Dear friends,

I have the delight to inform you of the officially ‘birth’ of the latest member of our Saker Community – the Italian Saker Blog which you can now visit by clicking on the following link:

I think that Italian speakers will be delighted by this event.  The folks working on this blog are truly very interesting and good people, and I am sure that a top-quality community will now coalesce around this blog.

[Sidebar: I remind everybody that each Saker Blog is 100% independent in its editorial policy and internal organization.  This is also why our community grows by what I call “spontaneous self-organization” rather then from a top-down model.  Of course, our community has some core values in common such as a categorical opposition to imperialism, no matter which country engages in it, opposition to the “New World Order” and its financial, social, cultural and economic oppression, a quest for the “truth” in facts, of course, but also in a higher sense of justice, morality and ethics.  We reject a unipolar world with a World Hegemon in charge, and we seek a diverse and multi-polar world ruled by international law and in each the sovereignty of each member is recognized and accepted.  We also all cherish real pluralism and an open and intelligent exchange of different ideas.  But we do not share a single ideology.  Some of us are religious, others are not.  Some of us are rather liberal/progressive, others are more conservative in outlook.  But we all want to offer an alternative to the brainwashing, propaganda and zombification of the official media and we want to empower people to make a different in the current “informational war” taking place between the Empire and the rest of the world.]

I would like to add a very important request:

Just like all the other members of our community, the Italian Saker Blog is in dire need of translators, in particular Russian->Italian and English->Italian.  If you can help us, even for a few hours per week, please get in touch with the Italian Saker Blog at the following address:

If you can, please help the Italian Saker Blog!!

Kind regards and thanks to all,

The Saker