By Batiushka for the Saker blog
When last week Allied troops quit the right (= western, or in this case northern (1)) bank of the Dnieper and so the regional city of Kherson (original population 283,000), confusion reigned among those with a short-term view of this conflict. Probably they had been listening to Western propaganda for too long. Probably they had forgotten that if Russia had difficulties holding right-bank Kherson, then the Ukraine would certainly have even more difficulties. Let us return to some basic facts in order to clear up some of the confusion
Military Matters
The government of the Russian Federation was reluctant to intervene in the post-regime change Ukraine of 2014. It always hoped that negotiations and diplomacy would overcome Western aggressiveness and stupidity.
The government of the Russian Federation knew that the USA through its NATO vassals was pumping the Ukraine full of arms and training its troops for the eight years between 2014 and 2022.
Therefore the government of the Russian Federation had eight years in which to plan for this conflict, planning different scenarios and also preparing probing and distracting movements, like that towards Kiev last March. One scenario was that the US would continue to intervene on the side of its Kiev puppet and arm it to the teeth, also using NATO countries, officers and huge numbers of mercenaries to prolong the conflict, so that it would develop into a US war against Russia. That is exactly what has happened. Russia defeated the Ukraine in March, but since then it has had to defeat the USA and its NATO allies, demilitarising them just as it demilitarised the Ukraine in the first month of the conflict. This is why there will be no quick end to what the conflict has become – a war of liberation against the Combined West

SBU offices in Kiev
A NATO Ukraine with Cargill-Monsanto-Blackstone-Black Rock-owned land, anti-Slav biolabs, potential nuclear arms, US missiles on the border with the Federation, genocide in the Russian East and South, Western globalism and its escaped covid experiment with bioweapons helping it to destroy Russia and so set up its World Dictatorship, became more and more abhorrent. All this made Russian liberation more and more probable. But liberation only of the willing. And who was willing?
The government of the Russian Federation always knew that in the far west of the Ukraine, formerly Poland, there was hatred for Russia and therefore it had no interest in taking that. The government of the Russian Federation and its Allies first had to free its allies in the Donbass and then demilitarise and denazify the rest of the ‘Anti-Russia’ Ukraine, which was threatening its survival.
Today Ukraine is running a budget deficit of up to $5 billion per month, with the country’s military spending increasing fivefold to $17 billion for the first seven months of 2022.
The Ukrainian Ministry of the Economy admitted last month that the country’s real GDP fell by as much as 40% in the second quarter of 2022. The annual decrease in Ukraine’s economic output is expected to reach 35%, according to the World Bank. Ukrainian officials forecast that inflation could reach 40% at the beginning of 2023, possibly turning into hyperinflation. All Kiev can do is to urge its Western backers to pour even more into its black hole.
According to the German Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the US, EU, and other countries promised a total of $93.62 billion to the Ukraine between January and October 2022.
In addition to sending weapons and money to Kiev, the EU is also accommodating Ukrainian ‘refugees’. According to UN data, Poland has taken 1,365,810, Germany 1,003,029, the Czech Lands 427,696, Italy 159,968, Turkey 145,000, Spain 140,391, the UK 122,900 and the USA 100,000. Virtually 3.5 million in all. The possibility of more refugees, this time genuine ones, sends shudders down the already very weak spines of the EU and the UK.
The cost of housing Ukrainians in Europe is considerable, especially given high inflation and the economic slowdown, both caused by the Western politicians’ boycott of Russian energy and natural resources. According to the German Kiel Institute, for some nations the cost of housing Ukrainian refugees has exceeded their overall aid to Ukraine. For instance, Estonia is spending more than 1.2% of its GDP on aid to Kiev and Ukrainian refugees. Latvia’s and Poland’s cumulative aid also exceeds 1% of their GDP.
In addition, popular support for Ukrainian ‘refugees’ has been declining throughout the EU. Ukrainian flags have been taken down nearly everywhere: the novelty has worn off. Many hoodwinked Western people, now impoverished, have realised that most of the ‘refugees’ are not refugees at all, but profiteers. For the most part the ‘refugees’ are the better off Ukrainians. They have fancy German cars, better than those of their hosts, extremely high expectations and an incredible sense of entitlement. They push and shove and do not say thank you. All owe to them. As a result of grasping and downright lazy attitudes, many of them are now on the streets of European towns and cities, having been expelled by their naive sponsors, and there is no-one to rehouse them.
Kiev is running out of resources and money. It cannot obtain frozen Russian assets, because Russia froze an almost equivalent amount of Western assets.
The assistance from the West cannot last forever. The manoeuvre of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to take advantageous positions along the Dnieper switches the special operation to Ukraine’s exhaustion. After a record-breakingly mild October, the warmth has continued in November in Europe. But it will not last.
Conclusion: This will be a difficult winter for the Ukraine and for the Combined West, which is being bled white by the attrition of the Ukraine. The Allies are in no hurry – unlike the Collective West. It now looks as though the Allied strategy may be to push westwards to the natural border of the Dnieper, occupying all the provinces east of it, even if that means abandoning Kherson for a while. This will give the Allies a relatively short and well-protected front. Only then will the Allies consider crossing the river in the south and taking Nikolaev and Odessa – which is quite likely in the longer-term future. And only then, having linked up with Transdnistria would they consider taking back Non-NATO Moldova. And only once they have crushed NATO in the Ukraine, would they consider taking back the three Baltic States, which have mounted such a cruel persecution of their Russian minorities.
Political, Economic and Ideological Matters
For 30 years the Russian Federation has been musing on what to do about the collapse of the USSR and the ensuing injustices and absurd borders of the fifteen republics formed out of it. Huge numbers of Russians found themselves outside the Russian Federation and have been subject to persecution. Since 2000, President Putin has been making allies and friends outside the Federation, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the last few years a Russia-China-Iran axis has taken shape. At the same time the Russian Federation has been cultivating self-sufficiency, a process much accelerated out of necessity by the illegal Western sanctions enforced against Moscow when the Crimea rejoined the Motherland.
The US empire is apoplectic about all of this, as Russia is now the main obstacle to totalitarian US global power, its World Dictatorship, which is what its neocons want. Russia is the ideological leader of the BRICS+ and the Russia-China-Iran axes which have been taking shape. However, it now looks as though even to fail in its aims, the US elite will have to spend another £2.3 trillion on the Ukraine, the same as it spent trying to conquer Afghanistan. And we all know how that ended. As for the US poodle, the British Establishment, having lost its Empire, it is now losing its own disunited and bankrupt kingdom. And the EU? It is in its death-throes.
As a symbol of the victory of the Russian ideology, we quote from an article published on his Telegram-Channel by the journalist Ruslan Ostashko and noted by He states that Americans from Texas, Detroit, Minnesota and other states have come to fight on the Russian side against globalism and Nazism. The Americans declare that: ‘Russia is the last place on earth which is fighting against globalism, liberalism and for a New World Order, which America is destroying’. ‘Guys, this is the last battle for the world’.
13 November 2022
1. The right bank is the one on your right, as you sail downstream. This could be on the left as you look at a map. But maps are not reality.
The growing and unmanageable social, economic, and financial hardships you describe Batiushka can only mean an unstoppable EUropean 2023 implosion (approx.) most probably taking place before any military defeat. It would just be politically unsustainable for EUropean public opinion to withstand such extremes. This would mean that time is NATO’s main enemy , not artillery.
I am from Spain (maybe like you?) and live in Germany, I think I know good Western and Central Europe (I also lived in Norway and Switzerland)
I am afraid that European Union will be very hit economically (2010 levels) but not enough to break the full titanic control that governments here apply to the population.
For the US, it has a deficit of around 3 trillion, 50 or even 100 billion for ukriane does not make a difference.
What is makes a difference is the lack of industrial capacity.
I urge Russia to stop selling titanium, nickel, palladium steel and aluminium to the EU and US
I know that this is difficult politically, due to the oligarchs but it’s the way to the total economy victory.
It will mean to bury the aerospace and automotive industry of Europe, arguably the last one that is competitive, and also spoil the US ability to produce shells ms
Currently Russia is shelling titanium than the US uses in weapons that are fired against Russia
My 2 cents, as a European engineer who support Russia.
Russia blocking the export of industrial metals will bring to the knees Europe in a day. Much faster than gas.
(That’s way metals were not included in sanctions indeed)
That is the way to the victory. If the oligarch stop the government from doing it, you should execute them for traitors
Correct for the most part except stopping resources such as Titanium is only a short term option. The only way to “cut the head” of the Western Parasite on mankind is to eliminate the US dollar reserve currency status. Yes, it is happening as we type (China, Russia, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc..bilateral trade using countries own currency). When this is complete, the 50 billion or 100 trillion the USA prints out of thin air will buy a pack of cigarettes (maybe).
Do you have any idea how much cigarettes cost now in Canada or Australia?
In jail they definitely get a premium.
Yes, if Russia and the rest of the Eurasian axis used all the options available to it–including their control over the rare-earth metals–they could put a stake in the Western imperialist hearts in what could be the most decisive moment in all of human history. Yet, if Russia negotiates anything less than the unconditional surrender of Ukraine, then it will have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Does Putin realize how close he is to creating a new world order–yes, a new multipolar world order whose poles do not include the U.S. or Europe? A half millennium of theft and destruction by the West against the rest of the world could avenged by a blink of the eye. Putin and his allies truly have a rendezvous with destiny–if it is seized!
What Kremlin is seeking is, Asian/Middle East unity against the hegemon.
See how the parasitic structure united raped the world for centuries.
See how 30 countries attack one, and they destroy it, and nobody says shit about it, because they can’t.
To counter that, Russia needs 100% trusty allies, united around common cause, to terminate the plague, once for all.
Right now, it is one big FUD to all, also inferiority complex is huge.
But, destruction of petrodollar should be number one on the list, along with cutting off all raw materials to the “anointed ones”. They had it too good for too long. Something’s gotta give.
Very good point. But seeing the current situation on the world stage, none of the major players in Eurasia Russia, China and Iran could afford to make separate half-baked agreements with the Anglo-Zionist banking faction, hell-bent for world domination – on a temporary/Machiavellian basis. Things have changed a lot not only for the Eurasian nations but mostly in the west too. The empire has totally run out of dominant ideology which is the main precondition for waging and winning any wars. The western empire did have this dominance after the WWI, lasting until 24 February 2022, when Russia launched the SMO. No wars could be won without an ideology (system of thought) that would dominate its opponents’. Let’s be serious, wokism, lqbt+, gender-bending… and other diversionary trash (narratives) currently pushed ad nauseam by the empire’s MSM and its WEF branch, isn’t going become the only rules for all the countries/people of the world anytime in the future, in fact never, therefore western defeat is assured.
Yes, you are correct.
Yes, I do share pretty much your very same European experience !
And I also agree with you in that ” Russia blocking the export of industrial metals … ( … titanium, nickel, palladium steel and aluminium… and some other key stuff…) would bring Europe to its knees in a day, much faster than gas.”
@Cid trust me that the Russians know this better than both of us put together. And surely they can pull that ´trigger´ anytime, probably even by Twitter. It´s just that their Asian-driven “timing sense” makes them wait for the right, effective moment… and not an instant before. The Russian Federation is Eurasian. Up to the Urals it´s pretty much European (sorta). But beyond… all the way to Vladivostok… it´s fully Asian, with Asian time management, mentality and goals… not ours. Us Westerners struggle with such concepts. We are all “shock & awe” mode, but not them. They want to win over Europe without destroying Europe.
BTW, I tend to agree with Batiuska in that the US would have to spend FAR more than ´50 or even 100 billion US dollars for Ukriane´… just to keep playing in the Russian game… (” even to fail in its aims ” ) with no real chance of winning anything, let alone militarily.
Would it be an idea to slowly increase the price of industrial metals up to ten- or twenty-fold? This would be good for the EU buyers since it would reduce their dependence on others. After all this is what they achieved with natural gas.
Russia way of using a ‘martial art’ form of fighting is better in the long run.
It is better to let them defeat themselves, and have your hands clean of destruction.
Already now they accuse Russia of ‘weaponizing’ the Energy flow, to direct citizen anger on Russia.
It’s not working well, if it is was true, it might have worked to a greater extent.
The alternative to play an evil game, is play a smarter game.
Cid….deficit is $ 31 trillions……
The US yearly trade deficit which I believe you are referencing is USD $ 1.213 TRILLION, not ” $31 Trillions” as you mention. Cid also misses by saying that ” the US deficit is around 3 trillion “. Neither is correct.
Actually, USD $ 31.285 Trillion is the US National “registered” debt… not to be confused with the US yearly budget deficit to which we should add all sorts of already cumulative “unfunded liabilities” to the tune of USD $173 TRILLION + “Medicare” liability = USD $35 TRILLION + “Social Security” liability = USD $22.5 TRILLION
Certainly, the USA is ultra deeply indebted and depends on foreign financing from the rest of the world.
Please check out
Negotiations, diplomacy, end the war, at least freeze it……If President Putin accepts any of the above he will be taken down: the only negotiation is NATO’s demise and Ukraine´s unconditional surrender. “Not a step back” Russia: This one is our generation´s Stalingrad. Posterity would call it Putingrads for the sake of humanity.
Indeed,losing in Ukraine for Russia isn’t an option i am sure the leadership know that and will take the action needed,what that will be we don’t know but think most of us have a good idea.
Funny thing, some Russians say how the west part is anti Russia, is not Russia, and should be left to poles, or some other BS.
That is the freaking reason to take it, drive out scum, and MAKE it Russian land.
The point is to make the rest of the world to live in fear, never, ever, to even think to attack Russia.
That’s how you assert the dominance, and security.
We could use more of your passion here and your love for everything. Thank you…
NATO wanted another Afghanistan 2.0 for Russia.
They wanted another oil crunch 2.0.
They wanted another arms race 2.0. Unfortunately them ruskies failed to take the bait and have at least learned from the previous mistakes.
Sitting tight in friendly lands and obliterating the Nazi leagues as they approach with cheap and cheerful methods is working just fine.
Turning out the lights on the haters in Western Ukraine will force them to consider their choices and become a burden on the EU and US. Wait until the dollar hyperinflates away and BRICS currency bag appears and the petrodollar backed military of the US will become an albatross around its neck, dragging it to the bottom of the ocean.
It’s all been gamed out for decades – the empire must go.
To optimistic in my opinion because the economical situation or loses of the ukrainian army is not going to end this only a definitive military victory by the Russian army will.
And that is nowhere in sight right now.
What? RF victory nowhere in sight?
You need to open up your eyes, ears, and your mind. remember a mind is like a parachute, it only works correctly when open.
If I hadn’t been so long-winded, below, comrade, I’d have been the first, not you, to chastise comrade Ranko.
I’d like to think his message is a plea to bring out Satan 2, but like you, I have my reservations. lol
Chill dude, enjoy the West making a fine spectacle of themselves. What a pathetic sight for the world to see, all those suits, pigs and dwarves, like the blood money counting Zionists, Yellen and Nuland, B-Movie acting lightweights Sullivan and Blinken and the old Euro farts Borrell and Ursula Cuntmeister, all putting a brave face on what can only be described as a FUBAR losing battle.
Slowly but surely, Russia, inadvertently, are turning the screw on the mismanaged zombie hinterlands of Europe, disenfranchisement and finger-pointing, coupled with intense fear, grips steadily among these former pliant cabbages, the resulting alarm bells ringing loudly in every nook and cranny along the corridors of power. Hell, crime’s rising in correlation with inflation, mercilessly eroding workers standard of living.
Squeeze them until their pips squeak, no fracking mercy!
We’re obviously not watching the same channel.
Before we surmise that “the West” is about to go under, we strongly recommend studying how Ancient Rome and its Aristocracy remained in full control of finance & politics for *several centuries.*
They’re a great model to use to better understand how the Modern Elitists will use every measure and every means to maintain their incredible amounts of wealth.
This one differs from the Roman Empire. Soon enough the Eurasian system will control all the arteries that keep charging the Anglo-Zionist mafia system, thus enabling it to kick around a little longer – by pulling SA, UAE…and other ME gas stations out of the Western sphere of influence. The empire should collapse in less than six months, according to some estimates.
@Ranko, I beg to disagree.
Of course, you may posit a different point of view even with different data or analysis. For example, you might argue that Batiushka is wrong and that the US would spend far more (or far LESS) than USD $ 2.5 TRILLION dollars just to keep playing in the Russian game… (” even to fail in its aims ” ) with no real chance of winning anything, let alone militarily. BTW, that´d be approximately some 12% of total US GDP… which would exceed the yearly US military and intel budget combined. For Fiscal Year 2022, the Department of Defense (DOD) alone officially had $1.94 Trillion budget.
But what does not make any sense is you not objecting to any of Batiuska´s description of future developments… but yet declaring her conclusions as “too optimistic” as if her description did not have an assured impact upon the outcome.
The required “definitive military Russian victory” you are looking for Ranko would take place as the natural outcome of the growing and unmanageable social, economic, and financial hardships (an internal implosion) herein described by Batiushka.
Ranko, try looking at what you have written. Losses by the Ukrainian army is the same as victory by the Russian army.
And when the economic situation is no bullets, food, or diesel, we will see an end.
Interestingly enough, there was an account of a Nazi officer on another website, in which he basically said the Nazi’s were retreating on the Eastern front, while every now and then stopping the Russian advance with high casualties to the Russians, in the hope that eventually the Russians would run out of men and materials. So the Nazi hope was that the Russians would run out of steam, but of course the Russians never ran out of steam.
And here we now have the situation where the Russians are retreating while inflicting high casualties on the Ukrainians and their NATO allies, in the hope that eventually the Ukrainians and their NATO allies will run of of men and materials. So its now the Russians who are hoping that their enemies will run out of steam, materially and economically.
Luckily for the Russians the Ukrainians and NATO aren’t as tough as Russians, so the Ukies and their allies will eventually run out of steam, but it could take a while, especially since the Russians don’t seem to want to bomb Ukraine properly. Only the Russian high command knows why the war is being pursued in such a tedious fashion.
I would say it is the first battle in the last war for the world.
The terrorists in DC are just getting started.
Or maybe they are not. Just maybe they have nothing left in their depleted arsenal of sociopathic tricks other than the nuclear one–which would completely destroy them.
I seem to recall about 115000 persons have been evacuated from Kherson a few days ago. Stated yhe city had a population of 283000…..
and the referendum concluded that about 85%of the population welcomed Russian status. On TV the ardent anti Rus. returning residents say about 50% of the population has left. So despite possible mis-estimated” figures there seems to be a disparity ie that the differences might indicate a large percentage that were supportive of Russian status decided to remain….hence are they just persons going with the flavour of the moment one wonders. Sadly some are already suffering retribution.
Maybe Russia has to re-evaluate the risk and possibility of a warm welcome if they return….I am not convinced it will be such as anti Rus delusionalism and especially about their economic situation is going to escalate and become more embedded I feel…is Russia new percieved as weak and unreliable and blameable… as emotionally attatched to their homes and lands just as Donbass people are to theirs, they might not really understand or wish to ,the logical military reasons to withdraw nor reverse their current mentality again (perhaps to be even more polarised) should Russia return. . And might motivate more areas to solidify their resistance to further Russian actions….even if deluding themselves the west has endless supplies and finances for them-until that all crashes .
I ask myself did Russia underestimate the risk of constant military supplies and weaponry from EU . European countries and USA. Months ago the impression given was no….not sufficient…easy targets….but has it made a difference in Kherson I wonder just sufficient to tip the balance along with the locational and supply difficulties/vulnerabilities of Rus forces being on the right bank .
A while ago Krasny Liman- territory been held by insufficient troop numbers and back up…a situation Gen Lapin had recently had to take over from previous staff. But forced to retreat….go on holiday be sacked or retired….kind of held in disgrace perhaps despite the “O’ group pointing these circumstances out in their support for him.. not sure about his situation now.Is it not the same generic situation with regard to Kherson but Surovikin is by contrast and disparity supported for the decision re Kherson? I suppose Liman exposed the need for a unified overall command.
War is war. There is movements in the front. This is not the World if Empries where you produces soldiers in fast pace.
We all would prefer that Russia has 1000 million people and can mobilise 10 million to take Ukraine in a day but unluckily is not the case.
Any other country (including the US) would have simular or even bigger problems.
Russia will take Kherson back, and it will destroy the Ukrainian state:
Some people could be pissed, but I doubt that you start liking a Nazi regime just because they enemy have to retreat
My 2 cents
Lapin is still in command. And, you are wrong–over half of Kherson left even before this last retreat. Very few citizens remain in what is pretty much now a ghost land.
It’s been converted to 3rd world status objectively, but also a 1st world subjective celebration .
First distinguish between Kherson city and Kherson oblast. Don’t confuse between referendum percentage of Russia supporters of the oblast and the city.
Second Kherson city had a population of 280,000 before the start of SMO.
What was the population last month?
Must be less than the original figure.
Third Kherson city like most on riverbanks have people on both sides of the river.
If I remember it right there some protests by Ukrainians in the city in March and April.
Also there are some Crimean Tartars in Kherson who had taken refuge after the capture of Crimea.
Even if 10,000 people are left in Kherson city it’s a size able number for video cameras. In fact videos can zoom in from far and compress the space to make it look that there are lot of people in a street.
Any half decent photographer can make 300-400 people on streets look like they are a huge crowd.
The good news is these Ukrainians if they are fit will 100% get drafted into the Ukrainian forces and will eventually get attritied by Russian forces. So when Russia takes back the West Bank of Kherson there won’t be any fighting age Ukrainian collaborators left in Kherson City.
There will also be Russian double agents among those Ukrainians. Who will be providing useful information to Russia.
Do not worry my friends. If a few mullas and the people of Iran were able to kick American a** 43 years ago certainly the Russia of today and tomorrow can take care of business.
Put your faith in God and move forward. You have the right leadership and the world is changing in our favor. Did you hear me? In our favor. Prepare yourself for victory.
We hear you comrade, if you could only get your message across to Kiev and the other rat-infested surrounding holes, not now obviously, but when the lights come back on.
Well, for some inexplicable reason the author has not mentioned number of the ukrainian refugees in Russia which in the recent months has trailed 2nd only to Poland ( over 2mln ) and now has overcome that with 2.9mln ukranian refugees in Russia leaving Poland in 2nd place:
Kinda ruins the anti-Russian disinfo narrative spewed by the mainstream lie machine camuflaged as “free media” over 96% of which owned and controlled by the jews ( for the express purpose of manipulating public opinion according to their own doctrinal documents)
Speaking of the “ukrainian” flags ( created for the degenerates by the judeo-masonic gang ) coming out of fashion to display, in the ultra-diviant Los Angeles it’s reaching comical levels – nearly every display of the despicable rag is in company with the rainbow flag of the sexual deviants – the degenerates seems to be as obsessed with it as with display of their own, one reason for which is likely the active pedophile networks preying on the ukrainian children both in the West and in Ukraine.
Speaking of taking back the stolen Baltic “states” , many people , even in Russia , let alone in the West, do not know that the Baltic lands are legal Russian property purchased ( paid in gold ) from the previous landlord , Sweden , by the Russian Tzar. The so-called Baltic “nations” are just tenants on the land who stole the Russian property. Any court of justice in the world would recognize Russia as the legal holder of the deed on the land for the documents of the sale are still in the both the seller (Sweden) and the buyer (Russia) governments archives.
Untrue. Russia is not the only country trying to fight against Western Globalism. Iran, China, parts of the Middle East/Latin America; parts of Africa are all trying to be freed from the predatory nature of the US Financial/Diplomatic/Military aggression.
And as the US/EU/UK Financial System is intent on destroying Western societies, there’s word that some German industrialists are in the midst of their own battle with the German/Italian Financiers.
In other words, much of the world is in the midst of trying to completely dislodge itself from the US $$$ System. Of course, you first have to understand how its’ manacles strangle nations with IMF Loans & The World Bank. Both fronted by the US $$$ Hegemon.
PS: are we hearing correctly (RT) who noted that Russia wants to rejoin the American SWIFT program??? God forbid; let’s hope that was an erroneous report.
“Sam Bankman-Fried admits that FTX is a crypto laundromat for the Ukrainian government”.
The United States can and will continue to provide welfare money to Ukraine and its western European puppet governments indefinitely or until the U.S. Dollar completely crashes like the German Papiermark did in 1921. Since nobody can predict exactly when the Dollar will seize to be, the people of western Europe will most certainly continue to endure economic hardships as long as they have just enough welfare money to survive because they are cucked and docile, obedient little citizens just like the vast majority of the American sheeple. The American house of Zion has the vast majority of their people on both sides of the Atlantic sedated with drugs and pornography so they pose no threat to their continued and escalating criminal activities. South Korea has now begun mass producing military hardware and equipment at the command of uncle Sam. Anyone who actually believes that South Korea is a direct competitor to the U.S. weapons manufacturers come see me later I got a Crimea bridge I want to sell you. My point being that the American house of Zion has no intention of stopping the escalation. Russia is of course well aware of this and so is China, Iran, Belarus and North Korea. China is building up an absolutely massive military with their unmatched industrial capacity. Russia has been left with no other choice but to severely turn up the heat. A freeze or any kind of negotiations with the current Kiev regime is completely out of the question because first of all its tantamount to treason by the Russian government but most importantly it is something the Russian people at this point will never tolerate.
I do not agree when you say that ´The United States can and will continue to provide welfare money to Ukraine and its western European puppet governments indefinitely…´.
No way, it cannot do it “INDEFINETLY” as you say. Way before that the US dollar would crash and implode.
True enough, ” you can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people part of the time” … ” but you cannot fool all people (worldwide) all of the time”…
Let alone — as Batiushka has posited — if the US will have to spend USD $ 2.5 TRILLION dollars just to keep playing in the Russian game… (” even to fail in its aims ” ) with no real chance of winning anything, even militarily. BTW, that´d be approximately some 12% of total US GDP… and 110% of its current deficit spending. Thus USD $ 2.5 Trillion would exceed the yearly US military and intel budget combined.
The fact that, as you say,… “nobody can predict exactly when the US dollar will CEASE to be”… does not mean that it cannot and will not happen given the degree of printing required per Batiushka´s estimates. The US dollar printing escalation is limited by the foreigner´s willingness to save in devalued and over-printed US dollars. An obvious DE-dollarization is already under way.
Cordially, Jorge
The US has three options:
1. Surrender and then be denazified and demilitarised
2. Retreat into its own sphere along with like minded vassals-5 eyes, EU, Japan, Korea
3. Go all out nuclear and hope it works out well for them
It is indeed a Battle for the World. Russians understand that. They think strategically. And they take a moral position. Americans think tactically — which is always short-term — and amoral. They want immediate profit. One can see the difference in the West’s reaction to Russian strategies in Kharkov and Kherson, where they withdraw to save lives — but also to position themselves for attack later on. Kherson in particular was planned months in advance – a multifactor approach, polymathic in concept. The Russians could therefore move across the river in just 3 days and simultaneously attack strategic positions elsewhere while waiting for the ground to freeze. The Russians are fighting a Long War in which the Ukraine is just one battle.
Perhaps we are all unnerved by the myriad of problems the world is experiencing, to grasp that there is more to the Ukraine/Russia conflict. It almost happened a few times in the past like with the Cuba missile crisis as well as the Angolan civil war for instance, where the two super powers almost got involved in hostilities against each other and now it is happening right now for real. Russia for some reason that is unfathomable to many, has always been the bulwark against US and Western imperialist tendencies around the world for a long time without this being noticeable on the part of many. But now the empire finally has the difficult “final solution” to deal with what it considers a hindrance to its worldwide piracy, racist domination and outright illegal invasions of weaker nations. We are witnessing the possible change that will create a new and a far better world which many have lived and died trying to bring about.