Russia Today reports:

11:24 GMT – Kiev doesn’t plan to provide military aid to Tbilisi – Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister.

10:48 GMT – Georgia’s preventing Russian citizens from leaving ‘totally illegal’ – Medvedev.|

10:44 GMT – Putin blames the U.S. for hampering Russian peace efforts in South Ossetia by airlifting Georgian troops from Iraq to Georgia.

10:38 GMT – Oil giant BP (British Petroleum) denies Georgian reports alleging Russian planes bombed the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.

10:32 GMT – Russia will go on with its mission in South Ossetia until it reaches its logical conclusion – Putin.

10:11 GMT – Georgia to file a case against Russia to The Hague Tribunal – Georgian Foreign Minister.

10:29 GMT – Russian aid convoy stopped by gunfire 10km away from Tskhinvali – RIA Novosti.

09:53 GMT – Security officers arrest nine Georgian agents spying on Russian territory and preparing acts of terrorism – FSB head.

09:24 GMT – Russia is not testing new weapons systems in the operation in South Ossetia – Deputy Head of Russia’s General Staff.

09:26 GMT – Ceasefire signed by Saakashvili to be delivered to Moscow by French and Finnish FMs on Monday – Interfax.

09:18 GMT – Russian military denies bombing Tbilisi International Airport.

09:18 GMT – Russian military confirm foreigners fighting on Georgian side.

09:16 GMT – Russia has no plans to moblise reservists over conflict in South Ossetia – Russian military official.

09:16 GMT – Russia is using ‘disproportionate force’ against Georgia – NATO head.

13:10 GMT – Russia loses two more planes in South Ossetian conflict zone – Russian military official.

09:09 GMT – 18 Russian soldiers have died in South Ossetia so far, 14 are missing in action – Russian military official.

08:55 GMT – Peace enforcement operation in South Ossetia ‘mostly complete’ – Medvedev.

08:53 GMT – U.S. flies 800 Georgian soldiers from Iraq to Tbilisi – Russian General Staff.

08:48 GMT – Moscow calls for a Russia-NATO council meeting to discuss the situation in South Ossetia – Russia’s envoy to NATO.

08:42 GMT – French and Finnish Foreign Ministers present a three-stage plan for peace in Tbilisi.

08:18 GMT – Road from Tskhinvali to Rokski tunnel, connecting South and North Ossetia, safe for travel – RIA Novosti news agency report.

08:18 GMT – British Foreign Secretary condemns Russia’s military actions in Georgia.

08:09 GMT – Sea links between Georgia and Russia cut – Sochi port deputy director.

08:04 GMT – United States must have given a ‘green light’ to Georgia’s offensive in South Ossetia – former Sovier leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

07:56 GMT – The EU rather than the U.S. will take the lead in mediating the South Ossetian conflict – French FM.

07:47 GMT – Russian Ministry of Communications announces that postal services to and from Georgia have been cut.

07:37 GMT – Azerbaijan oil continues to flow through Georgian territory – Azeri state oil company’s vice-president.

07:18 GMT – Turkey denies closing its air space to a Ukrainian plane bound for Georgia.

07:12 GMT – Peacekeepers in Abkhazia demand that the Georgian troops lay down their arms – Russian news agencies.

07:10 GMT – Transdniestria’s Deputy Defence Minister says their troops are on alert and ready to go to South Ossetia.

06:25 GMT – Turkey refuses to allow a Ukrainian plane carrying aid to Georgia to pass through its airspace – Ukrainian Foreign Minister.

06:13 GMT – Georgian Interior Ministry denies it has blocked Russian citizens from leaving the country.

06:02 GMT – Abkhazia offers a humanitarian corridor for Georgian troops and civilians to leave Kodori gorge – Abkhazian Defence Minister.

05:54 GMT – Shelling of peacekeepers continued during the night despite ceasefire –commander of peacekeepers.

05:07 GMT – 9,000 Russian troops and 350 armoured vehicles are in Abkhazia to help peacekeepers – peacekeeping force deputy commander.

04:54 GMT – Russian journalist confirms that Georgian soldiers killed wounded Russian peacekeepers.

03:33 GMT – Georgian troops continue shelling Tskhinvali – South Ossetian president.

02:16 GMT – Georgia’s Interior Ministry denies earlier report that military base has been bombed.

01:14 GMT – Georgia’s Interior Ministry reports that Russia has bombed a military base near Tbilisi.