By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog

Thomas Malthus (1766-1804)
Thomas Malthus (1766-1804) was born into the gentry, but as the youngest son he was not to inherit the family estate but instead entered the ranks of the clergy. He was to become a vicar and teacher of a ruthless, no-prisoners-taken, political economy which gave rise to his widespread fame with his Essay on the Principle of Population, the first edition being published in 1798. This influential dissertation was to enjoy considerable enthusiasm and vogue amongst the aristocratic classes in England at that time. Moreover, as should be noted, his theories have had a considerable appeal to a new and enthusiastic audience at the present time. More of which later.
Malthus’s theories initially attracted the powerful class of the landed aristocracy which stood in opposition to the political economy of the classical school (Smith, Ricardo, and Mill). The classics advocated a rapid development of the productive forces and a reduction in non-productive consumption. Whereas Malthus considered non-productive consumption and hence also the existence of the landed aristocracy and their household servants to be essential.
But although there were deep-going differences between the classics and Malthus and the accompanying struggle between the landed aristocracy and industrial bourgeoisie, there was still a wide range of issues over which the two possessing class formations shared a community of interests. Thus the classics (particularly David Ricardo ) with their enthusiasm with regard to the New Poor Laws and their repeal fought with equal zeal for the repeal of the ancient Poor Laws which made the upkeep of the local paupers a local parish obligation (see Engels below).
Generally speaking, however, Malthus theory of population was accepted by the partisans of classical economic/social theory, who used it to explain a number of relevant phenomena – for example wages, even though the theory had no essential connection with their main teachings.
Malthus first polemical work Essay On the Principle of Population stood as a reaction against the bourgeois enlightenment at the close of the 18th century. He had to show that the true cause of poverty lay not in the inadequacies of the social system, but in the natural, inexorable contradiction between man’s unbounded yearning to multiply and the limits to the increase in the means of subsistence. Malthus was to put forward 3 notions of his ideas as follows.
1. ‘’Population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence.’’
2. ‘’Population invariably increases where the means of subsistence increase, unless prevented by some powerful and obvious checks.’’
3. And the pièce de resistance. ‘’These checks, and the checks that repress the superior power of the population and keep its effects on the level with the means of subsistence are all resolvable into moral restraint, vice and misery.’’
That’s it.
He reasons as follows. Suppose hypothetically a particular country at a particular time has a population of one. The amount of subsistence in the country are also enough to feed the existing population of one and are therefore equal to one. As shown by the experience of the United States the population will double approximately every 25 years, that is to say that it will grow in geometrical progression. Two hundred years hence this country’s population will have grown to 256 times its initial figures. 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256). However this growing population would have to extract its means of subsistence from the country’s same limited territory.
This really isn’t good enough. Anyone familiar with agriculture knows that each new application of labour and/or capital to the same plot of land is, other things being equal, accompanied by a fall in productivity (Cf David Ricardo and the ‘theory’ of diminishing marginal returns.) But of course other things being equal in economics are in fact seldom equal; and moreover this ‘law’ of diminishing returns, is also obviated by the fact that productivity does not stand still. What the two esteemed gentlemen miss is the increasing level of development in science and technology which have resulted in productivity gains which are both intensive and extensive. To repeat: productivity does not stand still, particularly in the era of capitalism. In point of fact population growth is matched by productivity growth and moreover could be argued that it is a function of the latter.
Malthus completely excludes productivity increases from his calculations. His theory of population gave rise to an enormous literature both in his time and ours. In general terms Malthus observes that there exists a natural law of population operative for all times and for any social system. But in fact the rate and character of population growth will vary depending on a whole range of possibilities. There are a number of social conditions under which population exhibits a tendency of very small multiplication. Particularly in the more prosperous climes of North America and Western Europe which are having to supplement their declining populations through immigration. There has also been an ongoing and massive fall in male sperm counts in addition to a dramatic fall in Europe both, West and East, of female fertility. (1) There, are also certain countries which have for their very large size and rich abundance of natural resources – Russia, Canada, Australia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan (the largest land-locked country in the world, a size of 2.7 million square Kilometres, with a diminutive population of 19 million) – all relatively small populations and no evidence of any population explosion either today, or any time soon.
Deprived of the theory that the periodical additions to the average annual produce cannot possibly be increased, or, as Malthus preferred to put it, that subsistence can only increase in arithmetical ratio, the Essay on the Principle of Population falls to the ground as an argument, and only remains a chaos of facts collected to illustrate the effect of ‘laws’ which do not in fact exist. Beyond the arithmetical ratio theory, there is nothing whatever in the essay to show why subsistence for man should not increase as fast – or indeed faster – as an unchecked population. (2)
Malthus himself did not in the least conceal that the main task he had set himself was to explain and justify the poverty of the masses in capitalist society … It is evident that every man in the lower classes in society, who became acquainted with the truths would be disposed to forbear the distress in which he might be involved with more patience; would feel less discontent and irritation at the government and the higher classes of society on account of his poverty; would be on all occasions be less disposed toward insubordination and turbulence; and if received assistance, either from public institution or from the hand of private charity, he would receive it with more thankfulness and more justly appreciate its value.’’ (3) Please excuse me good sir whilst I touch my forelock!
It would be more difficult to find words that would more vividly reveal Malthus’ reactionary tendencies than these. One is reminded somewhere of Solzhenitsyn’s remark: ‘’To do evil a man must believe that he is doing good.’’ Malthus seemed to suffer from a deficit in human humility/humanity. Even form a non-ethical viewpoint his theory is untenable. Modern poverty and unemployment result not from any absolute shortage of the means of production and subsistence, but on the contrary from the idling of the colossal growth forces and machine technology under capitalist conditions. In the downturns of the capitalist economic cycle mass unemployment stands vis-a-vis with mass under-utilization of the means of production. Malthus’ attempt to lay responsibility for modern day poverty on biological and purely technical total factors have met – deservedly – with total failures.
But the Malthusian ideological paradigm still had an iron grip on the middle and upper classes of the period (and could be plausibly argued even more-so today). This was manifest in England with the struggle over the Poor Laws and their reconfiguration. Initially the old Poor Law was to be replaced by the Newer version. This involved ‘’ …the most open declaration of war of the bourgeoisie on the proletariat – that is to say Malthus’s Law of population and the new poor law framed in accordance with it… Since, however, the rich hold all the power the proletarians must submit … We have already alluded to the theory of Malthus. We may sum up the result in these few words. That the earth is perennially overpopulated, whence poverty, misery, distress and immorality must prevail; that it is the lot, the eternal destiny of mankind, to exist in too great numbers, and therefore diverse classes, of some who are rich, educated and moral, and others more or less poor, distressed, ignorant and immoral. Hence it follows that in practice, and Malthus himself drew this conclusion, that charities and poor rates are, properly speaking, nonsense, since they serve only to maintain, and stimulate the increase of, the surplus population, whose competition crushes down wages for the employed; that the employment of the Poor Law Guardians is equally unreasonable, since only a fixed quantity of products of labour can be consumed and for every unemployed labourer furnished employment, another hitherto employed must be driven into enforced idleness … the whole problem is not how to support the surplus population but how to restrain it as far as possible. Malthus declares in plain English that the right to live, a right previously inserted in favour of every man in the world, is nonsense.’’ This is now the pet theory of all genuine English bourgeois … (4)
The Old Poor Law which rested upon the Act of 1601 started from the notion that it was the duty of the parish to provide for the maintenance of the poor. Whoever had no work received relief, and the poor man regarded the parish as being pledged to protect him from starvation. He demanded his weekly relief as a right, not as a favour. But for the bourgeoisie of the time this fuddy-duddy coddling of the poor was deemed intolerable and prevented the capitalist system from functioning properly. It was asserted that this system was ruining the nation. Why am I thinking of Mrs Thatcher I wonder? This policy which amounted to social and political extermination of the ‘surplus population’ was at the time widespread and was in fact typified in Charles Dickens novel A Christmas Carol, where the main character, Scrooge, was heard to voice approval of reducing the surplus population. So it can be said, or at least inferred that mass culling of the population has been an historical leitmotif not restricted to time and place. The fury of the haute bourgeois class was manifest Thus.
‘’The existing poor law was held to be a check on industry, a reward for improvident marriage, a stimulus to increased population, and a means of counterbalancing the effect of an increased population upon wages; a national provision for the discouraging the industrious and honest, and protecting the lazy, vicious and improvident; calculated to destroy the bonds of family life, hinder systematically the accumulation of capital, scatter that which is already accumulated, and ruin the taxpayers. Moreover in the provision of ailment, it sets a premium on illegitimate children.’’ (5)
Hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar. In any event the Malthusians succeeded. In 1834 a New Poor Law was passed by Parliament in 1834. This at best was approx. 1-1/2 to 2 generations at most before I was born. Now the gloves were truly off. All relief in money and provisions was abolished; the only relief allowed was for the workhouses immediately built. (Left)
‘’The regulations for these workhouses, or, as people used to call them, Poor Law Bastilles, was such to frighten away everyone who has the slightest prospect of life without this form of public charity. To make sure that relief be applied for only the most extreme cases, and after every other had failed, the workhouse had been the most repulsive residence which the refined ingenuity of a Malthusian can invent. The food was worse than that of the most ill-paid working man while employed, and the harder, or they might prefer the workhouse to their wretched existence outside. Meat, especially fresh meat, is seldom furnished, chiefly potatoes, the worst possible bread and oatmeal porridge, little or no beer. The food of the criminal is, as a rule better, so that the paupers frequently commit some offence for the purpose of getting into jail. For the Workhouse is a jail too; he who does not finish his task gets nothing to eat; he who wishes to go out must ask permission, which is granted or not according to his behaviour, or to the inspector’s whim; tobacco is forbidden, as also is the receipts of gifts from relatives or friends outside the workhouse; the paupers wear workhouse uniforms, and are handed over, helpless and without redress, to the caprice of the inspectors. To prevent their labour from competing with that of outside concerns, they are set to rather useless tasks: the men break stones, as much as a strong man can accomplish with effort on a day; the women, children and aged men pick oakum – oakum was at one time recycled from old tarry ropes and cordage, which were painstakingly unravelled and reduced to fibre, termed “picking” – for I know not what insignificant use. To prevent the ‘superfluous’ from multiplying and ‘demoralized’ parents from influencing their children, families are broken up; the husband is placed in one wing of the workhouse and the wife in another, the children in a third, and they are permitted to see one another only at stated times over long intervals, and then only when they have, in the opinion of the officials, behaved well. And in order to shut off the external world from contamination of pauperism within these Bastilles, the inmates are permitted to receive visits only with the consent of the officials, and in the reception rooms; to communicate in general outside only by leave and under supervision. (6)
Engels goes on for page after page descriptions and case studies with each getting more harrowing than the one before. It is acutely painful to read, particularly the individual case studies. Here’s the conclusion.
‘’Can anyone wonder that the poor decline to accept public relief under these conditions. That they prefer to starve rather than to enter these Bastilles? I have reports in 5 cases in which persons actually starving, when the Guardians refused them outdoor relief, went back to their miserable homes and died of starvation rather than to enter these hell-holes. Thus far have the Poor Law Commissioners attained their object. At the same time, however, the workhouses have intensified, more than any other measure of the party in power, the hatred of the working class against the property-holders, who generally admired the New Poor Law.’’(7)
Assuredly the great wheel of history turns; ‘‘The first time as tragedy the second time as farce.’’(8) Malthusianism is reborn as Neo-Malthusianism: an ancient pitiless, winner-takes-all doctrine controlled by an equally new and ruthless elite, an ideology suffused with what can only be described as one of hatred – hatred and contempt of humanity in general and their servants and subaltern classes in particular. This is particularly the case in older European countries, like my own, the UK. It is noticeable that the ruling elites actually even look different and speak differently to the ordinary folk. They go to different up-market private schools and attend different universities, have a distinct value-system and culture, and fraternise in social milieux inside a closed system of privilege and opportunity. This is something I have witnessed first-hand and something of this type was also seen in the earlier 20th century cult of privilege and entitlement of the beautiful people during the roaring 20s in the US. One of the characters in the novel by F Scott Fitzgerald enunciated the view of the haute bourgeoisie in a famous passage which I have described before, but which is still worth repeating. The main character in the novel, Amory (Blaine), vents his hatred on people less fortunate in life than himself.
‘’I detest poor people,’’ Amory thought suddenly. ‘’I hate them for being poor. Poverty may have been beautiful once, but it’s rotten now. It’s the ugliest thing in the world. It’s essentially cleaner to be corrupt and rich than it is to be innocent and poor.’’ He seemed to see again a figure who once impressed him – a well-dressed young man gazing from a window on Fifth Avenue and saying something to his companion with a look of utter disgust. Probably thought Amory, what he said was: ‘My God! Aren’t people horrible!’’
Never before in his life had Amory considered poor people. He thought cynically how completely lacking he was in all human sympathy. He accepted all of his reactions as part of him unchangeable, unmoral. The problem of poverty, transformed, magnified, attached to some grander, more dignified attitude might someday be even his problem; at present it only aroused a most profound distaste.’’ (9)

(Are these the ordinary American people that excite so much rancour of the rich and powerful one wonders?)
This venomous hatred by Amory, and by extension the upper social echelons and the powers-that-be (PTB) and their fear of the subterranean mob has had a long history, from Malthus to the neo-Malthusianism of H.G.Wells who openly declared, ‘’those non-white swarms of black and brown, and dirty white, and dirty yellow people who do not come into the new needs of ‘efficiency’ were self-evidently otiose. The World is a World and not a charitable institution, and I take it that they will have to go. The whole tenor and meaning of the World as I see it is that they will have to go.’’(10) In addition there was also the staunch Cecil Rhodes, a devotee to the updated Malthusian creed. The present version of the cult is spearheaded by those such as Klaus Schwarz and Bill Gates, et al. A policy of mass depopulation spearheaded by the Western alliance consisting of the political/media/ monied/security Leviathan. From their point of view the enemy within and the enemy without.
This ‘Great Reset’ is an absurdly over-ambitious programme based on what is a frankly deranged strategic agenda. (Not that these PTB think of themselves as deranged. They no doubt think of themselves as the staunch defenders of western civilization). Such are the delusions of a declining civilization and the insanity of a decaying end-game, a system of rule – if this is the right word – in the hands of a small cabal of untouchable elites who are not very far removed from clinical schizophrenia. The Great Reset as such is little more than an updated version of the Great Game, played out in the 19th century, only more ambitious, dangerous and deluded.
(1) Replacement population level in every European country – particularly in Eastern Europe have not reached population stability figure of 2.1 per female of child-bearing age.
(2) Edwin Cannan – History of the Production and Distribution in English Political Economy – 1776-1848- p.40.
(3)Thomas Malthus – Essays on The Principles of Population – p.552.
(4) Freidrich Engels – The Condition of the Working Class in England 1844 – p.289.
(5) Extracts from Information received from the Poor Law Commissioners – Published by Authority – London 1883.
(6) Engels, Op.cit – p292.
(7) Engels, Op.cit – p.296.
(8) Karl Marx – The 18th Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte.
(9) F Scott Fitzgerald – This Side of Paradise – p.236.
(10) H.G.Wells – Anticipations – London 1918 – p.317.
Interesting. Maybe I read this wrong, but the article appears to suggest that overpopulation is not an issue unto itself and that today’s problems are the sole fault of the hyper-wealthy, who just want to eliminate us all so they can hog all the accumulated wealth for themselves. My apologies if I interpreted that wrong. In fact, both of those issues are the overriding problems in the world today, although I do realize that the hyper wealthy/powerful are using Malthus’ concerns as cover for implementing their global reset. No surprise there, I always figured that’s how it would play out. Call it “strategic downsizing” to borrow corporate vernacular. A great many “useless eaters/consumers” who were brought into existence during industrial capitalism’s heady days in the 20th century are no longer useful, desirable, or sustainable, and so they must be eliminated. The current crop (the old, the ill, and the poorest of the poor) who are being harvested now will hardly be the last. That’s when the shocks will really be felt, as today’s exuberant and mostly clueless youth realize that they too are in the crosshairs. Reducing ~8B down to ~1B or so ain’t gonna be easy. Expect a whole lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth along the way.
You may not have interpreted that wrong, but on the whole its not quite true.
I know (and have studied) enough very rich and arrogant people to know the one thing they do believe in is growth in the population, this belief stems from the need to take care of the elders, and for every aging person you need more people to take care of them in addition to the people who must do the everyday hard work.
Its the basis for the present economic model, but as soon as the model begins to show signs of stress, so does the level of denial increase b/c to prove the model wrong, is to prove the people upholding the model wrong. And since they are ones doing the economic controlling and not (as of yet) being controlled, only the collapse of the economic system can provide the proof needed to show the model was flawed from the start.
And we are seeing many signs of economic stresses over a broad set of parameters, even the rich have stopped recreational spending, even the casinos are emptying out of patrons to the extent they must change the gambling rules as a means of survival.
This trickle down economics can only expand as the debts come due that simply cant even be serviced in all types of industries, and the stimulus hangover only begets more stimulus until price inflation can no longer be denied, this too shall arrive like a thief in the nite whos consequences will be sharply felt by nearly all.
So yes you may be have correctly interpreted the article, I found it a challenging read at best.
Alabama, you mention “trickle down economics”, a phrase that I first heard in England when Maggie Snatcher was placed in the Prime Minister’s chair as chief evangelist of the Gospel of Greed. It seemed to me that the economics she and Reagan preached, and which swept the Western world, is really “trickle up economics”. The Gospel of gGreed, coupled with digital control of every penny that every customer paid in every chain of a global commercial network, trickled upward into a tsunami of “offshore” capital that never returned to the customers in the form of investment in productive infrastructure.
Another evil of capitalism is the use of Money as a measure for goods. A family does not eat money, it eats food — protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals and vitamins. It does not shelter under money, it shelters under roof with floor and walls and doors and windows. It does not warm itself with money, it warms itself with kwhr. A rational scientific society would, if it were Christian or Communist, allocate those goods fairly as essentials. Life developed on earth and has sustained itself for billions of years by being in contact with physical reality. Economic reality is far removed from physical reality.
Dr. NG Maroudas,
You wrote:
I half-agree with that. But I always thought that it was not “trickle down” but “flood upwards economics.” Because that is what happened.
Reagan was not a bad man but simply was not very intelligent. Thatcher – on the other hand – was nothing less than a scoundrel.
Predictably Reagan/Thatcherism was a disaster for everyone but a few silver spooners and a handful of grifters.
I am surprised that it lasted as long as it did. But its day of reckoning is just about upon us.
Good points on perpetual growth – population as well as monetary – and debt expansion vis-a-vis the current operational paradigm. They have indeed been locked together throughout the industrial capitalist era in a vicious cycle, which the US naturally took to its (il)logical extreme over the course of the past 20 years or so. Hence the current call for a global reset, which amounts to nothing more than a controlled demolition (twin towers, anyone?) of the current system and the populations it supports. I expect that the much venerated current economic model will simply be swept aside with the usual perfunctory hand-waving, and – as we’ve seen throughout 2020 with the stolen election, gaslighting, and false flags – with the usual disinformation campaigns thanks to the totally captive western mainstream press, aka propaganda organs. Academic models and justifications are amazingly flexible that way, mostly because they were usually nothing more than total bullshit in the first place.
Disaffected, you read it right. Among the more forward looking Truther sites, who soon realized that Plandemic Con-19 was merely a ruse to panic people into accepting rigid digital controls that will be needed to implement Con-B3, there is already “a whole lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth”. May I remind readers that teeth can also bite?
Organize, form cadres. Vote Communist, vote Christian. Force the rich to disgorge. The problem is rarely overpopulation, the problem is usually maldistribution. Always has been. Ever since Cain killed his brother Abel for entering Cain’s little cabbage patch, when there were less than 20 people in the whole world.
There is overpopulation, though it is not evenly spread across the globe. One is thing is clear though, you cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. The real question then, is what to do about it. Those running the show right now would seem to favour an epic clear out of the masses as their preferred option. So allowing into your body a “vaccine” backed by money from Bill Gates’s, who is the high priest of global depopulation, is always likely to be a very risky option.
No there isn’t.
Use a calculator, 7,8 billion people in one plane houses with garden and roads, equal to 1/3 of Australia’s area.
Spreading out to the rest of the globe, the proportion is the same.
There is no overpopulation, there is only financial restrictions in a closed zero sum system.
There is no finite planet. The sun shine eternal, the wind blow eternal, the waves roll eternal. Your potato this year grows to 10 potatoes next year. Fish and animals make more children than mom and pop.
The old emptied oil fields are being slowly filled again. The inner earth is burning and produce gas and coal and oil all the time.
Nature is a self balancing and self correcting system like our young bodies as long as the earth and we are fed with energy.
Wow, and so there you have it proof positive of a clergymen who never ever read the Bible or for that matter understood anything it had to say. Your essay Mr. Lee came be summed up quite eloquently in but a few words and I’ll leave it to the reader to look where its found.
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.
Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come:
As fish are caught in a cruel net,
or birds are taken in a snare,
so people are trapped by evil times
that fall unexpectedly upon them.”
And I’d prepare for what is or will be truly the end now I’m afraid.
lol, and good luck Malthus on meeting Christ! My what a great time he must have had? Not!!!
King Solomon was a king of real, undivided, Israel – the zionist state is Israel in name only – and he knew what he was talking about! I’m so old that I can confirm every word of him. I’ve seen all this happening in these evil times we live in. I’ve experienced these things also in my personal life.
Also, everything Jesus said is so true, if you understand the meaning behind the words(and you don’t fully understand, if your eyes are blinded by the dead doctrines of different churches) – that’s why I believe in the Bible more than anything else.
I am happy on your behalf you found it too. It really gives peace in souls to see eternal truth described and experienced.
Oakum was used in ships to seal planking on decks. It is the black strip between planks and was forced and compressed into the narrow gap between the teak planks. Considering the huge number of ships in both the world’s merchant marines and the various national navies, the demand would have been enormous, particularly in Britain.
This, with all respect to the author, represents an omelet of ideas and a colossal “non sequitur”. Said simply – because Malthus was wrong in the timing of his predictions (and abhorrent in his practical splitting of mankind into the ‘worthy’ and ‘unworthy), then all he said is false. This equates to declaring that Newton’s theory and demonstration of the force of gravity were wrong because he did not know or take into account quantum theory.
To deny the current problem of overpopulation plays right into the hands of the neo-Malthusians – because overpopulation is the consequent and natural result of holding-on to the myth of endless growth.
To worsen the problem and confuse the issue, there is the undeniable evidence of an ongoing and strengthening-in-intensity war against people of Western Christian culture and ethnicity, conducted by a sect that cannot be named. For which sect, the overwhelming and de-civilizing inflow of third world masses into Europe and countries of European heritage, is part of the plan – actually printed in black and white by one of their heavily financed scions, and never denounced.
Maybe the author could visit Africa (I have) where in Nigeria, for example, the average # of live births per woman is 8. Or India, where, even according to the BBC, half a billion people defecate in the open.
Attempting to suggest that concern for over-population equates with contempt for the poor – as the creeping message of this piece seems to be – is baffling at best and I will go no further.
If life is precarious, your progeny must be numerous enough for a couple to make it through to adulthood. If life is comfortable, you can devote more resources to the ones you have. So the birthrate declines with increasing prosperity.
To write off India’s civilisation as defecating in the street does seem contemptuous. The same happens in LA, for goodness sake, although with rather more syringes and bottles lying around and fewer cattle participating.
You state denying an overpopulation issue helps perpetuating the myth of endless growth. I’m inclined to agree with that and Malthus should not be demonized. But here’s another question: isn’t the myth perpetuated by Christianity as well?
For it says in the Bible: ““Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”
The demographic question is too difficult. It then touches religion, things get more complicated and all hell breaks loose…
Ivy, there are no christians in the bible…….christians didn’t write it. If you want to see how one subdues the earth, look at Gaza or the West Bank, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemin, or any LA street as mentioned above, look at the people at the food banks, poor sleeping on streets……….because ‘western’ wealth distribution trickles up, not down……..with Gates wealth, Soros wealth, Bezos, the Queen………more than enough to share, just to many narccistic greedy bastards.
Cheers, M
@Ivy: Yes, it is.
Apparently the West is constantly entrusting fairytales invented thousands of years ago by some shepherds in the middle-east. Monotheism of hebraic origins is a plague to this world, the Romans should have never, ever let it be introduced in Europe. Big mistake.
It spreads like a plague, it weakens the population like a plague, it splits into different variants like a plague.
”/…/ the overwhelming and de-civilizing inflow of third world masses into Europe and countries of European heritage, is part of the plan – actually printed in black and white by one of their heavily financed scions, and never denounced.”
Well, lighten up jimmie! I suggest we ’make a statement’ by unceremoniously defecating on the grave of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi on July 27th starting this year. He should be terrified as he senses the odours of some First World droppings and the message they convey.
On a more serious note, I remain as unimpressed as ever by this ”über-devil” Kalergi who died half a century ago. He didn’t promote sterilization of White people; he didn’t unleash the LGBTQ++ crusade or the neoliberals’ open border regime as an appendage to imperialist wars. The noises about Kalergi come from First World people thirsting for race war: Anders Behring Breivik and Paul Craig Roberts spring to mind immediately. Can’t even be troubled with attacking clearly identifiable contemporary ”philosophers” in the service of Western imperialism such as BHL and George Soros. In short: What is the Eurocrats’ need of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi? Don’t they have any ability to tend to their own interests, or don’t they have any to begin with?
We have a linear, goal oriented view, while nature is cyclical and circular.
Even time is not so much the point of the present, moving past to future, as it is change, turning future to past.
More a game of rock, paper, scissors, than winner take all.
The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement.
An interesting testimony by Willard Cantelon from his book The Day the Dollar Dies pgs 130-131:
A world of plenty and a day of peace so near, so possible…”BUT”….
The truth is our world is a world of plenty. The world’s finest scientists estimate earth’s real riches to be her grain and her gold, her fruit and gems, her timber and treasures almost limitless in minerals and resources. Some suggest that earth’s combined wealth would conservatively total one decillion dollars. Divide this equally among earth’s present population and every man, woman, and child would be a billionaire a billion times over.
Divide the 58 million square miles of land equally and every person alive today would have 10 acres each.
Many good men today dream and discuss a world that man could live in if he were free from wars and deception and self-destruction.
Dr. Peter Goldmark, who was President and Research Director of CBS Laboratories for 36 years, shows for example how a hundred million Americans could build model communities of 3000, and use only 4% of America’s land.
R. Buckminster Fuller, is called by U. Thant, one of the greatest philosopher-scientists of our time.
On April 26th, 1973, when flying from Dallas to Los Angeles, I picked up the airline magazine and read in the
American Way the interview between the architect, Michael Ben Eli and Buckminster Fuller. Mr. Fuller said,
Sadly we see enormous numbers of stranded poverty stricken people while potential abundance is being
deliberately curtailed by governments subservient to the landlord’s will.
Humanity is so accustomed to failure it still assumes failure to be normal, and does not realize that it has literally earned -and actually acquired- the capability to take care of everyone on earth at a higher standard of living than ever heretofore experienced by anyone.
The really big fact is that we are going to have to got through a complete mental resorting of what it is all about. Then we are going to have to go about taking “care of everybody not as on relief’ but with the same spontaneous- welcome and love accorded a new-born baby.
Landlordism will no longer be able to extract a ransom. Money too will become obsolete’ with the ability to produce enough to take care of all.
The fact that we now have the capability to support all life and are not doing so means we have to introduce a new system. One that can make the world work.
The flight time between Dallas and Los Angeles was devoted primarily to the consideration of the words of
Buckminster Fuller. It was not my first introduction to this philosopher-scientist. In past occasions our paths had crossed in American cities where each of us had been speaking under different auspices’ I agreed with his conviction that the world was large enough and sufficiently rich to sustain all men on the highest level’ under ideal condition..But I could not agree that man alone’ without God’ could ever realize its Potential’
After reading the “Master Plan for Living” provided by Peter Goldmark, and studying the blueprint for the future and studying the blueprint by Buckminster Fuller, I had to sigh with Cicero and say . . . “Thou reasonest well”’ but”
Something was missing’ I knew it’ they knew it’ all the leaders of the world knew it. The Kremlin was confused’ The U.S. Senate was perplexed’ The leaders of Europe were distressed. What was-man’s future’ his ultimate end?”
by the way what was man’s future his ultimate end? Easy:
Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, and Mortimer Buckley … Buckley is the CEO of the Vanguard Group, Hooley is the CEO of State Street, Fink is the CEO of BlackRock…
BlackRock manages mutual funds for China .. Black Rock has been purchasing foreclosed / distressed homes, et al (i.e., e.g., business [small, medium, large] foreclosures) since 2008.
China has been investing in USA since 2002-2003, via Hank Paulson & Tim Geithner (the Federal Reserve System).
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, these three companies are titanic investment funds. Financial services companies.
Every “government retirement portfolio” is managed via these companies that also own Big Pharma, Medical Industrial, Military Industrial, et al, et al, (education, technology … & & & follow the money).
George Washington married Martha who had the largest slave plantation in the 13 Colonies. George couldn’t break the slave Will Shag, so George paid a bottle of rum to a boat owner, to take Will home to Jamica.
Human beings in this time are in an evolution and there isn’t a formula (never has been) to-in-of an enlightenment.
The worst of human specie forever it appears, prey upon the non predatory.
When in a hole, stop digging .. Za*Zen .. *anarchists against vile Chinese emperors.
‘prey upon the non predatory’
some would say this is the natural order…
you wont do it or… you cant do it? A different question, sir.
Klaus Schwarz, or Schwab?
It is remarkable that this article and all the comments so far have failed to mention the resource constraints that we are currently experiencing. The word “oil” has yet to appear. The modern versions of the theories of Malthus makes no appearance – “Limits to Growth (1972)”. Here is one of the latest versions of this model. Pretending that the underlying theory is nonsense while failing to present current updates is lamentable.
I am really sorry to have to break the sad news to so many well-meaning but deluded people. Oil is the most obvious limitation that we are currently experiencing. Whenever the oil price approaches $100, modern economies crash. At the current $70, oil companies such as Exxon, Chevron, BP and Shell have stopped investing. They claim it is because they are turning “Green” and such nonsense – to please the manipulated stock markets.
Oil consumption per capita in Africa has been dropping for 30 years. The media is not telling you this, but the standard of living in Sub_Saharan Africa was far higher when the colonialists left. I was born in Cairo, Egypt. I have witnessed it myself. I have visited Lagos, Nigeria and I assure you that a bigger cesspool of humanity does not exist on this planet.
When is the last time you saw a documentary about places like Lagos, Nairobi, Johannesburg and so on? You have not seen such documentaries because the sect that control all media and internet in the West wants you to continue accepting a flood of ethnic strangers into your more developed societies. The aim is to fragment and destroy what your ancestors built.
Diversity is weakness not strength. Largely homogeneous societies such as Japan, Korea, India, Russia, Poland, Hungary and China are far more resilient. There are no BLM riots in these countries. Their schools have not adjusted their curricula to appease lower IQ races. Imperialist use diversity to crack open societies. The latest effort with Uyghurs in China is typical. Tibetans were an earlier version.
There is a massive shortage of good farmland. The soil of the Great Plains of the USA have depleted. They maintain their productivity thanks to massive inputs from oil and gas. The soil can only regenerate after being left to grass and buffaloes for a few thousand years. Massive aquifers such as Ogallala are heading for depletion.
The Earth has been cooling for over 20 years. Civilisations collapse when that happens. It was no coincidence that the Chinese and Roman civilisations collapsed simultaneously. Here is a useful website
Enjoy the ride down!
Another website is our finite Alfred. And I concur with everything you say.
Thank you.
“our finite”
I agree with 80% of what Gail Tverberg writes. Sadly, she believes the CO2 nonsense. With CO2 below 0.02%, there is no plant life. It is currently 0.04% – the green area of the planet has increased by 10% due to increased CO2 according to NASA. The planetary cooling is primarily due to the inactive sun. The greening has a minor effect on temperature. But NASA cannot say that.
“Global Green Up Slows Warming”
As I’ve come to learn and see and experience the issue is indeed becoming one of affordability. The issue more often than not is not so much lack of resources but rather the affordability of those resources to keep our current economy rolling along. I work in the natural gas industry and I was sent to get some cap screws for a compressor build. I had to travel an hour away to the city to get them and for a mere 27 screws we had to pay 76.00 for them and that isn’t taking into account my time, travel time, gas etc for those blasted things. We even got them at a reduced price. Gail Tverberg is right that for all we know there is probably enough oil in the ground to last another generation. However, the issue is indeed one of affordability because unlike 100 hundred years ago oil doesn’t just bubble up out of the ground. The capital costs of extraction now is just huge. I mean really an offshore oil rig is today half a billion dollars before the drill even goes in. England I saw on a documentary was so distressed about oil that they knew they had to develop there own offshore resource because paying the Middle East for it wasn’t going to work. I think they invested a trillion dollars to develop the North Sea and it was a gamble that paid off but not forever. I believe there is some fear that it is in depletion now?
So this is the issue and on top of that is wages for like Gail argues and rightly so if the wages of non elite workers could rise high enough to pay for the increasing cost of living we likely would not have a problem. However, this is the seesaw we are seeing and experiencing wherein the producers need high gas prices to meet all of their obligations but the consumer needs low prices. Add to this mix the refining of oil and how refineries – well no new ones have been built in decades and the ones we have are getting very old. If something were to happen and we lose the refinirers for whatever reason well just imagine. Getting back to wages though i see this everyday at work. Too many are now on contract basis or temporaries. The company simply cannot afford hiring full time basis as that would result in benefits. So Gail is right about affordability. If it ends up costing an oil company lets say 200. a barrel to get oil out of the ground why even bother. they will never recoup their investment. they’ll just leave it in the ground.
So this is my experience “Ponder” this.
I might like to add as well about his comment below about US Mic and other militaries to wake up and realize your own oil supplies are gone because you spent it liberating a foreign land do you not deserve the spoils of war or some of it at least?
Wow, if it wasn’t for all of the war and bloodshed we would have had oil my guess is for maybe an entire millennium but alas we’ll wake up soon to a very new and different reality. I even heard on the radio today gas will soon be rising to 1.75 or more in the Vancouver, BC area?
I also laugh when I hear about the new discovery in the MED the Leviathan field owned by Israel, Turkey, Greece etc. Talk about competing enemies for a resource? Yeah, as if they will ever extract it and imagine the bloodshed that would result from all the competition?
What does He say there will be “distress with perplexity among nations.”
On second thought one point I must disagree with Alfred Cairns and that is global cooling, warming and other nonsense. Climate change has got nothing whatsoever to do with industrial pollution nothing. On the contrary it is far more serious I’m afraid which you can read here:
Milan is correct there is a Biblical component to what is going on, the teachings from the bible on the subject is just huge and it does even provide the solution to global cooling and other such deceptions.
It really is all there in the Bible. Astonishing really.
@ The soil can only regenerate after being left to grass and buffaloes for a few thousand years.
Great things are being discovered with organic farming to reverse the damage you speak of, this naturally conflicts with big agriculture as they pollute the environment, look the other way, and then deny the over chemicalization of the industry itself.
A case can be brought against industry but with politics in such deep denial its dubious that the effort will bear fruit in a timely or significant manner.
Aha! You’ve squared the circle. Big ag, industrial farming, and GMO seeds are all required to maximize production to support the otherwise unsupportable growing population/consumption numbers. And round and round it goes, a vicious cycle indeed! Also referred to the “Red Queen Effect.”
I remember reading at one time in America alfalfa was grown in with wheat and then when harvest came the alfalfa was re-tilled back into the soil to keep the soil rich and healthy. Then along came the ingredients phosphorus and other fertilizers with which bombs are made and voila as a cost cutting measure the agri industry threw out the labor intensive use of alafala and just threw in the fertilizers. Food looked excellent and robust but lacked the needed nutrients.
I mentioned this to a Greek friend and she replied growing up in the Pelopennse Islands an apple taken from a tree was so full of juice she had to be careful not to stain her blouse. Here in Canada you go to the store and buy an apple not only is there no juice but the taste is bland if anything at all really. She wishes she were back in Greek island.
I have another friend a lady who owned a restaurant and swears by organics only.
And then there is the work of Dr. Myron Wentz of USANA fame who makes it abundantly clear we today have to supplement our diet with vitamins and minerals. We just have to and he warns about that to. I love his motto “People live today to short and die too long.”
Except the consequences of such behaviours have yet to be fully felt, pollution and over population only drive the ones who can afford to leave (while the others remain in a rather unhealthy yet not advertised as such place) to new over populated places, like texas and california with their new unreliable electric grid.
We have built more than we can maintain my friend, and since the only option left is growth, heads are going to start to butt in many and different ways throwing a wrench into the planners model w/o saying a word until either the political machine, or the restless people start to take action, which they may very soon.
I hope I’m wrong but i get the impression the powers that be would love to see civil disobedience turn into civil war.
Martin Armstrong has up an interesting but troubling piece on de-funding the police.
To make shoplifting not a crime under 1000 dollars is utterly and completely insane.
Armstrong even mentions Yanokovich and the Russians which some here will be interested in I figure.
Currently law enforcement is a questionable profession, the are aiding and abetting criminals, they called lawmakers. To avoid being a target i’ve recently seen quite a few unmarked cars going about their supposed rightful duties.
The world is a much more dangerous place than it was a couple or few decades ago from bad legislation and shows no signs of turning this phenomenon around.
Just one correction. “Oil is the most obvious limitation that we are currently experiencing”.
Then you points to pricing. So its not the oil which is limiting but the price yes?
Follow the money, wall street manipulation with resource costs and pricing.
The Great Reset is merely old wine in new bottles: a new propaganda campaign for the same old predatory American capitalist system, with a few modifications.
In essence, however, the United States wants to continue to rape and exploit the world by dictating “free market reforms” like deregulation, privatization, and austerity measures in other countries so as to enable America and its corporations to penetrate their markets, exploit their workers, and privatize their natural sources–particularly in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.
This is not to mention maintaining American Dollar Imperialism and the status of America as a parasite on the world economy.
Putin says U.S. is “parasite” on global economy
America: Host Or Parasite?
The Great Reset simply is mostly a re-branding exercise for this America agenda, which is increasingly confronting resistance and opposition in the real world (i.e. outside of the USA).
What’s hilarious is that Americans, in their typically Goebbelsian fashion, claim that they are the “victims” in this US economic pillage of the planet.
The average American may whine and cry about the 1%, Corporate America, or Wall Street, but at base what they really want is this: their “fair” cut of the economic spoils of the American Evil Empire.
This is the unspoken reality that Americans of all political stripes do not want to admit.
Behind all their phony “populist” posturing, the American Middle Class and Labor Aristocracy thus share much in common with American capitalist elites, as they all have an in-bred sense of economic entitlement as global parasites.
Unfortunately for them all, this American parasite may soon meet its much deserved destruction.
To End Forever War, End the Dollar’s Global Dominance
Well put. I have only a minor quibble regarding this passage:
”This is the unspoken reality that Americans of all political stripes do not want to admit.”
Actually, the American neocons have taken militant parasitism to such fanatical levels that they voice their crazy inanities without any restraint and with zero intention of hiding anything. The more quixotic part of their worldview is an equally combustible hatred of their ”fellow Anericans” too. Neocons love Israel and Israel only.
Indeed, it looks like the final denouement between the Malthusians in their existential battle against the Cornucopians draws ever nearer. The opposing lines comprise, the current US empire plus the former Europe based Imperial powers which now make up the EU and their Allies, Australia , NZ, Canada etc, not forgetting the tribe that shall not be mentioned, making up the Malthusians’ Camp. Whilst the Cornucopians, with their expansive, mutually beneficial policies currently being promoted by Xi and others with the BRI, SCO and other efforts at bringing swathes of formerly poorer Nations forward in terms of development and the utilisation of their own resources for their own benefit and progress. This is a disaster for the Rentier class Elites, whose sole dominance these past 500 years has been entirely based on the total exploitation of others resources at the barrelled end of a gun. Tables have now turned, and a clash of, not only Empires, but Civilisations is on the cards; Graeco-Roman Judeo Christian vs Chinese, Persian, Islamic for example. Anyway, great article so thanks.
“Whilst the Cornucopians, with their expansive, mutually beneficial policies currently being promoted by Xi and others with the BRI, SCO and other efforts at bringing swathes of formerly poorer Nations forward in terms of development and the utilisation of their own resources for their own benefit and progress.”
How exactly does China, while consuming half the world’s supply of coal, fit into your scheme of things. China’s own coal mines are rapidly depleting. China’s own oil supplies peaked decades ago and are in rapid decline. Why do you think they are so happy that the USA is sanctioning Iran?
“China’s coal consumption seen rising in 2021, imports steady”
BTW, overland routes that cover great distances, like the BRI, are no match at all for sea transport. It costs perhaps 10 times more per container. A big container ship can have 20,000 20′ equivalent containers (TEU). A big train can haul perhaps 400 TEU (200 40′ containers). That one ship does the work of 50 big train loads – for a shorter distance. The Suez Canal accepts around 8 such container ships per day.
Sorry guys, the BRI is a great idea, but it is on a totally different scale from seaborne shipping.
Shipping lanes can be are easily disrupted by hostile navy. Ports are prone from naval blocade.
If your main competitor is essentially pirate kingdom, it is wise to diversify trade routes.
Hint: Opium wars.
“Shipping lanes can be are easily disrupted by hostile navy. Ports are prone from naval blocade.”
You are of course correct.
All I am saying is that you can say goodbye to world trade if you can only use the BRI. It might pay to ship high-value products, but not raw materials and much manufactured goods. Those containers that go through the Suez Canal and cross the Pacific go full and return almost empty.
The West will be a very different place. People will have to learn how to repair clothing and shoes, for example. How to eat much less.
IMO, This great reset agenda has no counterpart whatsoever to be compared with from the 19th or 20th century. It is without precedent and is best pegged as a brainless and vindictive effort to save the ‘North Atlantist power system.’
Lyndon Larouche with his ideas of Economy, Productive powers of the Economic citizen, Credit Allocation to Infrastructure, Human Creativity, Classical Education, and Continental Infrastructure co-operation are the best negation of the malthusian idea. To put it simple, Siberia alone can feed the world.
”To prevent their labour from competing with that of outside concerns, they are set to rather useless tasks: the men break stones, as much as a strong man can accomplish with effort on a day; the women, children and aged men pick oakum”
Amusingly, today’s most glaring examples of 100% useless work are in fact very privileged ”professions” of idleness — economists, lawyers, bankers, and what-have-you. It would be quite interesting watching these folks doing arduous work under the auspices of a heavily coercive regime.
Yep see ‘Bullshit Jobs’ by the late David Graeber. Brilliant and Hilarious.
I can’t help but laugh that somebody actually wrote a book on “Bullshit jobs”. I had one of those jobs. I got paid a six figure salary in the U.S. Defense Industry, and I spent the better part of many a day picking up acorns off the ground at the adjacent park where I used to work because I had so little to do at the office. (I grew a lot of trees to save the planet if that is any consolation.) Yes, it is true. Most jobs are created simply as a means to dole money out to certain people. What can I say; some people get paid, some people get paid off, while others don’t get paid at all.
For all those who say the world is overpopulated. Start with yourself. I can bet that you are among the 10% of the world that consumes more than the bottom 90% and yet has the audacity to talk about depleting resources and culling of human populations. Sickening and utterly wicked. Why don’t you off yourself as a favour To humanity? Yeah thought so, but others should be culled so that you can enjoy earth’s resources like they belong to you and you are the earth’s creator and therefore earth’s sovereign.
Resources? Not enough resources? Tell me how much oil and other resources does the US MIC consume? NATO? Other world militaries?
Now, exactly how much does Africa, South America Asia and all third world countries consume? What about those inventions that harness nature and are cheap as to use but are being suppressed by the usual suspects?
Find someone else to fool with all that tripe about finite resources and that depopulation agenda. How many resources are being depleted in the process of containment of economic development of “others”? How much of said earth finite resources have been consumed by China to raise about 1 billion humans from poverty?
Sickening and utterly evil.
You are always free to take your own advice if you dont like the outcome of humanity.
God doesnt like it any more than you do, but she doesnt have a choice at this point does she?
People have always competed for resources, and it is this that has brought them to the brink of war.
I liked u as a writer/person so I am toning this down…
A) Kindly please consider infinity, the math concept, apply that to our construct of time…(I am asking one to consider the impossible unless one is willing to jump into a realm, that on planet earth does not exist … this is probable one of the hardest things for a human to do- so take your time…be patient…go slow…
B) We live in 3 dimensions…a person in a two dimensional universe (a line on a paper, delineating a house say, can not jump into the air off the paper and see it is a house that was drawn, they are stuck on the surface of the paper- all they see are brick walls the height of said person, blocking them at every angle they look at.) They are not even awear it is a house that was drawn ( to them it is just a annoyance to have to walk around)
C) We are going, after this life to live in four dimensions, you can not ever begin to imagine this because, from our perspective it does not exist ( it is impossible to visualize this based on our current dimension- see (B) )
I know because of a description of living quarters in heaven are described in terms that can not possible exist for our perspective unless one applies it to four dimensions to that description (see Hadith of last Prophet sent to planet earth, the seal of all Prophet)
Incedentily, he was not sent to “followers of Mohammed” Which is why the derogatory term “Moslem” was invented- defined as followers of Mohammed (we follow ALL the prophets sent by God) The correct term is Muslim, one that follows the religion of Islam, which means submitting to the same one God mentioned in all religions. (People on this blog should stop using that term since it displays their being fooled by a very nature of words- but that has a profound effect on the construct of how we view ourselves, or lack there of.)
(D) So there were many statements you wrote while meaning well, were coming from a two or three dimensional perspective- (remember (B)) which (this is an anology so try to run with the logic not the wording- You have to fight your gut instinct on this- it will not feel right what I am suggesting) but is true, and u will not know of its validity until it is too late and your already there, (consequences implied) so it would benefit u or anyone reading this to give it a shot- u have everything to gain, to lose everything if u can’t – I’m not joking).
(E) to have a 4 dimensional perspective (which u are I can not have on earth) we would have to rely on scripture (a reliable one that has not changed since it was recorded, which is written in the 1st person, God words direct , there is no passage written in the 2nd or 3rd person in that text- so it is consistent who wrote it)
(F) Conclusion, it is only from that perspective (this time I mean logic not the actual dimension) would I attempt to amend you , dear highly respected sir Alabama,
(G) I can not back up any statements to prove, based on the Quran, because that took me a lifetime to acquire, wisdom is not cheep in life, the proof would simply take too much time- and it is worthwhile to take the journey, each person their own way
(H) keep writing , I enjoy reading your comments, my edit is only intended to help, not harm, please view it in that light
(Keep investigating- may God guide you)
Be well
I’ve not only considered infinity, I have already proved that politics is nothing moore than the infinite study of human denial, and I didn’t even rush into it b/c it took a long time to begin with to prove.
You have a rather subjectively interpretative list there so I wont delve into it much further except to say I believe and have much evidence of, differing points of view to many others.
Points that would offend them to a great extent and keep him frustrated beyond belief, no disrespect naturally, in time all could become a known, only time can tell.
Are u kidding ?!?
I wasted A good half an hour of my time (which I am not getting back) making sure I avoided being “subjective” in language- I even wrote explaining It was coming from someone of infinite perspective compared to me, (explicitly), you crumpled all that reasoning in one sweep into the trash can, with ur “subjective” mixed up concept (ironically I was trying to hint as gently As I could for u to be less subjective- – good luck w/ that one/ regardless of ur said “spinning me /us ” knowledge- You worded ur reply nicely but the ideas ur peddling are not going to offend me as much as someone else much Larger then small insignificant little me.
There are at least 3 ways to interpret everything in life and what’s a half an hour when there is so much time left in the day, and it appears the night(which comes after the day) goes on forever.
No need to belittle yourself, way more half the information coming from gvt and media goes directly into the trash bin over here with the intention of some major reforms once the mechanism opens up to do so.
Take care of yourself and take the internet w/ a grain of salt, one can get lost here and lose their way in real life.
I am not the one complaining about over-population. Nor am I the one endorsing genocide to the “untermensch”( pardon my Russian.). Competition for resources you say? There is a reggae song that goes thus “there is enough for one and all, why should one man want it all” “there is enough for one and all but not for one man’s greed”. Those that support the culling of the useless eaters are indeed the very rejects of humanity. They are the ones that talk lofty words of human rights and democracy and responsibility to protect and yadayadayada……. while the truth is plain to see, they are utterly and totally evil. Like Christ said in John 8 – “you are of your father the devil and his lusts you shall do for he was a liar and a murderer from the very beginning”
You were criticizing it rather hard.
And did you read anything that changed that perception? I am more than criticising. I am utterly and unequivocally condemning it. So now, we can justify extermination and genocide of people so that we can continue our insane consumption because of finite resources? Evil it is. Totally evil. So now, the ones technologically advanced and with high IQ and some such trash are the moral ones, the just ones, the righteous ones? When the lies are outed, we resort to the law of the jungle? Might makes right? And then bleat endlessly about your superior moral standards and sense of justice? Talk with a straight face about how justified you are in exterminating the primitive others with their less consumption and not about you curbing your infinite greed which is the one actually depleting the resources? Evil is what its called. I have learnt that debating does nothing. Changes nothing. Call the thing by it’s real name like Christ did and then marvel at what that will reveal. Satan’s spawn. Speak high sounding words, always hiding their true wicked and evil actions to the undiscerning and the easily fooled. You shall know them by their fruits. The lusts of Satan their father they shall do. For Satan was a liar (which is all his spawn does) and a murderer (which is all they do) from the very beginning. Just like Cain, the first Satan spawn that killed Abel, without cause.
Religion is a crossroad w/o an end, i’m sorry that you happen to be stuck there, but there is a whole different universe and answers out there once you can find the real (angry) book of life.
”For all those who say the world is overpopulated. Start with yourself. I can bet that you are among the 10% of the world that consumes more than the bottom 90% and yet has the audacity to talk about depleting resources and culling of human populations.”
Spot-on. Like our esteemed Paul Craig Roberts they are, for the most part, all right with State enforced violence and plunder by Western powers but go totally bonkers whenever there are consequences or the mere hint at such. Scratch a rugged Western ’individualist’ and marvel at the little invertebrate that peeps out beneath.
Continue my friend. I always read with interest what you write. I rarely comment nowadays —– what’s the point? I have figured out enough of where most outspoken individuals in this community stand for and some level of their “why” and motivation. I therefore see no point in commenting. I value though the human intelligence information that I can gather in figuring out what is happening and what is potentially coming. Of course as a Christian, the broad roadmap is well known and progressing as prophesied. Of course Babylon shall be destroyed —- and I shall not debate which that is, but I shall say this, Babylon’s two seats of power shall be destroyed by clearly nuclear weapons. My interest with Russia is because it shall be an instrument in one such destruction. You would have to be asleep not to see that the relentless assault on Russia will not stop and that finally Russia will defend itself. Rightly so. And that group that has constantly throughout the ages troubled mankind shall receive its comeuppance. Those that live by the sword shall die by the sword — with of course the deeper spiritual sword; the Word executing spiritual death. Nussiminen allow not the corruption of your soul.
Peace be upon thee.
I can recomment everyone the Book “Merchants of Dispair” and the history of men hating elites ..
The history of Darwinism, Eugenics, Nazism, environementialists,… Club of Rome, Green Parties ..
After reading one get an idea of the population destroying programm which is in the make.
Actually someone else developed the theory of population growth exceeding food production before Malthus. One Giovanni Maria Ortes.
But the Neo-Malthusian agenda is interesting, it provides the theoretical ground work for ignoring the poor both globally and within a country. The poor are too many and often the cause of their own predicament, so don’t feed the pigeons else they will just make more pigeons, so to speak. So its not government of the people for the people, its government of the people by those who know what is best for the people and the planet. It literally lays the ground work for dictatorship, definitely not for democracy. This thinking is Western, it does not originate in the Middle East or there north of the Black Sea.
The Great Reset with mass depopulation is happening right now according to a book called “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” written by John Coleman back in 1993.
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.”
A summary of this book can be found on Hendry’s website, can’t say more than that in case I’m not supposed to link to that website.
Is the world overpopulated? Cynically and technically looking into it, one might say that yes, the World is overpopulated. The question is what to do about that. everybody with grain of brain knows that it is the poverty that breeds children. Allow people to work and earn decent wage, women automatically stop bearing children. Many children is a biological answer to human (like every living being) urge to procreate. My grandmother had 6 kids, only two lived long enough to marry and have kids, then one died before his child was born. That was in 1920-1930 time. My parents had two children, same as their siblings and relatives. Why? My parents were born between 1929 and 1935. Too young to be drafted in WWII. Old enough when the war was over, to work, and there was plenty of work in Europe – everything was leveled down. So they, my parents’ generation, felt secure enough to try their luck with 1-2 kids per marriage. My generation has 1-2 kids per marriage baby boomers and post baby boomers, born, say by 1968. Our kids, on average zero kids. And each generation starting with those born in 1925-1935 lived better and better than the previous one. And land di not get overpopulated. One contributing factor to our comfortable life, which we are ashamed to consider, is exploitation, direct or indirect, of those places where children are vary numerous.
Let people work and earn decent living, overpopulation will be gone in one generation. However, with current state of world affairs, it is not going to be easy, the rules have firm grip on power, or so they think. People in “rich” countries, the “west” are terrified for their comfortable life and their progeny, so don’t expect rocking the boat from there. next generation, generation of my unborn grandchildren, they will take care of everything, due to survival instinct. For current adults, in the West and north, the survival instinct is “lets not rock the boat and try to survive a bit mora, hoping to provide some kind of decent future”, understandably, it requires the least energy, they have something to loose, so they fight to keep it. In a generation or two, there will be nothing to preserve and all bets will be off. There will be a struggle, new “elite” will appear, to torment the plebs. However, if that is of any consolation, current “elite” will disappear, will be destroyed.
Simple as that – poverty breeds numbers, numbers breed more poverty, until the whole thing collapses. For that, see Mr. Dmitry Orlov.
The fly in the ointment being that as poverty diminishes, consumption increases, and its overconsumption that’s actually the main problem. Carrying capacity is directly diminished by the consumption of a species, which in most in directly related to its population numbers. Humans have learned to manipulate that equation slightly, but not greatly. A given population will still consume a certain amount of resources, whether it exists in poverty or in surplus. And of course before a population reaches carrying capacity, resource limitations begin to make its members miserable, resulting in interpersonal conflicts and resource wars, all of which we’re seeing in abundance today. Yes, its made much worse by allocation inequities (which should be expected to some extent), but the underlying problem is there in any case. William Catton Jr.’s Overshoot is still the definitive authority on the subject in my opinion.
Interesting..but if you sit back and view history,you will notice that for all their efforts,they’ve actually failed and are failing. For example,I read Henry Kissinger was trying to depopulate S.America and other parts of the world through his policies of endless war etc. But look at the world population since then,we’re sitting at nearly double what it was in the 70’s. It took just a decade to move from 7billion to 8billion today. It seems the human race are like Coyote’s,the more they try to eliminate us,the more our numbers grow. The point is,God is not sleeping,He ruins their plans at every turn.After all,it was He who said go forth and multiply,He’s word does not fail.
Just think of all the deaths these people have caused through their various skeems,yet here we are. They must be so frustrated..
good article ! Population problems do have to be addressed ! Capitalism and its ever survival by growth and expansion is definitely one of the problems.
The Chinese over 30 years have pulled 800 million people out of severe poverty ! That is a great achievement ; they did that with planning and resolve ! The United States a first world country infant mortality rate is worse than Cuba’s
The important HDI index (Human Development Index) the USA sits in 17th position. With the possible exception of Ireland, the world’s top-ten countries are all non-neoliberalism countries.
Even among the top-20 best countries, the USA has the most unequal distribution of income – and it is growing. Perhaps there is a reason why neoliberalists do not want us to know this.
On life expectancy, health care and infant mortality, the self-proclaimed poster boy of neoliberalism lags badly behind.
Do yourselves a favor and read Lewis Mumford’s “The Myth of the Machine” (two book set). The rise of the mega-machine which controls us today originated in the US in the late 1800s.
WE are willingly eliminating ourselves. We are creating machines to replace ourselves, though the bulk of humanity doesn’t quite get this (only the top tier does).
If you want to KNOW the future read Mumford’s books.
Although it took a rather long winded article on the new malthusianism to bring it out, it’s nice to see awareness of global resource depletion gradually seeping into discussions on the Saker site, citing long time energy descent analysts like Catton, Tverberg, Orlov, Mumford, and Meadows et al – even if it is so far relegated to commentary rather than fully informative articles.
Certainly the general focus on the Sakar site – reporting on the collapse of the Western imperium after five centuries of terror, pillage and mass murder, and its replacement with a new, multipolar order – is valuable. However, that reporting has revealed no awareness of how deeply our species’ violation of the laws of nature is affecting the leading nations of the new order – China, Russia, Iran, etc., just as they are now causing the collapse of the old Western imperium. Writers like Escobar, Giraldi, Shamir, Martyanov and the Saker himself are great contributors to the geopolitical economics of the shifting order, but remain oblivious to the rapid rate in which industrial civilization is destroying its own resource base. This process can only result in a catabolic collapse, one that will happen sooner in some societies than others – far sooner for example in the US than in Russia, for example.
News in this commentary session of modern society succumbing to resource depletion has elicited some of the denial arguments familiar to energy descent writers like myself:
1. If only we stopped war making, and beat the swords (military budgets) into the proverbial plowshares, we could feed the world forever.
2. If only we stopped wasting the planetary resources in domination of lesser nations, there would be plenty for all. Organic farming will feed the world.
3. Technology will save us.
The problem with these arguments is not only that they are politically utopian in view of the rather poor historical record of the species. It is true that industrial economies create enormous waste of resources, but without curtailing human consumption, elimination of waste will add only a few years to the life of industrial economies. And no technology can sustain modern life without the energy to build, run and maintain it, energy which is fast depleting to unaffordable costs of extraction.
The literature of the end of cheap energy and its consequences is well developed, and includes, in addition to writers mentioned in these comments, prolific analysts such as James Kunstler, John Michael Greer, Cris Martenson and many others. As an energy descent writer (, I hope to see increasing acknowledgement on Sakar of this predicament of modern society, particularly in writing about China, which is set to become the leading consumer of resources on the planet.
Thanks for posting your comment. I concur with much of what you are saying, and feel others on this blog need to grapple the subject. Actually, the greater problem is not resource depletion (there is plenty of oil in the ground), but rather the problem is of choking on waste (namely carbon dioxide, but also other things). There was an interesting exibition at the science museum in Toronto Canada many years back, (I do not know if it is still there) in which a lot of rats were put in a cage. Given food, the rats multiplied to a point where they choked on their waste, and their numbers quickly dwindled. Such a situation we humans will experience on earth if we do not start being careful of what we consume (that was the point of the exibition).
Ted Kaczynski in his book “Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How” has a very good treatment on world political economy in mathametical terms. He describes how competition among economic systems, e.g. “The West” vs. “Russia-China Axis” must maximize production to survive competatively in the near term. In doing so, they undermine their long term viability. Eventually, all systems get snuffed out.
Yes, political economy and environment are subjects joined at the hip. One cannot talk about one without acknowledging the other. What the “great reset” is hedging at is the exhaustion of world resources causing collapse in world economic systems, and what to do about it (give the elites some credit). It has little to do with Malthus.
The myth of over-population?
A great video!!!!
“… the cult is spearheaded by those such as Klaus Schwarz and Bill Gates, et al.”
should be
the cult is spearheaded by those such as Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, et al.