the dog. The British had the common sense to remove themselves from the Zionist entity in 1948. The American-Israel lobby have, however, have been loath to part with this geopolitical entity which has been a liability ever since.
The United Kingdom
When Britain was a sovereign state its Empire covered a vast patchwork of subaltern states – most importantly India, which also included modern Pakistan, Burma, Malaya, Singapore – and various states in Africa: from Capetown to Cairo. There were many wars fought in Southern Africa, for example the Boers vs the Zulus, the Boers vs the English known as the Boer Wars, and the Zimbabwean (at that time Rhodesia) bush war.
These wars were also bloody affairs but particularly brutal in India – during the so-called Indian Mutiny 1857-58. This was an uprising of the – Sepoys – Native Indian soldiers against their British masters. The violence with which the British put down the rebellion has only been approached in the history of the empire by the repression of the Irish rebellion in the 1790’s and of the native Mau Mau rebellion in East Africa in the 1950s. Karl Marx wrote in 1853 ‘’the British had a double mission in India, one destructive the other regenerating … they had accomplished in a way that unbound before all our eyes all the profound hypocrisy and inherent barbarism of bourgeois civilization, turning from its home where it assumes respectable forms to the colonies where it goes naked.’’
(In this respect see India and George Orwell’s personal experiences in this jewel in the crown of the British Empire. In two particular factual pieces where he was personally involved, he recounted the following two essays which are well worth reading: ‘’A Hanging’’ and ‘’Shooting An Elephant’’ 1936)
The British long retreat from empire was given an additional shove by the US in 1946 with the American loan – Michael Hudson explains:
‘’The first loan on the post-war agenda was the British Loan which, as President Truman announced in forwarding it to Congress, would set the course of American and British economic relations for many years to come. He was right, for the Anglo-American Loan Agreement spelled the end of Britain as a Great (imperial) Power. (Super-Imperialism – pp.268/269). So the UK was, to use an American expression, forced to eat crow.
This pattern of imperialism, its rise and fall, has been generally on the same trajectory, with the various states involved having had only a limited tenure. The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austro-Hungary, and even little Belgium have had their own involvement with their imperial fate. These are now all subaltern regimes in the present American Empire.
(See The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival. First published in 1913, Sir John Glubb British-soldier and diplomat examined the human race over a period of 4,000 years and found the same patterns of rise and fall of national greatness and all in the same timescale.)
All of which brings us to the present impasse.
The present geopolitical situation involving the great powers seems to be reaching a critical moment. To recount the history and present situation. The Ukrainian government sent its army into the Eastern Ukraine – some 100,000 men – earlier in the year, with the intent of invading and subduing the two breakaway republics – the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts, which had defied the bombing and shelling campaign which had been going on since 2014. This had cost the lives of some 14000 inhabitants of these two republics. But the Kiev forces were thrown back after their initial first push by a counterattack in 2014-15, where they were comprehensively defeated at the battles of Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo. But the shelling still continued. However, this second Ukrainian offensive has had unforeseen outcomes.
When Putin heard of the new invasion from the western Ukraine attacking the breakaway republics, he had had enough, as had the Russian people and the Russian Parliament a fortiori. He firstly extended full citizenship to the populations of the two republics which automatically became part of the Russian Federation. Next came the part which changed everything. It was expected that having absorbed the two breakaway republics he decided in his own words to demilitarise and clear out the neo-nazi forces – for good – in the rest of the Ukraine. And then to the alarm of the western elites the Russian forces rolled west.
Of course, this has caused consternation if not abject panic, in western capitals with what amounted in military terms to a complete paralysis of the West. But then the information war took off. This is the formidable weapon of the western states and is used to potent effect. But there were also economic effects which are just beginning to come on stream.
These included shortages for various components and food stuffs and raw materials which will negatively affect western economies as well as the all-pervasive death wish of financialization. Russia has not yet rolled out its own sanctions to see how they go down in western capitals, but it will be interesting to see their effect.
So, this is where we are. At the dawn of a bi-polar world. As Robert Kennedy once said. ‘’Like it or not, we live in interesting times.’’
This is all familiar territory Mr. Lee, what’s your point?
There’ll will be folks reading his account for the first time and even though there’s nothing new under the sun, if it motivates/educates just one individual then it’s well worth it. Like my daughter complains that she knows this branch of maths, oblivious that all branches are related and my answer to her, good you’ll get all the questions correct then.
Is the USA a sovereign state? By what evidence is this so? Congress and the President are tools of Transnational Finance. Arguably the existence of criminal mafias such as the Ukraine point you see to the grim conclusion we have no self government whatsoever and simply are a Ukraine with lipstick in drag as a Superpower. To be blunt: the State is a criminal conspiracy and populations hostages with Stockholm Syndrome. This is true of all States.
Various states are under the control of various oligarchies. In the US that’s the military complex, the enrgy complex, and the financial complex. I’ve omitted the insurance (so-called “health”) complex as their concrens are more targeted at the domestic population (although with covid they have expanded their interests globally).
Some of these interests overlap in different areas with different states. Many of the parties are competing with each other but share mutual interests that drive policy. For example: while Boeing, Lockheed, and Northrup are competitors they all benefit from the same wars. Their lobbyists promote action that benefits them, as do their employees in the various intelligence agencies (most of people who work in these agencies are civilians supplied by contractors, just like the MIC).
Accordingly I don’t believe that there is any single transnational power controlling everything, but rather a number of competing powers that are both allied with and opposed to each other on various issues and matters, just like the geopolitical adversaries and alliances we see today.
I agree. A networked WEF Davos Bilderberg Pilgrim’s world.
New Scientist featured a study done of networks by a Swiss University showed 4 Bank Holding companies controlled the key companies of Global wealth. Forbes a few years later said it was now 5 Bank Holding companies due to a split of one entity into two. Forbes comments on this in 2011. So of the $25.69 trillion in worldwide assets we’ve identified, $2.23 trillion are directly in indexes (ETFs and index mutual funds) with another $22.3 trillion indirectly beholden to indexes (that 95% of actively managed fund holdings said to be determined by an index). That means the real power to control the world lies with four companies: McGraw-Hill, which owns Standard & Poor’s, Northwestern Mutual, which owns Russell Investments, the index arm of which runs the benchmark Russell 1,000 and Russell 3,000, CME Group which owns 90% of Dow Jones Indexes, and Barclay’s, which took over Lehman Brothers and its Lehman Aggregate Bond Index, the dominant world bond fund index. Together, these four firms dominate the world of indexing. And in turn, that means they hold real sway over the world’s money.
The top 1% of households globally own 43% of all personal wealth while the bottom 50% have only 1%. The 1% are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt) and there are 52m of them. Within this 1%, there are 175,000 ultra-wealthy people with over $50m in net wealth – that’s a minuscule number of people (less than 0.1%) owning 25% of the world’s wealth!
This information comes from the 2020 Credit Suisse Global Wealth report. They say collective wealth grew in the background at the fastest pace since 2005 last year. Worldwide, gross financial assets jumped 9.7 percent to a record 192 trillion euros in 2019 as the capital markets cheered the injection of funds by central banks into the system.
os EUA não é um estado soberano e,sim,um aglomerado de corporações agrupadas em alianças temporárias e utilitárias
e um marionete que fala como porta voz do momento,propaganda sem estratégia prazo
Google translation,MOD:
the US is not a sovereign state, but an agglomeration of corporations grouped together in temporary, utilitarian alliances.
and a puppet that speaks as the spokesperson of the moment, propaganda without a term strategy
“After the anti-British revolution, the US started to play the imperialist game. First there were the wars against Mexico. From 1846 to 1848, the United States of America and Mexico fought the Mexican American War. …”
Actually, their first attempted takeover was Canada (just a “warmup” so to speak) during their second anti-British war of 1812-1815.
Excellent article a I just have a little to mention .
Denialists say there was no written agreement at all. Here , it is being said that there was one, but the Russians stupidly didn’t sign it. Who is right? Can you please tell me which original written agreement you are speaking about and where can I see it ?
Also , the German newspaper said there certainly was a ‘memorandum of understanding’ , that all agreed to , and all knew were bound by, and an American scholar found much evidence of this in the declassified British Archives.
Also ,Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk had Russian help involved .It wasn’t just homegrown militia that won those wars against Banderastanis .
I believe it was the US Defence Archive which recently declassified a transcript of the discussions with Gorbachev, in which US & German officials make this verbal commitment. However it was never incorporated into any signed treaties.
By supporting the Ziocon project in Ukraine – and by siding with Ukrainian neo-Nazis – the US military brass has betrayed and insulted the memory of soldiers fallen during WWII.
So much for the Arlington Memorial.
And Germany stays true to his military history – so sad!
Much of our problem stems from the hostile takeover of the former “left” eliminating real opposition of the “west. Those taking over, the Clintons and their acolytes and scum war criminal Tony Blair converted what had been a pacifist left opposition to a war mongering further right opposition to normal conservatives. It also happened in Germany with the “Greens” under Joschka Fischer and definitely now under the green foreign secretary, being lackeys of the Soros-Davos build back better crowd. In fact, the Clinton-Blair axis developed about the time Soros was becoming prominent as was the fascist faux liberal Davos crap which, if it is successful, will culminate in our diet becoming cockroaches and soylent green, after the sci-fi futuristic 1972 film set fictionally in 2022. Of course, their efforts to take over may lead to economic collapse at the least or nuclear destruction at the most. The winner will be Asia, left to dominate what is left.
I agree with your pints, but to be fair, Democrats have a long history of war mongering (Cuba missile crisis and Vietnam war come to mind).
In this bi-polar world China-Russia and Iran really cannot really afford a passive form of resistance like what the USSR did last time, basically allowing the Americans to steal the show most of the time. Today, the West is far more arrogant and aggressive and just doesn’t want to give up behaving like a spoiled rich kid.
‘. . . . spoiled rich kid?’ You mean genocidal psychopath.
One wonders what Americans would think if the Russian Federation asked Cuba if Nuclear missiles could be placed there to create strategic balance, given what NATO stands for.
So are JS and NATO really that utterly thick to think Russia should just go along with this idiotic and dangerous situation, instead of seek redress?
Or rather they know all too well what they are doing, which makes them evil-minded as well.
We already know the answer to this one – The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962. Although the reason russians to place those missiles in Cuba back then were the Jupiter missiles in Turkey.
Has the US government suspended SMITH MUNDT ACT
Has the US government suspended SMITH MUNDT ACT ?
Yes but only protect Americans from the truth. lol
Nice, thank you.
Which Euro cockroaches will crack first when Russia implements their reciprocal sanctions?
The deliveries of uranium to US must be No.1. This sale powers/lights up to 10% of American homes. When you add in the oil, this combined equates to around 1/8 energy dependency on Russia. Fertiliser, rocket engines and various metals. Cut all ties including diplomatic. In Syria there’ll be no military hotline.
Next up Europe and only countries with a long term individual Agreement regarding Gas/Oil delivery will receive product. Germany at best becomes a transit country. No reselling Russian product to Asia only domestic consumption. No collective EU delivery , only individual States = more control.
Japan and South Korea upon not receiving German/Euro resale of Russian energy can only buy product direct.
Implement the above and watch the dominoes fall, every State for itself.
Sorry! For the writer’s information, a small fact correction. The Zulu wars were fought in South Africa as well as the Boer War. Zululand lies south of Johannesburg from where it is still 500 miles to the old Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) border.
The US would and should not be medalling in affairs the other side of the world (UKN-Russia) but it because it is simply under the control of the elite EU devils. That is the proof they run the show including the current one.
The US didnt do so anytime before 1900 as far as I know.
And domestically this report is akin to what really happened in the 1929-1933 period when US Republicans activity wanted the economy to collapse so they and their friends could make a $ out of it buying up everything for 1c on the $ (which what it was by 1933 in most things) but this time the Democrat elites are in on it too.
And both see a $ in attacking Russia too.
Having regard to the article – empires always in the end collapse because their structure implodes due to wars, internal divisions, decadence etc…. The current ones will do so too.
The Ziocon overlords of Ukrainian neo-Nazis love to blame Russians for “communism”. The real story is different. Ukrainian neo-Nazis have been serving willingly the modern-day Bolsheviks.\ comment section:
The following is some of the evidence to support the claim that Jews took over control of the Russian government in the Bolshevik Revolution:
1. British Intelligence reports confirmed that Jews controlled the Communist revolution in the Soviet Union. The first sentence in a lengthy British Intelligence report dated July 16, 1919, stated: “There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews.” (Source: National Archives, Dept. of State Decimal File, 1910-1929, file 861.00/5067).
2. Winston Churchill, in an article appearing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald on February 8, 1920, wrote: “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews….” Churchill described Communism as a “sinister confederacy” of “International Jews” who “have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
3. Jews also dominated the Communist secret police, which underwent many name changes, including Cheka, OGPU, GPU, NKVD, NKGB, MGB, and KGB. Aleksandr Sozhenitsyn on page 79 of “Gulag Archipelago II” lists the leading administrators of the Communist secret police: Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six are Jews. The Soviet propaganda minister during World War II, Ilya Ehrenburg, was also a Jew.
4. David Duke quotes the “Encyclopedia Judaica” on pages 791-792: “The Communist movement and ideology played an important part in Jewish life, particularly in the 1920s, 1930s and during and after World War II…Individual Jews played an important role in the early stages of Bolshevism and the Soviet Regime…The great attraction of Communism among Russian, and later also, Western Jewry, emerged only with the establishment of the Soviet Regime in Russia…Communism became widespread in virtually all Jewish communities.”
5. David R. Francis, the American Ambassador to Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution, sent a cable to the U.S. government in January 1918: “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.” (Source: Francis, D. R., “Russia from the American Embassy”, New York: C. Scribner’s & Sons, 1921, p. 214).
6. Capt. Montgomery Schuyler, an American army intelligence officer in Russia during the Russian Revolution, wrote in an official report: “It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States, but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest types…” (Source: U.S. National Archives, Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9, 1919).
7. A number of Jewish publications in recent years have disclosed Vladimir Lenin’s Jewish heritage, including “The Jewish Chronicle.” (Source: Ben-Shlomo, B. Z., “Reporting on Lenin’s Jewish Roots”, Jewish Chronicle, July 26, 1991, page 2).
8. When Josef Stalin came to power he skillfully played one Jewish faction against the other until he emerged as the unquestioned authority in the Soviet Union. Jews probably lost some power under Stalin’s regime. However, Jews still had a tremendous amount of power in the Soviet Union even under Stalin. For example, the Jewish Voice in January 1942 stated: “The Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country–and as yet the only country in the world–in which anti-Semitism is a crime.” Jews were a protected class, and expressions of anti-Semitism could be punishable by death. It also should be noted that all three of Stalin’s wives were Jewesses. Molotov also married a Jewess. Thus, Stalin as well as Molotov had strong Jewish connections in their personal lives.
9. Angelo Rappaport states: “The Jews in Russia, in their total mass, were responsible for the Revolution.” (Source: Angelo S. Rappaport, “The Pioneers of the Russian Revolution”, Stanley, Paul and C. London, 1918, p. 250).
10. The American Hebrew magazine stated: “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.” (Source: The American Hebrew, Sept. 10, 1920).
11. According to a statement made by researcher Michael Mills, an official of the government of Australia at Canberra: “It is legitimate to adopt a critical attitude toward the relatively large number of Jews who particularly in the first decade after the Bolshevik revolution collaborated with the Soviet Government in the persecution of other peoples.” (Source: Forward, March 10, 2000).
12. Colonel William Godson, one of the American Army’s most valued intelligence officers, wrote from Poland: “The connection between the Jews and the Bolsheviki at Vilna seems to be proven without a shadow of a doubt. When the Bolsheviki entered the city they were taken to the houses of the wealthy by the Jews and apparently had this matter arranged beforehand.” Godson wrote two years later: “I am so thoroughly convinced of the reality of a Jewish movement to dominate the world that I hate to leave a stone unturned.” (Source: Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, pp. xii-xiii).
13. International Jewish intrigues began to surface within Military Intelligence Division (MID) during the summer of 1918. An agent linked the Joint Distribution Committee of Jewish War Relief, the Federal Reserve Board, New York Jewish bankers, and the American Jewish Committee with Jewish financiers and centers of propaganda and spying in Germany. The agent also said that the Jewish Bolsheviks who had seized control of Russia now conspired to overthrow other governments. Almost all of the top leaders in the Soviet government were identified as being Jews. (Source: Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, pp. 55-58).
14. Other American intelligence officers reported that most Bolsheviki leaders were Jews. MID’s New York office reported “that there is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews.” In Bern, an American agent reported that 90% of those attending secret Bolshevik meetings were Jews. The British Government also obtained evidence that the Bolshevik movement throughout the world is an international conspiracy of Jews. The official MID viewpoint was that “Jewish intellectuals have had the leading and commanding part everywhere,” and because of “the growing power of the Jews,” they practically controlled the Soviet government. (Source: Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, pp. 60, 69, 116, 118).
15. MID argued that both Jewish Bolsheviks and Jews in general in the Soviet Union profited at the expense of real Russians. Jews monopolized the privileged government offices and easy “graft jobs,” while confiscating the old regime’s most valuable riches and smuggling them out of the country. Jews encouraged bribery and were behind “all speculation in foodstuffs.” Despite the revolutionary zeal with which Jews dispatched the Red Army against enemies, one MID informant complained that he never saw a Jew anywhere close to the front. (Source: Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, p. 118).
16. Many other U.S. military leaders also concluded that Jews had influenced America to enter World War II. For example, General Albert C. Wedemeyer wrote to retired Colonel Truman Smith a few years after the war that the British, Zionists, and Communists made American entry into the war inevitable. Wedemeyer said they were motivated by selfish interests rather than the welfare of humanity. He stated that “most of the people associated with Communism in the early days were Jews.” Wedemeyer also claimed that Roosevelt’s Jewish advisers “did everything possible to spread venom and hatred against the Nazis and to arouse Roosevelt against the Germans.” (Source: Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, p. 274).
17. Louis McFadden documented the Jewish domination of Soviet communism. In a speech to Congress on June 15, 1934, McFadden said that the Soviet government in 1917 was composed of 565 persons as follows: 32 Russians, two Poles, one Czech, 34 Letts, three Finns, 10 Armenians, three Georgians, one Hungarian, 10 Germans, and 469 Jews. McFadden said that the Jews in the Russian government did not represent the thoughts and ideals of the 150 million Russian citizens. Instead, he described Jews in the Soviet government as aliens and usurpers who were not concerned with the welfare of the Russian people. (Source: Fighting the Federal Reserve: The Controversial Life and Works of Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden: New Brunswick, N.J.: Global Communications, 2011, pp. 511-512).
18. There is a tremendous amount of anecdotal evidence that Jews have run the Soviet Union. For example, in his memoirs, the Jewish physicist Edward Teller says that his boss, the Russian physicist George Gamow, “blamed the Jews for establishing the Soviet system of government.” Gamow was disturbed by the many Jews in Miami, so Teller and Gamow left Miami. Teller was not bothered by Gamow’s statements and actions, since Teller knew that Gamow was not prejudiced towards him or his Jewish friend, the Russian physicist Lev Landau. (Source: Teller, Edward, “Memoirs: A Twentieth-Century Journey in Science and Politics”, Cambridge, Mass., Perseus Publishing, 2001, p. 124).
We may also be at the dawn of a de-Zionized world. After the 2008 global financial crisis Zionists began to exert more influence on economic and social policies in the western governments. They developed cultural Marxist cats paws such as BLM and Antifa, green energy and voting reform. They became bold enough to stage a coup of the 2020 election using Zuck bucks. Their push to frame J6 as an insurrection is laughable but the idea is to disenfranchise and attack the Trump voters. Through all of this the MAGA movement has held strong and is poised to make a huge comeback in November. The Biden junta may in fact be impeached and removed if enough votes are gained in the senate.
It also seems like empires are either expanding or contracting, rising or falling; equilibrium… balance is, arguably, impossible. The great US/UK empire is strange. Now, effectively, the form British colony of North America has grown so powerful that it’s taken over the UK and turned the once-dominant ‘mother country’ into a protectorate, much like the rest of Europe since WW2.
But there’s a fatal weakness inside the US empire, similar to the decline of ancient Rome. The American people are sick and tired of imperial wars they don’t understand and don’t want to fight, tired of the senseless aggression and the colossal cost economically. This reluctance to send hundreds of thousands of US soldiers overseas is why they are forced to employ auxiliaries and mercenaries, proxy forces, as in Ukraine, to do the fighting and dying for them. It’s dangerous paradox, the Washington elite believes it has to rule the world, the US people are tired of the empire and most of them think the US is big enough for them and has too many real problems at home that need looking at first. They don’t want to pay and don’t want to die for an empire they don’t want.
This is why Biden can’t send the US military to Ukraine. The American people don’t want to fight and die for Ukraine, a place they know nothing about and care even less!
Also it’s impossible for the US to keep what’s left of ‘democracy’ at home, freedom of speech, freedom of information and at the same time follow an openly aggressive imperialist military policy overseas. So, the debate has to be stopped and information and the truth controlled by propaganda. They can win propaganda wars, only they can no longer win real ones without public support, and nuclear war is like an insane suicide pact. What’s happening in Ukraine signals the high-water mark for Washington’s imperial ambitions. The expansion is now over with. From here on in the only way is down.
There was a recent interview of Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas who was there with James Baker and explains in detail exactly what happened, what assurances were given and what happened afterwards. In sum the Europeans (including the USSR) were ready to demilitarize Europe, afterwards Bush I wanted to turn NATO into the world’s policeman which at the time the French rejected.
After you have seen the interview try and find it by searching on Google or YouTube, I tried for a long time before finding another method. Censorship in action.
Same interview subtitled in:
French website for the interview:
Information warfare is the formidable weapon of the west…….Yes but BS only takes you so far. Nazi Germany used this formidable weapon , the west thought it would be over in 6months. When Moscow wasn’t taken “reality” started to sink in! Russia has only moved a pawn so far with an unorthodox opening move and no pieces; and they are already panicking. They have not shown the the strength and beauty of their formidable weapons. They have not shown the overwhelming power of their natural resources. The west arguably has all the money but it is not even good as toilet paper! Russias oil gas uranium rare earths minerals etc are real money , they are “Gold”. Sanctions could take the form of “military technical means”. Such as if you embargo /sanction us we will we will do the same to you. There will be no LNG ships with U.S. fuel coming to Europe and no vital resources shipping to the U.S. Make your move Suka!
Back where I grew up, Christian Tradition and Western Civilization were both represented by the Ku Klux Klan conducting a cross burning.
At age 17, my backside was planted on a motorcycle leaving that far, far behind. And I’ve never regretted leaving those traditions as a diminishing spec in my rear view mirror. There are times and places where inventing new traditions is better than following the ones you were raised to follow. When you grow up in a place of hatred and the evil that always comes with hatred, if you are going to follow a path of Peace and Love, then you have to abandon your traditions.
Mahatma Gandhi, on being asked, “What do you think of Western civilization?,” was reported to have answered, “I think it would be a good idea”.
Just a couple of quick corrections:
The US is no longer truly a sovereign nation, but is subject to a financial-technoplex supranational plutocracy.
The US anti-British revolution was actually a war for empire, although it was “morally justified” by the holy lies of freedom and democracy, as things continue until this day of course, and not just in the US…Every nation’s leaders like to use those holy lies nowadays and, Yes, a few also stick to the old holy lies of religious faith to justify their “Us” resisting another group of “Thems”. The incredible wealth-power potential of being in control of the New World’s resources was an irresistible motive for breaking away from the King’s dominion. It may have been an unspoken motive but it was a real motive.
Jens StoltenBERG…I don’t think even have to look up his early life to know he is an elven nazi.
Francis Lee mentions “The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival,” first published in 1913, by Sir John Glubb.
However, John Glubb (a.k.a. Pasha Glubb) was only 16 years old in 1913. The Glubb book was first published in 1978. A different book with a very similar title, “The Fate of Empires: Being an Inquiry into the Stability of Civilisation” by Arthur John Hubbard was originally published in 1913, If you search for the book on Amazon, here in the USA, the Hubbard book will be the one you find. So don’t mix them up.
If you go shopping for the book, get a clear idea of which book you want.
I settled on the John Glubb book (1978) which I could not find on here in the USA. I bought it from AbeBooks. The cost of shipping is about as much as the book.
about written and verbal contracts. in a court trial with a partner. the judge followed the law that a verbal contract is as good as a written contract as long as you can prove there was proof of the verbal agreement.
a note about empires. i have noticed in history ,when a empire begins to hire merc’s in their military,they are on their way down.if i remember right the first time america hired merc’s was in Iraq in 2003,we ca see where they are going.
Please note that the US took the following states from Mexico: California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming.
This was of course after Mexico fought off Spain, then France to gain their independence.
When the US attacked Mexico, they were friendly and many lies were given but the reason they attacked is that Mexico abolished slavery, something the US would not do until their Civil War.