By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog
The prologue
While writing this piece I promised myself that I would not offer it to our gracious host until my previous article achieved 20000 reads. Having reached that high watermark, I am grateful to the Saker for this opportunity to share my views with such a large and knowledgeable audience and hope that the gentle reader will find this next experiment to their taste—or at least interesting.
Sometimes I write because there is a topic that catches my attention and sometimes because of a problem that I have been studying for some time. Rarely, the impulse comes from the information I receive from friends. This is one such rare occasion. In a world saturated by shallow infotainment and propaganda posing as truth, basing one’s argument on a YouTube video is a dodgy proposition at best. A video? So what? There are tens of thousands of other videos contradicting it. Yet this one is a bit special. It was sent to me by my old friend tonight. He is a highly intelligent and educated person of Serb extraction who has had strong links with Germany, who speaks German fluently and has a lot of experience studying and working in German-speaking countries.
My friend and I have been crossing rubber swords over Germany for a long time. Both of us are highly interested in and supportive of Russia in all its forms. Where we tend to differ is on the question of the principal enemy of the Slavs. While he is a staunch supporter of the Anglo-Zionist thesis, I am much more likely to blame the Vatican and Germans for most of the ills of today’s Europe. Truth as always is probably somewhere in the middle although it is difficult to fathom how anyone could have a soft spot for a nation whose history is more or less circumscribed by its attempts to conquer, destroy, convert and Germanise Slav lands. But then, he’d say—why are you defending the bloody British imperial rule and meddling? I’m not—it is just that that I wish to shed light on the last historical taboo. Understanding and breaking it in my opinion will go a long way towards diverting the world from the path to Armageddon. OK, I might be biased but so what? Who isn’t? Should I stop writing because I am not perfectly fair to all sides in the conflict? Pull the other one, please.
Remembering the future
Another reason for writing this is a fond memory—a memory of my trip to Leipzig in 1999. I enjoyed my time there very much and had great chats with the locals despite my rubbish German. And yet, an ostensibly minor detail stayed imprinted deep in my memory. I had read somewhere that the name of this lovely Saxon city was derived from Lipica-Lipa, a Serb word for the Linden tree. One look at the map shows that three of the suburbs of Leipzig are Lindenau (Lipovo), Altlindenau (Staro Lipovo) and Neulindenau (Novo Lipovo). The plot thickens. But it is not this that stuck in my mind. During a coach transfer from the airport to the city, I noticed a number of strange-sounding village names. I couldn’t remember them but found some on Google maps. They are: Connewitz, Ermlitz, Masslau, Beuditz, Papitz, Quasnitz, Lutzschena, Hayna, Schladitz, Podelwitz, Rakwitz, Wiederitsch, Mockau, Podelwitz, Göbschelwitz, Eutritzsch, Thekla, Plaussig-Portitz, Leutzsch, Stötteritz, Reudnitz, Mölkau, Panitzch, Plösitz, Dewitz, Segeritz, Merkwitz, Gordemitz, Weltewitz, Jesewitz, Reudnitz, Raschwitz, Dölitz and many others.[1]
Although I don’t speak Serb (my friend who does has kindly translated) but know a bit of German, an alarm went off in my head. These names sound strange and out of place—just like Kenosha, Tuskegee and Okeechobee stick out in the midst of English-sounding toponyms. Could it be that these are traces of some older culture which once inhabited the linden forests and glades of Saxony and Prussia? I asked my friend for his opinion and he said that ending -itz has a direct analogue in Serb -ica and -au is -ava. There were a couple of names there that were almost direct transliterations—for example Rakwitz (Rakovica—a suburb of Belgrade), Raschwitz (Rašica, Raška), Connewitz (Konjević, Konjevo), Dewitz (Deviči, Devičino), Papitz (Papići), Masslau (Maslava, Maslovo) Jesewitz (Ježević, Ježevo) and so forth.[2] Perhaps some of our Serb readers living in Germany/Saxony could offer more information? Before I expand and expound on this minor historical puzzle, let me return to the topic.
In several of my previous essays, I talked about the Drang or Drang nach Osten as a perennial and continuing push by various incarnations of Germany towards the Slavic East. However, in this I’d succumbed to a common fallacy. For “der Drang” does not denote an expedition or a crusade, but a deep urge, yearning, drive and thirst (Google translate). Rather than an action, it is a hard-wired state of mind, an instinct almost. It is der Drang that is doing the pushing, not its victims (who in turn are doing the geographical pushing and victimising of others). There is something in the makeup of German patriots and nationalists that that expresses itself as a “call” to march on the East. And march they did. Despite limp attempts to deny the existence of this interesting psychopathological state, the Drang is alive and well. Although it is not confined to the Germans, they are the originators of the idea and its most regular and efficient executors.
The Drang (impulse) for writing this article comes from the video sent to me by my friend who is more likely to send me pictures of lovely German girls in colourful dresses serving steins of beer at Oktoberfest.
In case you can’t be bothered to watch it, apparently it is a German patriotic song mourning the brave Teutonic knights who had to abandon their watch in the “East” and bring their heroic battle standards back to their “Heimat”—whatever that was in the 10th Century. There is an implicit understanding that they’d been defeated by a mysterious somebody. The fake pathos conveyed by this maudlin rendering mirrors some of the modern versions of Russian and Soviet patriotic songs. Nevertheless, this is where the comparison ends. The song is a blatant attempt to fan the flames of German revanchism at a time when the push towards Russia’s borders is intensifying. Somehow, there is something almost natural about this—ah, the Germans will be Germans, the only way they can go is East, right? They can’t bloody well invade Great Bri… oh, wait! What is particularly repellent is the typical Germanic combination of the kitschy sentiment and genocidal intent. It is as if no world wars have occurred and millions upon untold millions of innocent souls have not been slain by the mighty Schwert of the Teutonic knights. Some of the more perceptive listeners might have heard in the faux melancholy the echoes of a more recent past, a Goebbelsian celebration of the criminals and rogues who were soundly destroyed at Stalingrad.
But it was not the pathetic lament for the historical losers (for once, the American label fits) but the comments that shook me. Thousands of well-wishers from all over the world mourning the passing of the great tradition of Frankish conquest and pledging allegiance to Germany and its holy mission. Understandably, many are the voices of Germany’s vassals (Croatia, Ukraine, the Baltics) or countries with strong fascist traditions (Brazil, Spain, Italy) and large numbers of lone-wolf Teutonic knight wannabes. You know, those disaffected young men emasculated by the militant feminist dogma and lack of opportunity, yearning to burn, rape and pillage in the name of a fake Aryan ideology. If you are wondering why I’m calling it fake, bear with me faithful reader—you won’t have to wait long.
How could an ideology so steeped in nationalist kitsch and cheap sentimentality and motivated by genocide be so popular again after having experienced two recent defeats on a cosmic scale? This of course is the key question and is closely linked to the recent address of President Putin who expressed Russia’s intention to prevent any resurgence of fascism and Nazism in Europe and more widely. Some readers will complain that I always sound negative and that I would be doing much better if I were to be more attuned to the emotional needs of the readers. Sorry, I leave that stuff to the admirers of Edward Bernays and Hollywood propagandists. We don’t have time for Gemütlichkeit. The planets are aligning and the generations that remember the horrors of WWII have almost left the stage with a worried look in their eyes. For they are not convinced that we, their children and grandchildren, have learned the horrible lesson that they had to live through. The evil that they fought tooth and nail from Papua New Guinea to the forests of Byelorussia has been rising its ugly head ever since the premature and suspicious death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 12th April 1945. FDR was not a saint yet his death precipitated a rapid and malignant metamorphosis of the United States. From a relatively uncouth, isolationist and inwardly oriented society, the US became a raging world empire almost overnight.
A not-so-brief imperial interlude
Most observers take for granted that America has been predestined to rule the world. Well, that’s wrong and I can demonstrate the fallacy of this idea immediately. How did the United States which had problems subduing the Philippines, Cuba and Mexico become a world empire in a span of a couple of years? Note that this is not a question of economy or nuclear weapons—although these did play a decisive role. What I am talking about is the ideology, the sudden zeal with which the remote relatives of the inhabitants of the English-speaking islands (apologies to the Celtic nations) who had only recently snuffed out the indigenous resistance assumed a very determined posture towards nations they had escaped which they have maintained ever since? It is as if their geopolitical doctrine came ready-wrapped from somewhere else. How else can we explain the incredible volte face which turned America’s enemies into overnight allies and its main ally—which had been responsible for saving hundreds of thousands of American lives into its deadly enemy that remains the main target of its predations almost 80 years later.
This requires a pause. Please contemplate the immensity of the change I just described. This was not a result of a long-term organic process (although some signs were present pre-war) or a life-or-death choice made by a country whose very existence was being threatened. On the contrary, in the summer of 1945, America stood at the apex of its power. Unchallenged by the rest of the world, unscathed by a catastrophe that had left most other countries destroyed or at least severely incapacitated, the USA boasted unprecedented industrial, military and political power. As suggested by a number of leading political voices, the world was desperate for a breather and a benevolent international order. The United Nations had just been inaugurated in New York when the skies began to darken. Veiled and not so veiled threats, abrogation of war-time treaties and promises, an instant militarisation of the country and the initiation of a total war against the country that had never been an enemy—on the contrary—all of this was occurring while the Soviet forces under Marshal of the Soviet Union Aleksandr Vasilevsky were crushing the Kwantung army and saving millions of American lives in one of the greatest and most complex military operations of all time.[3]
I don’t mean to dwell here on this fascinating and in many ways, era-defining episode. I shall devote a series of articles to it in the near future. For now, let me try quickly to answer the question—where did the imperial ideology of the United States originate and how was it so successfully transplanted to the still raw Yankee culture? Simply, it came from the most aggressive Russophobe forces in Europe—the Vatican and German imperialism. Nonsense! I hear you spit into your cornflakes with indignation. It was the Jewish bankers! No, it was the evil British! Balderdash, I reply. The Jews were solidly pro-USSR and hunted by the agents of Cardinal Spellman. And if you are still wondering why there was no mention of the holocaust of the Jews in 1945, this was because they were told quietly but in no uncertain terms that any mention of Germany’s transgressions would rebound on them immediately and heavily. In other words, they were threatened by those same “American patriots” whom I had already tackled superficially in “The other side of darkness”. Try it, try to find any mention of the holocaust in the 1940s and early 1950. Nothing. I had once pointed this out a well-known American Jewish activist. Understandably, she was a bit stumped and couldn’t answer (no, I don’t except the usual “oh, they were too shocked”). Only later, once Zionists decided to bet on the Roman Catholic (in all but name) West against Stalin who had literally saved them from extinction, were they allowed to start complaining about “those nasty Germans”.[4]
And the British? They were cursing the United States whose post-war largesse, so lavishly expended on its Nazi enemies didn’t extend to alleviating their hunger and poverty or forgiving some of the debt the Empire had incurred in the previous six years of war.[5] This is not to say that they didn’t participate wholeheartedly in the new crusade—only that they were not its brain.
The instantly unfurled anti-Soviet and anti-Russian banner was not the banner of the maritime British empire over which the sun was rapidly setting. There was only one banner that could unite all the disparate Russophobe elements (American Catholic deep-sleepers, German Nazi filth and neo-Habsburgian haemophiliacs, French Cagoulard merde, Spanish Falangist cutthroats, Belgian Rexist scum, Hungarian Arrow Cross detritus, Slovak Jesuitical would-be-Aryan yokels, Ukrainian Uniate SS incestoids, Croat monstrosities in human form, Jew-hating Cerberuses of the Baltics, Latin American not-quite-Mussolinis, Japanese in-vivo experts—not to forget assorted British empire-mourning degenerates) within a couple of years and turn them into a motivated crusading force—the banner of Friedrich Barbarossa (or one of his many Teutonic brethren). Having failed to destroy Russia twice using the German Panzerfaust, the alarmed grey eminences huddled inside the hushed gilded halls of the Vatican, held their noses and using Italian Mafiosi as deniable intermediaries activated their vast and influential agent network in the United States.
To their chagrin, the United States was not an ideal candidate for a crusading Reich. Apart from substantial enclaves of Irish, Polish and German immigrants, there was little Catholic zeal in the mainly heathen Protestant mass of money- and success-obsessed “Americans”. They weren’t very easy to order about and they certainly didn’t believe in the primacy of the Pope or his divine nature. They were individualist and generally liked to mind their own business. The pagans didn’t even have an Ambassador to the Holy See! How were the geopoliticians in crimson robes to overcome this major handicap ad maiorem Dei gloriam?
The strategy was multi-pronged and involved a lot of hard work. On the one hand, the Vatican’s agents co-ordinated by Cardinal Spellman with the Pope’s blessing would start infiltrating critical institutions (e.g. the military, the government and intelligence apparatus) and turning both the public and expert opinion against the Soviet Union and in favour of Roman Catholicism.[6] Their second task was to neutralise and discredit any neutral or pro-Soviet voices or any forces that would advocate a realist policy of peaceful co-existence. This is where the results of the Catholic offensive were most visible and successful. Many left-leaning intellectuals, academics and artists, especially non-white or “non-Aryan”, were hunted and haunted by Joe McCarthy’s thugs, accused of being “commie” agents and Judeo-Bolshevik infiltrators. Protestants as a whole were branded as Soviet agents and had to fight relentlessly to restore their “anti-communist credentials”.[7] Thousands lost their jobs or were arrested.
Many committed suicides or emigrated, their lives and careers ruined.[8] The most important consequence of this witch hunt was the suffocation of the American democracy in the name of “preserving democracy”. Critical voices were silenced and replaced by that typically American combination of shallowness and aggressiveness peppered by the insufferable sense of superiority. Thousands of Nazi “assets” were imported into the country to man various CIA front organisations and scientific enterprises via various “projects” and the infamous Lodge-Philbin act that led to the recruitment into the US military (mainly special forces) of thousands of Eastern European Nazis. But let’s leave this depressing saga for another day—or night.
They lived here once
Naïve and misinformed people often ascribe the hatred of the Slavs, especially the Orthodox ones to communism and a natural urge of a superior civilisation to convert and “civilise” the pagan hordes. The French, who so ignominiously lost their “Christian” empire to the peasant heroes of the Viet Minh, had a phrase whose elegance puts to shame any clumsy Germanic euphemism: Mission Civilisatrice—C’est magnifique! But then, the French had started to believe their pronouncements on democracy so much (just like “le Rosbif” across the channel) that they had to direct heir missionary enthusiasm towards the “primitif” and “exotique” parts of the world in which natives wouldn’t complain too much at the absence of voting and employment rights. That left all the hard work to Germany which started to emerge as a powerful would-be empire at the end of the 19th Century. With a huge chip on the shoulder vis-à-vis their more experienced imperial cousins (especially the British), the Germans tried to make up for the lost time by hurriedly sending expeditions to Africa and the Pacific in the hope of emulating their elders if not betters.
Unlike Britain and France though, Germany was missing that Je ne sais quoi—a soft patina of cultured nonchalance and deep history that serves as an excellent lubricant for imperial ambitions. Of course, a great deal of this patina was fake and liberally applied on the less-than-flattering reality of the Empire by generations of skilled propagandists. The only difference was that the Germans had to shout very loudly (and annoyingly) in order to convince the rest of Europe that they were an ancient civilisation which possessed the God-given right to expand and take this gift to the hordes in the East. Earnest and unsophisticated, they were good at manufacturing weapons but poor at laughing at themselves. For it is wrong to think of Germany as an ancient culture which descended from some Marvel-like Valhalla and spread between strange-sounding rivers Spree, Elbe, Swine and Stepenitz.[9] While not denying the depth of the Germanic ethnic feeling, I shall assert something that might sound controversial but is not, namely, that the history of der Drang has its roots in the gradual conversion (by sword and fire), destruction and expulsion of the largely Slav pre-Christian (I am deliberately not using the potentially pejorative “pagan”) populations of Prussia, Saxony, Pomerania and large swathes of the Baltics. The Slav crusade which began in the 8th Century AD was one of the bloodiest and longest lasting examples of a racial and religious holocaust in history. From now on, I shall call it the Holocaust of the Slavs.
After its inception as a unified state (basically a nationalist compromise between the Prussian Protestants and the Southern Catholics), Germany reverted to its genocidal modus operandi almost immediately. From a blood-curdling wholesale slaughter of the Herrero in the South West Africa, to the horrors of WWI and the unprecedented holocide (I’ll take this too) of the Slavs in WWII, Germany simply continued the holy war it had started fighting on behalf and behest of the Pope so many centuries ago. After it failed for the second time to exterminate its eternal enemy, it relinquished the sacred task to the burgeoning geopolitical adolescent lying between two oceans. The Crusader’s torch was passed to the new kid on the anti-Russian block by some agreement-capable Nazis via Vatican’s ratlines and carried carefully to its new home by confidential agents of Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton and Francis Spellman. As things currently stand, the possibility is increasing that the torch will soon return to its original home.
Of course, many German historians and Western defenders of the Drang have done their best to obfuscate, misdirect and explain away. “Oh, these were clashes between equal opponents” or “The Slavs were at least as bloodthirsty as the Germans”.[10] I am struck by the similarity between the Germanic holocaust of the Slavs (which in different forms has continued until this day) and the incredibly brutal elimination of the Native Americans. Both populations were considered heathen and primitive and the strategy was “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us” was ruthlessly applied to both. Countless settlements, villages and even large towns were burnt down, all signs of language, culture and religion expunged forever from the history books and countless aboriginals became “Germans” (the original Lebensborn).[11] All that remains from a glorious yet tragic past are the enclaves of the ethnic Serbs or Sorbs who settled around Lausitz (Lužica) on the Elbe and have kept their historical memory to this day even though their reservation is surrounded by the inimical Germans. The similarity does not end here. Like the Indians, the ancient Slavs worshipped nature and were bison herders.
Today, speaking of the tragedy of the large number of tribes, nations and de facto an entire ethnos that are the Slavs is considered bad form. It is simply not something that is discussed in polite society. Today, when the holocaust against the American Indians is being acknowledged and justifiably mourned all over the United States and the rest of the world, an equally horrific genocide of a large indigenous population of Europe which has lasted much longer and I would argue cost many more lives has been almost completely forgotten. How is this possible? One reason has to do with the fact that unlike the Indians who had nowhere to run, the Northern Slavs withdrew to the South and East to form new countries which exist to this day.[12] The second is that the German/Vatican holocaust against the Slavs is the last taboo of the West. It is a permanent black mark against the German “Kultur” and automatically neutralises any attempts by the West and especially Germany to claim any moral high ground vis-à-vis the Slavs.
The third and the most important reason is—power. Compared with the power of German and allied Western historical propaganda machines, the few weak attempts to right this wrong would be drowned out in a cacophony of accusations of Russian agitprop, anti-German distortions and communist lies. Even those German historians who dared ask pertinent questions did not get far. This has led to a huge lacuna in historical science where the fate of more than a half of Germany and most of northern and central Europe remains largely unknown to the uninitiated. The common impression that Germany (which only became a country in the late 19th Century) is a homogeneous ethnic space with a distinctive and indigenous culture is a fallacy. Rather, Germany as we know it today is a result of centuries of bloody extermination wars against a large indigenous population which was largely wiped out both literally and symbolically. Admitting its role in the extermination of the Slavs from the days of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation until today would simply deprive Germany of its raison d’etre.
In spite of this, Germany has been a hotbed of racial mixing and those Slavs that survived the Teutonic onslaught invested their genes in the victorious breed, returning the favour. The clue is in the actions of the Nazis themselves. If the Slavs were truly inferior, Hitler would never have imported huge numbers of Slav children for the purpose of improving his breeding stock. Rather, this was an admission of a deep bond between the two tribes and an acknowledgment of the martial superiority of the Slavs who had fought like demons to free their lands from the Teutonic pillage. I mean no disrespect to many other nations which shed blood for freedom but am from now on focusing on the orphans of history. While the Drakkar carrying the bedraggled remnants of the Niebelung race was burning on its way to Valhalla and Hitler was resting his Walther PPK against his teary cheek deep inside a murky damp catacomb, he must have realised in that last all-enlightening moment that the true European root culture was the one which he had tried so hard to destroy (this is almost as good as Orwell’s ending—and most certainly closer to the truth).
It is this important insight that explains several crucial historical facts. But before I continue, I wish to stress that I have a lot of admiration for the German culture, philosophy, science and especially music (which have always stood in opposition to the crude chauvinism of its political elites; Mann, Hesse, Kafka, Goethe, Mozart, Nietzche, Beethoven, Schiller and so many other inspirational figures—I guiltily admit to liking Strauss the Elder’s waltzes!). I enjoy working with German people and wish them only well.[13] I am appealing to them to acknowledge their role in the holocaust of the Slavs and seek a fundamental change to their approach to geopolitics. In the same way that they have done all in their power to immunise their society against antisemitism, they should try even harder to do right by the Slavs. This does not involve money (phew) or huge Zigurat-like memorials designed by architectural swindlers but a change of heart—a fundamental reckoning with a dark urge created by the deeply buried knowledge that all this time they’ve hated their own kin. If that means that they would cease being German—es tut mir leid!
Was is zu tun?
But I am not interested in Germany. Its misdeeds will pop up every now and then to shed light on the current geopolitical turbulence. Rather, my aim is to focus on the victims of this unacknowledged holocaust. For I believe that the Slavs, despite their large numbers today deserve not only the truth and justice but also a deeper understanding of their current predicament. While the world is entranced by Trump’s macabre clowning, it is the Slavs that hold the key to the future of Europe and the world. Please, do not misunderstand me. For all their genius and ability, the Slavs are no more important than any other ethnic group. What they are, is in the cross-hairs of the enemies of humanity. Because even at this late stage of the preparations for the next large-scale conflict, the Slavs have the capacity to confound the crusaders from the West and once and for all restore their rightful place as the major ethnic and racial group in Europe and Eurasia by freeing the world of its nemesis.[14] Such a noble idea can have nothing to do with the racist and supremacist crap propagated by the fake Aryans of the Abendland. On the contrary, an understanding of one’s deep links with other cultures should contribute to a better understanding among the nations and long-awaited death of the warped and deadly ideologies of exceptionalism and supremacism.
Most of you will say Wahnsinn! Has this fellow gone completely bonkers? The Slavs are disunited and on the brink of going for their brothers’ throats at the behest of their Western masters. I agree, in spite of excuses and justifications, most will join their oppressors in the next crusade but no, I’m not mad—sometimes I think that I am the only sane person in the room. I have nothing but the deepest respect for the suffering of various peoples who found themselves at the receiving end of the Crusaders’ mercy.[15] Equal sense of respect is due to the victims of various colonial genocides all over the world. However, all of these have at least been documented if not acknowledged as such. There is no Western genocide in Africa (the Congo, the Herrero, the Mau Mau rebellion, the apartheid, slavery etc.) that has not been discussed and condemned. The accounts of the genocides of the Native Americans, Australian Aborigines and New Zealand Maoris are part of the modern history curriculum and the white majority is moving towards repairing at least some of the damage caused by these atrocities. Instead of listing other horrendous holocausts (the Natives of South America, the Hindus and dozens of others), I wish to focus on the one and only holocaust that is a taboo—no, not even the horrific genocide of the Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians by the Turks and their Kurdish vassals, but the Holocaust of the Slavs.
I am deliberately calling the tragedy of the Slavs a holocaust (although “holocide” appeals as well). Only in the 20th Century did the Slav family lose anything between 30 and 35 million souls. Some of these souls belonged to the traitors of the Slav cause who’d fought for their Germanic and Anglo-Saxon overlords. But this is unavoidable. In any conflict between an imperial aggressor and an indigenous culture, significant numbers of aborigines (the Australian ones excepted) would fight on the side of the former. Instead of bickering over this, we need to appreciate that none of this would be possible if the awareness of the common roots and the uniqueness of the Slav family was more widespread. In any case, I estimate the number of Slavs killed in various wars over the last millennium exceeds 100 million. Of course, this number has been pulled out of the hat—just to demonstrate the lack of research pertaining to the tragic history of the Slavs.[16]
It is perhaps not surprising that the notion of the Slavic ethnicity has been considered dangerous by Western powers and religions because even though the Slavs were once an absolute majority of the northern and western Europe, they were never of the West. Even today, the Poles, Czechs and Slovaks (and even the Ukrainians—whom I don’t consider a separate nation), Croats and Slovenes see themselves as “Western” by dint of the religion imposed on them a long time ago and by the fact that for most of their history they were ruled by Western outsiders blind and deaf to their needs. Although this might appear a good reason at the first glance, it is tinged with tragedy and paradox. A large body of a race that owned most of Europe is now subjugated (however willingly) by those who consider Slavs inferior human beings. I also put it to you that most of the people within these countries are aware deep down that they belong to a race that has its own history and culture that is different from those who are ruling over them either directly or indirectly. Of course, in some enclaves, the self-hatred achieves epic proportions compelling the Croats and Ukrops to invent nebulous theories explaining their divine descent onto this planet.
The main reason for my decision to highlight the cause of the Slavs is my flippant play on the famous Wittgenstein quote: “Whereof one daren’t speak, thereof one must be the most vocal”. The very fact that no-one dares address this huge historical issue because of its explosive political connotations lures me to its depths like a moth to a flame. In addition, the Slavs no less than any other group deserve not only apologies and reparations for the uncountable crimes against them committed by the West but a wholesale re-evaluation of their history and a global acknowledgement of their uniqueness and common origin. The Last Taboo must be vanquished for ever and the light of truth and justice must shine on the terrible wound of history that has never properly healed.
I don’t wish to blame all and sundry for the current parlous state of the Slav commonwealth. My contention is that only by really understanding who they are will this gifted and forward-looking ethnos which gave the world so many geniuses overcome centuries of religious persecution, alienation from their kin and its designated role as cannon fodder and cheap source of labour and raw materials for the rapacious empire. Incredibly, this is exactly what is happening at the moment. Most of the Slavic nations have been absorbed into the Euro Reich mark II and do not seem to mind their soft servitude. To keep them in line, the Empire throws them a bone every now and then, reminding them of how lucky they are to be considered honorary Germans or Frenchmen (or in the case of the Poles—Americans—although they are still waiting for that visa waiver). The never-thwarted influence of the Vatican and German imperialism buys their obedience with American money, weapons and scary stories about evil Russia. In exchange, they faithfully toe the line letting their countries be picked apart by the Western capital and their beautiful landscapes be used as launch pads for the Western nuclear missiles.
So, I shall use this opportunity to tell them the painful truth. Two nations are exempted from my righteous anger—the Serbs and the Russians. This is not because these two nations are perfect—far from it—but simply because they have never betrayed their roots. Sure, under the blows of the ruthless Catholic and Islamic axes, large branches of Serb and Russian ethnic trees were cut down through mass killings and forced conversion. However, almost miraculously, their cores have survived the horrendous genocides of the 20th Century and are still standing, gravely wounded, but standing nevertheless to remind us of the depth and value of the cause of Slav civilisation. They should serve as seed crystal on which a powerful Slav federation can be grown.[17]
So, here, I am addressing you, the once proud Slavs who have forgotten or ignored your historical roots. Instead of rambling on and on, I shall write down a few theses in the manner of Martin Luther (who Thomas Mann claimed was a Lusatian Serb).
- Like it or not, you belong to one of the greatest human families—the Slav family (this does not exclude or contradict your broader humanity).
- You will never ever be accepted as equals by the West.
- Deal with your inferiority complex once and for all. Not that it matters, but in many respects, you are superior to those you idolise and serve so faithfully and ready to die for in the blink of an eye.
- You will not be able to achieve your full potential as individuals and nations until you free your inner slave and become ready to acknowledge your origins.
- Embrace your brothers and sisters without prejudice or hidden malice and start building the common future as proud members of a race of great geniuses and military leaders, the race of ancient freedom-loving and industrious peoples that have lived in harmony with nature since time immemorial and will live in harmony with each other and their neighbours again.
The fact that this appears impossible at the moment is not an obstacle—on the contrary. It is precisely when the night is darkest that the faintest hints of the coming dawn appear at the edges of the silent landscape. It is precisely because the vision crudely outlined here is so utopian that it must be shared and implemented now. At a moment when the enemy has penetrated deeply into the Slav heartland with the help of deracinated Slav quislings, I am declaring that the shameful silence about the suffering of the Slavs at the hands of various Western enemies must end! Now! By showing the common roots of the Slavs we can offer a viable and powerful alternative to the seemingly unstoppable Western hegemon. The deep genetic and cultural links which have withstood a thousand years of holocaust can serve first to reconcile and then to unite the long-separated sisters and brothers.
Of course, I don’t expect the traitors currently in power in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro to respond positively to my appeal.[18] They will fight to the death to preserve their petty sinecures and measly grants. They want to feel powerful and accepted by what they perceive as their superiors. In fact, I am inspired by their mental and spiritual decay and lack of shame. They remind me of the infamous “GOONs” (Guardians of the Oglala Nation), the native mercenary death squads whom the FBI used to battle AIM (American Indian Movement) during the incident at Pine Ridge in 1971, as well as their boss Richard Wilson (tribal chairman at the time) who defended his infamous role to his dying day. I know on the other hand that deep down most Slavs are aware of their predicament and yearn for encouragement to start asserting their origin and culture (something that every ethnic group is encouraged to celebrate except the Slavs). Ultimately, you are not Serbs, Russians, Poles and Croats but Slavs. You speak variants of a same language, eat similar food, share customs and traditions despite the attempts by your enemies to keep you divided and full of hatred for each other. Despite centuries of bloody conflict, you still feel deep down like members of a feuding family. It is this feeling that must be revived in order to heal the ancient wounds and reunite the splintered Slavdom.
Now, by “reunite” I don’t mean a formal political unification, but rather, a unification of the spirit and the heart. This journey of thousand leagues will be tortuous and dangerous but I feel that the first step must be made now, when the world is hurtling towards the ultimate abyss.
Another factor working against the idea of Slav reconciliation and eventual unification is the current deep disillusionment with the Slavophile idea inside Russia. This is completely understandable given the shameful behaviour of Slav vassals towards Russia’s and their own historical heritage. But this is exactly what the enemies of the Slavs have always wanted. Putting in power the worst lickspittles and traitors to their nations and the Slav cause, the West has achieved its millennial goal—to fragment, divide and turn the Slavs against each other. Because united, they would be impossible to bully, conquer or genocide. The shoe would suddenly find the other foot and the superior West would be trembling before the mighty roar of Slavia. Yes, it’s a fantasy—but all great things begin life as dreams. So, let me dream!
The conditioning (especially religious) has been going on for a long time and is apparently impossible to remove. I disagree. The power of Western Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism is diminishing by the day. The concept of a superior Western civilisation is eroding equally quickly. The spiritual vacuum left by the fading Zeitgeist needs to be replaced by something solid yet forward-looking. Deep down, most Slavs know that they belong to one very large family. Although many are trying to suppress this important truth, the truth cannot be suppressed because even at a very superficial level, the commonalities of language and culture from Western Poland to Kamchatka, from the Baltic Sea to Southern Serbia are such that the membership of a single ethnic family cannot be denied even by the most bigoted enemy of Slavdom. One cannot build a future without knowing one’s past. One cannot contribute to the world without taking care of their family first. This is where the story of healing and resurgence must begin.[19]
An Aryan coda
At the end of this emotion-charged whirlwind tour I wish to offer a brief lesson in true Aryanism so badly abused by the uncouth petty bourgeoisie that constituted the Nazi political elite. Alfred Rosenberg and Heinrich Himmler sent dozens of expeditions across the world in search of evidence for the Aryan origins of the Germans. The swastika, that symbol of the Sun, prosperity and happiness, often found on Easter eggs in the Ukraine and Byelorussa was traduced forever by the bloody hordes of sausage-munching drones (nothing wrong with sausages). Despite a massive effort, none of those SS double-PhDs in “racial science” (speak of STEM qualifications!) could find anything that links the Nazi regime and the German nation to the ancient secrets of the Vedas (vedati—to know in Slovenian). And yet… Here is a poem collected in the old Serb city of Scutari (Skadar), currently occupied by Albania. It had been collected sometime in the 20th Century and was translated into English by my friend. I invite readers to give their own examples of the Aryan heritage of the Slavs.
”У нас добро у Инђији
У Инђији у Србији,
Светој земљи од старине.
Свако добро свака срећа,
Понајвише мир и здравље.
Вишњег Бога прослављамо.
Величамо и хвалимо,
Да нам даде свако добро.”
(пј. 199 Скадар)
All is well with us here in India
In India, In Serbia,
The holy land of old.
We wish you all the good fortune and joy,
And most of all—good health and peace.
We celebrate our God Vishnyi (meaning “the High One” – direct link to Vishnu)
We glorify and praise him,
That he may lavish his blessings on us.
(Poem 199, Recorded in Scutari-Skadar)
- You can easily find lists of American Indian toponyms on Wikipedia. How about some Slav ones? ↑
- I have also learnt that some toponyms and hydronyms in Britain contain similar clues. ↑
- Many Russophobes are trying to erase the memory of this magnificent feat by claiming that the Japanese forces were depleted etc. Remember the idiotic “General Winter” mantra and carry on regardless. Or rather ask Colonel Glantz of the United States Army College. ↑
- This explains the shameful silence and behaviour of “circumcised altar boys” such as Roy Cohn who did everything to ingratiate himself with the new inquisition. ↑
- This is not to excuse the criminality of Winston Churchill who was plotting to attack the Soviet Union as early as late 1944. But then, to its eternal shame, the British Labour Party was almost as hawkish as Churchill—especially the likes of Ernest Bevin, Hugh Gaitskell and others. ↑
- Yes, Hollywood was churning anti-Soviet propaganda once McCarthy silenced the dissenting voices. Giants of American music such as Frank Sinatra were deeply involved in the Vatican-Mafia nexus aimed at “defending Italy and the USA from “godless communism”. ↑
- Especially notable in this context is Paul Blanchard who tried to position the Vatican and Moscow as equally inimical to the Protestant interests. ↑
- The drunkard McCarthy (The original Steve Bannon!) was a protégé of Father Edmund Walsh whom I briefly discussed in my article “With Fire and Sword”. ↑
- In Serb, they are Špreva, Laba, Stepenica and Svinjica (another river by that name enters the Danube near Moldova Nova in Romania which is mainly Serb-inhabited). Here is the list of some Serb-sounding rivers in Germany: Schwentine, Trave, Stepenitz, Warnow, Reknitz, Peene, Swine, Oder, Lussatian Neisse, Laber, Leda, Orla, Wörnitz, Lippe, Lenne, Möhne, Regnitz, Pegnitz, Rednitz, Murg, Leine, Rhume, Werra, Elbe, Löcknitz, Plane, Spree, Pleiße, Gera, Chemnitz, Weißeritz, Wesenitz, Trene, Zschopau, Scheppau, Wakenitz, Mandau and other less salient examples. ↑
- Here is a particularly egregious example of holocaust denial from Wikipedia: “In the course of the Ostsiedlung (German eastward expansion) process, settlers were invited [by whom?], bringing changes in the ethnic composition as well as in language, culture, and law of the eastern borders of the German lands. As a majority of these settlers were Germans, Low German became the dominant language.” The whole indigenous culture that had lived in those parts for who knows how long is simply erased with a single sentence. ↑
- This refers to the programme under which hundreds of thousands of blond and blue-eyed Slav (mainly Polish, Ukrainian and Byelorussian) children were kidnapped and separated from their families in order to improve the racial stock of the Great Reich since the likes of Hitler, Himmler and Roman Polanski-clone Goebbels didn’t quite cut it as tall fair-haired and square-jawed Teutonic warriors they wished to be so badly. ↑
- I often wondered about the somewhat incongruous sympathy of the Germans for the American Indians. While absolutely morally just, could such fondness for Winnetou be a subconscious manifestation of their close psychological ties to the eradicated natives of Germany? ↑
- I wish them well that is, as long as they do not abuse their economic and political power to manoeuvre Europe into another destructive war against the Slavs in which case all bets will be off and I cannot see how the German nation could survive such an ultimate Schweinerei. The warning is not mine—it’s a true warning from history and it applies equally to anyone who dares do the same. ↑
- I don’t believe in the concept of race but the similarities between different branches of the Slav nation are such that the word “ethnos” doesn’t quite do it. ↑
- Believe it or not, the invasion of England in 1066 was one example of an early Crusade. The indigenous population fought a rear-guard guerrilla war against William the Conqueror’s forces for more than 100 years. The fact that the English eventually succumbed and pragmatically accepted their defeat explains the blasé attitude towards the loss of their old kingdom and culture. ↑
- Perhaps only two other modern genocides need to be better known—the one in Vietnam and the one in Rwanda. ↑
- Here I should also mention the Lusatian Sorbs (Serbs) who have maintained their Slavic spirit in the heart of Germany. ↑
- I would also argue that Romania is a majority Slav country although this is a well-kept secret. It is not about revanchism but learning the truth which has been buried for so long. ↑
- If after reading this you hear loud squeals and demonic voices speaking in tongues, don’t panic. This is because the enemy fears Slav unification more than anything and will do all in his fading power to discredit and destroy the idea. One more reason to fight for it! In the coming articles I shall try to articulate a vision of how this great idea might be put into practice. ↑
Very good article Mr. Leslie! As it happens that while I’m American by citizenship, ethnically I’m mainly Lusatian Sorb. The rest is Slav but somewhat ”unknown” for strange reasons buried by previous generations of my family…
So I get this, very much. And the partial ”Germanization” of my family when they came to America as I discovered in geneological records. I get the Roman Catholic Church, having been born into it and converted away from it into Orthodoxy in my adult years. I served the Vatican for a few years in a specific role, somewhat in naivete and misplaced love for what I had still considered at that time to be the ”Church of Jesus Christ”, that managed over time to align my perception of the historical and present day realities fairly close to yours. And to place me firmly into the Ark of Salvation, the true Catholic Church of the Orthodox Faith.
The Vatican is and has always been a primarily Germanic Institution, and run by and for Elite Germanic goals and esoteric theological aspirations, behind the screen of being a ”universal church”. All the previous Popes of the 20th century to this day were and are solidly behind Germany and it’s ”place in the sun”. The Vatican is not only the source and inspiration of Fascism, but also it’s strategic nerve center. They will not rest until Orthodoxy is extinguished and Russia and Serbia are conquered and destroyed entirely. Croats and Galicians among others will be given an honorary Gothic or other Germanic tribal ancestry, the rest will be slaughtered.
Or so they hope. Thank you again for your work!
Dear Vladimir,
Thank you. I should have dedicated the article to the proud Sorbs – one will be coming soon so that nobody ever forgets them!
You’re welcome! And I might add, I firmly believe that the Sorbs will survive, at least I pray so, for the Germans still want their old provinces in the east back.
The nation that gave the world a Leibnitz or a Fechner has nothing to fear. Especially once the others become more aware.
Awareness is what I pray for, for myself and others, so that we cease to travel down the dark road of war and spiritual/cultural destruction
Surname Leibnitz is of Polish origin because originated from the surname Lipnicki ->germanized Leibnitz(ki) and such surnames ending in -ski/-cki are not Lusatian native. This Polish ending also used in Russia to adorn / to make Russian surnnames more European / noble-sounding by adding ending -sky to the common Russian surnames ending in -ov : Ivanov + ski = Ivanovski, Kondratov + ski = Kondratovski etc. Souns somewhat fanny but they like it. The corresponding Russian native ending is -oy : Tolstoy, Ruckoy etc – but is not popular nowasdays
Roman Catholic Church is Roman only because the Church originated in Rome and ancient Roman nobility were the first Catholic clergymen of Empire, of course its not German because there were a few German Popes who were mainly self-appointed officials… German Popes installed themeselves in the office in the Middle Ages using military force…
Catholic clergymen of Roman/Italian origin are still dominant in the Church – the fact that isnt known to the atheists and outsiders…
Dear RUR,
Thank you. I could easily retort that Leibnitz is the Serb surname Ljubenic or Ljubenovic. Lipnicki etc. won’t work. There are German noble families Lippe (von Lippe, zur Lippe – see J L Borges’s story) whose name comes directly from lipa (linden). Leib means “body and is not related to the tree. BUT I don’t really care because it would defeat the purpose of my article. If the Slavs agree that they are Slavs first (let the Poles think they are special) what does it matter? In that spirit, the most important thing is to start looking at commonalities – not differences.
“I could easily retort that Leibnitz is the Serb surname”
Of course it is impossible to retort… because its origin is lipa (linden). You shoudnt push your ”body” into the unknown…
“Leibnitz (Slovenian: Lipnica) is a city in the Austrian state of Styria “
He considered himself a Slav – an attempt to make him Polish (I don’t mind) has to do with grabbing him for Catholicism (as the Croats are trying to do with the great Tesla).
Published: 12 July 2017
Leibniz, a Sorb
D. Huylebrouck, Z. Ognjanovic & L. Radović
The Mathematical Intelligencer volume 39, pages53–55(2017)Cite this article
270 Accesses
The only surname that really makes sens out of the word/surname Leibnitz is the surnme Lipnic(ki) from ‘lipa” as the name of the Austrian/Slovenian city Leibnitz (Slovenian: Lipnica) proves it.
I don’t mind if you could come up with something better but Ljubenovic is unfortunately ridiculous of course
Couldn’t have occurred to you that it might be Lipnić as well…? Also, south Serbia and Macedonia have -ski endings on their surnames. Does that make them Polish too?
You whole reaction is what this article is all about. Poles can never be told that they might not be the center of Slav lands. The fact that Poles are named after fields where they live (polje – field) and does not constitute a name, but is rather a descriptive term, same as Ukraina (borderland), Slovakia, Slovenia (the ones that can speak), Belarus (white Russia), should maybe tell you that it is pushed by outsiders -say Vatican, in order to make you more insignificant than you actually are.
The word “lipa” exists in the Serbian language. From “lipa” you get “lipa tea”, quite popular in Serbia.
“Leibniziorum sive Lubeniecziorum” nomen slavonicum familia in Polonia…”
This mean that the Leibnitz family came from Poland as it follows from his short curriculum vitae / biography contained in “Die Werke Von Leibnitz”. HANNOVER 1864, I v., PAGE xxxii
“The word “lipa” exists in the Serbian language. ” – Congratulations !!!
Congratulations for what ? Polish influence in the Balkans is non existent. This is not the first time you have made highly questionable statements.
Guess what Germans bombed in their verry first raid on Serbia in WW2?
Was it airfields, or army barracks, or amunition depoes?
It was nacional library and monastery where Serbian kings where crowned.
“This is because the enemy fears Slav unification more than anything”
What are we going to do with this unification? What could we do with this ?Defend bravely the Serbs from the Turks of course? For Russians, for example, Germany in 1939 was a precious, dear ally, a friendly country much more loved than Poland so all this lamentation about German perfidy and agresivness are very silly. All these clever/highly intellectual talks abot unification etc are Serb/ Russian national business to attract attention/strengthen themselves at the cost of others
That is absolutely not true but even while you are condemning Serbia and Russia, somewhere deep there is a lament that you are not more loved and respected.
The Poles are one of the noblest and most tragic branches of the Slav tree. They were among the first to suffer the sword and torch of the Teutonic knights and tried to maintain their historical memory despite the almost complete deracination by the Vatican. That’s fine but what is not fine is that you turned that sword and torch (Sienkiewicz) on your brothers to the East. That was long before Stalin stumped you by stealing your German ally. And the hissing hatred the Polish elites show for the Russians can come from one place only.
Hopefully, you do not represent all Poles.
“What are we going to do with this unification?”
Apparently, we are going to bicker over minutiae (melochi).
And maybe barbecue some of the noisiest twits.
Betray our brothers and sisters and children to the crusaders.
Unity requires identical clones with all heresy and crimethink erased.
Cohesion (soyuz, obedinenie, soglasie) requires compromise, tolerance.
Not treating minor heresies as crimethink.
It might be better to think ‘help and behelped’. Treat our brother as somebody together (despite his idiot ideas); not as an unbeliever in need of saving by fire and sword.
Dear Otter,
Fantastic – thank you. For some, all non-Catholics are heretics. This lack of tolerance has been deeply ingrained and will take a long time to remove.
@Ken Leslie
Looking forward to your article on the Serbs. There is a Slavic song from that time, too. It is one of the oldest Slavic songs and has been verbally passed on to the next generation for over 1000 years: “Serbja so do Nĕmcow hotowachu”(Sorbs are preparing [for war] against Germans).
“Wendenfeldzüge” means military campaigns:
Slavic nobles were invited to a banquet under false pretense and then slaughtered by the German invaders to break the successful resistance of the Slavs on the battlefield:
“While the oboditic and lutianic north of the Sorbs lived their political independence until the twelfth century, almost all the Sorbian-Wendish tribes were already subject to definite surrender in the tenth century. On the decisive crusade of Margrave Gero against the Niederlausitzer Sorbs / Wenden in 963 AD, chronicler Widukind of Corvey reports: “During this time Markgraf Gero defeated [with hardest warfare] the Slavs, who call themselves Lusizer, and subdued them completely Not without his own serious injury, and with the loss of his nephew, the best man, and many other noble men. ” As early as 939 AD, Gero, with the premonition of peaceful intentions, had invited Thirty Princes to a banquet and murdered at night insidiously to take the leadership of the Slavs.”
The “Stalingrad” of the 1240s:
“Hoping to exploit Novgorod’s weakness in the wake of the Mongol and Swedish invasions, the Teutonic Knights attacked the neighboring Novgorod Republic and occupied Pskov, Izborsk, and Koporye in autumn 1240. … The knights’ defeat at the hands of Alexander’s forces prevented the crusaders from retaking Pskov, the linchpin of their eastern crusade. The Novgorodians succeeded in defending Russian territory”
The nationalistic German representative Wilhelm Jordan in the Frankfurt Parliament 1848 was even proud of the genocide:
“No,” he exclaimed, “I admit it without any drawbacks: our right is no other than the right of the stronger, the right of conquest.” The Germans conquered Polish lands, but these conquests are In a way that they can no longer be returned, as they have so often been said, not the conquest of the sword, nor the conquest of the plow, “and he now proceeds in a successful historical picture , How the German essence has been progressing for centuries in the East, and how the conquests of colonization have been strengthened by arms. “I therefore maintain,” he continues, “the German conquests in Poland were a necessity of nature, and the law of history is different from that of the compendia, and it is only natural laws that one nation states that a nationality by its mere existence” … “Prussia can be satisfied if one blames it for its genocide.” It can proudly remain silent and let his work speak for itself. “
“The anti-Slavic or anti-Russian mission
On July 25, 1848, Wilhelm Jordan called the deputies in the Polendebatte of the Paulskirchenversammlung to finally get to a “healthy Volkssegoismus”. “In the East,” the Germans repeatedly succeeded in making “conquests of the sword” and the “ploughshare” over the course of history. The Germans could and should confide in this “right to conquest” (RfdN, Vol. 2: 1145 f.).
Another parliamentarian spoke of the “holy war”, which should in any case be carried out “between the culture of the West and the barbarism of the East” (Wollstein 1977: 303). [ 41 ] Another stated: “If ever war were to come, there would be a war between Germans and Slavs” (RfdN, Vol. 4: 2779). [ 42 ] Heinrich von Gagern wrote in retrospect about the period of the bourgeois revolution:
The war with Russia, for the sake of the Baltic Sea and the East Seeprovinzen, around Poland, about the Danube and the oriental conditions … was the most popular of all Germany (cf. Valentin 1977, vol. 1: 544).
Bakunin reported that “the senseless cry of the Germans against the Slavs” had been heard most loudly in the Frankfurt Parliament in 1848-49. This would not have had anything to do with democracy, but had been “the call of German national egoism.” The Germans had for a long time been accustomed to regard the “Slavs” as their own, and they maintained that they had to “hold them under the stick” in order to discipline them (cf M.W 18: 609). Bakunin remarked:
In this hatred of the Slavs, in this Slavic confrontation, all parties (1848/49) were unanimous; … The loudest cries were the Democrats against the Slavs: in newspapers and pamphlets, in parliaments and popular assemblies, in the clubs, beer kinks and on the street… Such a noise was so incessant a storm that the Slavs, (Bakunin 1973: 137 f.), Which would have killed all of them.
The hatred of Russia was marked by Bakunin as one of the “strongest nationalities in Germany” (cf n. MEW 18: 613).
The speeches of the Paulskirchenversammlung document how much an alleged “Slavic danger” was regarded as a threat to German culture and German economic power. Six decades later, this danger became a justification for the alleged necessity of the First World War (Lammich 1978: 3, 5).”
Translated excerpt from the book “Politik”(1899) by German historian Heinrich von Treitschke :
“Without endless pain the oppressed is not from. In this way the most remarkable merging has occurred The soil of the North-East German colonies. It was a Genocide can not be denied; But after the mixing It was a blessing. What would the Prussians have in Of history? The superiority of the Germans over The Prussians were so great that it was a fortune for these as well as for the Wend was when they were Germanized. ”
Also there was the German practice to beat Slavic children when they used thier mother tongue:
“Deutsch sprechen!”
Even in the 21st century and despite the risk of its own annihilation in a nuclear war Germany doesn’t want to stop its aggressions against Slavic peoples:
“An influential publicist and former Head of the German Defense Ministry’s Planning Staff is criticizing the “expansive ambitions” of Germany’s current policies toward the Ukraine.”
German governments brazenly demand in thier strategy papers:
“expansion to the East”
“outwards it is essential to achieve something whereby we have failed twice before”
“Maintenance of free world trade and the unchecked access to markets and raw materials all over the world”
“Without Germany it is impossible to integrate the East European peoples.”
Dear Anonymous,
I’m sorry for a belated reply but you’ve presented a mini treasure trove of evidence. Brilliant.
I’m pretty sure that no-one will try to challenge this – it is too powerful. There is an evil continuum between 8th Century Franks and today’s fake democratic German ruling camarilla – time to expose it.
Thank you so much and I hope you continue to contribute.
p.s. I’m saving this.
How you could possibly posses the historical illiteracy to write that the vatican is and hast always been a primarily germanic Institution is beyond me concidering that Benedikt XVI. was the first german pope in 500 years. And that almost all the Leasing curia cardinals since 2000 years have been Italians/Romans.
Hey Tacho,
Here is some likbez for… you: (Please keep the personal insults out of the comment, mod)
Pope Pius IX to Kaiser Wilhelm: Germany MUST become the mailed fist of Christianity (Leo Lehmann).
The same monster goading Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia
Benedict XV trying to engineer a truce favourable to Germany in 1915
Pius XI okays the Concordat between Hitler and the Vatican
Threatened the Serbs when these rejected a Concordat
His successor Pacelli financed Hitler and brought him to power
Signed the Concordat and was known as by far the most “Germanofile” candidate
The monster supported Hitler’s holocide of the Slavs fully until it became clear that his protege would lose
Supported the holocaust of the Serbs in Catholic Croatia – the most zealous of Hitler’s allies
Supported the Ratlines – the VATICAN’s operation to save the Nazis from justice
Do you need more? Brzezinski and the hunchback Zyklon B seller who was elected only because he “forgave” the Germans.
The hunchback was behind Otto von Habsburg’s designs for a German Europe and the destruction of three Slav federations.
Please return into darkness – it is too dangerous here for you.
Interesting, but I think that the author focuses too much on the Vatican pulling the strings to promote the genocide of Slavs despite a large percentage of Slavs actually being Catholic. Being a Catholic nation didn’t help the Poles during WW2. Moreover, any real influence that the Vatican had started diminishing a couple of hundred years ago and currently I think they are too busy defending themselves from accusations of abuse and losing believers to secularist forces to be considered a geopolitical force these days.
Another point that the author seems to skip over is the role of Russia in the current situation between Slavic nations. The last 200 years of Slav history was dominated by a Russia that was not especially benevolent in how they treated their fellow Slavs. Certainly Western propaganda and brain washing plays a part in nurturing this antagonism, but legitimate and long standing grievances against Russia are there as well. If Russia is interested in better relations with their fellow Slavs, they need to exam the reasons for why they are not liked…just like the kid in a classroom that no one likes, perhaps a lot of it is that kid’s fault and not everyone else’s.
Dear Victor,
Thank you. The Vatican’s influence is never talked about – as opposed to Jewish power etc. If you take a look at my previous essays, you’ll find a lot of stuff you haven’t heard about.
However, I do intend to shift my focus on others once I have dealt with this problem. You are also partly correct about Russia but this is something we shall discuss more in the future. It is one of the crucial points. Russia would have to change some of its approach too.
Thank you again,
As a matter of fact, this article should serve as a platform for understanding each other better. Of course Western Slavs have genuine grievances but the point of this is to reflect and start a dialogue. See what can be done.
“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
Is it true that the Russians were so evil and the Westerners so benevolent? If one hates one’s family, how can one love the world?
The Vatican’s influence isn’t diminished at all, in fact it has grown via the Synarchic screen it deals with the Western Elites beghind. And that means Money, for one thing. It operates a hidden hand behind the many organizations it has cultivated or created outright, like the ”Bilderbergers” for example (examine the life of Joseph Retinger for a closer look at that example).
And theirs is a long game in the game of geopolitics. They can wait out this period of apparent secularism and mass democracy and ecumenism, use it to their advantage buying time while the masses forget WWII.
How true!
Thank you.
“And that means Money, for one thing.”
… and Papal Knighthoods for another!
See: Papal Knighthood to American zionist Rupert Murdoch
Things like that confer real power and real responsibilities in this world, whether people see it or not.
No offense but it looks like Mazovi were once a Russian tribe. Behind the Vistula river to the west begin Serb land, which means that from Krakow to Poznan live Serbian Poles or Lechi. East of the Vistula river russian Polanie. Ancient sources do not know any Poles.
The history of Lech and the Czech people begins with legend of the Orac (Aryan) father that came behind the Serbian mountains and whit the chronicles mentioned Lech and Czech brothers coming out the Serbian people of “chorvatska” land (Uchorvatska- Uchors or Ugars or Uchorvats who came to Morava in 9-10 cent ad, from the russian steppes east of the Carpathians). The symbol of Moravia was the white eagle that Miesko carried to the city Gniezdo. Symbol of Premislov Ceska was Black Eagl and Premislov family origins are of Lusatian Serb origin. An female eagle with one head is always subordinated to an male eagle with two heads in heraldry. Both coming from Helm(Balcan), first time presented in Hettites. Unfortunately stolen by Habzburgs Vienna and given to the Albanians. Greetings,
I take issue with your characterization that “Russia was not especially benevolent” and that Russians are disliked by other Slavs. Wonder where you got those ideas?
And what are you really talking about? The last 200 hundred years? That is a long time, during which Russia was a czarist empire, then a socialist country and now a capitalist country. One cannot possibly throw all of this into one bucket. At least not, if one takes the time to learn history.
It was also the time of great wars and upheavals in the Russian area… they had no time not to be benevolent, particularly not to other Slavs.
In fact, in the 19th cent., there was an extensive period, during which other Slavs (maybe Poles exempted) looked to Russia to provide guidance for the “Slavic” spirit. The Pan-Slavic movement – this is very well documented – one just has to want to learn.
200 yrs ago, Russia was licking its wounds after the Napoleon’s invasion…. in 1853, there was the Crimean war, which ostensibly started because of a squabble with Ottomans over the protection of the Orthodox sphere in the Middle East (then under the Ottomans). A nasty war, opportunistically joined by French and Brits.
The next 50 yrs were also not part. peaceful (do research them), then a war with Japan, then WWI, which Russia joined to help Serbs, revolution, civil and intervention wars… re-building and re-arming, and WWII. We know how that ended.
If the USSR created a sphere of influence after WWII – well, they had a good reason to do it. Never forget that Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria were Nazi-governed states. And we don’t even need to talk about Poles – simply disgraceful.
Yes, in that time, USSR often dictated conditions to other socialist countries, but it also supplied them with cheap energy sources and raw materials. I lived through 1968, so know what happened very well.
Today, the relationships are again different.
(To Ken Leslie – as I keep saying here, the reason there is azbuka is because Slavs in the Moravian empire (Devin, today’s Slovakia) needed a way to push against Franks (a Germanic tribe). Cyril and Metod translated the bible into the old Slavonic, created an alphabet, and went north to teach. The year was 863AD.)
The result of the Crimean war was the direct cause for the creation of Romania.
It needs to be noted that the Western barbarians are not lazy when it comes to producing “proof” for many of their invented nations carved out from mostly Slavic people. They have always worked overtime to come up with “material proof” that the nations they create are authentic. They also made sure that the new nations become the antithesis of their old self.
But the toponyms give the game away everywhere.
One cannot force someone to be something they do not want to be. However, they certainly do not have to be the enemies of those they were carved out off (usually resulting in rivers of blood) but the problem is in that: They have to destroy those that know the truth.
Dear Marko,
Thank you for making the key point so succinctly. Bravo.
Dear Ken,
Marco uses pretty strong language to make his points (western barbarians etc…). However, it also happened the other way around in Romania where the inhabitants of Transsylvia (Siebenbürgen in Saxon language) were forced by Ceaucescu to ‘romanize’, to an extent that many young men and women from that region preferred to leave Romania, thereby risking their life. I know this first hand because my oldest brother was first married with a girl from Brasov (Kronstadt), Romania, who was not allowed to leave Romania unless she first married there, ín Romania.
Real story that may seem prosaic or banal, but really isn’t; my aunt (a laicized RCC nun) and mother and I were going through old family photographs dating from the 19th century, and a couple struck me because they only said ”1870” on the back in very faded ink but the people in them looked like Russian ”Old Believer” Orthodox Christians… Arms folded, traditional Russian clothing, and so forth. I asked my aunt about the pictures (we were splitting the photo collection up after a family member’s death) and she said that they were ”nothing”, snatched them out of my hands. I was an adult at that time and what she did seemed out of character for her. Later, I saw them in her pile of acquired photos and after that, I never saw them in her home or anywhere else ever again…
Cultural genocide is real, very real.
Dear Vladimir,
Thank you so much for sharing this poignant episode. It holds the essence of what I am writing about.
Imagine American Indians or Blacks doing the same these days? Being ashamed of their roots? Alex Hailey wrote Roots in the 1970s. The Slavs have yet to write theirs. Imagine how many Catholicised Slavs keep their icons hidden away? Croats, Ruthenians, Uniates… Or Germanised Slavs who retain their Polish and Lusatian surnames – they’ve had to work had to prove their worth to the new masters.
Thank you. I saw those bearded men and head scarved women, and I knew they were my ancestors.
And it has been a story hard to piece back together, as you guessed it; you go back and find old baptismal records with a German name, a Slavic name, and a name in Latin perhaps for the church itself… And what name is chosen for the trip to Ellis Island or Liverpool or wherever else port of entry into the West? The German one of course. But my great grandfather met my great grandmother in the United States by a small overheard conversation of words in a Slavic language, which became a conversation with the two of them together in the same tongue…
Thank you very much. They exemplify the plight of the Slavs in Germany.
It is little known that the idea of a ‘Romania’ was part of the ‘Greek Project’ devised by Catherine II and the Emperor Joseph II aimed at the solution of the “Oriental Question” – the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire. It was to create a ‘Kingdom of Dacia’ by uniting the two Principalities of Valachia and Moldova (which were already under Russian protection following the Peace of Kuchuk-Kainarji – 1774) with her favorite Grigory Potemkin as King. The project did not materialize at the time, in part due to Austrian opposition after the death of Emperor Joseph, because it might have attracted the Orthodox Romanian population of Transylvania (which it did eventually). But Russia did not renounce the idea and played a central role in bringing it to fruition, which happened after the Crimean war, against the opposition of France, England and Austria. Later on, it was also Russia that proposed the enlargement of Romania, adding Transylvania.
So if you want, if Romania is an ‘invented nation’ it was a Russian invention! Actually, the idea that Romania is an ‘invented nation’ is of Western origin. Russians always recognized that Romanians were a nation, irrespective of the fact that they were basically ‘Latins’. They were Orthodox and at the time Orthodoxy was still taken seriously. That’s why they proposed the name of Dacia for the new state.
One of the other ways of looking at this is that the new nation of ”Romania” was saddled with a Roman Catholic German prince of a southern branch of the Hohenzollern house that ruled Prussia, as a new ruler. And this happened coming from a Tsarist Russia ruled by ethnic Germans of a branch of a dynasty that also ruled the Scandinavian countries at various times, the Holstein-Gottorp branch of the House of Oldenbourg. And all these Germanic rulers were related to each other.
I’d say that under those circumstances, the good Orthodox people of Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania might have been better off free of the Turks but separated from having such rulers as they got afterwards.
There were not the Russians who saddled the Romanians with the Hohenzollern, but unfortunately themselves.
Russians and an important sector of the political class favored the candidacy of Sergei Maximilianovich de Leuchtenberg-Beauharnais, the grand-son of Tsar Nicholas I and of Eugene de Beauharnais, the adoptive son of Napoleon.
The house of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp was of Danish origin, ‘Scandinavian’ like the Rurikids who founded Russia.
Holstein-Gottorp were from Lubeck in Germany. As for Romania, clearly the Hohenzollern choice was made over any slight Romanov objections, because they were and are all interrelated to begin with. As for the Rurikids, I have heard that Rurik was a Wend, haven’t found an English language article on that though.
I do recommend you “The Russian attack on Constantinople in 860”, by A. A. Vasiliev
(full-text @
especially the chapter: ‘Rorik of Jutland and the Rurik of the Russian Annals’.
The idea that Rurik was a Wend (i.e. ‘Slav’) is probably an echo of the ‘Normanist/Anti-Normanist’ ideologico-political battle over the foundation of Russia as a state, with the exclusion of Byzantine contribution.
Ruric was a wend fron Pomerania coming from around the region of the slavic city of Reric. His name means falcon and Ruric was probably a distortion of the name Rereg or Rarog who was the Slavic falcon god. The wands from Pomerania often used the falcon as one of their sacred symbols.
Its not an echo the Norman theory is pretty much debunked its the west that wants to constantly push the norman theory onto Russia because they have an interest in ruining its past and making it look bad. There is a bunch of proof linking Rurik and the Varangian back to the region of Wagerland in North Germany and the island of Rugen and also to Pomerania. The city of Reric was a slavic city and its there according to tales of the Wends that use to live in Germany that the first Russian princes came from, its impossible that Rorik of Jutland was the original founder of the dynasty of Russian princes since he had no success even establishing himself in a small piece of land in his own country.
Thanks for adding this information to flesh out the discussion. What holds for Romania
more or less repeats itself across the Balkans.
In fact this history is well known in eastern Europe (I’m Greek, writing from Greece) but certainly
NOT known in northwestern Europe – apart from specialists – whose presentation of history more
or less skips over everything east of the Rhine until the 20th century, when it became a factor, and
has eliminated the Byzantine empire altogether.
I thought the creation of Romania was forced onto Russia following their defeat in the Crimean War.
Sorry but this is incorrect. Russia sought and received assurances from the allies of France in particular, and England that it would get Constantinople and the Bosphorus-Dardanelles. These stories about Russia’s joining the war for the sake of the Serbs are a cheap excuse to enter the war and are also falsely glorified by the Serbs. About the same as who started the First World War due to murder of Ferdinand by an eighteen-year-old malnourished student, Gavril Princip. Set false flag. The Germans, who needed a breakthrough towards the raw materials of the Middle East, could not watch the half madman Ferdinand on the imperial trone. Russia only wanted to get out of the war in 1915 because it saw a revolution being prepared, looking for a reason like the disapproval of Serbian victims after the entry of German troops into the Balkans. The Austrian army until than did not much, although it was twenty times more numerous. Part of the military command, which was humble towards the immature Masonic (never anointed king) Alexander, supported the Allied idea of transferring Serbian troops across the Albanian Alps when a quarter of a million people died or went missing. University students. Part of the army and military service known as Unification or Death (or as it is called in the West Black Hand) did not want that and that is why it paid the price in the Thessaloniki process. By rescuing Serbs, or rather killing them, the Western allies kept Russia at war. It was the fault of the Russian leadership eager for a reward in the Mediterranean and stubborness of Germans who did not want give up their desires. If the Englishmen know anything, it is to determine the psychological profile of the people with whom they are directly or indirectly at war.
“The last 200 hundred years? That is a long time, during which Russia was a czarist empire, then a socialist country and now a capitalist country. One cannot possibly throw all of this into one bucket…. And we don’t even need to talk about Poles — simply disgusting.”
My regards, this is an astonishingly deep analysis. The complexity of your thoughts is a shining example of what a genius and his browser can achieve if undisturbed. Humbles us all. And not even a hint of a prejudice, so amazing.
You twisted my words… so my reply will be short. I said the behavior of Poles was “disgraceful,” not disgusting, as you state.
The fact that you’ve not a single real argument, just an ad hominem attack says it all.
Alexander Nevsky, the 13th C. Prince fought against the Vatican and held peace with the Mongols. One should study the history of that era, it is fascinating how the Rus beat the Vatican and the German Teutonic knights.
Nothing has changed over the centuries just the people.
Many thanks to K. Leslie for an enlightening article.
Dear Mr Mason,
Thank you very much – I should have mentioned AN but there is always a next time.
A facinating and interesting article. I certainly look forward to read your next.
Thank you, Per for the encouragement.
Thanks a lot. Unfortunately, this is a utopia, dear friend. But it’s a great way for people to learn about Serb history. Systematic destruction has been done for centuries. Slavs do not know their history. They have always been divided into tribes-sclavinie without centrilised power. When the Serbs got the Tsar and the centralization that united Helm (Balkan), he was killed. And both Rome and Constantinople cast anathema on him. Coincidence? It is unfortunate that to this day we find foreign governors among politicians, historians and academics, intellectual elite who serve against their people for the simple patting on the shoulder.
This is a huge topic of what you are starting. Kafka, Goethe, Nietzsche are not Germans.
In any case, the Slavs did not exist until the 6th century. There are Serbs, Sarbats, Sarmatians or Western Scythians (Limes Sorabicus). The tribe Slavni is dominant at one point and that is why they are all called Slavni – but Slavni are Serbs who celebrate Slavu – means celebrating their home deities – Lare (Luristan). Later they become Christian saints. For Serbs, fe Svantovid become Sv Vid – statues on Rugen Island. Rome calls them Sclaves because of large number of slaves coming from ancient Sarmatic tribes. Like other derogatory names for the Slavic tribes, it was later pejoratively reversed in Latin writings although St Jerome was Serb. Eg Vulgars, Bastards, Vandals, etc.
However, I noticed one mistake
….This course is the key question and is closely linked to the recent address of President Putin who expressed Russia’s intention to prevent any resurgence of fascism and Nazism in Europe and more widely…..
Maybe nacism, but Faschism ?? Nazism is s as the letter itself is limited to one space, black fascism and red communism have no borders. Ideology and capital have no borders. Fascism is by definition a combination of government services, the mafia and big business. This is something we have all around world today. The truth about fascism is deliberately distorted and non-existent neoliberal capitalism is talked about. Liberals are the weakest link in the system of revolution society against God next to Fraternity (Masons), Egality (Jesuits).
Dear Djole,
Your ancestors from the 17th Century would have considered an independent Serbia a laughable utopia. And yet…
Nobody can deny that the Slavs are one family. As long as they refuse to see that, they will suffer and gradually disappear.
Thank you
You see, after so many murders by the so-called Croat and Bosniak brothers, that is no longer possible. Everyone should go to their side. After three wars in the last century, that would be madness.
The Serbs will, as things stand, (with the number of Yugoslav oriented people in Serbia), finished under Kruska-pear tree somewhere around Krusevac. Thank you for your optimism, maybe your idea is good for other Slavs, for Yugoslavs, Soviet Russians but not for Serbs. Try to send a mail to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it will accept it with joy. After the theft in the transition, the DB civil service will try again to enchant itself in something bigger to have some significance in the world, hopefuly this time not through the backs of Serbs. I think soon comes “last men stand” with Yugoslavs in Serbia.
Oh, I know whereof you speak! It is the same with most of the Russians who have been treated horribly by others. The importance of this approach is not in creating some half-baked federation which will be susceptible to manipulation by the outside forces but to realise that there is no need to feel defeated, lost and threatened. There is a way (perhaps not now) to turn the situation around – from being passive to being active.
Please, read the article again. You might find that I don’t disagree with you.
Thank you so much for everything. It is rare to see such a man in the west. Unfortunately, you will be able to see the level of petty bourgeoisie in the comments. This is what the West went through a hundred years earlier than the East. But then there was not so much poison media and no pictures, so it was easier to forget. Maybe when the Serbs disappear, their children would do the samething in terms of unity, but first the children should learn its own lesson from the West. That is not going to happen and that is why I think this idea of yours is impossible.
All the best, lot of patience with evil kids
J.W. von Goëthe was as much German as Novak Djokovic is Serbian (whom I like a lot as a person and as a player), and Friedrich Nietsche’s father was certainly German, but his mother’s family background is less clear, though she grew up in Germany.
No need to write there not German unless you can prove it.
Dear Wilfried,
I am interested in Goethe’s ancestry – could you give a bit more information?
I’ve read that Nietzsche was part Polish – as seems to be the case with Angela Merkel as well.
Is that correct? I didn’t quite get your point. Please clarify.
Nietzsche wanted to be free, to belong to nobody, to no party, movement etc – and that is exactly what his name says (pl “niczyj” = belonging to nobody).
The alleged father of the shtazi spitzel and holiest muse of V V Putin, Angela uh…, the English spy and alleged “protestant priest”, Kasner, allegedly had as father a certain “Kaczmarek”, a polish quisling in the service of the grossdajcz vermaht, that is, the same kind of person as Angela. The name Angela is endemic in the Hitler family, the present dajcz fuehrer is already the fifth in a short time. The renazification Mafia of Filbinger, Schaeuble etc (“What was right then [under Adolf] cannot be “Unrecht” (injustice, lawlessness, wrong, forbidden) now!”) played a whole schmierenkomoedie to make her chief of The Party first, and of the BuK (Bundeskanzleramt, cf MH17? Buk did it!) then. So, this is no ordinary volksgenosse from the Ostzone and with a pollackish Schmutzfleck in der Ahnenreihe – she is of the purest Rotschild-Schickelgruber blood, polenfrei.
I have heard rumors for a long time that Merkel is not, to put it delicately, what she seems to be on the surface.
I’m sorry for reacting late, Ken, but I only saw your reply today, and as your question was not particularly easy to answer, I contacted a friend whose knowledge is broader than mine to hear his opinion. Here is Jorma Jormakka’s take on this subject:
“You are correct.
Technically Goethe was not German by citizenship. Goethe’s father and mother were born in Frankfurt, a free city. So, they were Frankfurtians and could be considered citizens of the Holy Roman Empire of the German People, but there was no Germany. Yet, they spoke German and Germany was created when Prussia united German speaking areas and Frankfurt certainly was one of German areas. Very probably the parents were genetically what we call German today. About 1/3 of German men have Y-DNA haplogroup R1a, which derives partly from the Battle Axe people, partially from Polish or other Slavic people, so many Germans are partially Polish in a genetic sense. One 1/3 are I1, which is Scandinavian and derives from European hunter gatherers, and 1/3 are R1b, which is the earlier migration of Yamna people to Europe. Thus, Germans are not at least paternally one people. But all Europeans are very similar genetically. You can divide Mediterranean and Northern Europe, so Germans are Northern European. About whether some Germans are Dutch, Polish, Danish or something else, certainly there are those roots. And of countries, the map of Europe has changed so many times. But Frankfurt (despite the name, Franks are the tribe of Frenchmen) has always been German.”
Dear Wilfred,
Thank you. I thought that you were being sarcastic, but apparently not. The point is, we are all Mischlinge (correct?) but ideologies keep us apart and turn some into permanent predators.
In any case, I have nothing but deepest respect and admiration for Goethe and think that he rightfully represents Germany abroad.
Wish there were more of him though.
p.s. Some years ago, a TV programme here challenged ten British nationalists and right-wingers to take DNA test because they were bragging about their “Anglo-Saxon” heritage. Naturally, about 60% came from the Balkans or the Ukraine (this is known), a women who despised the Chinese was 50% Chinese, an Essex wide boy who despised blacks had a good percentage of African DNA etc. The only pure Anglo was the well-known Tory firebrand Norman Tebbit.
Dear Ken,
No, I was not sarcastic. Jorma used the concept of DNA to tackle the question I asked him, as he knows very well that science doesn’t accept the concept of race today. I think that there certainly used to be distinct human races on earth earlier on, German and Slavic tribes as an example, and that this is still the case to a certain extent today, but that, with general population on earth having grown a lot as well as inequality, people are getting more and more mixed through migration.
Having said this there exists unfortunately a lot of racism, everywhere in my opinion, also on this blog a bit. This shows a big lack of spirituality and basic respect for each other in my perception.
Dear Wilfried,
Thank you. You are right in a sense. The curse of humanity is that those who are persecuted and treated like rubbish often think of themselves as better than some other benighted group.
At the same time, the topic of this article is one particular racism (perhaps the nastiest of all) and I’d like to hear your view on it.
I’m not really placed well enough to know if Germans don’t like Slavs, and to what extent this dislike would exist in German society at this moment in time. The only contact I have with Germans is with Irina, my sister-in-law, who was raised in Halle in former East-Germany and whose mam (from a Leningrad family of noblesse) later became the ‘dolmetscher’ of Erich Honecker. As Irina is half Slav, half German, she respects of course both cultures, but understandably, she leans more to the political left I believe.
As for the Slavs (Russians and Slav people in general), I’m always struck and even touched by their music, because most of their music is very melancholic. I suppose this might have something to do with the suffering which was inflicted to them in the far and near past, to which you are referring in your article. I don’t exclude that there has been some kind of a crusade against the Slavs in the 8th century as you suggest, but I’ve got to admit that my knowledge of German history (particularly of the first millennium AD) is rather poor.
As for the Vatican and the role of the Catholic Church, I’m learning from what I read here on the Saker blog. You don’t read this kinda information in history books or church history.
Thank you, Wilfred,
Everybody’s knowledge of this period is pretty poor because it has not been discussed very often.
In any case, thank you.
Dear Ken,
When I was still a very traditional Roman Catholic, and believed (before I desired conversion to Orthodoxy) I spent years in research, interpreting what I saw through a true believer’s eyes. Now I retain that knowledge and see it quite differently.
Lusatian Sorbs are linguistically and genetically related to Czechs and Poles, not to Balkan Serbs by the way. Only similarities are their names of their peoples, if that is a coincidence i do not know.
Dear Dave,
Don’t let the propaganda win For instance, the great Lusatian poet and activist Handrij Zejler wrote:
Where is the Serbs’ home? Here if anyone wishes to translate.
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Je li to Saksonija ili Pruska možda,
gde Laba tiho teče
i sa Šprevom se sastaje?
Ah ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Da nije to Pomorje ili Litva možda,
gde još žive uspomene polabske
i ;gde je potonula Vineta?
Ah, ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
da nisu to moravska ili češka zemlja?
Ah, snaga Češke i njena sloboda
pretvorene su u prah…
Ah, ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Da nije, možda, riterska Poljska,
koja je slobodu izgubila .isto tako
i koju rastržu nesloge?
Ah, ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Da nije u Iliriji ili Dalmaciji?
Tamo gde je – Raguza* prastara
kraljica mora?
Ah, ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Nije li to Slovenija, ili možda Srbija,
čija nam je reč bliska
i gde Miloš kraljevski presto ima**?
Ah, ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Gde je Srbima rodni zavičaj?
Da nije to Rusija beskrajna,
trećina sveta,
u kojoj sunce ne zalazi nikad?
Ah, ne, ah ne,
Naš rodni kraj mora biti još prostraniji!
Reci mi onda gde je taj prostrani kraj!?
Od Labe počinje on, pa ide do Dunava,
od Crnog Mora čak do Kamčatke,
eto, to je taj prostrani kraj,
nas Srba rodni zavičaj…!
Thank you
Google-translate from the mod:
“Where is the homeland of Serbs?
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
Is it Saxony or Prussia maybe,
where the Elbe flows quietly
and meets Spree?
Ah no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
If it wasn’t Pomorje or Lithuania maybe,
where the memories of Polab still live
and where did Vineta sink?
Ah, no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
that they are not Moravian or Czech lands?
Ah, the strength of the Czech Republic and its freedom
turned to powder…
Ah, no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
If it weren’t for knightly Poland,
who lost her freedom .also
and which disagrees?
Ah, no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
Is it not in Illyria or Dalmatia?
Where it is – Ragusa * is ancient
queen of the sea?
Ah, no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
Isn’t that Slovenia, or maybe Serbia,
whose word is close to us
and where does Milos have the royal throne **?
Ah, no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Where is the homeland of Serbs?
If it weren’t for Russia endless,
a third of the world,
in which the sun never sets?
Ah, no, ah no,
Our homeland must be even more spacious!
Tell me then, where is that spacious end !?
From the Elbe it begins, and goes to the Danube,
from the Black Sea all the way to Kamchatka,
behold, it is that wide end,
us Serbs homeland…!”
Serbian roots are in the Balkans, not in Moravia or in Lusatia, but in the ancient Roman city of Serbinum (Gradiska in Bosnia).
Serbs are of the Dinaric phenotype, not of the nordic.
There is also the possibility that the tribes of the Balkans, Moravia, Lusatia and elsewhere joined forces in 1 big coalition against the Roman empire.
This is not true. The Baltic Sea is called the Sarbatic Ocean. Then follows the tribe of Pomerania (Rugi), then Bodrici-Obodriatae. Ljutici(angry ones) are in direct contact with the Germans and sources call them Variags. After retreat before the Sass invasion they come to today’s Czech, Polish and Russian lands. In Russia, they are saving Novgorod from the Vikings. They organized the defense of the city and kill about 10,000 Vikings. It was a blow to slave traders and why they turned their ships to the west. They also influence the development of the king line of Premislovci (see end of text). Below them are the Milcans and Lusicans called Lugi who spread to Slunj or Silesia (the land of the Vandals). The Burgundians are between the Pomeranians and the Lusicans and the Vandals. The Burgundians, who are a tribe, come into conflict with the Huns and must flee, so they join a large procession of Vandals and Suebs (Serbs of Eastern Germany) who are moving with some German tribes to break through the Roman border towards France and Spain. They are joined by Alani horsemen fleeing from the Scythians pressing from the Russian steppes. The Goths or Getae are another Sarmatian tribe that retreats before the Scythian cavalry of Asia. The Huns, after them Avars and than the Ugars(Uchors) are Scythian tribes of cavalry warriors without families. Geths are divide in Istergeti (Danube Getae) and Visigeti (Getae from the Vistula) who later become germanised. The Burgundians formed Burgundy in France, Alani Catalonia, Suebs northern Portugal, the Vandals Andalusia fleeing the Germanized Visigoths whit whom they do not understand. The Istergots remain a Serb tribe that was later exterminated by the Roman Empire together with the Heruli.
According to the legend of the prophetess Libus, the daughter of the Czech father, who comes from the land of Moravia(Uchorvatia) to the then uninhabited and forested Bohemian peak, asks her men to bring her an Aryan man from the Serbian mountains. Oraca (Aryan) Premisla. Today, his monument stands in Stadice near Teplice, Usti (Usce) above Lab. They gave Borivoj the first Czech prince who initially rejects Christianity, but then, under the threat of Stroimir, the Serbian Dinaric king of Vlastimirovic line fled to Moimir Moravia where Svatopluk organised his baptism by Pannonian Methodius with his wife Ludmila (Luzic Serb) in Mikulcice and returned to the Czech throne. After Borivoj’s death, Ludmila was killed by Variags relatives of Dragomira, who is the wife of their son Vratislav (Wroclaw), for flirting with the Bavarians. The Bavarians (Allemani) a mixed Celtic tribe who also at that time waged war with the Saxons until the victory of Conrad 1 the Saxon king who Germanized them. As an angry enemy of the Germans, Dragomir does not want Germanization or the baptism of the people. And in that spirit he raises her son Boleslav who kills his brother Vaclav (St. Vaclav) who is raised in the Christian spirit by his grandmother Ludmila (St. Ludmila). Both are canonized.
Mr. Leslie,
Wow! Just, wow. I am eager to learn more from the man whose roots may be far from the Slavic tree, but has identified and taken upon himself, to expose the great deception of “accepted” history.
I will wait until tomorrow (after a good nights sleep and day of work), to further comment on Ken’s masterpiece and all the centuries of western fallacies, which he has so ably (and nobly) begun to eviscerate, by extensive study and skillful pen.
This heartfelt plea goes out to all the Serbs, or those that purport to be Serbs, here at the vineyard : Please try to learn from this incredibly well sourced and magnificent piece, and do some research of your own, before exposing your own incognizance.
Regrettably Ken, most Serbs, even those that still live with virtue, have no idea of their real history. The ones receiving Phd’s, from vaunted universities, peddling an entirely farcical history of their enemies, are usually the least informed and most difficult to reach. I can’t blame the ones free of nefarious intentions. For they merely regurgitate what was repeated by most of our Austro-German taught “intellectuals”. The great Goethe would truly lament this self inflicted travesty.
Dear Epithet,
I’m humbled and thankful. I believe that the fightback must start now.
Angela Merkel stated that “Europe” should decide the faith of Nord Stream 2.
Let the Slavs decide the faith of the artificial construct called Germany.
I shall have to disappoint you. Lusatian Serbs (also known as “Luzisky Serbja” or “Lužički Srbi”) are indeed related to Serbs. They reside in Saxony and Brandenburg. One of the most famous Lusatian Serbs was General Pavle Jurišić Šturm, commander of the Third Serbian Army in the Fist World War. He was born in Germany, yet emigrated to Serbia, fighting both Germans and Austrians in the First World War. How do you explain that ?
That’s a fantastic comment. The process of gathering and joining torn threads of a wonderful culture must start now and you have made a contribution.
Thank you
Behind ideological justifications and long-running civilizational animosities, one can always discern more prosaic motives which are the real drive behind ideas and principles that are formulated to serve as a method in achieving long-term goals.
Applying the aforementioned premise to the content of European history during the last thousand years, we can observe that Germans and Slavs, both initially Nordic peoples inhabiting the great forests, marshes, and plans of central, north, and eastern Europe were rivals in a civilizational sense, ie the fight for land and resources which would serve for building their culture and civilization. German anti-Slavic sentiment, while certainly not a modern phenomenon, had first been articulated in the XIX century, during the rise of German nationalism, particularly after the defeat of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, which set in motion the process of German unification that would take place some 60 years later. Nor it’s a secret that Marx and Engels openly displayed resentment towards the Slavs, but they were by no means first on the German left to express such views. Whereas the resentment towards Poles was typically widespread among the right-wing and conservatives in Germany, the anti-Russian sentiment was championed by the left, the SPD, a fact which may partly be contributed to the role of Russia as the guardian of the post-Napoleonic conversation order in Europe (it’s worthwhile mentioning how Russia intervened to save the Austrian Empire, then at the brink of collapse during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, being a member of the ‘Holy Alliance’.
Throughout the XIX century, Russia had played a constructive role in European affairs, and was more often than not, pitted against Britain and France, rather than either Germany or Austria, let us just remember the Crimean role and the fact that it was Britain and France, not Germany, which had backed the Ottoman Empire in order to block the liberation of Balkan peoples under Russian patronage, which they, perhaps rightly, saw as a threat to their interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
The unification of Germany and its subsequent rise as a preeminent European power did not hurt Russian interests, it primarily hurt France and Britain. Bismarck, though by no means a friend of Russia or the Slavs, being the champion of ‘realpolitik’ had been aware of the geopolitical fact that France and the UK, those old colonial powers, were Germany’s primary enemies, France because it felt threatened on the continent, the UK because a unified and economically powerful Germany, with its spectacular economic boom in the second half of the XIX century, could ultimately develop a navy to rival her own, and in turn, acquire colonies and challenge British domination of world’s raw resources, trade, and control of the global shipping lanes – the pillars of British power. Naturally, the UK and France would profit a lot by isolating Germany and pitting it against Russia, an alliance that would in effect doom Germany to wage a two-front war in a potential world conflagration.
Bismarck had thus nurtured good relations with Imperial Russia, while also agreeing, even if only out of necessity, to the self-determination of Balkan peoples under Ottoman rule (which came to pass at the Congress of Berlin, 1878, which Bismarck had hosted) at the same time when Britain did its best to keep the Sick Man on the Bosporus alive.
Then came the departure of Bismarck and the beginning of domination of Germany’s militaristic caste, primarily interested in acquiring new lands and resources for the bourgeoning German industry and its barons, as well as the junkers, the big landowners. Bismarck’s cool, pragmatic, and calculated diplomacy, had been replaced by that of the hotheads like the mentally unstable Kaise Wilhelm, the warmonger von Moltke, and Bethmann-Hollweg. Then prominent SPD, a part of a coalition government at the eve of World War I, with its long animosity towards conservative Russia and Slavs (who favored tzars and autocrats, doesn’t it sound familiar?) would look more favorably at detente with Britain, a country all ‘liberals’ and socialists must love, rather than the vast and backward Russia they despised.
We know what came next, the bloodshed in which the Serbs lost the best part of their youth, the revolution that changed Russia forever, and chaos that ensued across East-central Europe.
Then, I ask, who had had the biggest interest to set the Teutons and Slavs against each other and prevent them from ever building any partnership, a truly Euroasian project with a potential to render Anglo-American control overseas and world trade impotent and thus deprive them of the very basis of their power? Marxist ideology in its particular Bolshevik form in Russia was but a first step in the direction of pitting Germany and Russia against each other.
During the interbellum, Germany’s old plans to build the Baghdad-Berlin railway to link itself with the Middle East was but a memory, its economy in shambles and dependent on Wall Street and the City of London for credit – a level they would use to plunge Germany into economic crisis first, then help the Weimer Republic, then Hitler rearm through their links with German bankers and industrialists. Wall Street and the City of London and the Bank of England didn’t miscalculate – they had allowed Hitler to satisfy his early ambitions, knowing full well his life’s project was an Eastern crusade against Russia.
In any case, they would be the winners, with Europe destroyed, USSR in ruins, and Germany prevented from ever dominating the continent, Wall Str. and the City of London would get everything they had invested in the war back – and make a hefty profit – and through US financial institutions obtain full control over Europe and the rest of the world.
Germany had the industry and technology and the potential to rally Europe, Russia had the resources and military power, and the huge potential to become an industrial giant in its own right, yet the Anglo-Saxons had plenty of cunning to prevent either from ever living up to its potential.
How do Balkan peoples fit into the bigger picture, Serbs in particular? We had the ill-fortune to build our house in the middle of the road and expose ourselves to everyone who in the last thousand years happened to have had interests in this part of the world. The Germans sure were never friends of the Serbs, in whatever guise, Imperial or Hitlerite, but like everyone else, they had their interests in the Balkans but it would be a mistake to subscribe to an assumption that Germany must necessarily be an enemy. Despite the havoc, they wreaked on us historically, it remains a fact that even Hitler had bombed Yugoslavia once, but our supposed Anglo-American allies did it more than a hundred times during the war when they mercilessly leveled Serbian cities without any military rationale, killing a dozen Germans and inflicting terrible misery on the Serbian population in the process.
In a way, it could be said that the fate of Serbian people under Hitler’s occupation was no less harsh that its fate under Tito whom Churchill and the British had imposed on the Serbs as an absolute ruler, to destroy Serbian pre-war intelligentsia and all Serbian identity as it was prior to the war.
All that being said, I believe Serbs are their own biggest enemies. We spend far too much time mulling over grand politics but too little time working to solve the problems at home. Americans, British, Germans, or anyone else abroad cannot be blamed for the faults of our treacherous elites who sold us out for personal gain without as much as a blink.
Serbian people have a big problem with convertites, people who willingly turn into sellouts for no other reason than self-hate and/or craving for money and privileges. I don’t know if its the low level or national consciousness, problems with identity, or a combination of determinants dictated by our geographical position, history, and temperament.
It won’t help to know who’s our enemy if we can’t tackle those at home. As our history shows, the enemy always works through traitors at home, if anything, the recent events demonstrate this very clearly.
Dear Mairon,
I am replying in a hurry so sorry if I miss something.
I have decided to banish the idea of poor Teutons being set up by evil Jews, British… who else?
Nobody has ever made them march to the East except the Vatican. Let us not obfuscate.
That tired trope (oh it’s all about the bankers etc.) must be expunged in order to start thinking and acting.
As far as the Serbs – do you not remember that the Serbs lost millions of lives (within 30 years) to the German, Austro-Hungarian and Croat, Bosnian Moslem, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Albanian bullet and knife. Is it surprising that their elan vital has been depleted? Would any other nation have survived that?
Sorry to everybody who feels aggrieved but the Serbs are a beacon of struggle for liberty.
The dark and painful point is: if the Germans had decided not to attack, no-one could have made them. No-one made Russia or England attack Germany. Ever. Or France. Why? Please, let us leave the Jews out for the time being. This is not their fight.
House of Rothschild to give an example that has notoriety, is but the holder of another entities money, being the legal ”Guardians of the Vatican Treasury” for some time. Who ”runs” the Bank; the depositors who expect a return on their money or the bank tellers who just happen to handle the transactions? There is an expression the Germanic rulers of Europe (who included the ”Romanovs” who were of the Holstein-Gottorp branch of the Germanic Scandinavian House of Oldenburg) used in their dealings with the Jewish elites of the Ghetto; ”HofJuden”, or ”House Jews”. There’s a similar American Southern Plantation expression from before the American Civil War about slaves living inside with their masters that fits the status the German rulers gave this class of Jews pretty well.
And every Balkan country except Serbia had German Nobility for rulers after liberation from the Turks, not Jewish rulers.
Vladimir – I am grateful for your input.
Indeed – the whole of Europe had German kinds.
All of the royal houses of Europe seem to be or have been German, except for maybe the French and Spanish:
Russia, England, Belgium, Greece, Romania (I think), Austro-Hungary . . .
Spanish and Portugese rulers; from the Germanic Visigoth and Suavi nobility.
All ancient and modern Serb dynasties are autohtonic. No German blood there.
The reason is quite simply that there was an abundance of German nobility who was relatively powerless compared with the ruling houses of our neighbours. So they were often selected for marriage or to run a new country in need of a king (like Greece), because the big players could agree on a powerless German house rather than a powerful rival house.
Collectively speaking, the power is considerable. And note too that all the old Royal Houses of Europe stem from the original Germanic warlords who overthrew the Roman Empire in the West to begin with; Franks, Visigoths, Burgundians, Lombards, Alemanni, and so forth. Then later, we had the Northmen, the Vikings, who ruled as ”Normans” in Northern France, England, Southern Italy, and elsewhere besides Scandinavia itself. I surely believe they all had some awareness of their Germanic ancestry, which is one reason why Nazism resonated with so many people
So you’re saying that National Socialism resonated with many (common) people, amongst other reasons, because Europe’s nobility (who were kins but also rivals among each other) had preserved some sense of their Germanic origin? That doesn’t strike me as particularly insightful. Quite the opposite. Sounds like straight from an Anglozionist textbook of anti-German propaganda. One of their favourite ploys is “Let’s you and him fight!”
The entire “Drang nach Osten” meme is essentially BS. What about Russia’s Drang nach Osten? And Drang nach Süden? Nach Westen, too? Ever questioned that one? What about France’s Drang nach Osten? Plus Drang nach Süden? What about Britans Drang nach Süden? And Osten? India, Hongkong? Crimea? And Westen? Ever heard Nieuw Amsterdam? Let’s not even start contemplating Azi America’s Drang nach Westen .. and Osten, and Süden, and Norden? Heck, Drang nach überall!
Verily, my friend!
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Dear Lumi,
Let me put it like this. Imagine Russians invading Germany, destroying the entire Catholic south (killing every fourth person and destroying 95% of villages and towns). However, a millennium earlier, the Russians had holocausted an entire native population of German-speaking natives who were the absolute majority.
I understand it’s hard to comprehend but do try.
p.s. Your fellow Germans did exactly that to the Byelorussians (killed every fourth – a new term “quadrimation”) and destroyed several THOUSAND villages and cities. And then, the disgusting A. Merkel and other harpies that are currently vying for the throne DARE accuse the Byelorussians of this and that.
The time has come to strike back at the source of evil and neutralise it once for all. By this, I mean the ability of German elites EVER to harm the Slavs again.
It resonated with the Western elites and those influenced and suborned by them in the West. After all, it was easy for Hitler to conquer Western Europe, was it not? It’s because the Elites were more than half in his camp to begin with, and he in theirs.
Of course, and it is here that the question of money and power comes to the fore. Hitler was very useful to them as somebody who would “liberate” Russia for the Western capital (see e.g. Charles Hyams’s Trading with the Enemy).
Thus it is doubly hypocritical from the crusaders on this site to couch their depredations in ethical imperatives.
Dear Mairon,
What about the Holocaust of the Slavs? Why not address the main point of my article?
You are obviously capable of nuanced thought.
Thanks for comprehensive and balanced recapitulation of part of history of the region.
I think there is hidden and less known yet strong spiritual connection between Russia
and Germany. It is difficult to talk about Slavs . Serbs suffer from chronic (historical) disunity .
This reality can be seen also as sign of richness and potential strength if Serbs find a minimal
common denominator .
Dear Demodok,
Thank you – that is my point precisely.
Once the power of those who have done the fragmenting is gone…
You are correct but you speak of the metropolitan serb and/or of the nobility in the past( the mobsters and politicians today). The beacon/the light that Ken sees in us serbs comes from the peasant or the peasant in us. Many serbs that live in cities still have a rural village to return to and it is from this simple village life where our culture is nurtured and also remembered. Much has been destroyed of modern serbs in the past hundred and ten years. It will be a while until that culture can recover and fully develop again. It does still exist in the villages(barely).
The paradigm we all need comes from the simple life. The paradigm we get from the anglo/american/”european” axis is one of destruction(land, air, sea, rivers all being destroyed), power and greed. It is leading us towards a big cliff. Ken believes there could be a different example to live by. I agree with him, though I’m not sure how well we shall fair after we go over the edge.
Thank you, Ken (and the saker community)
Dear Nicola
You are right. Peasant in us is our past, our tradition, our strength – ancient Greek -ἀρχή
means “beginning”, “origin” or “source of action “.
That common ground Serbs badly need in those troubled times . To reconnect with origin is a
hard work . It already started but it is slow and full of confusion.
Patience and wisdom saved Serbs many times, we hope fortitude and foresight will save us again.
…..Germans and Slavs both initially Nordic peoples….
Sorry, this has no basis. Glaciers retreated from the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany only a few thousand years ago, leaving the Pannonian Sea at the site of the Pannonian Plain, which than flows into the Black Sea with the breakthrough of the Djerdap Gorge on the Danube(modern Serbia). Together with the breakthrough of the Bosphorus, it destroyed the Black Sea Arata culture. With the Celtic R1B group immigrated from Asia across the Russian steppes 4500 years ago, but mostly across Asia Minor and the Balkans when the Vinca culture was destroyed, the settlement of Western Europe began. Before that, there are scattered Indians of Europe who belong to I group (who are the heirs of Group G). At that time part of the people of the Vinca culture fled to Scandinavia and the British Isles before the genocide (17 times reduced male population). These areas were either forestless plains or densely wood covered areas. This is the reason where does group I come from in uninhabited Scandinavia. Serbs in the Balkans have between 40% and 55% of Group I. The Goths came to Scandinavia as a small group across the island of Gothland as well as Burgundians to the south of Norway retreating before the Huns. A larger group leaved for French Gaul. Another part of the Vincan people fled to the Greek islands where they founded the Minoan culture. Using the Vinca script as a model developed their own.The Germans are a mixture of the R1b Celtic group and the I proto-Balkan group. They emerge as a people in Europe at the latest, which is recognizable by the “sophistication” of the language they speak. The R1A group is the Slovenian group. With the R1A group comes the Urn culture.
The Germanic languages appeared in Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Soutwest Finland) only about some two thousand years ago, (This is proven by dialect diffentiation setting in only one thousand years ago). Aside from Sami/Sapmi (“Lappponic”) and Finnish substratae ((and Finnish(Suomi) words are mostly of Indo.Eropean origing except 2-300)), might it be there ia also a Slavic substrate in German and Scandinavian — still to beexamineed by non-prejudiced historians of language developpemt and relationships? I HOPE SO!
Finnish is not German but Ugroturkish language. Fins are not Germans or I have missed something? Sory for steping on your nerv. Can you tell us when the norwegian language pop up in history?
Might be of interest – the point of the article set to music in Czechia already:
Thank you, Hojer,
Having a bit of Czech blood myself, I invite the Czechs to stand up against the disgusting behaviour by their rulers. The proud people who gave the world Jan Hus, Dvorak and Smetana, Jan Kubis and many others should not take this lightly.
The Czechs, despite their apparent docility and reluctance to rock the Drakkar, hold a great deal of family silver (historical memory of Slavia) and this will become useful one day.
Dear Mr. Ken Leslie, thank you for the article and the answer above. Generally I agree with you. I just may add my view of how Czechs mostly perceive panslavism now: It was important for most of our forefathers in certain times, they were however almost always disheartened (firstly believed Russia should take the lead (19th century – they were dissapointed by state of Russia´s society; after acknowledging liberation by Soviets/Russians from Germans in WW2, occupation and gerontic communism was imposed in 1968…), it still lives to some extent in public awareness. To a larger extent for me and the group I posted the link above, meaning rather will to recongize the roots, unique position in center of Europe with ties not only to one direction (west being forced by current régime), etc. Not sure if “Kosovo je Srbija” slogan is popular with footbal fans (mostly for club Slavia Prague supportes in matches with Serbian/Kosovo clubs) in any other country – for most apparent example.
Looking for your promised follow-ups.
Ken, would you mind telling where you’re from or at least where you grew up?
If you do mind, it’s no problem at all.
Hi, Iyy,
I promise to tell all one day. Not just yet.
No problem.
The reason I’m curious is because, from what I’ve seen, Americans (and to a lesser degree, the Anglosphere in general) tends to put the highest blame of a ‘global elite’ onto the Vatican. Continental Europeans (and a few die-hard Catholics in Latin America), on the other hand, tend to do the opposite: blame the Anglo-Saxons.
What do you think having read my article carefully and weighed the evidence?
I just described what happened, who was genocided and the perpetrators were. Do you agree or not? I am not discussing other holocausts.
“Do you agree or not?”
Yes, of course.
I think… Russia and the Slavic world being Eurasian makes it hard for them (but there’s no other way). Acknowledging your identity can be painful. It’s the problem of Eastern Christianity. Do you emphasize “Eastern” or “Christian”? Russians are white and Christian, but for the West-Vatican they’ll never be the “right kind” of white and Christian. But at the same time, being white, Christian, Indo-European means part of the Slavic world does not accept its “Asian side”.
As for the question of what came first, the Anglos or the Vatican (or the Jews), it’s a chicken-egg question. But from the point of view of Asia, Africa and the Slavic world, the Germanic problem cannot be dissociated from the (Western) Christian problem. Gunboats and missionaries complement each other, even if their ends differ.
I think… in order to potentialize Russia and the Slavic world, the problem of its religious identity must be put to the fore.
Thank you for that – of course it’s about religion. This is why in the 1930s the Vatican did its utmost to break up the Sokols (A Slav patriotic organisation active in most of Eastern and Central Europe). And this is precisely why I am insisting on the importance of Slavic origins. As I showed in my article, the links between the Slavs and the East are immensely important and will only grow in the future.
Per Wiki, Sokol was founded by a German who espoused the aims of Czech nationalism. The inspiration was the German Turnvereine. I noticed the Sokol notices when I was in Cz in 1992. BTW “sokol” means “falcon.”
Czech and German threads are so closely intertwined in Bohemia (as it was) that it is practically impossible to untangle them. I have a collection of pre-Velvet Revolution maps of Czechoslovakia from . Virtually every town has a German and a Czech name. (As well as graphic symbols indicating the locations of peasant rebellions throughout the centuries.) I just looked on Google Maps and only Czech names are given.
Bohemia was the front line of the heavy-handed Habsburg attempt to reimpose Catholicism in Bohemia and Moravia, which had become largely Protestant. Thus unleashing the Thirty Years’ War, which devastated most of Europe southeastern Europe. Basically the Catholics seem to have come out on top in the lands of the Habsburgs.
Anonymous wrote “Per Wiki, Sokol was founded by a German who espoused the aims of Czech nationalism. The inspiration was the German Turnvereine.” The founding of Sokol by Germans has been part of German´s propaganda ever since (you even needes us to found Sokol…). Inspiration by Turnvereine is true. Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fugner are considered founders of Czech Sokol, the surnames suggesting partly german ancestry which is the case of a lot of Czechs and Czech nationalist/patriots, including myself. No one needs to dismiss the german part of the roots and ancestry – the Czech nation has been formed like that. However this does not prevent anyone to consider himself Czech and of Slavic origin. Fugner surely had German father. In the environment of hard germanisation pressure of 19th century Fugner and others too luckilly sided with Czechs, dedicated their efforts to preserve the nation and language and succeded. This has regrettably not been the case for the Lusatian Sorbs to a large extent, as is described in the article above.
Sorry to butt in, but I recall KL mentioning it in passing in one of previous articles comments section.
Thank you for this work. Being born and raised in western Canada, you can well imagine my total ignorance concerning the history of the Slavs. I am not a rascist person ,I choose to hate them all equally. You write about crusades and churches as if anybody cared about God and truth. That’s not likely. It’s all about conquest, blood, to be more specific. The Christian Cult can’t get enough of it. When the times of the Goy is past, healing can begin.
Dear Herve,
It’s a pleasure to talk to a Quebecois (sorry about assuming this) of whose culture many know little.
You are a bit like Dirty Harry:
Of course they don’t care about God and truth – this is why I write.
Merci beaucup
Hey Ken. It’s funny I say things like that. Hollywood creeps into the populous, I guess I am not so much of an exemption. I am not Quebecois. According to my family history, I am Acadien. 400 yrs my family has been here, but Quebec was passed over into what was at the time HBC land to the West. Where could we go? My kind don’t appreciate being pushed around by Zionists, but we are sons of peace. My grandparents settled in south east Manitoba among indeginous poeples and farmers. Many Acadien were killed or displaced by the Brits. What can you do?
That sounds like a famous Gallic shrug! :-)
One more genocide to be added to the list: the continuing one of the Macedonians in Greece. And, we all know who gave the Greeks their first king after the Ottomans were vanquished ;)
My great grandmother used to say we Macedonians are still waiting for Russian boots to free us from our shackles. They never came.
In 1877 Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dosotevsky wrote:
«Не будет у России, и никогда ещё не было, таких ненавистников, завистников, клеветников и даже явных врагов, как все эти славянские племена, чуть только Россия их освободит, а Европа согласится признать их освобождёнными»
«Начнут они непременно с того, что… объявят себе и убедят себя в том, что России они не обязаны ни малейшей благодарностью; напротив, что от властолюбия России они спаслись при заключении мира вмешательством европейского концерта. А не вмешайся Европа, так Россия проглотила бы их тотчас же, “имея в виду расширение границ и основание великой всеславянской империи на порабощение славян жадному, хитрому и варварскому великорусскому племени”».
«Особенно приятно будет для освобождённых славян… трубить на весь свет, что они – племена образованные, способные к самой высшей человеческой культуре, тогда как Россия – страна варварская, мрачный северный колосс, даже не чистой славянской крови, гонитель и ненавистник европейской цивилизации».
Google translation,MOD:
“Russia will not have, and has never had such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies like all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees to recognize them as liberated ”
“They will certainly begin with the fact that … they will declare to themselves and convince themselves that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude; on the contrary, they were saved from the love of power in Russia at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of a European concert. And if Europe had not intervened, Russia would have swallowed them immediately, “meaning the expansion of the borders and the founding of the great all-Slavic empire to enslave the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe.”
“It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs … to trumpet to the whole world that they are educated tribes capable of the highest human culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a gloomy northern colossus, not even pure Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization.”
So all this talk about common slavic values for the last 200 years only supports the expansion of Western consumerism, etc. I say to all our slavic “brothers” who claim to be europeans: “Looked in the mirror lately?..”.
What a waste!
Dear MJ,
That is exactly what I said in my article. The fact that the minor tribes have been co-opted by the enemy does not mean that they are irredeemable. Or at least, let us imagine that they’re not.
You see how a bit of light shone on the dark recesses of political religion makes all the vampires squeal? Isn’t it fun? Even if a couple of people start thinking that a different reality is possible, wasn’t it worth it?
Every Macedonian i’ve ever met was a good pious Orthodox Christian, with good hearts full of Slavic feeling. One can feel in their bones after seeing them that maybe they really are the descendants of Ancient Macedon. Maybe the Slavs lived in the Balkans and Eastern Europe since ancient times, the Illyrians and Thracians, Dacians and Sarmatians and Scythians all being Slavs? The Ancient Macedonians not a kind of Greek but a Slav culture with Hellenized elites? I don’t know, but I wonder just how far back German scholarship has obscured history rather than revealed it?
Vladimir, I’m sorry to intrude, but the Illyrians are only one of a dozen tribes in the Balkans (Helm). In addition to the Damlamts, Histrians, Tracians, Macedonians, Paoninas, Dacians, Gorani / Dorans, Pelasgians, etc. Just like Limes Sorabicus, check how many Western Serb tribes once there was. They all have the same customs, the same language, the same culture, the same costumes and decorations. So one nation. The Greeks and Rome always named whole nations after the first tribe they were in contact with or after the one they conquered. The same thing whith cellts. Fe Galls. However, the only ones for who they said to be the largest people besides Indians in the world are the Tracians (Raska in Serbia, Russia, Etruria) or the Scythians. Greeks even called hell Tartarus from a name of land Tartaria. The Western Scythian – Sarmatians stretch from the Sarmatian Ocean in the north (Baltic Sea) to the Scythian Sea (Caspian Sea) in the east. Sarmatians are Scythians who live in fixed settlements, they do not wander like nomads. Scyithian literally means a man who wanders(skitati in serbian language).The Scythians of Central Asia also did not wander until the Turks and Mongols from land of Gog and Magog (east Siberia) broke up their communities, descending towards China and Central Asia. Eg Sogdiana. Only later did they become Saki Scythians, such as the Tokars tribe, the Wanderers. Regards
No intrusion at all my friend. I always suspected us Slavs were of a more ancient history, because it made no sense to follow the pretense of German scholarship and think of Scythians and Sarmatians as having little to no connection with those who lived in the same lands years later-who had similar cultures to boot.
How about “native” or “ancient” Europeans? That would be difficult to traduce.
Doesn’t mean they won’t come. The French Mystical Catholic writer Leon Bloy in 1917, turned off by the Vatican and with France still locked into combat with the Germans during WWI, said this;
”I await the coming of the Cossacks and the Holy Ghost!”
They will come.
Unfortunately Leon Bloy blew it badly when he wrote “Le Salut par les Juifs”, a work he dedicated to Raïssa Oumançoff Maritain (born in Rostov-on-Don in a Chassidic family and converted to Catholicism with her husband, the philosopher Jacques Maritain). One starts to wonder what sort of ‘Cossacks’ was Leon Bloy waiting for.
That work by Bloy was considered at one time to be ”anti-semitic” itself, and cannot be found in any of the popular english language translations of his essays. He excoriates the Jews for their rejection of Christ, but always manages to destroy the Anti-Semites as well (”The hatred of the Jews is diabolical for it is a slap on Christ’s Face via the face of His Mother”, and much more…). Having read his work, and considering the hatred for the Germans he had since at least 1870, by 1917 and the World War he was definitely awaiting the glorious Orthodox Christian Cossacks, since he had all but dismissed the Church of Pope Benedict XV for it’s perfidy (Bloy called Benedict a ‘pro-German shadow of a shadow’, partly a reference to st. Peter in Book of Acts).
I still await the coming of the Cossacks and the Holy Ghost. They shall come, I know this in my heart.
You are waiting for Godot!
The Cossacks and the Holy Spirit are already in Paris (Quai Branly, Avenue Rapp, Rue de l’Universite), but they won’t wash their feet in the Seine, although they are so close! They were already in Rue Daru in the time of Bloy.
As for the ‘antisemitism’ of Bloy, he wrote it specifically against “les élucubrations anti-juives de M. Drumont”: “Le Salut vient des Juifs ! Texte confondant qui nous met furieusement loin de M. Drumont ! À Dieu ne plaise que je lui déclare la guerre, à ce triomphant ! La lutte, vraiment, serait par trop inégale.
Le pamphlétaire de la ‘France Juive’ peut se vanter d’avoir trouvé le bon coin et le bon endroit. Considérant avec une profonde sagesse et le sang-froid d’un chef subtil que le caillou philosophal de l’entregent consiste à donner précisément aux ventres humains la glandée dont ils raffolent, il inventa contre les Juifs la volcanique et pertinace revendication des pièces de cent sous…Il est donc aisé de concevoir l’impétuosité de leur zèle, quand les tripotantes mains de l’Antisémite vinrent chatouiller en eux le pressentiment de la Justice. On peut même dire qu’en cette occasion, les écailles tombèrent d’un grand nombre d’yeux et le généreux Drumont apparut l’apôtre des tièdes qui ne savaient pas que la religion fût si profitable…”.
“À part l’inspiration surnaturelle, on peut dire que le ‘Salut par les Juifs’ est, sans aucun doute, le témoignage chrétien le plus énergique & le plus pressant en faveur de la Race Aînée, depuis l’onzième chapitre de saint Paul aux Romains”. The language of Vatican II, of ‘Nostra Aetate’!
Hardly, Bloy had his fill of Frankish Royalist reactionary pests who when cornered always blamed the Jews and their perfidy to deflect from more Jesuitical intrigues, and no doubt Bloy was not well liked in these same circles because of his affection for Napoleon, but he was not afraid to say everything that needed to be said about the poor exiles, these grubby Jews who are royal cousins of Christ, whose rejection of Christ holds back the Parousia, but whose acceptance at last will mark it’s speedy coming…
And the Cossacks? Perhaps you will see them too in your own day, saving France.
I doubt very much that the ‘Cossacks’ have any desire to come to ‘save’ France from herself. I wouldn’t bet on it.
But you should wait for the Holy Spirit, who comes for those who search diligently for Him, individually. The ‘Parousia’ is not conditioned in any way by the ‘conversion of the Jews’. It is the ‘Day of the Dreaded Judgement’, when everyone will be judged ‘according to what he has done’ and nobody knows when it will come: “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power”.
Anyway, the ‘kingdom of God was taken away from them [the Jews] and given to a people who will produce its fruit’: “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them”.
So, don’t you be like the foolish virgins and “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh”.
By liberating France also from the clutches of the Vatican and Germanic power, the ”Cossacks” are defeating their own age-old enemies for good.
The Parousia is not ”conditioned” by the Jewish acceptance of the Holy Orthodox Christian Faith, the True Catholic Church, but it will happen, no matter the degraded conditions they are in now at the present time. It is a figure of speech that Bloy used to highlight the expectation and longing for the Second Coming. But perhaps you have the Papacy, the ”sweet Christ on Earth” of some, and so you can wait indefinitely for Our Lord to return?
It is not a matter of ‘waiting indefinitely’, but be prepared at all times. We might be all (and our children) dead by the time of the Second Coming, but Jesus comes to judge the ‘quick and the dead’, and you will be judged according to the state in which you died. The enemies of the ‘Cossacks’ will be judged then according to their works, as well as the Cossacks, Germans, French, Jews themselves according to their works. But surely there won’t be any ‘sweet Christ on Earth’ after that.
Intimating that there is one, a ”sweet Christ on Earth” in the Papacy, inferring from your statement.
Trying to identify ancient tribes, let alone their geopolitics, on the basis of modern populations self-identifying as Slav, Magyar, Teutonic etc is plain wrong according to modern DNA analyses. Nobody has found a DNA polymorphism from the ancient Magyars – even the body of St Stephen (Istvan) has Slav DNA, despite the Hungarian language having obvious similarities to Finnish.
In North-West England, where I live, there are place names derived from four or even five language groups: Latin (Manchester, Lancaster, Ribchester, Colne – pronounced by the locals almost the same as Köln by Rhinelanders), Welsh (Liverpool – lyfrig pol, muddy pool)- Pen y Ghent), West Germanic (Bolton, Preston) North Germanic (Skelmersdale, Scarisbrick, Burscough, Ormskirk). A fifth language can be seen if you split North Germanic place-names into those derived from Norwegian (ending in -toft, thwaite etc) and from the Dano-Swedish place-names found east of the Pennines. The half-joking hostility between Lancashire and Yorkshire is sometimes claimed to derive from this, although the 15th Century Wars of the Roses, between the dynasties of Lancaster and York, is a likelier source.
During the Voelkerwanderung, Germanic tribes expanded into their neighbours’ territories, not only the Germans into Slav lands, but Swedes into Finland, and Anglo-Saxons (and Anglo-Norse hybrids) into Roman Britannia and Hibernia (Ireland). Anglo colonisation of North America can even be fitted into the picture, of a Drang nach Westen.
Settlement as a result of the Drang nach Westen just happened, and could be a Teutono-Celtic enterprise rather than just a Teutonic one – the population of Iceland seems to be largely derived, according to DNA analyses, from the Gaelic peoples of the British Isles: Icelanders speak Norse for the same sorts of reasons that Jamaicans speak English.
Weren’t the Teutonic Knights originally loosed on the pagan Baltic peoples, rather than Slavs? The Livs and Old Prussians were exterminated, Lithuanians and to a degree Latvians survivied. The old word in the Germanic languages for Slav was “Wend” and it is found in Anglo-Saxon, despite the Angles and Saxons inhabiting the neck of the Jutland peninsula, far to the West. This suggests that the North European plain had a mix of Slav and Germanic peoples, with Slavs increasing Eastwards.
I suggest that the replacement of “Wend” by “Slav” gives us a clue as to the motive behind German (rather than Germanic) aggression to the East. “Slav” is derived from the Slav word for “glory” (slava) and was the battle cry of Slav peoples. “Slave” in most Western European languages is similar, and different from the Latin “servus”: Slav peoples were used as slaves in the Mediaeval period, deriving both from German land expeditions, and Turkish Iand before 1453 Genoese) maritime slave raids on the NW shores of the Black Sea.
A final comment – it is difficult to see campaigns against Orthodoxy as a motivator of aggression against Slavs by Germanic peoples in general. The Byzantine Emperor had a Varangian guard of “vikings” (which included English, especially after 1066), who would be western Christians. Caernarvon castle was built with octagonal towers and alternating bands of stone and brick in imitation of Justinian.s wall round Constantinople (thirteenth century). After the Reformation, James I/VI saw the reformed churches of England and Scotland as successors to the Celtic churches that survived the collapse of the Roman empire, and attempted a reconciliation with Orthodoxy.
Dear Wiganer,
Thank you for your erudite reply. I’m not sure of the main point you are trying to make.
Please, address the points I made – was there a holocaust?
What about all the toponyms and hydronyms? Was that all a dream? Did these people exist? Drang nach Westen?
Prussians? P-russians? Po-russians? Russians, Rasenians, Ratzes (Hungarian for Serbs – Pope Ratzinger)?
Balto-slavic language group? The largest island in the Baltic sea is Ruegen. The tribes that were exterminated in the fall of Arcona (yes, they were pagan – that is free of Catholic brainwashing) were called Ljutici, Bodrici and Branicevci. Branicevo is a town about 100 km from Belgrade.
I have a printout of an old Prussian dictionary. Many words are similar t
Apologies for an unfinished comment.
Please have a look at and Old Prussian dictionary. The fact that they spoke differently from modern Russian etc. means little. Old Saxon has little to do with modern English. Especially when a powerful propaganda apparatus keeps telling you that the Balts are something special and separate.
My main point is that talk about races in Europe is nonsense. A direct quote from the abstract of a landmark paper (J Novembre, T. Johnson et al, Nature, 456, 98-101 (2008)) runs “Despite low average levels of genetic differentiation among Europeans, we find a close correspondence between genetic and geographic distances; indeed, a geographical map of Europe arises naturally as an efficient two-dimensional summary of genetic variation in Europeans” So modern Czechs will be genetically much closer to modern Germans than to modern Russians.
I’m not an anthropologist , and it seems that many cultural commentators assume we can talk about “peoples”, corresponding to Hegel’s idea of the Volk (or the Slavophiles’ Narod), which magically arose from a particular environment. We can’t. Tetsuro Watsuji, a pupil of Heidegger’s, had the saner idea that culture was determined by “climate” (including cultural climate), so he was not a genetic crackpot like the Nazis, but Kokutai, (“National ethos”) was every bit as atrocious in China (the “delinquent elder brother” of Japan culturally) as Nazism in the Slav lands..
Until the advent of mass literacy – well into the 20th. century for much of Catholic and Orthodox Europe – it didn’t really matter what language the peasants spoke, as all learned people (largely the clergy) spoke and read Latin (or Church Slavonic?). (Protestant Europe (which until the “Bloodbath of Prague” in 1618 included Bohemia) was different because of Bible reading). A mixed population of, say, Slavs and Germans would intermarry, and local hybrid dialects would emerge (as we see in Switzerland today), Amongst the upwardly mobile in the Hapsburg empire the everyday language could be different (usually German) from the mother tongue. The same held in Wales until the mid-twentieth century – brutal suppression of the Welsh language in schools was ordered by Welsh local government, not the central government in London.
So there hasn’t been a holocaust of “Slavs” for centuries, because until the end of the nineteenth century, consciousness of being “Slav” was confined to a handful of educated people. Quite a few languages in Europe are in fact nineteenth century inventions.
Yes, and there was no destruction of American Indians because some called themselves Oglala and some Cherokee. OK, thank you for the inspiration. From now on, the victims of the Holocaust will be called “NATIVE EUROPEANS”.
Toponyms ending in -witz are like -wik in Old Nordic, indicating a settlement. Toponyms and hydronyms in -au or -ow are all over the place and related to Latin aqua, water.
I live in the Lüneburg area, not far from the Wendland, where there are lots of funky placenames. I don’t think that Wends were another race or tribe. I think they simply chose to remain pagan when the rest converted to Christianity. The Wends converted later, and possibly via a different translation of the Holy Word – a Wendish translation, hence a Wendish language, which seems to never have existed in a more than limited form.
Look at the various so-called Slavic peoples and you’ll find that they don’t look alike. Some are mostly Nordic-Germanic, some are Iranian (Yugo countries), and some are partly Turkish (Bulgaria). Many are mixed, which is not surprising. They are not one ethnic family in terms of blood. Which is just fine. They’re linguistically and historically related to each other, not genetically.
My point of view is that all so-called Slavic peoples were christianized using variants of the Macedonian language and so found themselves linguistic cousins. Just like many Arabic speaking peoples today aren’t Arabs but were muslimized using the Arabic language. And just like many non-Latin peoples were christianized using the Spanish language (castellano) and so find themselves today as Hispanics.
The Varangian Guard was formally constituted in 988, immediately after the Baptism of Saint Vladimir and his ‘Varangians’, as a consequence of the new relations between Byzance and Rus (practically the integration of Russia into the ‘Byzantine Commonwealth’, the Orthodox World) to which it remained beholden for the centuries to come), and was constituted for at least first 100 years exclusively by Varangian ‘Rus’. The Anglo-Saxons came later and one of the reasons was certainly the fact that Vladimir II Monomakh’s wife was Gytha of Wessex, the daughter of the last Anglo-Saxon King Harold Godwinson, who fled England after the Norman invasion.
‘Varangians’ is not exactly the same as ‘Vikings’ albeit they both come from the ‘North’.
Varangians (Russian: варяги, from Old Norse Væringjar, meaning ‘sworn men’, from vàr- “confidence, vow of fealty”, related to Old English wær “agreement, treaty, promise”, Old High German wara “faithfulness”. In short “sworn companion” (of a prince, condotiere, chieftain). It is closer to the meaning of ‘druzhina’ (“fellowship”) which formed the nucleus of the ‘court’
Viking is derived from vikingr “freebooter, sea-rover, pirate, marauder, viking,” which usually is explained as meaning properly “one who came from the fjords,” from vik “creek, inlet, small bay” (cognate with Old English wic, Middle High German wich “bay,” and second element in Reykjavik).
The name Rus’, like the Finnish name for Sweden (Ruotsi), is derived from an Old Norse term for “the men who row” (rods-) and it could be linked to the Swedish coastal area of Roslagen (the Rowing crews), might have had the same meaning of ‘fellowship’, company (the crew of a boat was certainly a close knit ‘druzhina’.
while this is all true…
the real question is….
what is the current state of germany?
with their countless immigrants, does the thesis
– germans have the drang nach osten ingrained in their souls –
still hold?
i think not
germany is more like a disoriented mashup with no other
purpose but to be a territory inhabited by shoppers
what could they possibly do?
– give weapons to turks? turks start shooting at kurds, or arabs
– give weapons to kurds? kurds start shooting at turks
– give weapons to newly immigrants? the escaped isis fighters start shooting at everybody
– give weapons to native germans? the AfD start shooting at immigrants, but immigrants
quickly organize and start shooting back
– give weapons to lebanese? the lebanese mafia starts shooting at the competition – the african blacks
– give weapons to the greens? they paint the ak47 pink and put flowers in it
– give weapons to merkel? she gifts it to putin, putin accepts the gift, and the western media portraits
putin as a war monger, later that weapon was highly likely used in the assassination of navalny, an
independent (wink wink) dutch investigation confirmed
”Another factor working against the idea of Slav reconciliation and eventual unification is the current deep disillusionment with the Slavophile idea inside Russia. This is completely understandable given the shameful behaviour of Slav vassals towards Russia’s and their own historical heritage.”
Not only completely understandable but also absolutely correct and appropriate. Slavophilia implies the existence of ”common interests” between, for example, Russia and Poland which is totally insane and preposterous. Given Russia’s outstanding political leadership, it borders on global treason to tie Russia down in some quaint association with what is, in my parlance, honorary Euro-trash; incorrigibly stupid, evil, and corrupt. Thank God that Russia has got accurate and sane criteria for selecting whom to team herself up with.
Apart from the Slavophile snake oil, we also have the pure Western inventions of classical, ossified Marxism and ditto Liberalism (both accompanied by their more recent manifestations of Cultural Marxism/Neoliberalism). Contrary to Slavophilia, they share a vehemently anti-Russian bias while, similar to Slavophilia, they pretend to know what’s best for Russia but basing this ”knowledge” upon vulgar Oppressor Nation fantasies about the world. Trotskyism and its twin neoconservatism reflect this fundamental attitude of the West’s ”left” and “right”, respectively. To wit: Russia has no right to exist unless ruled by ”the advanced West” and its prodigious ”intellectuals” and/or ”advanced workers”, self-worshipping parasites upon the third world, all of them. Stalin and Putin have put them firmly in their place. The howling speaks for itself.
I completely get your disgust trust me. But something needs to be done to break the united front of the fascist West. How do you propose to achieve it? I have written enough bad things about the Poles and others. Ultimately it can only end in the mutual destruction. Nothing to do with Slavophilia by the way. It will either come from the heart or it won’t. My job is not to give the Slavs a perfect federation – that’s up to them.
What about the point of my article? Do you agree that there was a holocaust?
Millions of German civilians lost their lives before, in, and after WW2.
Including in euthenasia programs.
No one every talks about that, either.
No pity for the Germans!
Dear Katherine,
Of course I pity innocent Germans – my father was giving food to a bunch of frightened 17-year old German recruits captured in 1944 when he didn’t have enough to eat. They suffered a lot – but most of that suffering was caused by the idea that they had the right to destroy the inferior Slav. Don’t you agree?
One monstrosity must not be replaced by another. At the same time, the Slavs must never allow Germany to threaten them again – in any shape or form.
Q: I completely get your disgust trust me. But something needs to be done to break the united front of the fascist West. How do you propose to achieve it?
A: Looking specifically at Russia, all she needs to do is to ”keep up the good work” and just let the West’s neoliberal rot, disintegration, and demise keep accelerating. Your earlier submission ’Two clicks to midnight’ was a considerable misjudgment on your part primarily on Belarus and the West’s supposed ability to prevail everywhere. As I have been pointing out here throughout the years, due to the neoliberal plague the West has irretrievably lost its erstwhile industrial and fiscal base. Now its terminal prolapse is really beginning to bite. Mind you, fascism is a sign of weakness when it starts being applied at home. Russia and Belarus show how to keep the beast at bay.
Q: What about the point of my article? Do you agree that there was a holocaust?”
Of course there were anti-Slavic genocides with Germany as their very instigator. Whenever the tired old trope of Germany’s guilt appears in the West, it’s tacitly understood not to include the horrors perpetrated against Slavic peoples. And quite a few among the latter don’t seem to mind either.
Well said Nussiminen! Russia will persevere and incorporate those Slavs (and others) that wish to be called Russians as it is a civilisation of its own.
I’m afraid you misunderstood the point of my article as did many others. I think you take things a bit too personally and it’s all about you being right. Has it occurred to you that my article could have been a wake up call?
Has it occurred to you that I might agree with you – that the West (united this time) is dangerous precisely because it’s reached a terminal phase?
Mr. Leslie,
So are 20,000 hits some kind of mystic number for you? Just wondering. After my last foray to my 95 year old Prussian neighbor’s house when I took some questions I had from your previous article, I dare not ask her if
“Gemütlichkeit” translates as ” we’re all in this together”.
After all, One is only accused of “cultural appropriation” if what you borrow is from a designated “victim” culture to which one does not belong by dint of skin color, last name, language etc. Serbs are not an official “victim” people probably because of the skin color. And Germans, well, Nazis, all of them!!!! Even if at 95 years old they still actually really are. Dunno….this is becoming too looney tunes.
Just compare weasely little Vucic left twisting in the breeze by Trump to Lukashenko thundering around, son in tow, with his not-for-show assault rifle . Gives you an idea about what the Teutonic Knights were sniffling about. What were those boozy verses about their possessed flags which whisper to them, “Come on, Again, Again, go East, young man!”. ? Weird. Creepy. Scary.
Dear Teranam,
I was a bit surprised at the number – more and more as it went up. Finally, I said – it might hit 20000. These are artificial psychological boundaries conditioned by our number system. After all, we know that 3 is a magic number.
I really don’t support Goldhagen’s dangerous thesis that all Germans are Nazis. Far from it. It is just that those who come on top have some very dangerous ideas and must be stopped once and for all.
Actually, Germans were the first victims of the Nazis, on many levels.
Most obviously, via the euthenasia program, and, don’t forget that Jewish Germans were Germans.
A lot of people forget that.
Including Jews.
yes, Katherine, as Russian Jews are Russians. Point taken.
I think it is the transposition of the terms that creates confusion.
Jewish is the modifier, not the noun.
Hence, Jewish Russians.
There is no confusion if one understands that identity is a social construct. I may proclaim myself an American woman or a female American. It only has the charge or importance that one gives to it for purposes of group identity or emotional manipulation given certain circumstances or if one has constructed that proclaimed identity to become central to one’s purpose on the planet.
I don’t make fun of German. The German words used here by the author have strict meaning and then a meaning infused with cultural “zing”. I can look the words up in a dictionary but when I ask my 95 year old neighbor what these mean to her I get a generational cultural take from a life lived.
For example…her words. ” Oh, Hitler was not such a bad sort of guy ( yes, she did say this with this terminology), it was those stupid generals of his that just had to have their war!”
“I don’t make fun of German.” – Well, why not? When we had visitors from Uncle Sam’s Own Country over here, they found a constant source of hilarity in the Ausfahrt traffic signs on the Autobahn. Should have told them that there’s also Einfahrt, Abfahrt, Anfahrt, Vorfahrt, Rückfahrt, Seefahrt, Raumfahrt, Schiffahrt and many others …
I’m half-German, so have no sense of humour! :-)
“There is no confusion if one understands that identity is a social construct.
More or less my point, actually.
It goes to what constitutes the “base identity.”
Taking Jew as the base identity IMO is the problem.
Ananologies (from USA English, obviously):
For nationalities: Irish American; German American; Jewish American (not American Irish or American German)
For religions:
American Catholics, American Jews, American Buddhists.
If Jews insist on the the “American Jew” formation, then they are prioritizing their religion.
To prioritize nationality and hence *subordination* of the adject to the noun, they would choose
Jewish American.
Since they always choose the former, American Jews, this tells me that Jews have more loyalty to their religion than to their country of citizenship. And this means: More loyalty to Israel than to the USA (or wherever).
Because Jews are the only religion that is also a nationality.
Can’t have it both ways.
Let us remember them with gratitude.
Gemüt is more like spirit/character/inner disposition;
Müt is courage.
gemütlich is affable/friendly/mild, but with sociable overtones, not in your lonesome
Müt does not exist, courage is Mut. XXXmütXXX is a variant of what earlier *muot* designated, an inner condition. Words like Freimut, Wagemut, Hochmut also contain that condition element: Hochmut – feeling like being higher, better, above the others.
Just compare weasely little Vucic left twisting in the breeze by Trump to Lukashenko thundering around, son in tow, with his not-for-show assault rifle . Gives you an idea about what the Teutonic Knights were sniffling about
Vucic does not belong to the Serb minority, but to the Sebar majority. And you go check what Sebar means. From such stock, the Ottomans and Habsburgs made new nations. Especially the Germans, the Bavarians, ie the Austrians ….. baptize a third, expel a third, kill a third. Only in the last century did the Serbs overthrow the AU, German and Osmanic empires. They repulsed the Nazis – 6 divisions plus 6 in Greece are in Balcans as the whole 12 of them in Western Europe. More than 200 on eastern front. They rejected Stalin and eventually went to war with NATO. Is it minor? A few hundred years ago, an English statistician mentioned that there were 6 million Serbs and Britons. Today, there are 8 million Serbs in Serbia, check how many British in Britania.
You will have some comments from those who are looking for any chance to display their knowledge, which unfortunately, quite often, lacks in understanding. I had one of these, posting a comment on my piece, Relentless March, which in some ways, echoes yours. (If you want to read it I think it can still be found somewhere on Saker). This person was posting quite knowledgeable comments under my piece and I was reading them with some interest, that was until the moment he decided to side with some western eurotroll with that hard-wired Russophobic mindset that you have so well described. After that he immediately lost my interest. I ignored the troll, but to the other I replied that knowledge without real understanding is no much use. So take heart, you, without doubt, will have them here as well. As for myself, I want to thank you for writing not only an informative and timely piece, but also very insightful and with some passion. I totally “get it”. Thank you Ken!
Thank you, Katerina – I appreciate it.
I still owe you a piece on why Russia will not fall (if I may take the liberty).
I am not disheartened – on the contrary. The masks are falling and we are free to fight back.
This is anti-Croatian article full of Serbian myths (read: lies), and who is behind it? “An old friend.. of Serb extraction”. No need to even mention it, it was obvious. I’m not going to bother reading the entire article but I’ll comment on Croatia-related material.Please tone down your language. Mod.
1. Croatia was never a vassal of Germany (except early on if we count Holy Roman Empire). It was conquered by Germany in WWII. The majority party refused to be a vassal and so Axis powers brought someone from Italy to act as a puppet. That one part of the Croats joined pro-German faction was no surprise considering that the alternatives were communists (partisans) and Serbs. Before WWII Croats were oppressed by Serbs, including the slaughter of few Croatian members of parliament whom Serbs killed inside the parliament. Serbs, who until just recently were part of the Ottoman Empire for centuries, wanted hegemony over other Slavs, and Croats would have none of it. It’s interesting how Serbs in last hundred years had conflict with almost everyone in the region, and committed many atrocities, but many still portray them as victims. Incredible. Removed. Mod.
2. Everyone seems to have done atrocities according to this article – except of course Russians and Serbs. What atrocities did Croats do, according to this article? I’m going to guess it’s the “1 million executed Serbs”, and if you believe that you’re going to believe in 1+ million Uyghurs in Chinese concentration camps that are so well hidden no one can find them. What really happened was that Croats allowed Serbs to settle on Croatian land as they were fleeing from the Ottomans. But no good deed goes unpunished. Serbs wanted that land to be Serbia, and Serbs wanted to oppress other Slavs. In retaliation for what Serbs were doing for decades prior to WWII, Croats executed some Serbs during the bloodbath that was WWII. That is correct. What is not correct is ridiculous overblown number. Considering how many Serbs were in Croatia in 1990 it’s obvious that their number wasn’t significantly impacted by WWII casualties. And in comparison – the communists (partisans) executed more Croats during WWII and shortly after – but this is not spoken about because post-WWII government was a communist one. Serbs however continued to do atrocities even after WWII, which is why so many Croats fled Yugoslavia. During the 90s Serbs attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and who knows where they would stop if NATO didn’t bomb them. But they are victims, or so says.
3. Religion was “imposed” on Croats, Slovenes, etc the same way it was imposed on Serbia, Russia, and almost everyone in this part of the world, but the article is trying to make it look like Croats being Catholic is somehow bad. No, it’s not. Roman Catholicism is arguably the best Christian faction, with the best theology, actual saints, and what not. Although today with the current Pope and degeneracy of the West one can argue that Russian orthodox religion is currently better. Either way, Croats don’t feel oppressed by Catholicism, and neither do Poles and others. And I’m not even Catholic myself, just to be clear.
4. Croats were not ruled most of their history by “western outsiders”. Most of our history, almost 1000 years, we have been in union with Hungary, and Croats accepted Hungarian king as their own king, with of course certain degree of autonomy. If you look on the map you’ll see that Hungary is east and not west of Croatia. Relations between Croatia and Hungary were good until the rise of nationalism in Europe (thanks to the French revolution and all that), when Hungarians wanted to impose their language etc on Croats and others. That’s when Croats started thinking about leaving (which they eventually did). Even today relations between Croats and Hungarians are good, and personally I wouldn’t mind if Orban decided to crown himself as king of Hungary and Croatia. You could say that later on Hungary (along with Croatia) joined Austria (Habsburg Empire), and I’ll agree that this was problematic in some ways, but if the alternative are Serbs and Turks in the east then sorry but I’ll pick the west.
5. Croats have no “nebulous theories” with which they “explain their divine descent onto this planet”. As a Croat I’ve never heard of anything like this. The origin of Croats is usually explained through many migration theories. It’s all on Wikipedia, in English.
6. Croats tried and rejected Pan-Slavism that this author is promoting. It’s like saying that you should always treat your own brother better than any foreigner because your brother has similar DNA, speaks the same language and eats the same food.
7. Teutonic knights are cool and look awesome.
Thank you very much, oh defender of the indefensible.
You’ve made my case for me.
Unless my high school French deserts me entirely, at 1:29 in the Teutonic Knight elegy, it translates ” After unbelievable violence the contest drew to a close..” a town falls to them and a few more historical details follow but
Thanks for fleshing out for us, Mr. Leslie, just what that meant in detail with your link….
You are talking about something that happened 400 years is nonsense.
And also those mercenaries …called Croats because they mainly came from Croatia, not all of them, but they were of various ethnic and regions, Catholics and Orthodoxes, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians and who knows what …some from Bosnia
And they probably did not have any feeling of national identity at that time.
When you talk about those times, things were different. And I do not think that any other mercenaries behaved differently
Check something called Jasenovac, Jastrebarsko, Pag, Jadovno, Pribilovci itd itd. There is a beautifull book for each Uchor-vat to have in their home to be proud with. Magnum Crimen by Victor Novak, catholic Czech priest who descibed “croat” adventures in the last century.
The problem with converts they do prefer anybody – especially those who treat them like dirt – to their brothers. The sense of shame is overwhelming and creates murderous rages. I’ve just described how it works with Croats’ masters.
Yes, this article is full of Serbian myths and anti-Croatian propaganda… but I am used on it.
But your reply also contains some incorrect things and claims. I am going to answer all your points
1. To say that Croatia was never vassal of Germany is incorrect. In early Middle Ages Croats had war with Franks an liberated themselves.
But in 1527 Croatian nobles chose Austrian Habsburg king Ferdinand as Croatian king. Of curse, it was necessary because Croats needed Austrian help against Ottoman Turks.
But then we became Austrian vassals. We had to do that because we could not defend ourselves without Austrian help.
In WWII ustasha regime was imposed by Germans and Italians. Nobody called them, nobody elected them, they were installed to power by occupiers.
Yes, one part of Croats joined to those quislings but it was just one side of medal. ANother side was partisan movement.
And your claim that they had to join to Germans and Italians because “alternative was Serbs or partisan communists” is utter nonsense. This is really stupid.
Partisan movement was politically mainly led by Croats, three members of Politburo of Communist Party of Yugoslavia ere Croats, and leader was Croat. Three Croats, two Serbs, one from Monte Negro, one Slovenian, one Jew.
First partisan detachment in occupied Yugoslavia was created in Croatia near Sisak town.
Croatian communists had enormous influence and actually we can say that they had the main role in ideological strategy of partisan movement and a creation of federal Yugoslavia after WWII.
So to say that some Croats had to join to Germans and Italians because “alternative was Serbs or partisan communists” is so stupid that is needles to discuss.
Croats wanted to unite with Serbs and Slovenes in one state in 1918 but Serbs imposed their hegemony and that is truth. Croats fiercely opposed to that hegemony Five member of parliament were assassinated by Serbian nationalist but it cannot be excuse for massacre of ethnic Serbs by ustasha regime
Also I need to say that in so called Independent State of CROATIA, ustasha was not regular Army. They were something like SS in Germany. Regular Army was Hrvatsko Domobranstvo, they were mainly ordinary people, peasants conscripted in that Army and never did any war crimes and violence.
Ustasha movement was different story. 20 000 Croats died fighting for fascist side and about 80 000 fighting on partisan side.
2. Yes, number of ustasha atrocities against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies are overblown out of mind by Serbian propaganda, but terrible atrocities happened.
PArtisan Army killed many Croats as a revenge in the last days of war, but NOT ONLY CROATS. They also killed many Slovenes and Serbs quisling.
And numbers we hear from Croatian and other nationalists are also ridiculous and overblown.
In 1964 and 1965 the census was made of WWII victims. Number of all victims from all war causes in Yugoslavia was 597 323 persons … if we add killed quislings and some civilians who colaborated with them with them that number goes up to about 630 000.
In Jasenovac camp census had 49 875 persons and in ST. Gradiska about 9900 persons, altogether some 60 000 people. Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, Croats and some others
So stories about million Serbs killed by ustasha regime are fantasies.
3. All correct except claim that Roman Catholicism is the “best faction of Christianity”. This is nonsense. Who is the one who can say and decide which faction is the best
Of course it is stupid to say that somebody is oppressed being Catholic. Everyone is what he is, nobody decided what religion would he and his people belong
4. We were in Union with Hungary because of feudal rules of that time. Croatian king died without male heir and his Hungarian widow Elizabeth submitted Croatian crown to her brother, Hungarian king Koloman.
Some Croatian nobles rebeled against that and they were defeated and Croatian kingdom entered Personal Union with Hungary.
Croatia kept some autonomy but Hungarians were bosses. For hundreds of years Croats were struggling against Hungarian assimilation attempts. And in 1527 both, Hungarians and Croats entered Union with Austrian empire and recognized Austrian King Ferdinand as their own king to defend against Ottomans. This happened after terrible Hungarian defeat against Turks near Mohacz in 1526.
And if you want King Orban, then keep him to yourself. All other Croats do not need Hungarian king ever again.
And this is stupid when you say “but if the alternative are Serbs and Turks in the east then sorry but I’ll pick the west”.
At that time Serbs could not be alternative because they were for hundred of years under Ottoman rule.
5. Yes, Croats do not have those nationalistic megalomaniac theories like other Balkan peoples including Serbs. And it is good. Because such nationalist mythomania and megalomania is deadly disease.
6. Pan-Slavism is impossible. It is the same illusion like pan-Germanism for example. Any attempt to create some common country ended badly … USSR, Yugoslavia but also Czechoslovakia are proof that it is impossible to create such Union.
We are similar peoples but we are also different peoples with our identities. That is why Bulgaria never entered Yugoslavia. Bulgarians and Serbs could not exist under the same roof.
7. Yes, Teutons look cool and awesome. But they are distant past and they do not exist any more. They have nothing to do with us today.
In the most articles here Serbs are presented as some sort of sinless Saints and Croats as Devils. It is all far from the truth.
Also, the most of articles give to Vatican too much negative significance. Very often it is silly and ridiculous.
Be careful, Bosnian Croat,
Your ustasha friend might go after you for not being quite so zealous. :-)
No, he will not
First of all, he is not ustasha. A bit nationalist but not ustasha.
Second, ustashas do not exist any more. There are some idiots who wants to be like them but they are just circus for public
Third, original ustasas were not all war criminals. more than 90% of them were just soldiers … but they were fanatical fighters because they were brainwashed and really believed in idea they were fighting for.
Let me go through all the points:
1. I already mentioned early Middle Ages and don’t have anything to add here. I disagree with equating “Austrian” and “German”. Prussia isn’t Austria. Numerous German states are also not Austria. I could just as well say there was no “Germany” at that time anyway.
2. I didn’t say that anyone “had” to join any war faction. I said that during the war people were choosing whether they want Croatia to be a part of Greater Serbia, to be a communist country, or to be somewhat independent but a puppet of Germany (or whatever you want to call it). These were the choices available. Of course, you could’ve just done nothing and let others choose for you. The author of this article says that Croats should’ve agreed to Serbian dictatorship because “Pan-Slavism”. That was already tried for a few decades and didn’t work because of Serbian mentality.
I don’t see what does it matter how much influence Croats had in the communist (partisan) movement. It was still communism, which means evil. We can now debate which option is the worst but the point is that this certainly wasn’t a good choice.
3. I don’t subscribe to moral (and other) relativism. Not all religions are equal. Some are okay, some are awful. Therefore not all factions of Christianity can be equally good, by definition. It is impossible. If you disagree that Roman Catholicism is not the best Christian faction then you can make the case for some other.
4. Croats were not struggling against Hungarian assimilation for “hundreds of years”. You said it yourself, “feudal rules”. And these rules are exactly why today in Europe we still have so many different languages, ethnicities and cultures. There is a very clear difference in Hungarian behavior during the feudal period and later.
5. You mean that the politicians Croats have been choosing are better than Orban? Like who? Croatia was never less independent than it is now. You don’t like Hungarian kings. Okay. Who do you think is better? EU kings? American kings? What exactly do Croats do independently these days? When we had Hungarian kings we had two genders. Now that Croats chose EU/US kings we have as many genders as they tell us we have. When we had Hungarian kings we were fighting against Muslims. Now with EU/US kings we are allowing them to conquer us without fighting.
6. Teutons never had much to do with Croatia in the first place. I was just trolling him. In fact, crusaders pillaged Zadar for Venice.
I really don’t know what’s wrong with Greater Serbia?
Magnum Crimen, Victor Novak, catholic Czech priest about Croatians
Jasenovac-Auswitz of Balkans, Gideon Greif, Jewish scientist
Converts Serbian, as well as Russian, Jewish and Armenian have committed the greatest crimes against their own people. Not strangers. Psychology of weakness.
America is natural born Killer
And Serbia is natural born troublemaker
To live with you together in one common country is simply impossible. You are not able to live in peace with other peoples, nationalities and ethnic groups.
Evidence for this, pure historical facts
Year 1903 Serbian officers organized a coup and brutally killed king of Serbia Milan Obrenović and his wife queen Draga. Assassination was so brutal that all Europe was stunned. They cut a royal couple with swords, stabbed queen through her vagina, cut her breast and put it on sword and carried it as a trophy along streets of Belgrade.
After that all their relatives and friends, anyone that had any ties with king and queen were killed and exterminated in all Serbia, more than 250 people.
They put on power family of Karadjordjevic, long time rivals of Obrenovic dynasty. Probably Obrenovic was not radical enough in their opinion
Year 1914, Serbian officers under command of colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević Apis, organized a secret organization BLACK HAND. Prime minister of Serbia, Nikola Pasic did not know about this.
They knew very well that Austrian- Hungarian empire just waiting for reason and cause to attack Serbia because as a then free South Slavic country gave an example to other South Slavs and Yugoslav idea was strong among young people in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia
And they gave that cause to Austrians when BLACK HAND organized assassination of Austrian Archduke Frantz Ferdinand in Sarajevio in 1914.
Austrians attacked Serbia and that assassination caused World War I bloodshed. Serbian people paid terrible price for this.
Year 1941 …. Kingdom of Yugoslavia was absolutely under Serbian power and domination. Yugoslav government that was completely Serbian, signed tripartite pact with Hitler’s Germany and after two days, on 27. March 1941, Serbian officers under British influence organized coup overthrowing Government and establishing military rule.
Hitler was enraged and general Simović leader of Coup tried to contact after he realized that Brits left them stranded on their own, he tried to contact Germans but Hitler did not want to talk any more.
The rest is history, and Kingdom of Yugoslavia ceased to exist because of stupidity of Serbian generals. And Serbian people again paid high price for this.
Year 1990, Serbs four years before got new guy who took power and removed all opponents in Serbia like hurricane. It was Slobodan Milošević. Serbs declared that Titoism as ideology that kept Yugoslavia together for 45 years was anti-Serbian and started radical nationalist movement that completely ruined Yugoslavia and caused bloody civil war.
Result is visible today. Of course, other ex-Yugoslav republics and peoples were not sinless in all of that mess, but Serbs with they extreme nationalism has honor to be initiators of destruction of Yugoslavia. And Serbian people again paid high price for this.
Of course, now they accuse everyone else for that
So, it is impossible to share common country with them. Impossible to live together with them. And will be impossible for next 200 years because we can see today that they did not take any positive conclusion and experience from all of their lunacy. They did not learn anything positive from all of this. That is why they are in conflict with all other nationalities and ethnic groups in ex-Yugoslavia, and even wider than Yugoslavia, with Bulgarians for example.
They always create mess and troubles and then complain when they pay high price for that. And accuse everyone else for everything.
Leave it for the morning program of HRT. Write simply how you feel about Serbs. Like you just wrote that we are Troublemakers. You see, if it weren’t the Yugoslav People’s Communist Army and the DB Yugoslav Agency, it would be difficult for Croatia. It is best for you and Bosniaks to erect a monument to Milosevic Rockefeller’s banker in Sarajevo and Zagreb.
And don’t be so nervous. You will soon get a chance to arrive in Serbia together with your neighbors from NATO, as things look in the Balkans. Unles you are not caught up in the war in the Middle East before that. To help unrealized Yugoslav people who lost thier country and support demonocracy. Against hegemnoic Serbs, haven’t you always wanted to. IHope this time i will be the last last man stand, or we or you. If you win, what little is left of Serbs will move to Russia. If we won, you will probably need to move to the Mide East and Western Europe.
You are writing such (Mod: keep it cool) that is completely impossible to discuss anything with you.
Many commentators misprepresent what author tried to say. I do not understand him to want to recombine Slavic nations into one gigantic Panslavic entity. Some recognition and remembrance of common roots might at complete minimum lessen possibility of future bloodshed between Slavs, like for example between Serbs and Croats.
That said, “Croatian Defense” remark that “Croats executed some Serbs during WW II”…is disgusting. There were at least few hundred thousand Serbian victims of massacres, including children impaled on bayonets, people roasted or skinned alive, babies cut out from wombs…History of NDH is well researched, including Croatian historians like Goldstein.
Serbian centralistic domination over Croats before WWII was surely not pleasant till it lasted (which was not until 1941, because of Banovina Hrvatska), but definitely included no similar crimes. Indeed, Chetnik crimes were sometime equally heinous, but with substantially less victims, who were mostly, not exclusively, East Bosnian and North Montenegro Moslems, not Croats.
And yes, majority of people in fact would give preference to brother, then to foreigner, or at least would not treat brother worse. That too is point of this article. Still, obviously nobody can be forced to feel any common Slavic feeling…
You say “Croats executed some Serbs during the bloodbath that was WWII”
No surprise form Ustasha.
This comment is genuine proof that Ustasha’s are alive and well.
Some Serbs? Yea, right.
No worries, following links are not for you, but for normal visitors of this website:—2-315-serbs-slaughtered-in-one-day.htm
And list goes on and on and on…
Thank you muchly for the article.
This song endorsed it
Slaviania childrens of God
Re “Ultimately, you are not Serbs, Russians, Poles and Croats but Slavs. You speak variants of a same language, eat similar food, share customs and traditions despite the attempts by your enemies to keep you divided and full of hatred for each other. ”
Are you yourself a Slav?
If not, real Slavs might be wondering why you are telling them who they are, and are not.
Sorry to disappoint you but panslavism does not exist and never will.
Well, I’m one of those white social justice warriors who is more black than the blacks :-) Talcum X, Rachel Dolezal et al.
But you make a good point – let’s just say I am reminding them of who they once were and some are finding if very uncomfortable.
We British have a saying – you can take girl out of Essex but you can’t take Essex out of the girl.
It is like those Serb-hating Croats (Serb converts) who listen to Serb turbo-folk or Uniate Ukrops who speak “Ukrainian” only in front of the cameras. They don’t like it up ’em!
I am going to guess that Ken Leslie is Czech Protestant.
I might also be an evil pro-British freemason – that is almost as bad as being an Orthodox Slav.
I didn’t imply anything “evil”! Please, don’t be defensive!!
But since you (coyly?) don’t identify your background, it is, obviously, interesting to speculate.
My thinking (assuming you are a Slav): Which group of Slavs has the most to complain about concerning both the Germans and the Catholic Church?
The Poles are already Catholic.
The Ukrainians are either Orthodox or Uniate.
The Hungarians are not Slavs.
The Balts are not Slavs.
The Russians have been repeatedly invaded by various Europeans or have had to go to war with them for various geopolitical reasons (France, Britain [Great Game; Crimea], Germany, Sweden??), but somehow the Catholic aspect of it is not that convincing.
The Serbs are Orthodox—and the German Catholics in the form of the Austrian Empire did cause them some problems as result of competition over Bosnia, which Serbia wanted, but not genocidal problems or ethnic cleansing (that I am aware of).
Croats are Slavs, but already Catholic.
The Bohemians and Moravians—some of the earliest Protestants—were repeatedly hosed by the Catholic version of German culture, which is Austrian.
The Czechs have not forgotten the burning of Jan Hus. Hence my inference.
Cheers, Katherine
Thank you,
I am not being defensive but my biography is completely unimportant.
There are many Catholics who have given their lives opposing the black dogma of the Vatican.
I respect them as much as anyone else.
‘I am not being defensive but my biography is completely unimportant.”
I doubt that! Time will tell . . .
Is that supposed to be something like “We know where you live”?
You mean I couldn’t write like this if I were German?
Friedrich Griesendorf, who died in 1958, was a very educated man. He was at one time a court clergyman for the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II. After World War II, he was a pastor in the Eversburg church parish where a camp of Serbian prisoners of war was located. Before retiring, he dedicated these lines to his German parishioners:
“Our country lost the war. The English, Americans and Russians won. Maybe they had much better equipment, larger armies, better leadership. In reality, it was an explicit material victory. They took the victory. However, here among us is one nation that won another more beautiful victory, a victory of the soul, a victory of the heart and honesty, a victory of peace and Christian love. THEY ARE THE SERBS. We knew them earlier, some a little and some not at all. But we all knew what we did in their homeland. We killed hundreds of the Serbs who defended their country for one of our soldiers who represented the occupier — the oppressor. And not only that, we looked favorably when others shot at Serbs from all sides;
The Croatian (Ustasha), the Italians, Albanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Yet we knew that among us in the prisoner of war camps were 5,000 Serbian officers, who earlier were the elite of the society and, who now resembled living skeletons, exhausted and spent from hunger. We knew that among the Serbs smoldered the belief ‘He who does not revenge is not sanctified’.”
“We are truly afraid of the revenge by these Serbian martyrs. We were afraid that after our capitulation they would do what we did to them. We imagined murder, plunder, rape, demolition and destruction of our homes. However, what happened? When the barbed wires were torn down and 5,000 Serbian skeletons found themselves free in our midst, those skeletons caressed our children. Only now can we understand why our greatest poet, Goethe, studied the Serbian language. Only now can we comprehend why the last word for Bismark, on his deathbed, was — ‘SERBIA.’ That kind of victory is more sublime than a material victory. It seems to me that only the Serbs could win such a victory, being brought up in their St. Sava’s spirit and epic poetry, which our Goethe loved so much. This victory will live for centuries in the souls of us Germans. I want to dedicate my last clergyman’s sermon to that victory and the Serbs who won it.” — Friedrick Griesendorf.
The last Sermon of Pastor Griesendorf, dedicated to the Serbian officer from the countryside, is perhaps my most cherished characterization of my forefathers. Not to diminish the many noble and kind words of foreigners who have lavished love and glorified our ancestors. I’m forever thankful.
The Serbian peasant soldiers and officers of WWI rightfully deserve to be the most revered soldiers in world history. Germany’s greatest field Marshall, Von Mackenson (An honorable and noble German), called them the soldiers he’d only read about in Fairytales. They deserve all the accolades and respect.
But these words are dear to my heart because he spoke to the kind and honorable character of defeated fighting Serbs, and specifically WWII prisoners of war. Men who survived the war but never were able to return to Serbia and their families because they were to be persecuted as anti-communists. The story of my beloved grandfather.
These words of the pastor confirm the stories my family told of my Grandfather and his incredible military school classmates. His life long friends. As inseparable as my grandfather and I were, he never shared these stories directly. These courageous men of honor, peasants nearly all, had more integrity, intelligence, kindness and warrior spirit than I could ever hope to even imagine.
A personal anecdote to add to the quoted memorable words of Mr. Griesendorf. The suffering German civilians were truly at the mercy of the freed officers and soldiers. Many German families were left without any male heirs. Here’s a story which speaks to the tragedy endured and goodness of ordinary German folk. These German victims of Hitler and the many “enemies” before them, were always awed by the humanity and honor of the Serbian warrior:
My grandfather Obren, a Captain first class in the Yugoslav Royal Army, was imprisoned for 4 years in oflag Osnabrück. Though my grandfather nearly died twice, due to severe disease and starvation, it must be said that the Nazis honored the Geneva convention and treated the Serbian officers far more humanely than Soviet prisoners of War. More imprisoned Serbian officers were killed by allied bombs at the time of their liberation, than perished in the POW camp during the war. Often times, my Grandfather and his fellow officers would save Jews and Russians by falsifying papers and dressing them in Royal army uniforms.
But after the barbed wire fences were torn down there was an understandable brewing blood lust and cries for revenge by some foreign soldiers, including a few Serb soldiers. But Serb officers (truly resembling skeletons)prevented other officers and soldiers from perpetrating horrible atrocities on the already suffering innocent Germans. My grandfather and his mates went to guard the civilian houses of the neighboring town.
The most celebrated of these men was my Cika Veljko, my childhood favorite. He was a man of such integrity, morality and character, who also published several books of poetry in his old age. Cika Veljko and the others took up positions in front of these houses and guarded them day and night. In the house he guarded, lived an aging mother and her 4 beautiful daughters. Her husband and sons never returned from the eastern front.
For many weeks, Cika Veljko would not enter the house and chose to sleep next to the front door. Eventually he relented and lived inside with them. He fell in love with the eldest daughter, my Teta Milli and eventually, when permitted, immigrated to the United States.
Teta Milli learned Serbian and English and gave her life to helping the Serbian church and honoring Cika Veljko. This amazing woman attended Church almost daily and for the 20+ years, following the death of her Veljko , would weekly traverse the 4hour roundtrip to lay flowers on the grave of her love Veljko. Though Cika Veljko never returned to Germany, For many decades, Milli’s mother and sisters would set a place at the head of the table, nightly , for their hero, my Cika Veljko .
Forgive the terrible writing. I’ve been crying as I write about these remarkable people who exhibited the greatest traits of humanity and found true love from so much pain and sorrow.
Dear Epithet,
Thank you – your ancestors are partly why I’m writing this. And only a bigot could misunderstand my hatred of German imperialism for a hatred of ordinary Germans. They suffered a lot but they need to step up to the plate (excuse the Americanism) and renounce their disgusting “elite” which hasn’t changed despite all the deaths. This is why I said I could not support Daniel Goldhagen’s xenophobic “all Germans are Nazis” trope.
After all, those good German people would understand both you and me.
“And only a bigot could misunderstand my hatred of German imperialism for a hatred of ordinary Germans”
Yes Sir! Absolutely correct
Thank you, Epithet.
On the other hand, it would be wrong as you say to constantly trying to convince your inhumane enemies that you are humane. Let them do the convincing from now on.
Sorry, to constantly keep trying no, constantly to keep trying – getting tired now. :-)
See this as a positive liberating step. It is not about revenge (although that might become necessary). It is about looking at the world from a new yet very old perspective. Unlike its enemies, it is not chauvinistic, exclusivist, exceptionalist or supremacist. It is about a brotherhood/sisterhood but not one foisted on you by the jesuitical elites but a real one that is strong because it’s natural and does not require poisonous ideologies or Goebbelsian propaganda.
Just think about who would stand to lose most from this bold move.
So the Vatican had to teach the Americans to be an anti-communist crusading empire? Are you kidding? It’s original revolution was caused by being hemmed in by the Brits. It Invaded Canada (twice), mastered indigenous genocide, stole Florida, was prepared to steal Texas, launched a bogus war with Mexico to steal the southwest and California, stole Hawaii, invaded Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti and the Philippines, invaded Mexico (again) twice more, dominated, invaded, occupied or threatened virtually every country in Central America and most of South America, opened Japan with gunboats, sent expeditionary forces to both China in the 19th Century and Russia in the 20th. America is a Natural Born Killer with it’s Saxon superiority complex and it’s Scots-Irish I’ll fight you for fun, mentality. The Vatican? For real? In a country that was run by WASP bankers, lawyers and businessmen. It didn’t need the Vatican–predatory capitalism was quite inspirational enough. The American spirit was imperialist from day one. America didn’t need to be led into empire. It may not have been inevitable, but it was in its DNA from birth.
Yes, American imperialism does not have anything in common with Vatican, it is ridiculous.
They had certain alliance during existence of communist block but after colapse of communism it was over.
Today, globalists see Catholic Church as a obstacle to their plans
And some people simply cannot understand that Vatican today is nothing compared to what Vatican used to be … absolutely different things
It causes me to wonder then, why was Cardinal Turkson an attendee at the last DAVOS meeting? Why would they want to hear the Pope’s message? Why is Rome’s nose stuck in everything? They are even in negotiations with the California tech companies.
People don’t see the power of the Vatican because it’s on the level of a ”strategic deception” the Vatican had to adopt after WWII, when their plans were defeated. They could wait a generation after WWII to begin to covertly organize their agents and de-liberalize a little (1985-Gorbachev in USSR, Lefebvre consecrations 1988), and now openly but quietly return to previous ways and structures. Watch what they do, not what they say.
America is a Natural Born Killer with it’s Saxon superiority complex and it’s Scots-Irish I’ll fight you for fun, mentality. The Vatican? For real? In a country that was run by WASP bankers, lawyers and businessmen. It didn’t need the Vatican–predatory capitalism was quite inspirational enough. The American spirit was imperialist from day one. America didn’t need to be led into empire. It may not have been inevitable, but it was in its DNA from birth.
America is like Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Jack the Ripper all rolled into one.
The only difference between America and these serial killers is that it has been enormously successful masquerading as a respectable pillar of the community and pious religious soul while waging its worldwide killing spree.
As Harold Pinter once said,
“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”
Uncle Sam was Born Lethal
Harold Pinter …what he said was brilliant…even more than brilliant
I am going to memorize this …I did not know about these brilliant words
Yes, act of mass hypnosis … nothing less
I know it’s hard to fathom, Rodrigo.
Not that the WASPs needed a lot of prodding – they’d killed a million Filipinos in a year or two. However, what happened, happened. Roosevelt was a WASP, Wallace was a WASP, so was Eleanor Roosevelt who’d fought unsuccessfully to stop Spellman’s machinations over the funding of Catholic schools.
The protestants are still reluctant to shed light on that period because they have been co-opted and largely silenced – they are not protesting.
Finally a reasonable comment
I read your article with pleasure.
I also like the German song, I happen to think German is a beautiful language. For me the song is nostalgic and whimsical (despite your characterisation of it as maudlin and sentimental), but I’m reluctant to project anything geopolitical or civilisational on it.
Although I enjoyed the read, I am not buying.
The Ostrogoths and Visigoths came from the region to the east and west of the Odessa. They were pushed out by the Huns and Avars, reason to flee West and South. And who landed up occupying the regions of the Huns and the Avars? Why, it was the gentle Slavs who came out on top, the Goths completely displaced.
The Germans already had a pretty good go at the British Isles: Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Danes, and finally the Normans, who were still speaking French in Shakespeare’s time, 600 years after the Battle of Hastings.
The Goths were the first to translate the Bible in the vernacular and freed the slaves from 1000 years of Roman fascist power. Where are they now? Where are the Allemagni? The Vandals (Arian Xians) in Augustine’s Carthage were destroyed by Constantinople.
You have no mention of the subjection of the pagan Slavs to Byzantium armies and Orthodox Christianity. History is full of cultures and languages that flourished and were blotted out.
I just don’t buy your thesis about the Drang zum Osten in the German blood swept up by Vatican imperatives, the Roman church as a conniving supernatural evil genius infecting its unwitting allies with Roman fascist power designs. Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great were absolute sociopaths as much as later ‘Western’ caesars.
Oh, I love German language – can’t speak it though.
If you don’t believe in my thesis, please read the sermon of the Roman Catholic chaplain Franz Josef/Justus Rarkowski (another Aryan Uebermensch) on the day of the invasion of the Soviet Union and all will become clear.
Just because some Roman Catholic Kaplan – who nobody knew back then let alone today – said something about Drang nach Osten doesn’t vindicate your “theory”.
He was the Roman Catholic Chaplain OF THE WEHRMACHT whose job was to motivate all the troops. Mind you, I could have given you quotes from French, Italian, Spanish and Croat bishops that sounded the same. It’s just that the Germans had the best weapons and best soldiers.
There is no “theory” – just the facts – please prove them wrong.
Interesting in connection with the Aryan references is the fact that one of the titles the Shah of Iran used for himself (among them ringers such as Nebuchadnezzar) was ‘Aryan, son of Aryans’, which is supposedly an ancient designation of Persian kings. An interesting but to nemetskiy race theory unflattering side street.
I am always galled by the term ‘Caucasians’ for whites: the term derives from 19th century proto-racist theories (phrenologists and other skull-measuring quacks and their ilk) who thought that the purest specimen of the white race must hail from somewhere in the Caucasus. A proto-Nazi term begging much harder to be replaced than statues of Don Quixote or Cervantes.
I know the ancient Greeks also had a curious myth about the belly button of the earth beyond the Caucasus from which complete new tribes of horseman warriors were born.
Here’s a question: Is the English word “slave” derived from “Slav”?
If so, this would anecdotally suggest that the Slavs were certainly considered “inferior slaves” by the Anglos at least.
I was always told they were called slavs b/c as long as they were not Christians they could be bought and sold as slaves.
However, it seems that the demonym slav and slave are coincidental homonyms, and that ‘slav’ is derived from slava ‘glory, reputation’ and slovo ‘word, name’.
That is too bad, because the word ‘robot’ seems related to the Slavic word for work. Since I see the impulse to deploy robots to be a politically correct camouflaged wish to have slaves at our beck and call, I thought it was an interesting historical double inversion to utilise the Slavic (slave) word for work/robot again in the slavery context. Unfortunately the etymology does not see to offer support.
Panslavism is no less utopian than Pangermanism. Would you believe that Panslavism was born under the Vatican aegis as a Papist missionary device? The first pan-Slavists were the 16th-century Croatian writer Vinko Pribojević and the 17th-century Aleksandar Komulović, Bartol Kašić, Ivan Gundulić and Croatian Catholic missionary to Russia Juraj Križanić. Some of the earliest manifestations of Pan-Slavic thought within the Habsburg Monarchy have been attributed to Adam Franz Kollár and Pavel Jozef Šafárik.The First Pan-Slav congress held in Prague, in June, 1848, during the revolutionary movement of 1848 was squarely anti-Russian.
All ‘Drang’ was specifically anti-Orthodox and specifically anti-Russian because of their Orthodoxy. And yes, there were always Jews behind it. ‘Vatican’ is a form of judaized pseudo-Christianity which always fought against the Orthodox Church and the true Christian polities (the so-called Byzantium and its heir Russia and the minor Orthodox states) the shields of the Church.
But it is leap of faith to ascribe the American ‘Russophobia’ to the ‘Vatican’.
Juraj Križanić was extremely anti-German and he hated Germans with passion.
He went to Russia to work on idea of unity of Slavic and some historians claim that he apparently tried to convince Russians to recognize Pope’s authority and in return all Slavs to step under Russian rule and together fight against Ottomans to kick them out of Europe.
This version was never proved and the reason for his arrest in Russia is still unknown
He was arrested under accusation for being a foreign spy and ended in exile in Siberia
He spent in SIberian exile 15 years and after that he was pardoned and left Russia.
Orthodox clergy was against him and accused him to be Pope’s agent trying to convert Orthodox people to Catholicism and Catholics did not trust him any more accusing him to be pro-Russian and pro-Orthodox spy.
He is perfect example of impossibility of pan-Slavism idea and Unity of Christian world.
Croat……Orthodox clergy was against him and accused him to be Pope’s agent trying to convert Orthodox people to Catholicism and Catholics did not trust him any more accusing him to be pro-Russian and pro-Orthodox spy. He is perfect example of impossibility of pan-Slavism idea and Unity of Christian world…..
What you stated is an EXAMPLE of what Ken states in the text. If we do not accept Catholicism there is no point in talking about Pan-Slavism. Wright??? Thank you for your honesty
Krizanic went to Russia pretending to be an Orthodox Serb. Russians even then had a decent intelligence service and quickly read his real intentions which were no less than “the ambitious goal of uniting the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches” under the Pope, of course, which was a definite no-no for the Russians.
“The reason for his exile is still unknown. Possible explanations put forward have included the fact that he was a Roman Catholic priest, his criticism of Russian society and of the Greeks, with whom Patriarch Nikon was attempting reconciliation, and other political and social motives. Križanić postulated that he was exiled because of “some foolish thing” he had said to someone, and that whatever he had said had been mentioned to the authorities”.
As he was assigned the duty of translating Latin and Greek documents and preparing an improved Slavic grammar in the context of the correction of the service books initiated by the Patriarch Nikon, it is fair to assume that he meddled in the on-going struggle of the ‘Old Believers’ against the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, presumably showing sympathy for the ‘anti-Greek’ and catholicizing influences exercised upon the ‘Old Believers’.
Well, that’s simply not true, because the ”Old Believers” were resisting the Crypto-Papist influences and agents of the Papacy around Tsar Alexei and Patriarch Nikon, like Arseny the Greek and Paisius Lagarides, who were out-and-out Jesuit agents of Rome trying to transform Orthodoxy and conquer it with innovations, liturgies hot off the presses in Latin Venice made by Vatican agents, and so on. The Catholic Encyclopedia to this day has a glowing article on Nikon himself, allowing for the possibility that he had converted to the religion of the Papacy himself;
”Some writers have thought that the root of the whole matter was that he became at the end of his reign a Latinizer, that he wanted to bring about reunion with Rome and saw in that reunion the only safe protection for the Church against the secular government. It has even been said that he became a Catholic (Gerebtzoff, “Essai”, II, 514). The theory is not impossible. Since the Synod of Brest the idea of reunion was in the air; Nikon had had much to do with Ruthenians; he may at last have been partly convinced by them. And one of the accusations against him at his trial was that of Latinizing. A story is told of his conversion by a miracle worked by Saint Josaphat, the great martyr for the union.”
So no, the ”Old Believer Orthodox” are those who held fast to what they received from their God-pleasing fathers for centuries in Holy Russia, the Russia of St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Alexander Nevsky, of St. Hermogenes, the Patriarch who was martyred by the Polish occupiers of the Kremlin during the ”time of troubles”.
Well, I am really sorry to tell that, but that’s a simplistic and populist take on a very momentous time in Russian history and of the world, as well as a superficial understanding of what Orthodoxy is and a misunderstanding of the real dimension of Peter’s reforms. Orthodoxy is neither Russian, nor Greek, neither Eastern, nor Western. It is the universal Church in which the Russian have been baptized.
I noticed that you did not reply directly to the points I raised which negated your statements concerning the ”Old Believers”, but engaged in a sweeping dismissal that still managed to deny what the ”Old Believers” have been fighting for for over 300 years now. They are not fighting for the particularism of a regional church, but for Orthodoxy itself. I gave the names of two Jesuit agents, known historical facts, along with the glowing praise in the Catholic Encyclopedia for Patriarch Nikon. Do you not see that in the Turkocratia, the Vatican tried to subvert the churches there too? Like with the martyrdom of Patriarch Cyril Lucaris, who was their inveterate and implacable enemy? And you mention Tsar Peter’s ”reforms”, when in was in his father’s time that all this began within Orthodoxy. Peter’s ”reforms” were not so much modernization of technologies but a complete Westernization that has caused untold death and suffering and spiritual disaster to the Russian people and to the Orthodox Christian faith. Tsar Peter was another ”False Dimitry”, but a successful one. Some in Russia say that in fact, a double replaced him while he was gone in Western Europe, an Agent of the Western Power who when he ”returned” to Russia spoke no Russian but German, looked quite different than before, divorced his wife Evdokia and didn’t associate with relatives, discussed naval life in conversations with his German and Dutch friends with stories like he was a veteran pirate, and died of yellow fever even though Tsar Peter never went to any tropical zones. I am not possessed of a ”superficial understanding of what Orthodoxy is”, because i’ve come to terms with the enormity of ”Romanov” crimes; as Alexander Solszhenitsyn once said, over 300 years an estimated 15 million ”Old Believer” Orthodox Christians were martyred by their government, with an uncanonical set of innovations and an uncanonical ”Holy Synod” replacing the Patriarchate in the Russian church, making it little more than a department of the government and draining away faith in the upper classes, already alienated from the common people by Western ways. No, I do think I have a pretty good grasp of the spiritual crisis within Orthodoxy, because I know what the Vatican does in order to try to destroy the Orthodox faith, which is the true ”Catholic Church”.
Well, the ‘Old Believers’ were the innovators. They corrupted the liturgical texts (even the Creed), venerated uncanonical icons, de-emphasised the veneration of the Holy Trinity (crossing with two fingers, chanting two Alleluia after the Apostle), the millenarist apocalyptic undercurrents (paralleling those in the ‘West’) of their opposition which pushed them into schism and open revolt.
Wrong. I noticed first of all that you still have not replied to my earlier points about Vatican agents like Paisius Lagarides and Arseny the Greek, working the new liturgical books which you like they said were ”corrupted”, when everything they believed in was approved in Holy Council at the ”Stoglav” Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which came before the Time of Troubles and the Nikonian Raskol. And Russian scholarship since the 19th century has affirmed are older than any of the liturgies which replaced them and come from Jerusalem monasteries in Origin. The slur about ”uncanonical” Icons is simply a lie, again born out by later honest Russian scholarship. The crossing is Christological and not Trinitarian; the Trinity was not crucified on the Cross! As for ”milenarian and apocalyptic undercurrents” of a few, considering that everything for which their forefathers believed in was subject to possible innovation and novelty at the hands of their earthly and spiritual rulers, and that they could be murdered for following their forefathers it was easy to believe that Antichrist had come to Russia and to Orthodoxy in their day. No, the Jesuit agents were against them and for Nikon, who was condemned by his own clergy for Latinizing yet they kept everything that he had Latinized! And no condemnation of the ”Old Believers” is legitimate; The Bishops from the Ottoman Empire who sat in Judgement were paid 20,000 pieces of gold apiece for their condemnation of old Russian Orthodoxy, and had previously all had been expelled from their sees in the Middle East by their own local churches; the Vatican arranged for them as their crypto-papist agents to come and do their part to divide Russia and destroy Orthodoxy. As the martyed Avvakum who they burned alive said; ”after they begin to innovate, where will they stop?” And so today you have an official ”World Orthodoxy” led by Crypto-Papists like ”Patriarch” Bartholomew (who was a graduate of the Gregorian Pontifical University!) that engages in Ecumenist heresy with the Vatican…
In Orthodoxy canonicity was defined at the Ecumenical Councils. A particular Council, as the Stoglav was, cannot override the definitions and canons established by the Ecumenical ones. The contention that the practice of the Russian Church represented the oldest Orthodox practice, altered by the Greeks and the rest of Orthodoxy, is plain wrong. And the Stoglav was wrong in many points, and the monks of Athos protested including the Russian monks there, regarded the decisions of the synods as invalid. Hence the movement of ‘reforms’. The reforming movement was not limited to Russia and was a reaction of Orthodoxy against both Protestantism and Counter-Reformation (and Unia).
We should not overlook the fact, seldom noticed, that all the troubles of the ‘Raskol’ happened during the ‘Thirteen Years’ War’, or ‘First Northern War’, or ‘War for Ukraine’ (1654-1667), of the Pereiaslav Treaty (1654), followed by the ‘Razinovschina’ (the Cossack rebellion of Stenka Razin), the ‘Khovanschina’ (1682), political movements challenging the authority both of the Church and of the Tsar, which took the ‘fight against the Tsar – AntiChrist’ as a pretext (actually the ‘politics of apocalypse’ and ‘end times’, which was alien to Orthodoxy and of definitely ‘Western’ origin – like the ‘Third Rome’ also – with plenty of Judaic -e.g. refuse to pay taxes – and kabbalistic lore), looks as the ideology of a ‘fifth column’). It is interesting that the Patriarch Nikon adopted the ‘antichrist’ theme in his conflict with Tsar Alexei, closer to Avvacum’s ravings.
Dear Vladimir, according to the reactions, you can see that half of those who present themselves as Slavs are not. They avoid answers or pretend to be crazy. Propaganda of turning water on their mill.Then you have Slavic servants who are ashamed of their own history because they know little about it. Only what come out from the Vienna-Berlin School. Things the bosses taught them in their colonial spirit. And that is all the worst about Serbs and Russians on their Colonial path to the east. That means admitting that they were wrong. The Lusicans were almost destroyed, but I see till today you have not surrender, telling the God truth breaking Viennese-Berlin lies. As we Serbs say …… and when we die, our graves will fight you.
All the best
For some reason, I cannot reply to the comments below my own, so I will say to ”Anonymous” firstly that every single point I made you did not reply to, and made more comments that in turn were completely and utterly untrue in every way, from canonicity to lies against Avvakum and insinuations of Judaic involvement-a sure sign in the Papist playbook when the debate is going against them. ”Old Believers” were utterly loyal to the Tsardom up to and beyond the very end, as Tsar Nicholas had a guard up to the point of his abdication that was ”Old Believer” to a man. The Stoglav Council was not debated by Athos or the Greeks in the Turkocratia, and was and is accepted by all as a local Council, albeit ignored by the ”Nikonian” camp to this day. Orthodoxy accepts the canonicity of local Councils, and Orthodoxy is not ”determined” but rather revealed as true in genuine Ecumenical Councils. Your historical perigrinations are such that ironically indicate an anti-Tsarist, anti-Russian, and anti-Orthodox animus and your poor theological education betray you as being a Papist of either Latin or Uniate type, as I too lazily and maliciously brought forwards similar BS when I was a Papist, before I converted to the true Catholic Church, the Orthodox faith. I couldn’t fight the truth, because even in fighting it I knew deep down that it really was true.
@djole, my friend, you are absolutely correct. And I am a fighter, and cannot sit idly by while the enemies of my faith and my people pervert more minds and hearts, poison the fraternal feeling of brothers, and plot to kill and destroy the resistance against them.
Amazing. Thank you Ken. This text is going into my personal archive.
Thank you, Marko,
I am only saying what many are feeling but are afraid to say.
Most Germans are of slavic origins, conquered and assimilated tribes. There is a whole encyclopedia dealing with that, called “Germania Slavica”. But even the wikipedia entry on that topic is huge and enough to give you a rough picture.
Slavic name for Germans is Nemci, which means “dumb”, as in unable to speak. Back then when the slavic tribes were freshly conquered, they were forbidden to use their own language and the punishment was execution – thus they didn’t dare speaking with fellow Slavs in their mother tongue, hence the designation as “dumb”.
Dear bag,
With your comment, it’s truly “in the bag”. Now imagine how horrible it is for these and other converts to be reminded of who they once were. But we must remind them in order to “bind them from doing harm” (The Craft, 1996). Think of this as a kind of exorcism. :-)
Hmm, well, separation of Czechoslovakia didn’t speak very well for any idea of solidarity between different Slavic groups. Bohemia and Moravia didn’t want to have anything to do with Slovakia, and vice versa.
Blame it all on Russia, of course!! Or the Commies!
Personally I blame it on Vaclav Havel. I say “personally” because I was in Cz at the time. So sad, the way it fell out.
But in the end Bohemia and Moravia were more driven by their German spiritual roots—call it the German superego— than the Slav ones.
What I don’t follow here is the equation of Germany with Catholicism or as a proxy for Catholocism.
As all historically literate people know, Germany as it was after unification in 1871 was a combo of the Prussian Protestant north and the catholic South (Bavaria). Bavaria was closely aligned with Austria, the royal family having intermarried with the Habsburgs to a fateful extent (also with themselves, to a fateful extent). The Habsburg monarchy was the most powerful proxy for the Catholic Church in Europe, its avatar one might say. Hitler’s drive to annex Austria was not a thing of religion but a thing of culture and language.
The original Drang nach Osten may have been that of the house of Babenberg, as it pushed east into the Danube valley. But they were pushing mainly against Magyars, not Slavs. That dynasty eventually became the Habsburgs—as Holy Roman Emperors they were closely aligned with the Catholic Church for centuries. It was the Habsburg monarchy that sought to further the aims of the Catholic Church throughout Europe and impose Catholicism. Not Protestant Prussia. It was in Habsburg lands (Austro-Hungary) that the effects of the German diaspora throughout Eastern Europe and beyond (the result of multiple historic and nonhistoric events) played out most fatefully, in the ultimate collapse of Austro-Hungary. It was the Habsburg monarhy/empire that confronted the Slavs, the Magyars, and the Moslem Turks. It was the Habsburg empire that held the line against the Turks Drang nach Westen into Europe, before the city walls of Vienna.
I don’t buy the Holo thing. First of all the term Holocaust is practically meaningless, it has been so politicized. It is a blunt liguistic instrument, not a linguistic scalpel with which different types of events can be analyzed and compared. Coining a term does not prove a case. Various types of tribes confronted each other throughout Eurasia for millennia. Did anyone slice down more civilians than the Mongols, percentage-wise? For most of the historical record “Germans” actually consisted of a samelsurium of small states that managed to be kept sort of together by the Holy Roman Empire, that is true. The same can be said of what became Orthodox Russia, which also had its own powerful Drang nach Osten and Sueden, in the course of which many Asiatic peoples disappeared from historic view.
The only context in which I can perceive a Drang nach Osten powered by the Catholic Church is the Drang that came out of the southern states of Bavaria and Austria. The pressures on the Baltic region are not the same as the pressures exerted by Catholic Austria on its domains, which were the result of centuries of warmaking, marriage making, political deal making, etc.
I feel that those who comment as authorities on German history should learn the language. Then they can actually read historical sources and fundamental secondary sources. It is not all translated. (Just like most the Holocaust denier lot, few if any of whom peak German yet are convinced they are the only ones who know anything!).
In the meantime, while commentators are learning German, for an extremely useful overview, I highly recommend The Austrian Mind: An Intellectual and Social History, 1848–1938, by William M. Johnston. This book casts a clear light on the many tensions reflected in that cultural history: Germany vs. Austria–that is “German” Austria vs. “rest of Austria”; High German vs. Austrian dialects; German language vs. other languages, in particular Czech and Hungarian; Catholic vs. Protestant and Muslim; German vs. Slav (in Czech and Galicia); German vs. Jewish vs. Czech (in Moravia/Bohemia); Bosnia (Austria controlled) vs. Serbia; (Russian aligned); “developed” urban centers (Prague, Budapest, Vienna) vs. rural (Slavs, Magyars, and Jews of all classes streamed from rural to urban areas); etc. etc. An analysis based purely on religion just doesn’t seem that convincing to me as it seems to ignore myriad underlying issues of economic and technological development (warmaking being a major driver of technological advances) and class in all of these Draengen. IMO it has nothing to do with DNA, and to suggest that there is a German DNA for hating Slavs IMO is a racist thought.
Dear Katherine,
I don’t have the time to respond to everything but your point on Austria is well taken. Please pause for a second – is it a coincidence that all the former Slavs of from Northern Germany adopted Protestantism.
Talk about Russia here is whataboutism. Russians never exterminated any natives (even if they could). Imagine if the whole of Kazakhstan was inhabited by Russians with a tiny native enclave in the middle? That (dis)honour remains with Germans and Anglo-Saxons (well, Germans again). There is no comparison. If Stalin wished to do to Germany what Hitler had done to Russia, there would be no Germany now.
….Bohemia and Moravia didn’t want to have anything to do with Slovakia, and vice versa…..
this is not true Katko if I may call you like that. Or better in german english ……Catherine? The Czechs wanted the country to remain, the Slovaks were against it.
What you have written about the Austrians accurately confirms Ken’s thesis. Catholics gave the most SS in the Second World War per capita. Afterwards, they hide themselves from the responsibility in a kind of neutral Austria which was left like a wedge between the Slav nations. It is interesting that jesuit socialistic Vienna was not touched by the Red Army, nor was it touched by the City Anglo-Zionist Army. Kurt Waldheim became head of the UN and later president of Austria (at the time of the Yu break-up). Interesting or? Former high-ranking SS member responsible for concentration camps.
As for wars, attempts to equate guilt should be abandoned from your side. You are not in a position to judge since you were not big victims in last two wars by the Germans. Rather you used soviet army to grab their homes in Sudets. In the First World War, the Czechs marched on Belgrade with Habsburg troops, in the Second World War they maked weapons for the Eastern Front through Zbrojovka and Skoda, and Bata boots for German soldiers. Three weeks before the bombing of Serbia with depleted uranium, the fugitive KGB agent Havel joined with today’s “peace dedicated Zeman”, the NATO pact. Just to let you know. Thirty thousand children have lymphoma. On the other hand, when the Soviets entered Prague, 110,000 people protested in the streets of Belgrade. Thank you. Same as Faludza for example where 15 thousand people have it, and you were part of it. Poles were the third contingent in Iraq behind the Americans and the British.
Well, I am not a country, but if you want to say Katko, go ahead.
Re “The Czechs wanted the country to remain, the Slovaks were against it. ”
That is not my recollection. Yes, Vladimir Meciar wanted a country to himself. Vaclav Klaus, and many Czechs, wanted to rid themselves of Slovakia.
But the populace didn’t want the breakup.
Just trying to check online on the actual outcome of the referendum, I find at a site called Kafkadesk this:
“all the opinion polls at that time showed that a vast majority of Czechs and Slovaks was in favour of the preservation of Czeskoslovenska and against the country’s break-up.”
This is what I recall.
Yet the Kafkadesk item goes on to say: “Although no referendum was ever held on the matter”
A referendum was held, in June 1992. At least, that is how it was framed at the time. However, perhaps it was only metaphorically a ‘referendum.” I believe what occurred is that the June 1992 election produced a clear coalition in Bohemia and Moravia, headed by Vaclav Klaus. And everyone knew that Klaus wanted to take Klaus in a different economic direction from Slovakia. What I understood at the time was that the two western regions were quite happy to let Meciar “Make their day” and let Slovakia go along with its Communist head, its more ancient infrastructure, Hungarians, Gypsies, memories of Fascist govt in WW2, then closer alignment with Soviets post-WW2, etc.
Meanwhile Chesko-Moravye could go its own basically neoliberal way.
Nevertheless the people I knew were deeply disappointed in the outcome, did NOT think it would turn out that way. It was a fact that no leading political figure had stood up for the unity and continued existence of the country. When I mentioned Havel, they kind of snorted and said, “Typical Czech—keep your head down!!”
So it appears that the leadership of the two countries decided to treat the June election as a referendum, even though technically it was not.
So, I do think the Czech breakup can be called an example of the failure of even small-scale pan-Slavism.
More here:
Re “As for wars, attempts to equate guilt should be abandoned from your side. ”
Not sure what this is in reference to. I assume that “your side” means American.
I don’t think I ascribed war guilt. It can’t be denied that the Sudeten and other diaspora Germans went through hell after WW2, a fact (like also Dresden and Hamburg fire bombing) that connoisseurs of genocide and ethnic cleansing don’t count as genuine suffering because they were German and hence responsible for their own suffering. But I am not sure what points are being made about the Czechs in the latter part of your post.
Cheers, Katherine
Anonymus …… But the population didn’t want the breakup ….. who cares what the people think Katko?
Concerts for peace were held in Yugoslavia months before the start of the war with tens of thousands of people present. In the end, it happens what the secret service decides, and they work for themselves and bosses. For ideology or money. You Czechs have changed three bosses only in the last century.
Anonymus …… But I am not sure what points are being made about the Czechs in the latter part of your post …..
Please leave the moralized demagoguery of making yourself ignorant. This kind of themas are perfect way for the people all around the world to check for a character lines of one society, nation. Here you are pretending that you dont know what happened in last century? With all evidence based historical facts you mentioned in a former comments. Well, you see Katka….That is why me and others are here, to remind some duplicitous dual-standard people on their past. So to talk on your part about the church, about some old belivers KGB / DB stories above, it’s nonobjective bias. Ahoj
“Anonymus …… But I am not sure what points are being made about the Czechs in the latter part of your post …..
Please leave the moralized demagoguery of making yourself ignorant. ”
Huh? “moralized demagoguery”?
My crime must be asking for further information!
“You Czechs”??
I am not Czech.
PS. This may be OT, but there is an interesting exchange on the Czech-Slovak “referendum” here:
Mr. Draper’s comments reflect my own impressions at the time.
It felt like the Czechs’ and Slovaks’ wishes were kind of thrown under the bus.
Many families were Czech-Slovak.
But Klaus and Meciar cut up the goose with a fork and knife.
Three Slav federations were broken up in a space of a couple of years and their historical enemy reunited and revived. Pure coincidence.
Yes, that alone should speak volumes to the human heart and eye to people, but at the time I was young and could not see the world as I should have, and was a faithful adherent of the Papacy. But the first changes in my heart began with Yugoslavia’s destruction.
Yes, Vladimir,
This is when my eyes opened too. The destruction of Yugoslavia began in the early 1980s with the arrival of Klaus Kinkel to the top post at Bundesnachrichtendienst (read Der Schattenkrieger by Eric Schmidt-Eenbom). Actually it started much earlier – in 1967, when Tito had an audience with the Pope (or the other way round) and the notorious top Vatican agent, Ustasha and controller of the Ratlines fra Krunoslav Draganovic returned to Yugoslavia and lived the rest of his criminal life in happy retirement.
This accelerated in the mid-1980s with the activation of German and Austrian spy networks by Kurt Waldheim, Klaus Kinkel, Kohl and Genscher who at the time met repeatedly at (Nazi war criminal, patron of the HIAG and notorious Catholic zealot) Waldheim’s villa at Wolfgangsee. It is here that a detailed plan for the dismemberment of Yugoslavia was hatched and implemented through Waldheim’s agents Stevo Krajacic and Stane Dolanc. The famous historian Vladimir Dedijer warned the Austrian president at the time (Heinz Fischer) of Waldheim’s plotting but this had no effect. The Yugoslav intelligence service was largely incapacitated by then.
It was through the ceaseless efforts of the Polish Nazi war criminal Wojtyla, Waldheim, Otto von Habsburg and other members of the black Catholic cabal that Catholic Kohl’s Germany together with the Vatican hurried to recognise its criminal Croat vassals. This has been neither forgotten nor forgiven.
About Tito…I had a Slovene relative by marriage that immigrated to America after the war and he always insisted when talking about Yugoslavia, that ”Tito” (Josef Broz) had actually been murdered in the 1930’s and been replaced by another man, who worked for other anonymous forces.
And yes, you’re right I believe about Wojtyla and the rest.
You do know that Tito was a sergeant in the elite Austro-Hungarian Teufel Division mainly consisting of Croats which committed one of the most horrible war crimes of the 20th Century – the slaughter of thousands innocent Serb civilians in Machva and Podrinye. Their mottos were – all Serbs must die and boil them alive and soldiers were punished for showing any kind of mercy to the innocent victims.
Even the notoriously anti-Serb British media mention it without alluding to the Serbs being “little Russians”:
The famous forensic pathologist Dr Archibald Reiss noted that the worst killers were the Croats and the Hungarians. Tito was there.
For some reason I’m unable to directly reply to your post below Mr. Leslie, but it occurred to me that knowledge of another’s personal crimes in a war is one way to have control of them later on, letting them escape justice by blackmailing them into doing what one wishes them to. The other story of a Tito double replacing him is then just something to muddy the waters of any curious investigators
“Catholic Kohl’s Germany together with the Vatican hurried to recognise its criminal Croat vassals. This has been neither forgotten nor forgiven.”
I noticed at the time that Germany very quickly recognized breakaway Croatia.
Dear Katherine,
Thank you. It was much more than this – this was the first coup of a Euro Reich mark II under the baton of a resurgent Germany into its reeling enemy’s body. The stabbing has been going on for many years now and I have had enough.
The bourgeois construct that is Germany is not sacred. From this day on, Germany will be judged by its deeds. No more Putin credits for Cold War Prussian nostalgia.
Patricide is murder of your father, matricide is murder of your mother, genocide is attempted murder of a genus or ethnic group, i.e (properly) a concerted attempt to wipe out a whole ethnic group. Holocide then, must be the attempt to murder a holo. What’s a ‘holo’?
Holocide combines “holocaust” and “genocide”. Holos comes from Greek and means, wait for it… the whole!
In order to avoid confusion with other holocausts, I am patenting “holocide” in case it’s ever needed.
You read it here first.
Who forgets the past is condemned to relive it. But he who cannot let go of the past is already reliving it.
Nice saying…to which I may add Tolstoy’s:
“History would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true.”
And I’ll top it off with Tolstoy’s famous (found on the wall of a shoe shop in Putney): Everybody wants to change the world but nobody wants to change themselves.
Thank you
Sounds like Malcom X. mutatis mutandis
Dear John,
Thank you. I would certainly take that as a compliment and an honour. For all his early meanderings, Malcolm eventually realised that the enemy was not white people but rich people who wish to keep their wealth by oppressing nations – white and black.
Why the mention of India and Vishnu?
How is that relevant?
I don’t have time to expand on this now but the Slavic pantheon (triglav-trimurti, Visnji-Krisnji-Ziva Vishnu, Krishna Shiva – the holy trinity of the Slavs and Hindus) and the Hindu swastika that is found all over Russia and Poland. Avoid Wikipedia though.
Perhaps a Triglav as a preparation for the Truth which came in it’s fullness later? I have a slight esoteric bent which inclines me to wonder if some of the Magi-Kings came from lands to the northeast of the Roman Empire and north of the Holy Land…If they saw through their own symbols and history a reason to find Him where and when He came, if they were perhaps children of the lost tribes of Israel themselves…
I remember a Jewish/American Indian friend saying that the Serbs were a lost tribe (I think he was impressed by their bravery and intellect). I wouldn’t know but the old Vedic tradition has certainly permeated the Slav culture – and that is why the little pawn of the Vatican from Braunau did his best to appropriate it for the Germans – and failed miserably.
Swastikas designed and drawn in olden times in an Orthodox Christian context can symbolize the coming down of the Holy Spirit, not the sinestrogyrate blasphemy of the Nazis.
Thanks, Vladimir,
I didn’t know about the Orthodox context but it certainly suggests that spiritual bonds with old Eastern traditions were preserved by the ROC.
Nothing that is genuinely true is alien to Christianity, for Christianity is as old as the world in a sense. Our fathers received truth, lost it somewhat, and then regained it’s fullness in a new dispensation by God’s mercy. Oftentimes truth is obscured under a mountain of superstition, half-truths, errors and lies, but it’s still there and it impels men of good will to seek further, like the Magi.
Did the Vedic tradition and basis of Sanskrit come from India? Or was it brought to old India?
My dear comrades, Ken and Vladimir, there is so much to uncover and explore.
Ken, each time before I began writing, I read Djole’s comments and realized, his incredible knowledge of etymology and ancient history, far exceeds my own. I’ve been content sitting back learning from both of you.
Talk about timing. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the Serbija Global YouTube channel. But, one of theses days, I would love to hear your opinion, on one of their latest episodes. (Haven’t watched it yet.) I just saw it listed on YouTube. It’s title is in English, with English subtitles. What a coincidence ;) .
Right, it must have somehow been brought to India. How dare they come up with something.
Very interesting! I will finish watching it soon. As I have hinted, I’ve wondered at the 18th, 19th and 20th century German Scholarship which always seemed to have an agenda, and yet because of it’s universality, was basically unquestioned.
I’m glad you found it interesting. Btw, my father’s name is Vladimir (Vlado). Vlado is mostly used for Vladimir in Serbia’s Krajina region.
It took a little time, but Hvala Boze, I found a Sebija Global video about the origins of our brother’s to the North, the Lusatian Sorbs. Also with English subtitles. I hope it’s equally interesting and enlightening, Brate. Hint, the origins aren’t Polish ;) :
If I may use the Russian; Spasibo, moy brat!
Of course! Our mighty, huge brothers to the east are why all Slavs still live free. The fate of the proud, defiant, indigenous Slavs (Serb/Sorb tribes) of land now called Germany, would have befell all Slavic lands, had Russia fallen. Exterminated, assimilated or hidden a world away.
Every loyal branch of the ancient tree will fight to their last, for freedom and family. Our brother’s advantage, over the latter part of the last millennia, has been Russia’s distance from the ancient enemy. Distance from executioners, vast lands and resources, have allowed our Russian brothers to flourish. Thank God! (Though they have suffered mightily and fought just as bravely, as any).
The Serbian empire, during the first 4 centuries of the last millennia, reclaimed independence over some of their ancient lands (present day Balkans), from the Roman empire (Byzantium), before the Turkish onslaught. At the time, the Serbian Empire flourished and was able to help their Russian brothers. Following Ottaman subjugation, Russia became the savior of all Slavs. Many migrations of Balkan Serbs found refuge in Russian territories, throughout the centuries of resistance and subjugation.
I will always love and appreciate our Russian brothers. Shame on any Slav who doesn’t!
Thank you, Epithet. Let us not forget that the worst fighting in the Ukraine occurred precisely where the Serbs settled in the 18th Century. Some of the brave defenders of the Donbas are their descendants.
In 1945, the Soviets liberated the Slav lands all the way to Lausitz. Now, the fighting is being carried out near Slavyanoserbsk. Serbs at both ends! Some people here talk about a Drang nach Westen. Perhaps they should be given one.
Thank you, it was an enlightening video, I treasure the experience of watching it! We have been robbed of the truth for centuries, but the truth always comes out!
Dear Epithet,
Thank you for your contribution. I personally think that the direction of travel is less important than the cross-pollination of cultures and civilisations. Commonalities and links are important now. Once they are established, worry about (equally fascinating) differences!
I have read somewhere that some years ago, Belgrade was declared the Capital of Sanskrit by some Indian institution. Not sure if it’s true but it certainly ties in with what we are discussing.
Visit Triglav mountain in Slovenia, lovely nature, then decent to Bohinj lake.
10km away near Boh.bistrica lies Ajdovski gradec, place where our pagan Slavs fought their last battle against cristian cruseders.Their gods were Perun, Morana, Vesna, Triglav, Veles, Živa, Svarog….
Soca valley is also very rich in historic view. Natural tempeles of Nikrmana was smashed by satanic church, but spirit is still there.
Dear Kapetan Brina,
Yours is a very valuable comment. Slovenian has retained a great deal of the old Slav etymology which has survived Germanisation and Catholisation. It is the awareness of these shared ancient bonds that will revive the paralysed Slavdom.
Thank you!
Bravo, Kapetane!
So many incredibly knowledgeable contributors, here at the Saker’s Vineyard
You need not decide which is more dangerous- for Germans and the English are one and the same Völk! The English are not indigenous to the island named Britain, they came there as brutal, genocidal colonists from Saxony and Jutland. We Cornish, Welsh and Scottish know that well. The native ancient British were a mediterannean descended people which we still show in our dark hair and smaller body stucture in the Welsh and Cornish.
Cornwall was once the whole southwest of Britain, but the war loving Saxons (which means ‘son of sword’ in ancient German) pushed us to the far Atlantic corner. But in language our legacy lives on- look at map of England and see all the towns with the word Coombe in their name. That comes from the Welsh/Cornish word Cwm, as in Ifracombe- Ylrfa’s Cwm. And the same with the prefix -pen as in Penrith, Penzance, Pennines.
We see the same Germanic-originated people commiting the same acts of expansion, genocide etc for almost two centuries. Slavs, Maori, Native Americans, Africans and many others have felt the lust for war of this Chosen Völk, now allied with the other Chosen people, the Zionists.
True, Piran.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what flavor “chosenness”. It is just that one has been forgotten and ignored. The more people reach back to their hidden roots, the more they will be able to be true to themselves.
Hate is never an answer (except in Russia in 1943).
Not sure what that one was supposed to mean. What went on in 1943 that hate became an answer (or something like that), the events of WWII aside? Or was it all part of WWII?
Sorry, Joey,
I meant in 1942 and in Russia as part of the Soviet Union. The summer of 1942 was the most tragic and existentially fraught period in Russia’s long history. 3 million Europeans were killing, maiming, raping, burning and destroying everything in their path. Only in Byelorussia EVERY FOURTH INHABITANT WAS KILLED. There was no hope of stopping the beast and the pronouncements from the Stavka reflected the deep gloom that had enveloped the country.
At that moment, the Russian Jewish publicist and writer Ilya Ehrenburg wrote his famous article “Kill!” that was published in the newspaper Krasnaya Zvyezda on 27th July 1942. The article was full of fiery hate for the Germans and was later “buried” in order not to offend the sensibilities of the Western partnyors.
My point was that although harsh, Ehrenburg’s hatred was fully justified given the circumstances (notwithstanding some at Unz who are obsessed with his Jewishness).
Well, sounds like he was Jewish Russian, not “Russian Jew.”
Ken just out of curiosity, on what basis can you argue:
“Believe it or not, the invasion of England in 1066 was one example of an early Crusade”?
The English at the time were Roman Catholic; it was simply a geopolitical move of a superior Norsemen force because William believed he’d been cheated out of his claim to the English throne.
Hi, Tyson,
Here is something worth having a look at.
1066 was the first Latin Schismatic crusade and it was against the remnant of the English who held to the original Church in the West
That is true – I recommend
The English have a number of Orthodox saints and a significant orthodox tradition.
Pues anda que como toda la info que maneja sea como la que presume de España…
I want to comment on this piece in only two respects:
1. Whether the facts presented by it support its main thesis.
2. Whether its style should influence the way it is received by a rational reader who is actually interested in the truth.
1.The main thesis as I make it out is that the evil presently afflicting the world, – western/anglo-zionist imperialism, is the spirit of an ideology that originates from “the Vatican and German Imperialism”- what the author calls the German Drang to the east. It further states that in 1945 after the defeat of Germany this ideology somehow magically changed sides and took root amongst the US-Anglo-zionist circles. Unfortunately no facts that support this assertion are presented, and the reader basically has to just take it because the author believes it is true, or because both modes of thinking are equally evil or whatever.
The evil nature of Naziism is beyond question as are its expressed goals of conquering lands in the east. The facts the author gives concerning the century-old German cultural prejudice and ideology of superiority versus the Slavs are also indisputable. As a German I want to state clearly that this cultural, civilisatory state of mind of Germans that assumed a cultural superiority over the Slavic culture was as much a fact, as was the same assumption lovingly cultivated by the British Empire at that time concerning basically everybody but them, but with a special kind of contempt reserved exclusively for the Germans, for reasons you have to ask the British (my suspicion is that they felt threatened by us more than by others, but then again I am just a self-flattering German).
Also a fact is that eastern parts of Germany were populated by Slavic tribes around the 8th century. Carl the Great (whom I choose to call “the Great Slaughterer”, from his rule onwards things started to go the wrong way in Germany, he also made the first steps that should in 1054 lead to the schism, the separation of the Latin Church from the true Church), the German Emperor, and the German kings before and after him, did to these Slavic tribes the same that he did to the Germanic tribe of the Saxons: “Submit to the Roman Catholic Faith and my Rule or Die!” Ergo genocide.
None of this I wish to dispute or deny.
However, having grown up in Germany in between the sixties and eighties, I can say that amongst Germans of all sorts of persuasions the traditional pre-war kind of prejudice against the Slavs, while not entirely gone, was not significant, except perhaps amongst the fringe on the ideological far right. The propaganda of the western anglo-zionist and Euro- establishments in recent years has done its best to re-awaken it. From the German perspective: Our Western overlords are trying to undo what they did after 1945 with the “Denazification” of the German population: the eradication of the evil ideology from the hearts and minds of the German people. Does this author expect us to believe his implied claim that at the same time that Germans were reeducated and cleansed of this evil ideology, the very people overseeing and directing these proceedings were already firmly in the grip of the very same mode of thinking? I find that hard to believe, and for anybody who wants to educate themselves on the pre-history and history of WWI and WWII, please turn to the works of the following gentlemen: Anthony C. Sutton, “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”, “ Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler”, Guido Giaccomo Preparata, “Conjuring Hitler”, H. J. MacKinder “The Geographical Pivot of History”, and very very centrally Carrol Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope”. Also please turn to Nikolai Starikov, “Rouble Nationalisation – The Way to Russia’s Freedom”, if you need enlightenment on the question of who the biggest enemy of Russia and the Slavs is.
To sum it up, the author fails to prove his main point, although many of the facts he provides are true.
2. Now about style. How useful is it, I wish to know, to write a text highlighting all the wrongs and injustices and crimes inflicted by one country on another country, wrongs that are not disputed by any informed student of history, – but to write that text in a polemic, derisive style that makes it clear from the start, that whatever facts the author may bring up, that all his readers are more than anything else assured of the hatred of this author for the country in question. Now let me be clear: I do not care nor am I interested in the reasons this author has to feel the way he does. None of my business! But why write a long text to prove it? Maybe he thinks that then it seems more rational? I can only speculate. He writes that he loves German music and literature, but this does not make him look more objective, writing the opposite would just make him look unreasonable. Then he writes that he enjoys working with Germans, but he sets aside one paragraph for the statement that “the Germans don’ t interest him.” It’s okay. We will survive it, believe it or not! All of these gymnastics just make him look all the more disingenuous. He should just clearly and honestly say that he does not like Germans! He doesn’t have to. Nobody has to. But he should be honest enough to state that fact clearly, because it IS relevant to the reader who wants to find more truth. If I am somebody who wants to learn, it is important to know about the attitudes, motives and motivations of the author of a piece I read.
One last point: The author’s way of inserting German words in the text is an old trick and a true showcase of how some Anglosaxons often like to make fun of the German( or any other ) language, because of its harsh, unpolished and hard ( =weird) sound when mixed in with English. They love the impression it creates for other Anglosaxons who almost never speak any other language than their own, and who therefore will feel this is weird or awkward, because it fits their intention to present the weirdness and the implied relative inferiority of Germans to them, acting in the same way to the Germans as the author rightly accuses Germans historically of acting or having acted towards the Slavs!
Both is wrong, and we fear what we don’t know, right?
The devil has no nationality.
Dear Gregor,
Thank you. I am busy now but feel I need to reply. I am not making fun – how can you make fun of millions of slaughtered innocents? I just like playing with words.
The Germans are not inferior but they are damn well not SUPERIOR! And that is my entire point.
If the Russians (or the British) were to keep attacking you for a millennium and keep burning and killing and converting – how would you feel?
Empathy is what is missing and that is a costly handicap.
The devil has no nationality but prefers certain regions of the world. Nicht war?
I find German mellifluous in its own way and am very fond of it. I even tried reading Der Zauberberg (the greatest novel of all time) in German – failed but hey!
By the way, that masterpiece of masterpieces contains a fantastic all-encompassing debate between a Freemason and a Jesuit – it’s all there.
Sorry, nicht wahr?
Also, I pride myself on being able to pronounce German beautifully (or at least once being able).
A female relative had married a German officer (who by all accounts was a good person) who died in Koenigsberg in 1945.
Oh, and another relative owned a factory in Neukoeln.
Dear Ken,
thank you for making time to answer my comment.
As regards German superiority and that it does not exist, I certainly agree with you, it doesn’t, though not for want of trying. It is Faustian pride that lies at the core of the problem, one, however, that we are not the only ones to be afflicted by. As a German, I must be member of an absolutely miniscule minority that believes in the Orthodox faith, though not being baptized due to were I live. And, crazy as it may seem, I believe that one of the reasons German or more precise Frankish statehood and culture has taken the fatal path it has taken since Karl is that it turned against the true Orthodox Faith. Everything else had to happen as a consequence of that.
That is also why I do not think the solution lies in who belongs to what “tribe”. In the end, all the flags will burn, but only the cross will stand.
Dear Gregor,
I can only agree with you.
Vielen Dank
Dear Gregor,
Let me explain. I was so disgusted by the cheek of Angela Merkel and that Jesuit harpy Karrenbauer who have been lecturing Russia on human rights that I’ve decided to fight back for all the innocent millions killed by their state and its predecessors. I don’t care what happens but that kind of hypocrisy must be exposed and the criminal cabal attacked and I am attacking with everything I have. Not the ordinary Germans.
Dear Ken,
everything you say about the present chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and her cabinet with regards to what they think is foreign policy towards the Russian Federation in my view is totally correct and then some.
I have been and continue to be disgusted and ashamed for the fact that there are not enough Germans in positions of power, who will stand up to this criminal gang and send them to hell. It means that 70 odd years after our last failure in political judgement, we Germans are already lining up for the next one.
If I do not carry this shame out into the non-German public (like the Saker Community), it is not because I do not feel it, and feel it deeply, but it is because I believe that the world has more important problems to deal with than to acknowledge that there are only some percent of Germans who are not politically and historically clueless. And we are not enough it seems so far to make a difference, though numbers are growing.
In that respect the “Querdenken” demonstration at the end of August/beginning of September was an interesting turn of events. Though underreported even by media channels such as RT, this demonstration of about 1 Million Germans against the CoVid lockdown measures of the German Federal and States Governments was a good indicator that even the mostly clueless average citizen feels that something is wrong. The people organizing the event, “Querdenken” (approx. “thinking in an askew way”, that is thinking in unconventional ways) are aiming only to address the lockdown measures and their economic, social and health consequences, which are immense and long term and not at all foreseeable at this point. Needless to say, the “demo” was reported by the German and other western Mainstream “Media” as a mix of crazies and some nazis and other confused people. Unfortunately, the Berlin city hall`s senator in charge of interior security, Geisel (means hostage), withdrew the permission for the demo to go ahead, and the “Querdenken” team and their team of 50 (!) lawyers took him to court over it, all the way up to the German Supreme Court in Karlsruhe. They won at first, but then the Supreme Court, which is more than all the other courts in Germany staffed according to membership or allegiance to a political party, decided against them, luckily only after the main demonstrations had already ended. This showed also the malfunctioning of the courts and the division of powers in Germany.
This is not about Russia, and German people mostly are clueless about this topic, and, yes I think it looks very bleak.
When talking to people on the subject, most refuse to say anything, because they don`t want to get in trouble for voicing their true opinion, because they might lose their friends, or their carreer might make an unfortunate turn for the worse, or they lose their job. All of this is happening as we speak.
I do not live in Germany anymore, but if I did, posting this on an internet blog would put my job in danger.
Judging from what I get from alternative media sources in Germany, conditions are very much like in the Third Reich, or later the DDR, in some ways even worse, because our lives have become so much dominated by our use of informatin technology devices.
Growing up in the eighties and studying history as a personal hobby, I have often looked at our dark historic record as Germans, and I have sometimes asked myself how it would be if these times would return, if suddenly it would be like 1935 again. How would I react? And I realized that regardless of the country or culture, in times of war like this people show their true colors, their true character comes out. And it is a war with oneself that is the first fight one has to win, then comes the rest.
That is why people such as the Saker and all the other authors on his blog such as yourself, are so important. Because you remind us of our duty to our own human souls.
Thank you for your contribution to all this.
Dear Gregor, thank you very much, I don’t deserve any praise – I love humanity and it hurts terribly to see what is going on.
Well, Gregor, then you used to read the Zack comic magazine – as did I. :-)
Fascinating pro-EU propaganda but I still like it – great comics.
One of the great patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexy II of Moscow was a descendant of a noble Baltic-German family. That tells you all you need to know about what is causing all the problems.
in the world, Alexey Ridiger, yes. The Romanovs surrounded themselves with a nobility often drawn from Western immigrants, Scottish, Swedish, German, Dutch, etc… And their descendants had no real connection to the Russian people culturally and spiritually.
That’s a very important and fascinating topic. While one could understand why you might want to learn from foreigners etc. in Russia it soon turned into something completely different.
Problem with Vatican and Catholic Church in the past is completely wrong approach toward Orthodox world.
But it was different time, time of specific religious imperialism.
Catholic Church was supposed to have balanced approach toward Orthodoxy, to try a sort of partnership with respect and not to try to impose hegemony on Orthodox world.
And if Orthodox world accept it would be good, if not, leave them alone because you cannot baptize and convert to Christianity somebody who is already Christian and baptized.
But as I said it was different time than today. Fight between Churches for influence, it was political issue much more than religious.
Vatican used to have enormous power but during the time it lost all of that and today it is just symbolic.
….of Germans that assumed a cultural superiority over the Slavic culture was as much a fact, as was the same assumption lovingly cultivated by the British Empire at that time concerning basically everybody but them….
Please look at the comment above from Piran Kernow…..or Germans and the English are one and the same Völk! The English are not indigenous to the island named Britain, they came there as brutal, genocidal colonists from Saxony and Jutland. We Cornish, Welsh and Scottish know that well.
Maybe to add Franks, Dans,Teutons, germanised Visigots……this was and unfortunately (as much as the individuals of the Germanic people were ashamed) still effect world today. When you fall, the world will start to breathe again. As he breathed when the Turks and Mongols fell
“Germans and the English are one and the same Volk”
Well certainly the elites were: The real name of British Royal family, who ruled over the British empire, is “Saxe-Coburg Gotha”. They were an offshoot of the German house of Hohenzollerns. They only adopted the more anglicised name of “Windsor” after WWI.
There is no denying Anglo elites derived from the German elites. The Anglo elites obviously took it much further and are now more dangerous.
The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha House was not an ‘offshoot’ of the Hohenzollern House. Its relation with the Hohenzollern was due to the marriage of the Princess Royal Victoria, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria (who was of the House of Hanover) and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, with Frederick, son of Kaiser Wilhelm I (Hohenzollern). Wilhelm II was both Hohenzollern and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
They changed the name to Windsor during the WW1 (not after) due to the anti-German sentiment in Britain, on 17 July 1917:
“Now, therefore, We, out of Our Royal Will and Authority, do hereby declare and announce that as from the date of this Our Royal Proclamation Our House and Family shall be styled and known as the House and Family of Windsor, and that all the descendants in the male line of Our said Grandmother Queen Victoria who are subjects of these Realms, other than female descendants who may marry or may have married, shall bear the said Name of Windsor”.
At the same time the Battenbergs became Mountbatten for the same reason.
“The author’s way of inserting German words in the text is an old trick and a true showcase of how some Anglosaxons often like to make fun of the German( or any other ) language, because of its harsh, unpolished and hard ( =weird) sound when mixed in with English. ”
Thanks, Gregor, for this comment. This insertion of a few German words actually seems a bit puerile, because probably a lot of readers are able to understand a couple of words, and this makes them feel like linguistic insiders and strokes a bit of ego. Derision on the part of English speakers for German is ubiquitous—it is the easy stand-up comic’s joke. Of course the deriders, speaking only English, can have no comprehension of the peculiarities of the language that led it to became the “language of philosophy,” or any other language, for that matter. They also of course have no exposure to the many colloquial styles of German, which are more similar to “official” English in spirit than is High German. They are also unable to understand how most Germans are more able than English speakers to distinguish between different types of German and to function appropriately in them.
The proximity of German and Czech speakers in Bohemia and Moravia hugely enriched both languages, but possibly Czech has more borrowings from German than vice versa. Czechs (both German speaking and Czech speaking, but the latter had to learn German) contributed hugely to the extraordinary intellectual ferment and ground-breaking modern thinking of late-nineteenth-century Austria-Hungary. The same can be said of Hungarians, but to a lesser degree, I believe.
I like your suggested reading list.
Hi Gregor, good observations. Would disagree on a couple points but don’t have time now.
Inserting foreign words (or termini technici in general) … is mostly done to impress the reader. A sin I’ll frankly admit to also being guilty of.
Charlemagne (Karl der Große) … der Sachsenschlächter … Heribert Illig has made a conclusive argument since the mid nineties that Charlemagne has never lived, that his entire life is a fiction … and what’s more (much more) … that the entire timespan from 614 to 911 (the Dark Ages) is fictitious … years that never existed … that never saw the Earth orbit the Sun … that are simply invented chronology. The argument is a complex one and cannot be detailed here … but it is a sound one.
Heribert Illig, Das erfundene Mittelalter, ECON 1996
ders., Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?, ECON 1999
To Gregor
Nationalism – as in loving your country is admirable, nationalistic fervour, not that much.. Besides, rather blinded by that fervour you have managed to contradict yourself in this your comment. As for Germans prejudice against Slavs, it is indeed something ingrained in the German psyche, which is rather unfortunate for them.
How easy is was for Hitler to amass a HUGE number of them to march on Russia, willingly.. Atrocities that they were commiting there was an illustration of an absolute hatred and urge to destroy. You are saying that such ideology is being eradicated, but I am not convinced. The Russophobic propaganda, indoctrination and brainwashing continuing a-pace, without catching breath. Being a central hub for NATO, for which Russia is a designated ENEMY, surely is a clear indicaton that THAT mentality towards Slav, i.e. Russians, is still there and will cause another bloody war. This time Germany might not survive – you Germans need to SERIOUSLY think about that one.. That German psyche towards Slavs truly needs to be eradicated and destroyed!
And it is possible; our close neighbours and very good friends are Germans, from former East Germany. They teach me german words I teach them russian, for BBQs and dinner parties we each make our traditional dishes (some of these even have common name) and have a great time. It is possible to live in peace and harmony if we regard each other as equals and treat each other with respect.
Dear Katerina,
thank you very much for your observant reply to my comments.
Indeed if I erroneously created the impression with them that I think the German prejudice against the Slavs is successfully being eradicated, I apologize, that it is not the case. Rather they are trying to put it back in peoples minds while it is still there. And as you correctly point out, these are deeply ingrained patterns in the cultural psyche of the German people, and it takes work to become aware of them, and recognize them for what they are. This is an individual’s work.
You are right that the Russophobic propaganda and brainwashing is unbelievable. I am not living in Germany anymore, and yet I manage to catch enough of the ugly smell of that indoctrination. I don`t claim to be able to judge the effect it has on the people there, I can only say from personal contacts that there are Germans who resist and refuse to fall for the brainwashing, for various reasons, but they are by far not the majority. Therefore I share your gloomy prognosis for what will happen to the Germans if there will be a war. I have family there and friends.
In between the lines of your comments I read what seems to be a certain disappointment like the disappointment of someone who thought the other person was better than to fall for the same lies a third, or fourth time. It shames me especially because I have never met a Russian person who has shown resentment to me because I am a German (I admittedly have not met too many). I did not expect such openheartedness from the Russians. Again it is the familiar feeling of shame.
I myself have come to learn of this German problem only because years ago I perchance happened to find this wonderful website. Of course even before that I have for many years loved Russian literature and music, but it really was the Saker who opened my eyes.
Again I would like to thank you for your reply, as for all the comments I read from you on various articles on this blog. I do take note of the quality of comments and always enjoy what I read from you.
Do you really think, looking at the today situation of the Roman Catholic church, that the Vatican “used” the Anglo-Zionist?
Or was it the other way around?
I’m not in a position to judge who used whom – everybody uses everybody. I am just highlighting one particular issue that is not so well known. It’s up to everybody to find their own answer.
How you summarize the following in your article: “….where did the imperial ideology of the United States originate and how was it so successfully transplanted to the still raw Yankee culture? Simply, it came from the most aggressive Russophobe forces in Europe—the Vatican and German imperialism….”?
Is Speaking of “transplant” perhaps more than “used”? Isn’t it?
So did you tell to know better than me who used who?
As usual looking for our differences is not in our interest but in the interest of the rulers.
Quickly – The United States was founded as a Protestant country inimical to Catholicism and official Anglicanism. In the 19th Century, there was a lot of anti-Catholic animus and as Catholic immigrants started coming in, they were exposed to all kinds of chicanery. However, they were gaining power while the WASPs were losing theirs. This was becoming clear in the 1920s and led to an anti-Catholic incarnation of the KKK. By the time Roosevelt came to power, he had to rely on the Catholic vote and influence to push through his almost socialist policies. Clearly, he had to appease the ultra-conservative Catholics in Boston (there were still mini-pogroms of the Jews going on in Boston in the 1930s). This is why he patronised Spellman, McCarran and other borderline fascists who were working to depose him and do away with the pinko commie New Deal. They were granted their wish in the summer of 1945 when the United States turned into a crusading Reich overnight. The Jews were later immigrants and they had to wait until the late 1960s (the failure of Spellman’s war in Vietnam) to start asserting themselves politically – equally russophobic. They were at the top under Bush and ever since then, Catholicism has been trying to recapture its positions. This is what I see but others might see differently.
Thank you very much Ken for your answer and the time you spent for it, that I appreciate very much. I would ask you how you would fit the two following facts in your reconstruction:
1 the role of the British that differently from the US Roosevelt was continuously pushing to a war against Soviet Union for example “operation unthinkable” and the pre war period
2 the uss liberty is in 1967 it is not possible that the Jew take over the deep state in only 4 / 5 years to allow the killing of such amount of American soldier without consequences
The Catholics does not have the skill to master this but they was the “useful idiot” that did the dirty work
Huge capital, with normal interest rate, needs very long return period compared to the human life span, this is the reason for “stability” and control over the “particular” national interest by the capitalist elite, where it seems to me there are not so much Catholic people.
Of course it’s not “Catholic people” who go to church and give alms. It is the one of the greatest money making machines of all time (not that other churches are innocent) – according to Avro Manhattan, the Vatican used to be the largest landowner in Washington DC. It’s probably true today as well.
Dear Roberto,
The British were not very happy with Roosevelt who had clearly opposed any imperialism and was asking for the dismantling of European colonies after the war. Please read my article “A meditation on President Putin’s warning from history” where I outline some of the issues with Churchill.
Please read carefully my reply above. Didn’t I say that the power of political Catholicism started to fade in the late 1960s and that the Jews started to assert themselves.
Thank you
The Vatican/Jesuit relations are an interesting subject. Anxious to remove from Protestant minds the universal opinion of the first Protestants that the Papacy was the Antichrist and return them to the fold of the Papal Church, the Jesuits innovated in eschatological theology and posited both a Preterist approach (with some writing that the Apocalypse themes had already happened by around 100 AD) and a Futurist approach (that the Jews would return to the Holy Land and the Antichrist would come from them, not a Pope) simultaneously. A Jesuit priest actually created the notion of ”the Rapture” as well, a Father Manuel Lancunza.
Their interest in the Jews therefore lies in splitting the opinions of Protestants further and at least confusing them about the possibility, and thus opposing the Papacy today.
Very true, Vladimir,
This is why a lot of this “blame the Jew” charade is harmful and needs to be balanced out by pointing out the crimes of the other side. At the same time, the best strategy is to leave the Jews for the time being and focus on the true hidden hand.
I see it a lot on the Right, the very Right that is firmly of Latin origin and Pro-Germanic, most of your traditional Latin Mass types in North America for example are full of this pro-German/pro-WWII Axis thinking, and rather Fascistic.
There is a quote by the German-American historian Charles M. P. von Luttichau (Ljuticevo – Wend from the Baltics) in which he laments America’s siding with the Soviet Union and not supporting Germany. Similar examples abound.
This article probably present in a much better way my points
Thanks Ken for another interesting historical journey. I notice some who comment, in my opinion, are simply contrarians. If I said it was a gloomy, overcast and stormy day they would insist and present arguments that it was not. There was simply a lack of sunshine.
You are the only writer I have noted who makes a distinction between western Christianity and eastern Orthodoxy. Other writers, when they mention and condemn Christianity, without specifically saying so mean Rome, the Vatican. And there is a world of difference between the two. They cannot be mixed. There cannot be brotherly communion between Rome and the east. Rome’s intent is to conquer and assimilate.
I have no doubt that, contrary to some views, the Vatican is still a power player in world politics. It is not for nothing that Cardinal Turkson attended the last Davos meeting to deliver the Popes message to these word financiers and power players. And why would certain slavic nations hate their brother nations to the east? Isn’t the one main reason because they (Poland for example) are under Vatican control and hate the Orthodox Church? I have heard myself (and it shocked me how such a one could call himself Christian) a Croatian say there is nothing he would want more than to kill Orthodox. Because he is Roman Catholic and they aren’t!
While I would not say your essay is not true. I think it is. But it all seems bigger to me. There is a lot of guilt to go around. Germanic? Yes. Zionist? Absolutely. British? They have long been bloodthirsty manipulators and propagandists. (Although I must include the thought that Britain was invaded and conquered by Germanic tribes. The western part of England and Wales used to be Orthodox) The current royal family, after all, has German roots. I am persuaded that the real power behind the scenes are not at their core, or do not consider themselves to be German or British, etc. They are internationalists. And they control the world’s monetary system. And being in such control they know how to use traits and instilled prejudices in various people for their own ends, to divide and conquer. I have read that these controllers are old banking families, dynasties. They are from various countries, although curiously, it is said that their headquarters is in Germany. Go figure!
Though my family as far back as has been traced, is from Britain, my heart is toward the Slavic people and Russia in as much as my new faith is grounded in the eastern mindset and understanding and I see the western corruption now at it’s apex. The west has become a sewer because it is easier to control in such a sick state.
Thanks Craig,
It is great that you are starting to look at the bigger story. Of course, the same thing happened in Britain and far from Germans being the only ones! But let us bow our heads for a second in memory of all those departed innocents that no-one mourns.
As far as Britain – the Thames comes from the Celtic (probably Sanskrit) Tamas – dark – there are two rivers in Serbia with that name (Tamish and Tamnava – perhaps others).
River Severn – Severna (Northern)
River Derwent (Derventa – a town in Serbia)
We must embrace everybody and reject any form of supremacism and exceptionalism. Especially since they usually hide a deep sense of inferiority.
Derventa is town in Northern Bosnia
That is still Serbia. Or will be soon. You calling yourself Croat is silly, you are convert to Catholicism.
You are ethnic Serb catholic, you denying it, you defending every crime your “so called” nation committed in the past and still committing (as we speak one Serbian soul in Croatia is forced to become Croat in order to keep the job, survive). To me it’s all clear, becoming catholic, loosing orthodoxy you loose your soul, that’s why any later atrocity to any witness of your deceit is justified!
Dear Precanin,
I am very sorry that you have had to go through the horrible torture of converting to the fake Vatican-inspired “nation” and “religion”. If only more like you were to raise your voices. Thank you – these crimes will not go unanswered. They and their German masters thought they’d won but this is only the beginning.
Please, stick around.
And Derbent is a Pass in the Caucasus.
Very good, thank you.
What about Ukrainians (few are Catholic) and Russians killing each other?
Religion is but one of many variables in all of this.
Celtic Christianity, which spread far beyond the Western British Isles to Northern France and the Rhineland and beyond, Christianising the German tribes, is not exactly the same as orthodoxy. There are interesting points of comparison, but that is because Celtic Christianity and Orthodoxy (and Western Xianity) are all earlier offshoots of a common branch.
And it is not for nothing that Moslems refer to Constantinople as Rome, and associate the crusades with Eastern as well as Western Christianity. The Eastern Roman Empire / Byzantium and the West are different but certainly not opposite poles. And the Ottoman empire was not just a replacement of Byzantium, but in many way a reincarnation of it.
I’m not going to comment on this article because I’ll get banned.
Instead I’ll refer readers to two authors, actual scholars who have dealt in depth with this topic
Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley and Anthony C Sutton’s various books on how Wall Street financed both the Nazis and the Bolshevik revolution and the and then you will understand what is wrong with this article.
Please tell us about Quigley and his background – also being Kennedy’s favourite “historian”.
The sly old Jesuit was at Georgetown from 1941 until 1971. He must have been a hoot at parties with Waldheim, Dobriansky, and other Nazi scum that “lectured” there.
A typical Jesuitical plot blaming everything on the Jews (or vice versa). We have outgrown that pablum now. We know better.
Your only problem is that Quigley used the internal archives of the Council on Foreign Relations to write that book.
The Council of Foreign Relations that is the US chapter of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
No-one but no-one disputes that fact.
Your attempt to write it off as a Jesuit conspiracy shows you are no scholar.
Matthew Ehret has documented widely just how powerful the British are.
Don’t even bother responding.
I will respond.
The City IN London holds the money of the Western Elites (also including the Vatican), which collectively are mainly from the Aristocratic lines of the Germanic Guelphs (and the houses of their retainers and other henchmen) who are recorded as the followers of the Papacy in Europe. The royals of England and their followers are Guelphs, despite the Protestant reformation (which was gradually subverted by the Jesuits via certain kinds of theology implanted into the minds of Protestant intellectuals and clergy) and so they all have no problem being under the jurisdiction of the Vatican ultimately, for every cabal needs a head.
But you want to think of some British protestants as being in charge. Well, once all protestants affirmed that the Papacy was the Antichrist, now no official sect does. How did that happen, magic?
Wow, I couldn’t have said it any better. You should take over this topic! Please write something and save me from losing my eyesight to the bloody screen!
Thank you very much!
Your welcome, although I’m not sure I’m such a good writer, and it does my heart good to see that someone such as you is saying what needs to be said. Sometime I may want to write; I’ll see what the Saker thinks of that possibly. In the interim, keep up the good work!
For those who understand Russian, I’d suggest watching this – (Or type in “Zadornov on Slavs” – the documentary on Rurik).
Though may be perceived as controversial and biased(and what historical “truths” are not?), it may open a few minds in further support of the subject addressed by KLs article.
The author of the documentary is Mikhail Zadornov (RIP), who had a sharp tongue, open mind and a pure heart, so his intentions with his documentary were apolitical.
Starting at 38.15 he mentions Slavic names of German villages and gives an explanation why this is so…
Thank you, MJagger,
Imagine if someone took it upon themselves to document all Slav toponyms and hydronyms in WESTERN Europe! Where would it end?
Lovely video and I highly recommend it.
And a big THANK YOU to the German archaeologists who have uncovered (and in some cases restored) over 500 Slav villages in Northern Germany.
When I came into the world in 1960, I didn’t bring a bible with me. It was already here, and presented to me as the Word of God. After 60 Years in this world with careful study on my part, I have a clear view of what I am observing. By choice, I am not a Church Chritstian . Christians attend at synagogues and are called and chosen. No man can choose to be Christian anymore than I could choose to be black. Sorry, I hate to have to say it, but the entire world is delusional by design. God Himself has sent a strong delusion so that THEY would perish who recieved not a love for the truth. Deal with it.
Maybe, then, if we go wider and deeper on the subject, one would also finally start asking the real question – are we ALL praying to the true God (Adonai, Sabaoth, Yahwe, Jehova, Allah, etc., but in reality – Yaldabaoth)?
“Judeo-Christian” “values”, really???
Maybe, ~10,000 or so years ago, the Slavs were right in their pursuit of a different, true God. Hence, all that happened to them ever since.
Interestingly, my old friend and I debate this all the time. You are definitely on to something. Not just the Slavs but others also. A lot was destroyed, lost and buried in order to make room for the new religion. It has always been thus. It is not so much about the principles but the way in which they were enforced.
In Romania in 1945, every village still had a shaman. When the communists tried to ban them, they faced a general mutiny – the decree was never implemented.
It’s a matter of faith ))))
On this Planet all indigenous peoples (those that were mystically gifted and close to Mother Nature) at some point succumbed to “crusaders”, missionaries and proselytes (those that were mystically challenged and driven by pursuit of wealth through power), as a final result of which hundreds of millions died, and God was lost.
Instead we now have religions, popes, bishops, patriarchs, etc. and many other in-betweens.
Did the Greeks become closer to God with Christianity? The Egyptians, Persians with Islam?
Before organized religion people did not BELIEVE in God, they KNEW he was there. Man was not Раб Божий, but was God’s child.
So Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist – the words may be different, the tune is the same.
Only we are made to believe that it ain’t so.
So we kill each other. For Him.
Historically ,what can be said to have been consistant ,since mankind was made is “Cain slew his brother Abel”. Sword and Fire is the rule of the day. The one swings the double edged Sword in offence at another ,then casts the other into the Fire. Seems to me some are taking their marching orders from the Adversary, the False Accuser.
Hitler’s only great error was to hate the Slav world (although he seemed to hate it for being taken by the communist ideology to a large extent), not realising that Germans and Russians are fairly similar in spirit.
The drive for the east is simply a matter of population density. The Anglo Zionist empire covets Russia too – it is 1/8th of the Earth’s landmass with a population like England in the 11th century.. who wouldn’t want that?
It was the Anglo’s that pushed Germany to total war. Hitler was a construct of a raped people who wished to get back what was theirs, only half a century before. This the Anglo’s fought.
It was not Hitler’s error, it was Hitler’s raison d’etre. Have you read Mein Kampf? (I won’t enter into a debate).
If it were so simple as it seemed to Hitler ,and others before him. Indoctrinate and destroy, rinse, repeat, if necessary. (I know ,Ken. They are just words.) If the WorldWideMilitaryComplex is to survive, We Need Lambs to kill. Ouch!
Yes, Herve,
It boils down to that unfortunately.
Thank you
I recommend the work of Irene Caesar:
It’s some wild theorizing, but even if you disagree with the bigger picture, you will still find a treasure trove of information about the “Falcon Tribe” (there are no “Slavs”, she says).
Wow, a very educational and thought provoking article..
You are right, Ken, about how we regularly refer to the “Anglozionist” ideology but we forget about the Frankish (Germano-Vatican) ideology that seems to have pre-dated it, at least the Anglo part.
Regarding the “Zionist” part, the post WWII Zionist movement did receive a lot of support from the Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenaz = Germany). I think they also had an important role to play in the transformation of the US into an empire. You mention that the jews were “pro USSR”, but that was only true as long as long as their judeo-bolsheviks were in power..(Lenin, Trotsky at al) They were no fans of Stalin…?
Regarding pan-slavism, I think there are many of us who are aware of the great evil we collectively face. I do believe there will be some sort of loose cooperation, not a political union
(been there, done that, hahaha, 2x in a century, and you can see for yourself the hysterical and verbose reaction it illicits with of some of our ex- Yu brethren..)
With pan slavism, it’s basically “nature over nurture”. Personally I think it could be: some Slavic groups mixed with other ethnicities and religions who share our values.
Anyways, thanks for great read. I will be looking out for your follow up!
Thank you SL,
It is just I couldn’t stand airy conspiracies and debates which ALWAYS miss the target. Everything is allowed – on Unz’s website you can discuss the mendacity of the Jews to your heart’s content. But once you try to tackle this topic, even its victims are conditioned to criticise you or try to silence you (or especially the victims!). No more.
Oh, the Jews were solidly pro-Stalin in 1945 (except some Trotskyites who were later used by the new RC management team to fight against the USSR). In 1948, Israelis were carrying Stalin’s pictures in the street. Stalin saved them from their holocaust and helped them establish Israel. The rest is history.
What if Jews are not Jews at all, but rather the synagogue of Satan? RE: Revelations. What if Israel today is the Abomination which causes Desolation, in this present age, being the times of the Nations which is fading fast. Think on these things.
Russ Winter has a fascinating difficult read as this one was for me coming from by the way a Slovenian / Croatian background and I’m still trying to comprehend it all. Russ’s article places much in the region of Bavaria, Germany. It is interesting to that in scouring the internet for more info I commented some interesting additional information which may or may not pertain to Ken’s article but it sure raises for me many interesting questions. Have a read and then look at the rest:
“Where all these people crop from John Jacob Astor”
Yes the Bavarian region!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is an interesting quote:
by James H. Billington, a respected scholar who is now the Librarian of Congress, illustrates in his exhaustively documented 1980 study Fire in the Minds of Men: The Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, it is from “Bavarian Illuminism” that “the modern revolutionary tradition” descends. Among the subversive and revolutionary 19th- and early 20th-century movements created by the Illuminati (primarily through European Grand Orient freemasonry, not British and American freemasonry) were the Marxian and “utopian” socialist movements; anarchism; syndicalism; Pan Slavism; Irish, Italian and German “nationalism”; German Imperialism; the Paris Commune; British “New Imperialism”; Fabian Socialism; and Leninist Bolshevism.…-a0202253133
Am especially floored by this…
“Not surprisingly, the clergy was singled out as an object of relentless persecution and eventual extermination. Churches were profaned and prostitutes were worshiped on their altars. The campaign to de-Christianize France included even the creation of a new calendar stripped of religious significance. Assaults were mounted against religious education, and the first conscription for military service was put into effect.”
Ken I would love your input.
sorry it wasn’t a read but an interview
Hi, Gerry,
Thanks. Bavaria is the centre of German Catholicism and revanchism (and it became the centre of German espionage and post-war collaboration with Eastern European Nazis). I don’t know anything about the Illuminati except that Weisshaupt was a Jesuit.
Here is my input. Someone from London has just started a petition to prohibit denial of the Holocaust in Croatia. In spite of the campaign to diminish the crime of the Catholic Church in Croatia, over 700000 Serbs were killed in the largest system of extermination camps in Europe.
Many were slaughtered in their ORTHODOX churches by the bloodthirsty Catholic scum. Here is one example:
Read carefully (although Wikipedia is rubbish here) and please report if you’ve been floored by this. This is what the so-called Christians did to other Christians. Who needs the Illuminati?
p.s. Miraculously, the only survivor Ljuban Jednjak had his head almost cut off by the “brotherly” knife.
@ Ken Leslie,
Yes I am not ignorant of this. I infact have in my possession a book by Ivan Goran Kovacic entitled OGN JEVI RUZE. I know about Jasenovic and my late father after speaking to him once about the horrors of that and after mentioning the Ustachi he started to cry and told me or warned me rather to stop talking like this otherwise he would find me dead someplace so traumatized was he. This was in Canada the 1990’s.
Thank you, Slavko,
He was right. I’m so sorry.
And the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati Adam Weishaupt was ”reconciled” to the Roman Catholic Church before his death, well what if he was never truly away from it? In other words, with so many German Clergy and Nobility in it, patterned after the Jesuit Order and deliberately secretive, and with Proto-Nazi members like Christopher Meiner, it could well have been a ”false front organization”.
People don’t really know where to place Weishaupt in the history of ‘conspiracies’. It is affirmed that he was a descendant of Jewish converts to Christianity, a Jesuit and a Free-Mason all at once, while at the same time denying that he was Jew, Jesuit or Mason!
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist!
I made a deep study of Weishaupt in my youth and he was definitely not a Jew or descended from Jews, descended from German nobility and possessed of a very old German family name. He joined (or rather infiltrated) the Masons after he allegedly came upon the idea of the Illuminati, and while teaching at the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt. He also is said to have been against the Jesuits, but it’s clear that he admired them greatly all his life, and after the whole thing of the Bavarian Illuminati was over, was reconciled to them and to the Roman Catholic Church; that is, if he ever truly left them.
Mr.Ken Leslie,
After reading your essay, I was thinking if humanity ever reaches a global brotherhood by peaceful means.
Being myself a mixture by blood, I cannot hate neither of the four ethnic components known dating back to four generations (only God knows how many different backgrounds had my forefathers). What I know for sure, is that I have a soul and a spirit which is only mine. The body will perish, the soul and spirit will continue its life among those who are indeed my brothers.
Dear Ioan,
Love not hate – this is why I am trying to exorcise one of the oldest hatreds known to man (and woman).
Thank you.
You know I feel to that what it mostly comes down to is a war against Christ period. At 60 I’m still a victim of WW2 and maybe yes even WW1 if not many of us here on this blog. When I was young and with my new found faith in Christ it always bothered me the killing fields of Europe with one question always at the forefront of my mind. Christians killing Christians? Indeed brothers killing brothers. That was especially brought home to me once from family who told me about 2 blood brothers who killed each other without knowing realizing it. I asked how in the world did that happen? One fought for the partisans the other for some other faction and without knowing it well the rest is history as they say.
It is Christians killing Christians however, that gets to me really. We all know Catholics killing Protestants and vice versa but if the wars showed us anything it was brothers killing brothers really from different countries but all belonging to the same religion. We can even go back to the American Civil War and how at WestPoint when war was declared there was a visible division among the ranks who just days before were in chapel service together worshipping and praying?
There is a war against Christ and the Church being His body in whatever form it takes whether Catholic or Orthodox or any other every capital of the world wants us gone period and wow for them to stand back and watch as we all kill each other must have brought them immense joy.
there was a reason why Christ in pray asked that they may be one as we are one Father. A kingdom divided against itself will never stand and the Church I’m afraid doesn’t stand as a testimony for much of anything where love is concerned. Were to political!
I heard a visiting minister once say that if all of the apostles and prophets were to return to earth today and walk into many of our churches no matter the denomination they would have said to each other after looking around some this is not what we laid down out lives for!
May God visit the Church which I think is about to happen and judge and purify it upon the return of the King!
Yes, unfortunately some have been less Christian than others.
Thank you
There is a sort of pan-slavic organization in Texas:
I was talking w/ my Brother-in-law last night, about this article. He’s a Roman Catholic, and referred to ‘doctrine’ as the fundamental basis of the set-up. He considers the Orthodox Church to be very mystical, much more so than the Roman. He was not shy to describe the Coptic Church as ‘the original, along w/those in Syria and Lebanon. There was none of the institutional dislike for these branches of non-Protestant Christianity. Hopefully, the meeting arranged by Putin between Pope Francis and his Orthodox counterpart will (eventually) have a lasting effect.
I have just spent 2.5 hours consuming the above essay and comments knowing very little of the history which is the subject. I am humbled by peoples knowledge but not envious at all.
What is apparent is that tribalism is alive and well, even amongst the intellectual elite who are hosted here.
There is much talk of religion but no recognition of the message.
It is blame and rationalize.
Every religion is an accumulation of eons of wisdom which is why (bar one) they are fundamentally the same.
Every church is a prostitution of the religion it celebrates.
The message is what is important, not our eons of failure to heed it.
I believe what is needed is a restatement of the wisdom in modern scientific terms.
This is not impossible.
Carl Jung and more recently Jordan Peterson have attempted it.
The problem is the capacity of most of our kind to understand it or to care to.
Dear LBD,
Some of your message resonates with me – you are of course correct when talking about the message. Some protestants used to call the Catholic Church The Harlot of Rome – I would say that would be an insult to harlots. Second, science itself can become an unhealthy religion. Obsession with absolutes will do that.
“Second, science itself can become an unhealthy religion. Obsession with absolutes will do that.”
Very true Ken.
The same people who lack the capacities mentioned above will prostitute science as they will religion. No finer example could I offer than the present day medical shenanigans.
They would have us believe for example that science is all about absolutes when really it is all about uncertainty (Heisenberg) and relativity (Einstein).
Greenwich and Ipswich have the same ending, and the understanding (at least in their case) is that the ending is from Latin []. It may be a Slavic ending in the towns mentioned in the article, but it may alternatively be an ending common to several languages.
It is the nature of ethnic minorities to be assimilated. The town of my last name was Celtic, but there is no Celtic state in Bohemia today. Down the river in those days lived the speakers of Yiddish, but you will find no Germanic state in Romania today. The genes live on, but the ancient polity vanishes forever. Slavs (and Balts for that matter) are not the only ones to be assimilated. A fair number of Germans have been assimilated too.
You say, “Two nations . . . the Serbs and the Russians . . . should serve as seed crystal on which a powerful Slav federation can be grown.”
One advantage that the First World has over the Second and Third is its ability to form alliances and confederacies. Confederacies grow by accession, until they wage war on their neighbors, and then they grow only by conquest. Thus, the European Union is still growing, while the United States stopped growing. The United States waged war on Canada in 1812, which halted expansion northward. Wars with Mexico halted expansion southward. The Pacific halted conquest westward.
Why do many nations have such a difficult time allying and confederating with each other? Belarus and Russia agreed to unite. Uniting would prevent a color revolution, which worries both governments. Yet, the two do not unite. Had Venezuela and Cuba united, Venezuela could have helped Cuba at the time, and Cuba could be helping Venezuela now, but they refused to unite. Why aren’t Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan better allies with each other?
Can a powerful Slav federation be grown? Mostly, it is up to the Slavs. The most direct way to create such a federation is for Russia to accede to the European Union. Followed by the accession of Turkey and much of the Arab world, the European Union would then become the top dog in the world, and Russia would become the top dog in the top dog.
The alternative is to dream of confederating only the Eastern Orthodox–who have split themselves today between the patriarchates of Constantinople and Moscow. Is this not what the author really means by a federation seeded with Serbia and Russia, i.e., an Eastern Orthodox federation? Why live the Great Schism forever?
Why forget the Schism of 451–the mother of all schisms–which legitimated the Christian persecution of the Christian? Pope St. Leo, the Great (one of only two popes of Rome to share a byname with the Whore of Babylon) split the Great Church from the Oriental Orthodox in the Great Apostasy of 451. He and the Bishop of Constantinople began with one Church, and they left the Christian World with denominations instead–not via doctrinal error but via sin.
The sin is to kill the Christian–to trot out a new profession of faith (the Dyophysite Confession) and to restore the exarchate of Constantinople (which the Council of Ephesus permanently abolished) and then to persecute the Christian who refused to agree to acts that a previous council had prohibited. The persecuted Christians did not do something–like preach heresy. Rather, they refused to do something. How is it just to persecute a Christian who does nothing?
Archbishop St. Malachy of Armagh prophesied that the current pope of Rome will be the last. Even if he is wrong, Rev 17-18 predict the destruction of Rome before the Lord returns.
The Lord’s vengeance does not stop with Rome, however. Rev 19:20 foresees that the beast with two horns and “the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image . . . cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone,” when the Lord returns. What miracles? Rev 13:13 says “that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,” i.e., Holy Fire in His own Holy Sepulcher, every Orthodox Holy Saturday. Who then are the beast with two horns and the false prophet? Are they not the same patriarchs who are envisioned to bring the fire down from Heaven?
The Number of the Beast of Rev 13:18 alludes to 1:Kgs 10:14, and the man with the number is King Solomon. His wisdom is a divine gift, which foreshadows infallibility, which is also a divine gift. The abuse of this divine gift happened in 451, and it involved both Rome and Constantinople. Constantinople later recognized Moscow. Today Christians have Rome, Constantinople and Moscow, not to mention the Oriental Orthodox and the Protestant.
When the Lord ends the papacy of Rome, as St. Malachy and St. John promise that He will, what happens? Every Latin rite ecclesiastical province becomes autocephalous, according to canon law. The Christian world then looks much like the world map at this link: The map shows only the Latin rite provinces–not the Uniate or Orthodox or Protestant provinces. Where Orthodox provinces were founded first, however, their autocephalous structures tend to occupy the same territory as a corresponding Latin rite province. Thus, the map at the link is very similar to a map of all the autocephalous Christian ecclesiatical provinces (metropolitanates) once the papacy of Rome comes to an end.
This then is a map of the Christian world to come. Unless this world can unite and undo the Schism of 451, the destiny of much of it–particularly the Eastern Orthodox portion–is to wage war against the Lord when He returns, as Rev 19:19 prophesies. We do not know if this means a greater European Union waging war against Him, or if it means the Orthodox and “the kings of the earth” waging war against Him, but it is a losing battle either way. The Orthodox and the Protestant see the evil of the Catholic, but there is evil everywhere. Disunity is evil. It is the Mystery of Iniquity.
A federation of Serbia and Russia that welcomes all Christians is one thing. A federation that consists of a single denomination that associates itself with God and rejoices in what it has, apart from other sects (within the meaning of Quran 30:31-32) is something else entirely. In the end, you are either with Jesus Christ or against Him.
Map of Roman Catholic with small -c dioceses. Why would Serbs, for whatever reason, go with their executioners and butchers from the European Union and Turkey?
I feel free to let Russia do what it wants. However, Serbia……If the Yugoslav atheists proEu international NATO/ODBK/China slaves wins in Serbia in the next civil war against the rest of Serbs, then what remains will not be Serbia but the atheistic Mammon Yugoslavia. Then it won’t matter.
You see, Rome helped the creation of Islam to remove Constantinople competitor, later they helped the Ottomans on their way to the Serbian Empire and before that they cast an anathema on our Emperor Dusan. The Catholics did not want to help the Orthodox in the fight against Islam, but kept silent and laughed while the Christian brothers were taken away, impaled, raped, burned, taken into slavery. In the 15th century, after the fall of Serbia, almost a hundred years of resistance to the Ottomans, the Pope convened a council in Florence where Orthodoxy would accept his hegemony of the Vicar. Serbs were the only ones not sending representatives, even Russians send. To such an extent went Orthodox people’s aversion to the Catholic Church that they would rather convert to Islam than convert to Catholicism. The Poles brothers came to the aid of the Viennese village, but not to the Serbian big cities before Vienna in the Balkans when needed. Look closely what the ranks like the Dominicans and the Franciscans were doing. The Franciscans slaughtered Serbs in the Balkans, the Dominicans slaughtered Protestants in Western Europe during the Reformation. Catholicism is a heresy, it is not the church of Christ. That’s why the Kuria wont stop destroying us, because it knows how much we hate it. And he enjoys it. The same way like her demonic servants.
Thank you, Djole,
Yours is the passion of a righteous soul. Don’t despair. You are a fighter.
Djole, you look at the world entirely through the lens of the second millennium A.D., not of the first. You look at the world entirely through the lens of the denomination and not of Christianity as a whole.
The First Ecumenical Council–the first at Nicaea–in 325 organized the Christian Church in the Roman Empire. Besides organizing each of more than 100 provinces as metropolitinates, it recognized three Petrine sees as having judicial authority beyond their province, as well as appointative authority wherever they exercised it already–the Pope of Rome, the Pope of Alexandria and the Bishop of Antioch. Are all three infallible? If successive popes can all be infallible, what prevents concurrent popes from both being infallible?
The Second Ecumenical Council–the first at Constantinople–in 381 recognized four non-Petrine exarchates in addition to the original three Petrine exarchates. The council recognized the Pope of Rome as supreme and the Bishop of Constantinople as second–both with authority throughout the Empire–but it limited the authority of the other five exarchs to a single civil diocese each (the Empire comprising 15 civil dioceses). This is what St. John calls the beast with seven heads. Constantinople is not infallible.
The Third Ecumenical Council–the first at Ephesus–in 431 permanently abolished the four novel, non-Petrine exarchates, including Constantinople. This left the Pope of Rome with supreme judicial jurisdiction throughout the Empire and appointative jurisdiction wherever he had it “from the beginning.” It left the Pope of Alexandria with like jurisdiction but only over Egypt (and wherever he had it outside the Empire, e.g., in Ethiopia and Armenia). It left the Bishop of Antioch confined to the civil diocese of the East (and various places outside the Empire). The council also permanently switched from the creed, which professes the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, back to the original creed, which professes the Holy Spirit without specifying from Whom He proceeds. The council prohibited new creeds.
Had everyone obeyed the canons of the Third Ecumenical Council, we would have one unified Christian Church today, and Islam may never have developed. Instead, the Bishop of Constantinople–who was, after 431, not even a Metropolitan–conspired with the Roman emperor and the Pope of Rome to restore the exarchate of Constantinople unlawfully in 451 and to put forth an unlawful creed (the Dyophysite Confession) to use as an excuse to overthrow the pope of Alexandria and to persecute the Christians of Egypt. The unlawful restoration of the permanently abolished exarchate is the “deadly wound” that “was healed” of Rev 13:3.
You say, “Rome helped the creation of Islam to remove Constantinople [as a] competitor.” Rather, Rome did something else instead. Pope St. Leo the Great of Rome restored the permanently abolished exarchate of Constantinople in 451, in order to eliminate the pope of Alexandria, and this division and persecution facilitated the creation of Islam.
You say, “Catholicism is a heresy, it is not the church of Christ.” According to the Third Ecumenical Council, it is enough to profess the faith as spelled out by the First Ecumenical Council, and all the major Christian sects do this. Protestants may not perform all the mysteries, but the Catholics and all the Orthodox do. The Ethiopian Orthodox are as close as anyone to canonical purity and the original way of doing things. The various denominations do not preach error as much as they sin, by accepting as legitimate the Christian persecution of the Christian. They sin in other ways too, as you note.
As an outsider to the Christian faith, Mohammed perceives the sin of sectarianism better than many a Christian does, and he expresses his condemnation of sectarianism in Quran 30:31-32. Much about Islam is righteous, but Islam rejects the Trinity, and the Trinity is essential for salvation.
To put too much faith in any denomination is to put faith in man above faith in God and to worship the man and not the God. The extreme sectarianism that you promote is what gets in the way of confederating. What good does it do to lick your wounds forever, even if they are severe wounds, as were inflicted on both Serbia and Russia by Christians? What good does it do to forget the wounds your church inflicted on the Oriental Orthodox in the fifth century? In the end is it better (a) to be welcoming to all Christians or (b) eventually to become a vassal of atheistic China? Your salvation also depends on your attitude to your neighbor.
The extreme sectarianism that you promote is what gets in the way of confederating.
In the end is it better (a) to be welcoming to all Christians or (b) eventually to become a vassal of atheistic China?
You’re trying to explain the inexplicable to me. Much has been written about everything, but there is no concrete answer. I asked why Serbs would accept unity with papal assassins after all the victims. Have you gone through the historical facts of the genocide that were committed with the permission of the Vicar? In the name of so called god Vikar? Or you can show me where the Christ sad to spread faith with a sword. I would be glad to.
Furthermore, I can see that China is stinging you. I need to fall again for some new lies that atheistic China will eat us. I a world of globalism and capital without borders?
Ken is committed to unity, it is his choice from his experience. Not me. My church is not a sect as you stated but the Holy and the true church of Christ. So, it is very simple. You, as a Catholic Internationalist, the same as sunni internationalists should leave us alone and work with those who want unions. If that is what the Sinod of my church want together with Patriarch, believe me, they will surely receive resistance. Without resistance you will not convert us to Catholicism.
Heaven help a genuine Monophysite, who destroys Christ’s Humanity by dissolving it into His Divinity…But this is the error of the Copts and Ethiopians (although they deny that they are Monophysites) and the reason why they are chastised by the Muslims, same with the Nestorians who hold the opposite error and almost make Christ two people, Divine and Human. The answer is that He is One Person, fully God and Fully Man without confusion.
Djole, you ask, “Or you can show me where the Christ sad to spread faith with a sword”? In this we totally agree. The Christian persecution of the Christian is the evil, and Pope St. Leo the Great legitimated this evil in 451. The result of the evil–the Mystery of Iniquity–is to shatter the Church into denominations.
St. John prophesies the destruction of Rome before Christ’s return. St. Malachy (less reliable) prophesies it with the current Pope of Rome. Should the Roman papacy end, the Roman church would initially be one confession but would break into hundreds of autocephalous metropolitanates. You say, “Without resistance you will not convert us to Catholicism,” but what does Catholicism mean should the Roman papacy end? How does Eastern Orthodoxy relate to a Christian world that is leaderless and fractured?
It looks that we have here a Coptic (or maybe Armenian), ‘non-Chalcedonian’ view of the history of the Oriental schisms, the first ‘ethnophyletist’ schisms. It was them who facilitated both the creation and the spread of Islam.
Indeed, for I have had friends among the Copts, good friends, and we had many theological arguments over this very thing, how they could anathemize Eutyches and yet refuse to accept the language of the Council of Chalcedon… They had no good answer.
God willing, they will return when the time is right.
@refuse to accept the language of the Council of Chalcedon
This is pride, vain-glory, lack of humility, which hardens the heart and clouds judgement.
I agree that it is pride, well put. It also indicated to me that while they condemned Eutyches, they for all practical intents and purposes adopted his heresy.
Vladimir, I can give you a good answer, even if the Copts cannot. The acts of Chalcedon were an omnibus package that combined a new creed (the Dyophysite Confession) with juridical changes (e.g., the restoration of the exarchate of Constantinople). The prior council at Ephesus forbade both the creation of a new creed and the restoration of an exarchate, and the canons of the Council of Ephesus were unamendable on their face.
There were also secret teachings among the clergy in the Early Church, and they may have survived among the Copts to the fifth century (and even to today) but they may have disappeared among the Greeks and Latins by the fifth century. There are enough surviving writings to reconstruct the secret teachings. The secrets are largely consistent with public dogma, but the secret teaching on the Mystery of the Incarnation in particular leans slightly toward Miaphysitism.
Had the Pope of Alexandria accepted the acts of Chalcedon, the Pope of Rome could have rejected the same acts and then would have had an excuse to depose the Pope of Alexandria for violating the acts of Ephesus. By rejecting the acts of Chalcedon, the Pope of Alexandria avoided a legal entrapment, only to suffer the military persecution by his own government in Byzantium. He might have been better off politically by delaying his own ruling on the acts of Chalcedon and making the Pope of Rome rule first, but for whatever reason he didn’t. He acted first and fell into a trap.
The Catholics and Protestants–and probably the Eastern Orthodox too–present this controversy as a theological quibble–Miaphysitism versus Dyophysitism. The implication is that the heresy of Miaphysitism was a novelty that the Oriental Orthodox proposed and preached first and that Dyophysitism is merely an orthodox clarification of existing belief. The reality is the other way around. The Byzantines proposed Dyophysitism. The Oriental Orthodox rejected the acts of Chalcedon, including the Dyophysite Confession.
The Oriental Orthodox accept the first three Ecumenical Councils, the Scripture (with some additional books) and the basic doctrines of Christianity, but I am not sure that Miaphysitism truly is a dogma for them, although they all believe it. You may understand this better than I do, but I know of no pronouncement among the Oriental Orthodox making Miaphysitism a dogma that one must believe in order to join them. Do you know of any such requirement among them?
Some of their works anathemize ”Dyophysitism” as being ”too Nestorian” in language. I have no problem with the canons and decrees of Chalcedon, and it’s clear that Monophysitism is heresy along with the Semi-Monophysitism of the ”Miaphysites”. There’s no ”secret teaching” involved, just an exaggeration of St. Cyril of Alexandria’s Anti-Nestorian theology to the point of creating an opposite heresy as is sometimes the case in Christian theological history.
Vladimir, here is a portion of the secret teaching. The word, Mystery, in Greek–Μυστήριον–is the Logos, the Word of God. This is not only a secret teaching among the clergy of Early Christianity but also among the clergy of all the Pagan mystery religions as well. Each mystery religion, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Orphic Mysteries, etc., interpreted the nine letters somewhat differently.
Among Early Christians, this Logos is the Holy Name of the Father, but its nine letters are also the nine fruits of the Holy Ghost and the nine gifts of the Holy Ghost. Μυσ signifies the Trinity–God the Father (υ) in the middle, God the Son (σ) at His right, and God the Holy Ghost (Μ) at His left. The ancient Dyophysite might say that these three letters signify the divine nature. The other six letters are God’s creation. The next four letters (τήρι) signify angels. The omicron, ο, signifies this world, which will pass away–all the living. The nu, ν, signifies the kingdom of God–both the living Christian clergy who are dead to this world and the saints, who have died, but who will live again in the world to come. Thus, the ancient Dyophysite might say that three letters, σον, signify the human nature–Christ having both divine and human nature.
Declined in the accusative, Jesus Christ in Greek–Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν–has the same letters, with some repetition, as Μυστήριον (when you equate Μ with Χ, since these two have the same numerological values, respectively, as the Hebrew letter, mem). This is the Mystery of the Incarnation, expressed mystically, after the fashion of the first century. The Mystery of Iniquity, similarly, is to separate Μυσ from the rest of the Logos, to transliterate it into Hebrew and to render it numerologically in Hebrew as 666, while the rest of the Logos in Greek turns into the beast—θηρίον.
In the Mystery of the Iniquity, God and His creation are separated in sin. In the Mystery of Salvation, they are joined together. In the Mystery of the Incarnation, the ancient Miaphysite might say that the divine nature and the human nature of Jesus Christ are not separated at all but rather form a single mixed nature, Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν. In its mystical expression, then, the Chalcedonian controversy is whether the term, consubstantial, in the Creed (and, in substance, in 2 Pt 1:4) has to do with Jesus Christ as σ (which, like Μ and υ, signifies divinity and which, like ο and ν, signifies humanity) or as Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν (for which divinity and humanity are mixed).
The Dyophysite Confession might then strike a monk of the fifth century, weaned in the deserts of Egypt on all this mystical thought, as far too unlike the Mystery of the Incarnation and far too like the Mystery of Iniquity, which, in fact, it was.
Balderdash. I knew that from the start when you mentioned the Mystery religions, but you could have mentioned the ”Logos” of Heraclitus and still would have left me unconvinced. Fact is, you are more heretical than any of my Miaphysite Coptic friends, for they only know St. Cyril of Alexandria and go entirely off of his polemics against the Nestorian heretics.
All you are doing is playing number and letter games like Cabbala, something Jews and Jesuits also have in common. Scripture alone would refute you, and the Miaphysites/Monophysites, as Scripture makes clear that in His Incarnation Christ Jesus was fully God and fully Man, without confusion of natures and also without separation of His natures either. I could go into the Theopaschite formula and so forth but there’s no need; none of the Fathers nor Scripture supports a new third substance of the Son’s nature. And that ironically is what the Miaphysites condemned the father of their own heresy, Eutyches, for!
The Desert Fathers were Orthodox, for they experienced Him and knew those who try to ”dissolve Jesus” are of the spirit of Antichrist.
Oh sure, the Latins do badly because with the ”Filioque Procedit” they introduce the Subordinationist heresy into the Creed, a kind of Semi-Arianism that involves the Holy Spirit explicitly and the Son implicitly, and so their bad Trinitarianism is bound to effect their Christology.
To say, “that dissolves” is a poor translation of “μὴ ὁμολογεῖ,” of 1 Jn 4:3 but the next noun, “τὸν Ἰησοῦν, χριστὸν” is declined in the accusative, as one would expect of a first century initiate to the Christian Mysteries, which St. John certainly was. Look at the next phrase, “ἐν σαρκὶ ἐληλυθότα, ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ.” St. John describes one nature by saying that it “ἐληλυθότα, ἐκ” the other. Is he Dyophysitist or Miaphysitist?
Why condemn either position? Why call me a heretic if I condemn neither? Rome’s position is infallible. What if Alexandria’s is too, and they describe two aspects of one divine Mystery? God will judge us all, in part, for our love of our neighbor. You fault the West for lacking a love of neighbor (which the West certainly is lacking). You want a confederation, but the biggest obstacle for you to form a confederation is your own defensive recoil from confederating, on account of projecting heresy in others and anticipating a lack of neighborly love from the ones with whom you want to confederate.
Thanks for the reference to Heraclitus. The numbering system on which the numerology of the Eleusinian Mysteries was based was created in the reign of Emperor Darius. This numerology entered the Eleusinian Mysteries first, and then was adopted by other mystery religions. The mysteries themselves are older than the fifth century before Christ, but they experienced a numerological reformation of sorts. Heraclitus seems to antedate this numerological reformation, so his criticisms of mystery religions would apply to their older forms.
This, obviously, is a generalization, but tell me – is there really such a big difference between an Orthodox fat Поп who expects to be called «Батюшка», or a skinny Catholic priest wanting to be addressed as “Father”? Most likely, the first is a thief and the other is a pedophile, but both demand to be treated as authorities and gate-keepers to God. And don’t get me started on Pastors, Imams and Pujaris…
Let’s face it – ever since Constantine, Christianity has become a political instrument. Once the Hellenes (as they always do) submitted to the Pharisees, and the Catholic Church enthusiastically inherited the Roman empire’s well-run organization, and together allowed the Arab Khalifs to occupy half of their civilized world with their own political movement (“everybody has a prophet and a religion, so why can’t I?”), God, as Elvis, has left the building…
Unfortunately, before any unification under a “new message”, we all have to admit that there is no Christ left in Christianity (ever since the 300s). And, by the way, we don’t need a new message, let’s just take His and try not to muck it up this time (with the Judean Old Testament, Moses’ commandments, Apostles, and other Nicene-imposed distractions).
It’s rather simple, really: “Do unto others (all living beings) what you want to be done unto you, and follow the True God” (not the one who is a “jealous god”, or sends fire and brimstone, or demands his flock to be his slaves and puts his henchmen in gold- and gemstone- incrusted robes to preach and steer the sheeple).
But let’s be honest – this is impossible. First of all – it’s plain hard: when it’s just you and God, no Church, or congregation, or nationality, or tribe to share blame with, just your own crumby self and Him, not everybody has the stomach to face his own sins solo. Until his death bed, of course.
Secondly – this Earth was created by the Demiurge and all those serving him have not been put there to allow Christ’s true message to become known. For them, Ioan, your Soul and Spirit are not yours, but theirs to exploit, suck dry and pass on to the Dark for eternal enslavement in the Samsara. Why would they give it up???
Millions killed in the name of Christ, tens of millions in the name of Mohammad etc. all had souls and spirits, but did their sacrifice bring closer a global brotherhood? Ever wonder why suicide is considered a sin by all religions? If you are put here on this planet as incarceration, killing yourself is an escape, right?..
Elvis did leave the building!
……is there really such a big difference between an Orthodox fat Поп who expects to be called «Батюшка»….
Of course there is. Fat Pop, as you call him, did NOT slaughter people/ kids like the Catholic orders did. All around world. Slavs if you notice on the shields or uniforms have an twoheaded eagle or an female oneheaded eagle. Catholics westerners have a Pope cross. Irelevant of what colour. The cross there arises from the reconfiguration of the eagle and represents ritual killing in the name of Christ. The graphics of some young fools from Slavic side who are modeling pictures today with cross on schields are so hollow and influenced by Western propaganda that it is unbelievable. The Slavs have flags with a cross, a symbol of God mercy.
Again, of course that ultimately you are correct. But imagine if united Slavs had been attacking Germany and its satellites for over a 1000 years causing untold misery and wiping out the native population of Russia (Germans!). Would the West still be so “balanced” in appropriating blame? Before I tackle religious entropy (which is probably better handled by our host compared to whom I am an ignoramus) let us keep our gaze fixed on this crime of crimes and shed a tear for its victims. Or are they they excluded from our mercy because they are not quite human?
I’ve read over this superficially, realising gradually that I had (superficially) read similar article or articles by the same author. And I’ve had the same (superficial) reaction. To put this in context, I am Irish, and naturally see this things, initially at least, through that lens or filter. So the following (superficial) remarks can be read in the light of that caution.
Whatever its scholarly merits or otherwise, the article conveys a sense of the propaganda which accompanied the fanatical Anglo Protestantism which reigned in Ireland for centuries, with recurrent slaughter and degradation. Here is its legislative record:
The last remnants of that regime was in British loyalist-ruled Northern Ireland, 1921–1998.
As to Germany, the following is a clue to how the land of poets, composers and dreamers was turned into a madhouse during the twentieth century.
The clue is in a 1910 conversation between Arthur Balfour, former Prime Minister and future Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, and Henry White, U.S. Ambassador to Britain.
“We are probably fools not to find a reason for declaring war on Germany before she builds too many ships and takes away our trade.”
“You are a very high-minded man in private life. How can you possibly contemplate anything so politically immoral as provoking a war against a harmless nation which has as good a right to a navy as you have? If you wish to compete with German trade, work harder.”
“That would mean lowering our standard of living. Perhaps it would be simpler for us to have a war.”
“I am shocked that you of all men should enunciate such principles.”
“Is it a question of right or wrong? Maybe it is just a question of keeping our supremacy.”
(Quoted by White’s biographer, Alan Nevins, in Henry White, Thirty Years of American Diplomacy, Harper, New York, 1930.)
Balfour and White were not like a couple of men passing the time in a bar. They were rulers of the world, more powerful than Julius Caesar in Rome. Balfour is the person who authorized the colonization by Europeans of a part of the Middle East, for which we are all still paying a high price in war, death, and suffering.
Dear Stasia,
I am always happy to chat to Irish readers who have their own valuable perspective to contribute. Let us assume you’re right. Please, explain – why did the Germans go East in what was the first war of destruction of the 20th Century? Why not keep it in the family? Yes they had global ambitions but it is well known that it was Russia that had to be destroyed – not Britain which was admired and emulated.
There is no denying that Protestantism has been terrible for Ireland (yet some of the greatest fighters for Irish independence were protestants). But then- Ireland is perhaps the only place in the world (happy to be corrected) where a Catholic majority was mistreated by a Protestant minority. In most countries in the world it has been the opposite.
This doesn’t make Irish suffering any less painful but as you saw in one of my articles, many went on to become the best soldiers of the US Empire and Deep State which even today is largely Catholic. Perhaps not dissimilar to Israelis who changed roles from victims to persecutors? On the other hand, there is a powerful streak of rebellion in Ireland which I admire very much and which anybody who loves freedom carries in their mind (or heart).
Finally, the Irish are understandably sensitive to their suffering at the hands of the English/British but why not show some empathy for the victims of probably the largest Holocaust in European history? After all, there is a lot of Celtic influence there.
Thanks for reply. Sorry I have time for only brief comment.
Russia was the first Big Power to mobilise for European-wide war in 1914. Provided we ignore that, weeks earlier and under guise of manoeuvres, Churchill had put the Royal Navy (equivalent of today’s nuclear subs, IBMs etc etc) on war footing and in place for Balfour’s war of extermination. (Balfour, out of office but always in power. Just like the rest of them.) All that was BEFORE Germany’s attempted march across Belgian territory, which is supposed tyo be what it was all about.
“Balfour” ‘s arrangement with France required Russia to fight, even though it had no quarrel with Germany. Foolishly, Germany had allowed Bismarck’s agreement with Russia to lapse. Russia created modern Germany when it drove Napoleon back to France. The two were joined at the hip through the 19th century. But Russia coveted Constantinople and the Straits, and was promised these prizes on condition of joining its Crimean War opponents, against the latters’ Crimean War Ottoman ally, in a war of extermination against … against innocent Germany which had wisely stayed out of these criminal imperialist wars! (Crimea being the first modern world war.)
The Great War killing did not end on Nov 11 1918. The Royal Navy starvation blockade continued for six months or so, killing another million or so children and other now-defenceless innocents. (And, I believe, reducing many of the children who became young men by 1940, to a feral state. No more Mr. Nice Guy.)
That got us Versailles and all the rest. (*)
I am sorry to say that these articles are part of victors’ propaganda. Not to mention the strong quasi-Paisleyite aura which, rightly or wrongly, my Irish antennae detect. Including recitals of ancient wrongs, unnecessarily provoking and inflaming modern animosities, a phenomenon which we in Ireland try to discourage in order to promote better present-day relationships.
(*) Probably the greatest Versailles crime was the destruction of the historic European social arrangement in favour of nation states bases on ethnicity — a new arrangement for which there was no great previous demand in most cases. Thereby leaving no space for the Jews who had hitherto performed recognised trans-ethnic social functions and professions across those regions.
The “ethnicity” which had been demanding its own state for centuries, and which voted overwhelmingly for it at the end of the Great War for democracy and national self-determination, had to fight the Victor for its democratically expressed will. (That’s the Irish, in case anybody did not notice.)
It’s only now, as we speak, that the European countries are finally beginning to face up to British machinations in an E.U. trans-national arrangement designed to reduce inter-ethnic conflict. Having been thoroughly thrashed twice last century, the most useless of the Europeans in this regard are the Germans — historically the closest to the English who savagely turned against their old ally during the 1890’s. As witnessed by the Balfour-White conversation quoted earlier.
I’m sorry to say that the by now thoroughly subordinated Germans could yet again be the weak link which lets loose more Anglo destruction in the world.
I also think that you are disrespecting many many Irish people who fought against fascism. I respect them deeply and hope they can’t hear your defense of fascism.
I get it – you used fascism to free yourselves from the British (a strategy similar that by e.g. Chandra Bose) but you’ve gone too far in my opinion.
World conquest, racial hegemony, extermination, genocide. The Germans did it for less than a decade and were a total failure. The Anglos did it successfully for centuries and got away with it.
I get it now. My antennae were right about these articles after all. It wasn’t just Hitler. It was the TEUTONIC KNIGHTS! Simplifies world history no end!
This is a genuine question:
How do you explain the fact that Irish (O’Duffy et al.) and British fascists (various Mosley’s boys) fought on the same side in Spain? Were these Anglos evil?
My previous comment didn’t get through. Perhaps it’s just as well because it nicely outlines the mental framework of Catholic fascism from Irish perspective.
The fact that you are allowed to rant against “Anglos” and “Jews” although this has nothing to do with the topic while I am not allowed to defend millions of Slavs destroyed by your principal ally speaks volumes.
The truth is I know a lot about Northern Ireland including the horrible crimes committed by the Protestants and the British (Shankill butchers, the touring band massacre, Black and Tans, Nairac and many others) and you are literally spitting on the graves of people you know nothing about because you are so blinded by hatred.
Your loss!
Russia was the first Big Power to mobilise for European-wide war in 1914.
Nope. You are conflating entering a war and being ready for it. In fact, Russia was not preached for war AT ALL. By the end of the war, in 1917, the Russian giant had finally fully mobilized and could have crushed the Germans in the East, but by then it was too late, Russia had collapsed.
I am sorry to say that these articles are part of victors’ propaganda. Not to mention the strong quasi-Paisleyite aura which, rightly or wrongly, my Irish antennae detect
Looks, this topic is complex and tragic enough not to involve the struggles of the Irish people (which, by the way, I support to the hilt!).
Finally, I recommend you not judge tones/overtones/intentions/etc. Sticking to what is actually written would be more helpful.
Kind regards
The Saker
Don’t worry, Saker, I have no intention of engaging further with the author who has started to throw the “fascist” word around. (I suggested that the Versailles Treaty — forced through by reducing huge numbers of civilians to death by starvation AFTER military operations had been suspended on one side — that so-called Treaty might have something to do with the catastrophe which befell the Jewish people when the multi-ethnic social system in which they lived was high-handedly deconstructed in favour of conflicting ethnic-based states that had not in general been demanded, and which Europe has in recent decades been at pains to reconcile. To deconstruct Versailles.)
I agree that the Russian population was bounced into war. But so were the people of Britain. The government of Asquith, Grey, Haldane, Churchill etc was elected on a Liberal programme of virtual pacifism – absolutely no involvement in European wars. Britain was not attacked or threatened by the Central Powers, and the Liberal Cabinet’s declaration of war on August 4 1914 was a huge shock.
England’s declaration of war came AFTER the declaration of war against France (and effective invasion), against which the British repeatedly warned Germany. Russia was not ‘bounced’ into war, it was directly attacked. One must end once and for all with the myths of ‘Russian mobilization’ and of Germany’s ‘innocence’. Stop reading fictional ‘hidden histories’ of cloak-and-dagger conspiracies written in a pub like Docherty/McGregor’s.
Dea anonymous,
Thank you. This nonsense goes well together with e.g. Cristopher Clark’s criminal accusations of the Serbian government. The pro-German propaganda machine was mobilised in toto in 2014 to defend the indefensible – the fact that the two German empires were solely responsible for the war which had strong racial anti-Slavic undertones.
Needles to say, catholic Clark was knighted for his “services to Anglo-German relations”.
Christopher Clark knows where the money come from. Coincidence that his book hit the bookstore precisely in 2014, when the Russians were ‘mobilizing’ at the Ukrainian borders to stifle the ‘Maidan’ and shooting down Malaysian planes?
Excellent point, Anonymous.
I strongly recommend the book “Folly and Malice” by Serb author John Zametica which disposes once and for all with the filthy Jesuitical scam.
It didn’t occur to me at the time but you’re right – very perceptive. Conferences, symposia, workshops, all lavishly funded by the EU Reich and the British Russo- and Serbophobes.
I prefer Gerry Rafferty anyway :-)
Great comments, Stasia Lombard. Thumbs up from Germany.
The author is mistaken when he downplays Russia’s sad role in the making of WW1. A war made in England, which was meant to deal a swift incapacitating blow to Germany, but resulted in a protracted massacre of unfathomable proportions. Basically, a small clique of British aristocracy including King George and the masterminds of the British Empire laid out a plan and recruited France and Russia … because someone would have to bear the brunt of the war effort (i.e. killing and dieing). Both countries paid dearly the foolish and murderous part they chose to play in Albion’s grand design. The entire continent paid dearly.
Has it not taught us some lessons? About the intents of certain continental outsiders?
Gerry Docherty and James MacGregor (two Scotsmen), Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War, 2013. Also available in German: Verborgene Geschichte, KOPP Verlag.
Yes, the British were so clever that they lost 1 million people and the entire upper class. As I said, pull the other one. Until Germany deals with its historical guilt, they will not be able to progress.
Your attempt to shift the blame on the British would work if Germany didn’t have only one thing in mind – a genocide of the Slavs – throughout its history. The Russian Czar acted out of fraternal feeling – to protect a small nation threatened by the a world power. Germany had two opportunities in 30 years to side with Russia – both times it was dissuaded by the evil British – or rather tricked.
It is simple. Next time Angela Merkel tries to threaten or lecture Russia on “human rights”, we shall develop an argument about the restoration of a Northern Slavia on the territory on the former (and still mourned) GDR on the basis of a holocaust against a native population.
Thank you
Czar Nikolai did for the Serbs what Putin has done for Ossetia, Abkhazia, Crimea and Syria. The only difference is – the Czar did not possess nuclear weapons unfortunately.
To Ken
In 1953, reparations were settled so that the Russians got East Germany. Germany could not pay the damages. Correct me if I am wrong but Germans did not sign any peace treaty, but an act of capitulation. Which means that East Germany is still the property of the USSR and its legal successor.
Today, the Germans are working on the Russian border, kidnapping Ukraine and Belarus together with the Anglo-Americans. So the Germans are just a tool by any means by which, together with the Slavic servants, the goal need to be achieved. However, the goal is set by London City and the Catholic Jesuit lobby in the Vatican. Putin put in a drawer a proposal for a lawsuit by a member of the Russian Duma for Germany paying damages to Russia for the Second World War. Precisely due to business reasons. For the sake of the same business, immediately after the end of the First World War, the Communists began cooperation with the Germans. Likewise the Soviets after the Second World War. In fact, in the early 1950s, the Soviets were the first to propose the unification of Germany, but the Allies refused. Russian raw materials for a German products and knowhow. Russian madness. Gorby, who sought at all costs to separate Germany from Anglo-American influence as a traitor, was acquitted of all criminal prosecutions through the protection of the Duma and Putin himself.
Here is an example of how Germany brought its Kultur to the Slav masses:
The favour should be returned by reviving the only peaceful and non-imperialist Germany – the German Democratic Republic – the second most beautiful anthem in the world.
Yes, entirely a Vatican/German creation, fit for Uniates and would-be servants to be Germanized later.
Britain has lost wealth and empire trying to stop German land- and power-grab in Europe. So did Russia. Germany instead has gained one about 40 years after its epic defeat. This shameful outcome must be carefully studied and analysed.
Unfortunately what Germany deserves is the middle fingers up.
One of the titles of the Danish monarch is still Roler of the Vends and Goths” (de Venders og Goters), due to the two kings of both Danmark and and Norway having defeated and durned back the invation at Lyrskog hede (Hede=heather) in the late or middle 11th century. Leaving them to retreat to present-day East Germany — and incidentally creating an opportunity to expand for the Polish tribes. Both Swedish and Norwegian kings had started marrying Polish princesses from hte late 10th century for clear strategic reasons: Fending off the Vends, i,e, the Sorbs, King Olav Tryggvason of Norway died in the year 1000 whilst returning from Rügen with his dowry. (The sea battle against the kings of Denmark and Sweden and the Jomsborg Vikings from north Jutland , somewhere amongs the islands north of present-day Gothenburg)
Going on 34,000 words on here including the authors article and comments – a book !!!
The wise people of the East knew how to sum stuff up :
One word of truth outweighs the whole world. (Russian proverb)
Thank you, Caspar,
Please don’t keep us in suspense – what is the word?
Must be a very powerful one!
I know!
It’s interesting how the Germans believed Russians (and other Slavs) to be Untermenschen. Some brothers! And all through modern history (and back a few thousand years), the Germans (and their like) always were at the core of Slavs problems, where the Brits didn’t sow mischief, the Germans did.
At this point any talk of unification: political, economic, esp. spiritual – is a waste of time and effort. Dogs will be dogs, and cats will be cats.
For some we will always be goys, for others – kafirs, for each other – fill in the blank. Sometimes “brothers” are worse than bloodiest of enemies, especially in cases of millennia-old and carefully nurtured inferiority complexes of insignificant tribes bursting at the seams to prove their worth and place in the history of Mankind, while only having to show their superior skills in ass-licking of the “exceptional nations” and the “God-chosen”.
Facing WWIII: «Если дорога не ведёт в Храм, зачем она нужна?..»
Here’s another one from Dyadya Misha (as he was referred to by the Narod)
Agree or not – makes you wanna go hmmmmmmm.
“And if you are still wondering why there was no mention of the holocaust of the Jews in 1945 …”
What? For some strange reason, Youtube keeps deleting or suppressing the “Six Million Jews” video … but it keeps being renewed. So if you know it is there you can still find it. I downloaded it when I first saw it a couple years ago (handy command-line tool here: ).
References to “Six Million Jews” in Newspapers. Part 1
References to “Six Million Jews” in Newspapers. Part 2
Hi, Lumi,
I didn’t say anything about “six million” but if you are denying that they had a reason to be pissed off with Germany in 1945, you haven’t been paying attention. In any case, I’ll try to keep the debate free from the Jews – Jesuits dynamic – they can fight their battle elsewhere.
Interesting that the forgery ”the Protocols of the Elders of Zion” mentions that the Papacy and the Aristocracy happen to be the main threat to the Jewish conquest of the world… Hmmm….And we’re expected to believe that it came from the Russian Orthodox in it’s origins? (although the reasons Sergei Nilus and the ”Russian” Aristocracy did accept them is another story…)
And that a very similar forgery in name and conspiracy theory tropes was made by the Jesuits in the 1700’s, the ”Protocols of the Elders of Le Bourge-Fontaine” agains the ”Jansenist” party of Augustinian theology supporters….
The Protocols came from France (to do with Napoleon III) – I never believed it was Russian Orthodox.
Yes, based on Maurice Joly’s ”dialogues of Montesquieu and Machiavelli in Hell” in style and even whole paragraphs lifted entirely.
Sergei Nilus did not show the spiritual discernment of his spiritual master Motovilov or his master st. Seraphim, one could possibly say. But such a spiritual pedigree as Nilus had did enable many people to believe it
I have read the Protocols, and it is like reading the apocalypse according to the Devil.
Vladimir, your knowledge on these matters dwarfs mine – needless to say, I agree.
Thank you. It always struck me when I first read the Protocols (when I was a Roman Catholic) that it appeared strange that a Russian Orthodox guy like Sergei Nilus would support and put out a document that affirmed the Papacy and the Jesuits and the Aristocracy as the primary obstacles to Jewish conquest of the world, not Orthodoxy…
After I converted to Orthodoxy, it made perfect sense; the Russian intellectual and spiritual Intelligencia of the 19th and early 20th century under the Westernizing aegis of the Romanovs had come to abandon Christian faith and sense, which the Russian common folk, the peasantry (the ”Khrestany” the Christians) had more or less maintained. This is why the Tsar and his family fell for spiritualists and persons like Grigori Rasputin, why the Tsar eventually abdicated, and why the ”Holy Synod” itself betrayed the Autocracy and supported the Provisional Government of the February Revolution of 1917; they gradually came to not believe in their hearts.
We need a spiritual revolution, of leaders who believe.
Doesn’t the fact that the Protocols see Papacy and the Jesuits as the main obstacle shows that they have not been ‘fabricated’ by the Russians? All the language of the Protocols shows a ‘Western’ preoccupation and all the craze about them was a ‘Western’ preoccupation as well. It is known that the Tsar Nicholas and Stolypin ordered an investigation in 1905 which came to the conclusion that they have been fabricated in France, in anti-masonic circles.
Dear Anonymous,
Indeed, that has been my impression and I think you’re correct.
I should have added that when Nicholas II learned of the results of Stolypin’s investigation, he requested that the “The Protocols” should be confiscated, because “a good cause cannot be defended by dirty means”.
There was indeed no need to use dubious ‘proofs’, easily refutable, when in circulation were plenty of ‘anti-semitic’ materials, openly discussed in the press, based on much solid facts and a better knowledge of the Talmud and Jewish life, e.g. the books of the Jewish convert Iakov Aleksandrovich Brafman (1825 – 28 December 1879): “The Local and Universal Jewish Brotherhoods” (1868) and “The Book of the Kahal” (1869), “foundational texts in establishing a theoretical basis to modern antisemitic thought in Russia”. In “The Local and Universal Jewish Brotherhoods” he took aim at international Jewish organisations, particularly those based in France. His main object for criticism was the “Alliance Israélite Universelle” under prominent freemason, Adolphe Crémieux. For Brafman this was the qahal of qahals and as part of an international Jewish conspiracy controlled all the other qahals.He saw this as the successor of the Grand Sanhedrin (Napoleon’s Rabbinic Assembly of 1807).
For a contemporary account of the problem you should consult the book of Aleksandr Nechvolodov: “L’empereur Nicolas II et les Juifs. Essais sur la révolution russe dans ses rapports avec l’activité universelle du judaisme contemporain”, Paris, 1924. You may find it on Kindle.
Thank you Mr Leslie for an interesting and informative article that gave us another perspective into the convoluted and murky world of European history and politics of which, I must confess, my knowledge is not nearly as vast nor, I dare say, as subjective as the writer or the many knowledgeable commentators.
The comments illustrate the vast divergence of views regarding who the Slavs greatest enemies are, the ZioAnglo or the GermanCatholic, and additionally opened new avenues of discussion.
Please allow me a few observations after reading the article and comments:
It is clear that the subjective nature of the understanding of history, especially when evaluating past actions with a view to bolstering a certain viewpoint, essentially means there can never be consensus on historical events, the causes and effects of which are open to interpretation. And the further back one goes, the less clarity and ‘truth’ one is likely to find.
What is undeniable is that human societies went through a process of development and transformation until arriving at the latest incarnation, the fixed geographical nation-state with the current alignment of states everyone is familiar with. This process cost blood, treasure, cultures, peoples, principles on all sides and the price is still being paid as we continue through this process. This is the human story.
The factor, be it ideology, religion, tribe or whatever else, that bound individuals to form a group has changed as the societies have changed and what once was a unifying factor may now be irrelevant.
Looking at the situation today, there are two major contending philosophies: American exceptionalism vs multipolar rules-based international order. Within the groups that were previously unified by whatever unified them, today some prefer the one reality proposed and some prefer the other reality proposed. That is the only relevant unifying factor that matters today in how our tomorrow is shaped.
While the Germans and Catholics have their sins, as all the surviving groups have, today they are merely vassals. The Germans have been castrated since WW2 and the moral authority (for a section of the masses) of the Catholic Church has been severely undermined by the media. If once they were the great evil, today they are merely sycophants.
I think the article is a different take on history with some nice nuggets to ponder over, As for today’s power alignment, Germany (in fact the whole of vassal Europe) and the Roman Catholic Church are inconsequential has-beens.
Will we blame the German who wants a multipolar, just and respectful world for the crimes of his fathers and hate him forever?
Dear Capetonian,
Thank you for a courteous reply. Please, it is not my aim to demonise anybody but if Angela Merkel DARES accuse Russia of poisoning its own citizen after a millenium of the most disgusting crimes against the Slavs, it’s time to act and this will continue until attitudes improve. The world needs to be reminded of German treachery – it is only thanks to Stalin that you were not squashed like bugs by the British and the French (and Americans – especially the Americans). It is thanks to the traitor Gorbachev that you were allowed to reunite peacefully while the British and the French wanted you separated forever. Well, with every new call for Russia to respect “human rights”, you will hear increased calls for the return of the DDR – a peaceful, non-imperialistic Germany. We could call it the Slav Germany or Northern Slavia.
Far from being a has-been, Germany has benefitted immensely from the American protection racket. It has bought up and co-opted most of Europe without firing a shot. And now it is again trying to play geopolitics (I could show you frightening foreign policy statements from the early 90s. None of German elite have forgotten Germany’s long-term aims. They are working hard on implementing them. And it is Trump (whom I’ve criticised) who has seen through the game and doesn’t want to fund Germany’s expansion any more.
So what now? Is German Europe simply going tosit in place or withdraw from the Russian borders? No it won’t. It will keep pushing even without America – as it is doing now in Byelorussia.
Nobody hates the Germans – especially not I. But they have shown scant mercy to their aboriginals and their descendants in the East. You do appreciate that this has to stop. No more! Please mind your own business and do not repeat your historic(al) mistakes. Please. I am not absolving the British and the French etc. but this is not about them.
All the best!
Thank you Mr Leslie
I’m not clear about what it is you are trying to get across. You claim not to want to demonize Germans yet you then proceed to rant about Merkwl and remind us of German treachery. In my humble opinion, if there is any nation whose history in the last century is the epitome of evil … the word nazi is virtually a synonym for evil in common parlance.
Do you really think Angela Merkel represents the German soul? Merkel is just another example of the comprador elites that run the corporatized states of the west. Politicians in western democracies are nothing more than one of many elements of many systems of control utilized by the elites. The exploitative elites in all countries are the ones who want to pit nations, religions, gender (only 2 for all history became 70+ in 30 years …wow), tribes, clans, ideologies and individuals against each other to create a world of all against all to divert attention from the real issues which are being addressed by courageous bold visionary nation states like China Russia Iran and others, a few but steadily increasing, attracted by the alternative to the five hundred years of colonialism in its various guises.
This cult of the self that pervades western thought is destructive as we can see from the conditions throughout western democracies… they are crumbling under the weight of their own skin inner contradictions. As Chinua Achebe wrote “Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
…and the gyre is widening still.
So where do we find our Centre?
It cannot be found in the past just as you cannot step by into the same river twice. I believe the Chinese have a way of transforming their governance structure to meet the changing needs of their people. Sure they have gone wrong, but the next batch just picked up the mission and adjusted again and that is why they have continued to survive for all this time. They don’t give too much thought to what others did or shouldn’t have done, they look at what they can do and do it. Even today, you never hear the Chinese moan about the century of humiliation, they are too busy reshaping the global logistical and technological infrastructure. That is what you do. Historical investigations are critical in providing insight to humanity’s progression and drawing insight, but I believe poking into old wounds and vilifying broad swathes of nations or religious believers is rather unproductive.
I am reading alot of these comments here and am responsible for quite a few clicks,(you’re welcome, whoever) but this is good stuff. I sence some distaste for some of our Germanic brothers. I’m apparently French, which means free, in some places. but The Germans and the Slavs are my brothers. Why the tension of brother against brother? Religion? Serve whatever you want ,what do I care? I don’t have to live with you. Peace
Dear Capetonian,
Thank you. You do understand that ideally, German and Slav should be if not brothers then good neigbours. That is my ultimate wish. If you detect something bordering on anger it is simply because of the huge injustice committed by one neighbour over the other. There was never any need for that. The Russians and others would have welcomed the Germans with open hands had it not been for the racial and religious hatred they have experienced century after century.
On a positive note – I do believe that the younger generations have the power to redeem the crimes of their forefathers (but also to forget them). I also believe that the younger generations of Germans are much more in tune with the spirit of the times (I won’t say Zeitgeist) and could eventually turn the painful page of history once and for all. My writing is dedicated to the older ones whose minds have already been poisoned.
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Dear Capetonian,
You say “poking into old wounds and vilifying broad swathes…”
– Why is German Intelligence service poking in the old wounds of Byelorussia and the Ukraine which have been destroyed by Germany several times?
– Why is Germany moving towards a “more muscular posture” towards Russia?
– Why is Germany poking its nose into the affairs of every single country in Europe. Thank god – one thing the British got right was Brexit.
– Why has Germany supported all the enemies of the Slavs since the end of the cold war? Croats, Albanians, Uniates and other scum?
-Why has Germany destroyed Yugoslavia?
-Why has Germany reneged on its promises to Gorbachev?
-Why has Germany bombed Yugoslavia in 1999?
Have the Slavs done anything like that to the Germans?
You know the answer and I know the answer. If they keep poking, I’ll start poking much harder.
Thank you
Dear Capetonian,
My reply was not allowed – I might have been too direct. I shall try and employ my famous diplomatic skills.
Let me not pick on old wounds, let me pick on some new ones.
– Why was Germany instrumental in the break-up of Yugoslavia (and Czechoslovakia) at a time it was benevolently given leave by the USSR to reunite and live in peace with its neighbours?
– Why did Germany push (with the Vatican) for the illegal recognition of two Yugoslav Catholic provinces?
– Why did Germany renege on its promises to Gorbachev and joined NATOs disgraceful push towards Russia?
-Why did Germany with its unbeaten record of genocide bomb Yugoslavia in 1999?
-Why has Germany expanded its influence to Russia’s borders hiding all the time behind the “poor occupied me” image that nobody believes in anymore – except German agents of influence.
– Why is Germany meddling in the Ukraine and Byelorussia – shamelessly – forgetting the magnitude of its crimes?
I shall try to say this as politely as possible – those who do not learn from history must perish. I believe – as do many Germans – that a separate democratic, majority Baltoslavic Northern Germany would ensure a) that the historical wounds are healed and b) that holocausts and genocides of the past never occur again.
With respect,
A mini Chautuaqua
This is primarily a pro-Russian site. That means that with exceptions such as trolls and provocateurs, people should advance pro-Russian views. Not pro-German unless these are directly or indirectly beneficial to Russia and her allies. There are hundreds of national victimhoods across the world and they deserve and probably have their own blogs. Hundreds of Goth-laden sites for pimply Teutons and Crusaders who are ready to die for their cause as long as mummy keeps serving their cereal – mourning the loss of the “East” (Do they not understand that they’ve actually won? Without a shot fired?)
This one is for people who feel Russia in a way that many can’t. It is true that ultimately we are in the same boat but that is as useful at this moment as a chocolate kettle. It is my duty (and yours) to speak up for the ONLY victims not acknowledged in the modern martyrium – The Slavs, Ancient Europeans, Northern Slavs, European Natives, Balto-Slavs, Prusso-Slavo-Balts, Serbo-Sorbo-Wendo-Polabians-Pomeranians and many others. These peoples are Russia’s closest family and it is their destruction that still creates problems not only for Russia but also other peoples of Europe.
So, forgive me for not expounding on other victimhoods – they are well known. I shall do my damnedest to make sure that this one becomes even better known. Thank you Saker for making this possible.
Hi Ken
Thanks Ken for interesting article which lightend history from new angles.
I would like to mention an important thing from grammary – Slovenci (Slovenians) and Lužiški Srbi are using ‘dvojina’ and this is also found in Sanskrt (Vedas). In english grammar you have only singular and plural – I’am, We are). In Slovenian language we have singular, dual (midva, nas dvoje, two of us), and plural (mi, vi oni – mi/We, vi/You(plural), and oni/them. I tought, that this is also worth to mention.
Best regards, Sašo
Dear Sasho,
You took the word out of my mouth. I mention that the Slovenes keep a lot of old family silver including dvojina.
This is very important and never mentioned in connection with the Sanskrit.
I have just learned of an Austro-Hungarian camp in Jindrichovci in Czechia where over 40000 Serbs were imprisoned during WWI. There were many others – in Olomuc, Terezin and so on.
Thank you very much
Well, how about Russian (Slav) expansion into Baltic and Finno-Ugric lands and peoples? Most rivers in area around Moscow and further north and east bear names from those languages. It is well known that Finno-Ugric tribes of Merya and Meshchera had lived there, and were absorbed by the Russian-speaking colonizers from Kiev and other Russian principalities.
If one, paralleling your theses, starts speaking of ‘Russian perpetrated holocaust’ of Finno-Ugric (and perhaps Turkic) peoples of Volga basin and Siberia, that would only do Russia harm. And very concrete harm – compared to your Pan-Slavic dreams, that might bear no fruit at all.
Of course – Hitler had all kinds of SS ethnic institutes in which “experts” were studying Russian ethnic groups with the aim of weaponising them against the Russians (this tradition continued in West Germany – and Britain). Idel-Ural? Legion Turkestan? Intermarium? Prometheus? “Larry Turni”? Which bunch? Pullach, London or Warsaw? Do your worst. Theirs will be worse, I guarantee you.
Thank you
I remember years ago a Czech NATO clone here in London studying the “Genocide in Siberia” for some spying outfit (e.g. SEESS). I asked her – why not study the real holocaust of the American Indians? She wasn’t very pleased to say the least. :-)
The truth is that the Slavs never hated the Finns or Balts or vice versa. On the contrary they’d lived side by side for many centuries. I’ve never seen anything but respect for the plucky, creative and independent-minded Finns.
Even today, Finland stands aside from the aggressive moves by other Scandinavian countries. I am sure that the Russians appreciate that.
May it long continue.
TheSaker says he’s a “legal alien” on Imperial lands. I don’t know where he lives, but here in Alberta, Canada ,I am a “legal alien” on Aboriginal Land. When the truth hit me I immediately sold the property I had been decieved into buying. What legal right do I have to buy or sell property on native land? They that put me in prison would’ve liked to lock me up forever for even thinking about this. The Native tribes of North America have to be the most patient, forgiving people, as a whole, that I have ever known. To continue to suffer atrocities from the aliens to this day. You want to talk about Cultic Religious abuse, I have seen it. What’s Whitey’s problem?
Dear Herve,
That is a very good question. This is why there is a sense that the United States is living on a borrowed time. A colleague who has Indian blood said something like “the land rejects them”. And you can see that when looking at American cities. Like a thin crust of asphalt, concrete and steel plopped on a wild, craggy and unwilling landscape (there are exceptions) waiting to be turned into a ghost town including a dust storm, a creaking saloon door and tumbling tumbleweeds.
This is why the fact that the Russians DIDN’T genocide their Indians riles the Americans so much. They are pumping money in order to inflame grievances trying to equate the two cases and use it as a weapon against Russia (as shown above; US consulate in Novosibirsk etc).
You know Ken that Russia, in the 1800’s helped us out a few times, as well as they could, to repel the British. I am acutely aware of the relationship between hate and love, but I have always admired Russia in spite of western propaganda. We had only few native enemies, L’iroquois come to mind. Acadiens remained in the east, where they landed, for some 100 yrs without Empire building ever cossing their mind. Empire came with the AngloZionist. The rest is painful history, as they say.
I’ve lived in Siberia for a time, and I’ve lived out west in America, there’s a difference for sure. I have known American Indians all my life, and there is a distinct sadness there of being turned into a stranger on your own ancestor’s lands, all the while knowing that the Western Techno-Barbarism’s mode of existence will never be natural and organic to those lands.
In Siberia there is a wild and almost frightening sense of nature as being an absolute, that one is just a guest not a master there, vast open fields and forest so dark with trees at night that it blanketed the view with impenetrable darkness…I was in awe.
You see (who ever you are) Russians did not make masacrs or genocides to other nations. These are the insuinations of certain people in the West who would like to accuse Russians of genocide, like they once did. For a different reasons….some just dont like them, some have a border disputes like Fins and Baltics from a first and second world war forgeting what they did to Russians in Leningrad only. This people very fast forget what they were doing because for them Russian lifes are just like the other colonial slaves of less value. Their lifes dont metter. Than you have people that have an interest in breaking Russia due to enormus wealth it has. Than you have catholic or sunni internationalists who want to spread their points of religious view. So many groups of interest, and so many bots.
One thing is shure. If Russian runaway converts, atheists etc committed mass murders, then they killed their own people for the sake of international ideology. For the sake of their enemies. The same like Yugoslav did to Serbs.
Yes, Djole,
There is a lot of truth in what you are saying. Only now are Russians starting to study Finnish concentration camps for Red Army soldiers. That is the point of my article, Djole – Slav lives DON’T matter and especially Orthodox Slav ones. This must change starting now.
Look, African Americans, totally deprived and cut off from their spiritual sources managed somehow to gather round certain cultural symbols and even myths of an African Shangri-La (I think that is a good idea). The Slavs are incapable of even that despite their rich culture and history. If that is not a pathological state of the collective mind, I don’t know what is.
This problem cannot be solved dear friend. While the intellectual elite of the West is unwilling to change their perspective. Today, we would rather find an ally in the yellow lobby of liberalism. But as conservatives it is not possible. No matter how hard we try to be friends with the West, neighbours that forget thier crimes it is not worth it. We can only be their servant subjects. No God, no sin. Only animal reflexes, no self-reflection. Waiting for the Russian Tsar or better to say Khan to rise in Russia
You can at least try to write more articles about the Serbian and Russian misfortune. But to change the consciousness, unfortunately, a war is needed in which one or the other side will be defeated. The West and our communist brothers from the last century have not been defeated. Between red plowing and black slaughter. After the black fascist foreigners always coming the red communist ideologues of their own people. Today, the red bourgeoisie fascist kids of the first ones. .
First, in spite of all the evil done by the “Judaeo-bolshevists”, if you equate communism with the Nazis you equate Stalin and the Red Army with Hitler and the SS. I can’t do that and neither can president Putin. I understand you – I was very very right wing as a young man but just can’t do it.
Second, you see how much resistance and hatred there is for this idea? I understand that it is hated by its victims – Russians and Serbs – but it is hated even more by its beneficiaries – various Catholic quislings who abused Slavic charity to stick their heads even deeper up the rear of mother Germany. Just follow their screams and you cannot miss your target.
Thank you
No, you can not compare them even in former Yugoslavia. However, to say they were doing Russian and Serbain thing would be also wrong. We should be brave enough to face the true. Reds help us devastate imune system of nation-positive nacionalism from inside. Stalin give the Poland, Prusia, Pomerania and Slunjsko and Tito give Croats Istria, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik while holding their right hands in uniform. You know what I mean. For russian and serb lifes. We do not respect our lifes, why the enemy should. First we do need to face our real history, get stronger. There are still mix emotions, and this is weaknees which our enemies use. And your articles will help us to overcome this. Period of time after one another to explain what realy happened.
Thank you
You are right of course. It is true that Stalin supported the Croats before WWII and everything else you mention is true also.
I am not blind at all but imagine if a Gorbachev was in his place? There would be no Russia or Serbia.
Ultimately, I have to believe in the good in humanity. Otherwise why bother?
Thank you, Djole
There is the city of Kitezh, my friend, hidden from man and from time by God when the Mongols came it disappeared where a certain lake lies now, as the legend goes.
But yes, we need to make Slav lives matter in the eyes of the world, by fighting for justice everywhere, for all.
Lovely, thanks.
One thing that must be avoided is what happened to the Jews and the Irish (in America) – turning from the victim into a persecutor.
The Slavs dream of their lovely glades, forests, rivers, lakes and valleys, rich harvests, balmy summer nights and beautiful women, the Northern and Southern seas and the vastness of the Russian steppes and soul. Of their great scientists, artists, saints and struggle for freedom.
What have you been dreaming of lately?
Your words make me positively homesick for the land that I have loved and the people I have loved all my days!
Sweet dreams are made of this :-)
Indeed they are, dreams and realities as well.
You have got me doing my research; seems for example that modern Romania as a National concept rather than as Orthodox Christian principalities owes something to Pope Pius II (Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini 1405-1464), and generations of German and other scholars including Uniate priests added many Latin, French, and Italian words to the Romanian language and dropped many Slavic words, among other things…
Hi, Vladimir,
True. I don’t know a great deal about Romania but do know there is a large Serb substrate there that has been suppressed and romanised. Even today, about 30% of the language is Serb/Slavic.
Keep researching – the crimes of the Curia must be exposed.
Indeed they must be exposed. As you indicate, we must keep researching, enlightening ourselves and others so that evil and ignorance does not triumph.
Romania is a case of not ‘seeing the trees from the forest’. Are Romanians Slavs romanized, or Romans slavicized? Should their political options be determined by the proportion of Latin or Slavic words in the language? Is Romania a thorn into the ‘Slavic’ side, or into the ‘Romano-Germanic’ side? The idea that Romanians are a nation with of its own national path, hardly gets into the ‘great politics’ purview.
Now, the present nation of Romanians is the result of a long cohabitation, which entailed for a long time a situation of bilingualism on the larger area of the Roman-Byzantine Empire. The predominance of one or the other on this larger area was the result of processes of aculturation and assimilations which went both ways when ‘national’ states emerged after the fragmentation of the Empire. South of the Danube the Romanic element was largely assimilated by the Slavs, North of the Danube Slavic element was largely assimilated by the Romanic. Political and cultural factors played an important role, of course, but we should not consider the processes as ‘cultural genocide’.
Oh, sure, but Romania is full of Milans, Radus and Ions, Iovanovicis and Serbulescus and I have not seen any Gaiuses or Flavias just yet. It has been a long process but it would be interesting to hear some of the Serbs from there. Don’t you see the pattern? Hungary and Sandor Petoefi (Aleksandar Petrovic)? Most European nations have been formed and have enlarged themselves at the expense of the Serbs or other related peoples. This is what needs to brought to light.
Again, not as revanchism which is abhorrent to me but as a means of changing the suicidal Slavophobic course of German Europe and its Romanian vassals (it seems that the Serbs will be joining them soon).
Let’s not exaggerate. I assure you that you’ll find hundred times more Ion, Gheorghe, Dumitru, Constantin, Elena, Alexandru, Mihai, Nicolae, Nicoară, Anghel, Gavrilă, Samoilă, Andrei, Anatol, Anton, Barbu, Grigore, Tudor, Răzvan, Zamfir, Ionescu, Popescu, Georgescu, Dumitrescu, than Milan and Iovan, Iovanovic or Bojinovici which are names born by Serbians living in Romania. There are plenty of names Ungureanu, Grecu, Turcu, Rusu, Neamţu, Leahu, Tătaru. And if you want to know there are plenty of Traian, Tiberiu, Octav and even Caius!
They are general Christian names anyway, just slightly differently pronounced.
Dear Anonymous,
I know and am exaggerating a bit for an effect (but not much). While I really don’t have anything against the Romanians (on the contrary), I am very upset by their willingness to become a nuclear testing area just in order to spite the Russians. With an attitude like that, everything comes into play.
I have just read that the Russian government has sent the Germans what amounts to an ultimatum – that unless they provide evidence for their accusations, the relations between the two countries will deteriorate significantly.
Perfect timing to coincide with my article.
Someone asked – what was the difference between the Germans and the British?
The latter will indulge in any kind of mendacity, subterfuge, lies, plotting and perfidy in order to weaken their enemies. However, they will not cross the line of their own interests (although the two World wars cost them dearly).
The Germans will disregard their interests and the welfare of their nation just in order to harm the Russians and Serbs. EVERY SINGLE TIME!
This is what happened in WWI, WWII, in the 1990s and is being repeated now. I’m sure that president Putin has had enough of the German treachery. The time has come to take the fight to the aggressor.
Northern Balto-Slavia, here we come.
I know that there was a reason God granted the Russian people the Kaliningrad Oblast, after the Great Patriotic War…
It’s been most enlightening reading the comments justifying or completely obfuscating, undeniable evidence of systematic aggression towards the slavic people. An evil, sadistic program, which has continued unabated for several millennia. All the while eagerly pontificating about the present machinations of the “evil” cabal, which is simply continuing this crusade against humanity. The ignorance and hypocrisy is deafening!
Ken Leslie has begun to present undeniable proof that the Vatican and Germanic elite have worked in conjunction to exterminate, assimilate and steal the homelands of so many indigenous people, culminating in the greatest Holocide in history. A historic injustice which has not only been hidden, but exasperated by a cabal so evil that they’ve hideously vilified the victims and continue shamelessly to this day.
And how do scores of supposed enlightened, peace loving , seekers of truth and justice react? They ignore the evidence and actually attack and throw petty insults at an author, who bravely and brilliantly dares to illuminate said injustice. Some of the most active and pious voices don’t even bother to comment because of their petty personal grievances with the messenger and their own lack of historical knowledge. I would have expected such fervent, illogical, childish hate from commentators on cnn mimicking sites, breitbart, even Zero hedge, but here?
I’ve always considered the readers of The Saker to be the most enlightened, lovers of humanity. While many posters contributing in the comment section merit such praise, many others have unequivocally demonstrated their absolute hypocrisy. Self-righteous children, when presented with overwhelming evidence of the evil perpetrated by groups they associate with, lash out at the brave messenger, proving how little real humanity exists within.
Imagine growing up in a society hell bent on your people’s destruction. Being subjected every hour of everyday to news, school teachers, books, tv and film, which unjustly vilify and demonize your kind. Bullying by various “law” enforcement agencies. Zero objectivity, zero proof and yet you must be kind and be objective to the point of falsely ascribing guilt to your own position, just to be able to function. God forbid you point out the absolute ludicrousness and historical falsehoods. Thank god the real fighters of injustice are not so weak as some here.
I cannot thank The Saker and Ken Leslie enough. You both epitomize what’s best in humanity and inspire the righteous. May the lord continue to guide and protect you!
Dear Epithet,
Thank you so much for your brilliant evisceration of the hypocrites, black agents, fearful mice, jesuitical false friends, provocateurs and egotistical primadonnas who are doing their best to bury or defend this most shameful of crimes. The good thing is that they are exposing themselves and cannot really affect the debate. What matters is in the body of the text.
Roman Catholic conditioning is very powerful and is the main obstacle to the revival of the native European civilisation (Slavia). However, this will happen – one way or the other.
Finally, I feel really touched by your kind words – the best is yet to come :-) and please stick around – your fly swatter is much better than mine!
Especially valuable is your observation of a deeply ingrained sense of inferiority which compels even the brave righteous Russians to keep explaining and excusing themselves, constantly seeking accommodation and any signs of approval from their villainous partnyors. Imagine how easy it is for the lesser tribes to succumb to the evil pestilence.
God bless you.
p.s. One of my next articles will dissect the post-war European Catholic fascist underground which has resurfaced and is pushing for war.
Looking forwards to it KL!
It’s the result of the Raskol, with the Russian soul divided between imitation of a West that hates Russia and itself, and the original Orthodox Christian and Slavic soul that cannot be contained and always comes out in ways both positive and negative, like characters out of Chekov’s plays or Dostyoevsky’s novels.
And regarding the European Catholic Fascist Underground… I know of them quite well, and they are indeed resurfacing and pushing for war. They should be careful of what they wish for.
Finally, from now I shall use “Holocide of the Slavs” in your honour.
Sorry Mr. Leslie,
you are on the wrong track. You are doing for the Slavs what Hitler and his kind did for the Germans: Constructing a “völkisch” past out of historical snippets taken out of context. The theoretical construct of “Volk” as an ethnic entity originated only with the beginning of the 18th century during the erosion of the multi-ethnic empires like the Habsburg, where the nobility ruled different people but constituted a trans-ethnic class which intermarried. Catherine the Great was borne a German princess for example. This has been the development in Germany at least. (I don’t know enough of the history of other European nations to decide, whether it evolved there also along these lines.)
If you dig deeper in the European history you finally end up with the migration period where the different tribes settled in Europe displacing or assimilating the indigenous population. They did then what tribes do and always did. And this could go to and fro: Saxonia has been inhabited by Germanic tribes till the 6th century, by Slav tribes till the 10th and then again by Germanic tribes. What made Europe the continent it is now was the Christianisation with the nobility and the clergy hand in hand. The Great schism then divided east and west. After all till the advent of the civil society the power struggles between the nobility and the clergy and the infighting of the nobility itself was the normal state of affairs and this meant generally war. It was all about power, influence and resources but never ethnicity.
Regarding Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation the Wikipedia states:
“The empire never achieved the extent of political unification as was formed to the west in France, evolving instead into a decentralized, limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of sub-units: kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, Free Imperial Cities, and other domains. The power of the emperor was limited, and while the various princes, lords, bishops, and cities of the empire were vassals who owed the emperor their allegiance, they also possessed an extent of privileges that gave them de facto independence within their territories. ”
This conglomerate missed the collective will to expand east and don’t forget the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century about which Wikipedia concludes:
“The Thirty Years’ War devastated entire regions, resulting in high mortality from hunger and disease. Campaigning armies and mercenaries funded themselves by looting or by exacting contributions from the inhabitants of occupied territories, imposing severe hardships on the populace. The war also bankrupted most of the combatant powers. Finally, the exhausted combatants negotiated the Peace of Westphalia (1648), putting an end to the overlapping conflicts. The rise of Bourbon France, the curtailing of Habsburg ambition, and the ascendancy of Sweden as a Great Power created a new balance of power on the continent. ”
There is no mention of a Germany capable of the achievements of the other European Powers above. Even after the foundation of the German national state in 1870 the colonial “expansion” was primarily driven by the need to have stations to refuel the merchant fleet in a world dominated by the British Empire as his competitor.
If you want to think about history objectively then you should remember the word: “history is written by the victors” and remember the war propaganda against Germany during WWI and WWII. Never will a victor rectify its war propaganda. But if you want to construct a new Satan according to the Jewish one by the Nazis then carry on. I as a German am used to this, but be aware that you are a useful voice in the upcoming confrontations against Russia.
Dear Heinrich,
Thank you for your detailed reply. First, do you agree that there has been a holocide of the Slavs and that this needs to be acknowledged. Your answer will determine my next statements… but anyway.
It is detestable to compare an attempt to reconstruct a lost civilisation with Nazi racial ravings. Imagine if you were to tell the Apache that their culture is Voelkisch kitsch. Or any other nation that has been eradicated by “Christians”.
You are trying to draw me into the warped Jews-Jesuits quarrel. I have no interest in that. I am also not interested in why Germany “had to” do this or that.
Your last statement is a veiled threat – if you don’t toe the line and blame the Jews for everything (and turn the blind eye to the horrible crimes committed by the Germans), you will somehow be aiding Russia’s enemies.
Victors’ history? WHO KILLED EVERY FOURTH BYELORUSSIAN? German Catholic chutzpah knows no bounds. I can imagine your plaintive cries and accusations had it been the other way round. NEVER AGAIN!
Give my regards to the porcine-eyed Herr Bruno Kahl, the Head of the BND and a rabid Catholic (like his boss Heiko). They are working 24-7 to push Russia into the corner. Be aware that this will be the last time the Germans are allowed to do that.
Dear Heinrich,
However! I have to give you credit – despite a total lack of argumentation you are prepared to defend the Reich. Note the silence of the Russians, Serbs, Byelorussians and others who have been at the receiving end of your Charite for over a millenium. That and not my pointing out the truth will be YOUR best weapon in the next war.
The silence of the Slavs might be an awareness that the ”next war” will indeed be the last one with Germany and the rest of the West. What is there left to say against the religious traditional Latin maniac who insists that ”Russia will be converted” to the Papal Church via the ”Immaculate Heart of Mary”…..Or else…? What further words are there for people who insist that Russia, as per the infamous ”Golitsyn Thesis” seeks to conquer the world for Communism secretly and covertly after all these years, so the West needs to go on a Cold War containment footing? There are no words for them, they are implacable. One must be sane oneself, and watchful, and by God, prayerful.
Thank you, Vladimir. I shall devote one article to Fatima, Medjugorje, Czestochowa and other symbolic triggers for the slaughter of the Orthodox.
They must be exposed, laughed at, put in their place, told in no uncertain terms that there will not be a next time.
I agree. Besides the very real phenomena involved (there is another power at work) I believe that it is exactly as you said, ”symbolic triggers for the slaughter of the Orthodox”, but also in the case of ”Fatima”, there was a very real spiritual process in which Hitler and others divined a providential sanction for actions taken as a result of ”Fatima”…. That’s partly why there’s a cover-up of the ”Fatima Secret” now, in my opinion.
There must never be a next time.
It is not for nothing that “Fatima” appeared in 1916 – when there was a real risk of Germany’s defeat and the Pope was sending hysterical missives asking for a truce. Of course, this generous offer was not on the table in 1914, when the KuK (nice) and the Second Reich were slated to destroy the Serb troublemakers and Russian barbarians. It is not surprising either that one of the fake secrets has to do with the conversion of Russia.
This is a typical Jesuitical ploy. When you ask – what, to convert the Russians to Catholicism? Noooo, the heart of Mary, you know, mother of God, stop being so paranoid!
It is not surprising either that the Fatimisation of the West was restarted in the late 1940s and the early 1950s with the aim of mobilising the West against the Soviet Union.
But you know what is really amazing? Not a word in the Russian media on all of this despite the fact that the Vatican has never stopped trying to harm Russia. Whether it’s fear or ignorance – the result is the same.
Yes, I made quite a study of the apparitions throughout the history of the Latin Papal Assembly, and indeed it was one of the reasons why I converted to Orthodoxy. Not that the phenomena were not real-they definitely were-but that spiritual deception is also a very real component of that phenomena.
The Vatican uses these phenomena and events both in order to galvanize the faithful spiritually (particularly against ”threats” from within and from without) but also to introduce innovations in doctrine. For example; the Polish ”saint’ Maxmillian Kolbe not only serves as a bridge to claim a series of Catholic victims to the Holocaust by his death at Auchswitz, but also his theological reflections on the Lourdes Apparitions of the claimed Mother of God led him to claim that Our Lady was eternal in her soul pre-existent with God the Holy Trinity, as the apparition at Lourdes said to the girl; ”I AM the Immaculate Conception”. So now this is the ”Dogma” that is being developed by the Vatican, introducing for all practical purposes a fourth member into the Godhead. We Orthodox know that one can speak too little of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God, but one can say too much and dishonor her that way, such as with the heresy of Collyridianism.
Similar new ”Dogmas” are being incubated out of the ”Sacred Heart of Jesus” movement developed by the Jesuits to counter ”Jansenism” (of which I have made a life’s study) in France and elsewhere.
If one is creating a new religion one must destroy the old religion and all traces of it so that no comparison can be made by people in the future between the new and the old.
Dear Vladimir,
Thank you – you know much more about this and I approach these apparitions from a very secular political perspective. Everything fades into insignificance if such phenomena are used to “mark the next victim”. I also think that going into theology too deeply risks losing sight of the main issue – venal politics of power and conquest.
I also found Kolbe very interesting but haven’t studied him. The point there is that the Poles keep pushing him forward as evidence that the Nazis opposed Catholicism (nonsense). The question is – why did the Vatican let Hitler kill priests in Poland? Because they knew about Hitler’s hatred of the Slavs and were prepared to countenance it in order to destroy Russia (things changed after Stalingrad – next time).
I see the same in Latin America where brave priests and nuns (Archbishop Romero and many others) were killed by right-wing ultra-Catholic fascists. The Vatican never complained (I have studied that quite a bit) and F. Bergoglio was working hard on behalf of the criminal Vojtyla to crush the progressive opposition to the Argentinian junta.
Surprise, he has now appointed a Venezuelan (Sousa) to head the Jesuits (new black pope).
Dear KL.
It is indeed true that the ”superstructure” of the imposing monument known as the Vatican is built on Earthly Power-as witness the ‘Donation of Pepin” where the Bishop of Rome became a ruler of much of central Italy by Frankish hands.
So yes, the spiritual may seem to be an afterthought, but it is mind control, it is authoritarianism. These new doctrines are always made to enforce the habit of mental compliance. One moment ”Old Catholics” were doing and saying much as Roman Catholics always had before 1870, then ”Papal Infallibility” was declared and the few who objected found themselves outside Rome’s orbit very quickly.
And they are more than willing to let Priests be killed, particularly of a progressive sort. And if they canonize them they remove both the people canonized and they who do the canonizing from public scrutiny.
Sosa is an interesting guy; a real politician, literally, having taught political science, and apparently close to former President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez and to the Cubans. That being the case, dialectic-wise I expect he’ll be like Bergoglio and help Bergoglio wrap up the diplomatic charm offensive/ liberal camouflage of the Vatican Council II era.
Hi, Vladimir,
Thank you for this – very informative. Do you know anything about various attempts to form national Catholic churches?
Also, I know a bit about the Old Catholics but need to learn more.
Have you made a study of the ‘Sophianism’ of Soloviov- Bulgakov-Florenski, which came to the point of the implication of the Theotokos as a “fourth person of the Trinity”, “the essence of the Trinity, the glue that binds Father, Son and Holy Spirit together” in Bulgakov’s (hailed “the twentieth century’s most profound Orthodox systematic theologian”) parlance? Both Soloviov and Bulgakov had visions of the ‘Eternal Feminine’, at the same time when the cult of the ‘Immaculate Conception’ and of Fatima was gaining speed. Troubling was that ‘Sophiology’ led Islamologists like Henry Corbin to speak of the Shiites’ “eternal person of Fātima-Sophia” in the ‘ecumenical’ effort of voiding the Church of the person of Jesus Christ as Son of God and making it part of the ‘ecumenical synagogue’ (Fatimah Zahra being the daughter of Mahomed, the Muslim counterpart to the Christian Mary, Mother of God; indeed, one of her names is Maryam al-Kubrá, or “the greater Mary” as “she surpasses Mary in both purity and divine favor”! Fatima is greater than the Mother of God of the Orthodox Christians!
No need to say that in Orthodoxy, Sophia, the Holy Wisdom, is the Logos, Jesus Christ the Son of God ‘by Whom all things were made’.
Bulgakov’s ideas and those of Soloviev and Florovsky in the matter of ”Sophia” have been condemned even within official Orthodoxy, and as I indicated in earlier posts, am a definite sympathizer (and have familial ties with) with the traditional ”Old Believer” Orthodox Christians, to whom these kinds of ideas are anathema in any case. I do not think that it was a coincidence that this effort to promote ”Sophianology” at the same time as the Vatican was also engaging in speculation and innovation in the field of ”Mariology” is coincidental.
The end goal is the reduction of the role of Jesus Christ and the insinuation of an ”Eternal Feminine” into the Godhead by some means, likely to eventually conflate God the Holy Spirit as being Incarnate in the BVM or a similar heresy of the Collyridian type. This is because the Western culture since at least around 1000 AD when it arose in the Dark Ages has always been in essence Matriarchal at it’s core, with Oswald Spengler relating that one of the important symbols for understanding his ”Faustian Civilization” is that of the Madonna. ”Saint” Maximillian Kolbe for one used to write of Mary being the temporal ”I Am the Immaculate Conception” and the Holy Spirit as the ”Eternal Immaculate Conception” but also wrote of the eternal pre-existence of the soul of Mary with the Triune Godhead. With the canonized Polish Pope having canonized Kolbe, it’s as much as the Vatican having declared Kolbe’s theology as dogma for all practical intents and purposes. I think that time will come soon in any case, a new and latest innovation in dogma energizing fanatics for new wars and crusades to spread this new gospel…
None of this of course effects my love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God itself as an Orthodox Christian; I believe that she is dishonored-and through her her Son-by exaggerating her role in the Divine Economy of salvation, as much as by downplaying and ignoring her role altogether.
You should extend your research on Fatima, etc. to the previous ‘apparitions’ like the ‘Lady of the Miraculous Medal’ of Catherine Laboure, Notre Dame de La Salette, the ‘conversion’ of Alphonse Ratisbonne and the foundation of the Congregation of Notre-Dame de Sion (for the conversion of the Jews!).
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you,
This is very useful for somebody who has only superficial knowledge of these propaganda campaigns.
Medjugorje was proclaimed at the site of a pit in which several thousands of Serbs were thrown after having had their throats cut in 1941. Even the Vatican was reluctant to recognise it officially – which didn’t stop millions of RC zombies coming from the Philippines and elsewhere.
Here is one of the leaders of the repulsive Catholic cabal Martin Sheen directing other Catholics to lie about Medjugorje at a time when the Croat cutthroats and their US masters were expelling almost half a million Serbs from their native lands.
Those who are keen on excoriating the Jews should take a better look at the powerful Jesuitical undercurrent in Holywood which has had to compromise with the former on “diversity”, “Inclusivity” and gay rights but NEVER on the moral superiority of the archetypal Catholic instrument of death and torture – the CIA.
Dear KL,
I was unable to reply directly to your questions, so I answer them here. You asked me;
”Thank you for this – very informative. Do you know anything about various attempts to form national Catholic churches?”
Yes, like Strossmayer in Croatia, ironically. Obviously the Vatican had to put a stop to that. But this had been going on earlier for quite some time.
”Also, I know a bit about the Old Catholics but need to learn more.”
After I left the Papal Church, I spent a brief time as an Old Catholic and even was in the early part of the process of training to be an Old Catholic Priest. The ”Holy Orders” of most are valid and come from ”Jansenist” clergy, to whom the ”Old Catholics” turned to join after Papal Infallibility was proclaimed as Dogma st the First Vatican Council in 1870. Some Old Catholics are in more or less unity with Anglicans.
Many of these very small groups have become rather questionable in their teachings but the people I knew were sincere and well aware of the ability of the Vatican to interfere with them even on a local level…
What I noticed is that the more sound groups of Old Catholics today really all looked to Orthodoxy for the Truth, as had I. So I left this halfway house for the Orthodox faith, with thanks and gratitude for those Old Catholics who helped me along the way.
There is a basis for reconstruction of what the West was before the Schism.
Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you, Vladimir,
You are reading my thoughts :-)
Try to find out more about the national Catholic Church in Croatia (and throughout the Slav lands) in the early 1920s. People were so disgusted with the Vatican’s support for the Central Powers that they started leaving the Church in droves and forming their own people’s churches.
The attempt in Croatia was ultimately quashed by King Aleksandar who supported the Vatican and archbishop Stepinac (whose followers would destroy him in 1934 and a great portion of his people less than a decade later).
This is important. Thank you.
You’re welcome KL,
It is indeed very important. As I hinted, there is a basis of a possible reconstruction of the real West’s spiritual core, as the Western half of a renewed Orthodox Christian faith.
This of course is something that scares the folks in the Vatican (although who knows? There might be some secret supporters of Orthodoxy there at least to a degree) and the Germanic Western Elites.
I suspect though that it’s going to have to take a drubbing from the awakened Slavs before this happens, I am much into future scenarios personally, but I’m always surprised a great deal of the time.
As you can tell, the Vatican really did a number on these Old Catholics;
I also think I owe the readers a brief explanation. The “Jews and the Jesuits” paradigm was described by a late activist and author D. B. who understood the love-hate dynamic between these two tribes which has governed the European and US politics for centuries.
They hate each other most of the time. According to the Catholic bigots, the Jews are… well you know. According to the Jews, the Catholics are irredeemably evil – and please spare me the heartwarming stories (e.g. Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff on Pius XII or Bruno Kreisky on Kurt Waldheim). The hatred is real and it moves the political process – most clearly in the United States where the two ideologies have directed US foreign policy since 1945. They appear under the guise of politically acceptable positions (e.g. liberal vs. conservative, internationalist vs. nationalist etc.) in order to mask the fact that both are AGENCIES OF FOREIGN POWERS.
Do you see it now? No? Well, despite the burning hatred, the two fascisms agree on one point which has kept the creaking US behemoth rumbling on beyond its sell-by date and forming a broad political consensus within the Euro Reich Mark II – hatred of Russia, Orthodox Christianity, Orthodox Slavs and Slavs in general.
Heinrich’s reply is characteristic of the Germanic/Catholic (and Jewish) sense of superiority. You are either with us or against us (that was Georg Wilhelm Busch). You cannot possibly seek your own way or carve out your own path. You are either with us or with them – and if you are an Orthodox Slav, you are the enemy of both.
Well, I am not interested in the J-J pathological relationship. The crimes of the Vatican and German political incarnations against the Slavs are largely unknown. The Jews have made sure that the world knows about their suffering (at the exclusion of everybody else – quite disgusting). However, that is for another time.
Now, I am telling the story of one of the most shameful episodes in world history – the Holocide of the Slavs. They have their own path. You are either with them or against them.
Vielen Dank
Dear Mr. Leslie,
for my part I am a friend of the Russian people and many of my compatriots are also. Very many of them trust Russia more than the USA according to some polls. And that against the propaganda by the transatlantic press demonizing Russia and especially Putin. As you can see by the example of Catherine the Great there were no aversion against the Russians in the German nobility either. It is a myth propagated by the Anglo-Saxons that there is an “Erbfeindschaft” between the Russians and the Germans. Read “Mein Kampf” as an job application of the Nazis to the Americans which supported them as they now support the Banderistas in Ukraine.
Concerning the hate of Slav or the Slavs as “Untermenschen”: By all the atrocities of the Nazis I learned in the past there was no mention of the discrimination of the many Germans carrying a slavish name as they were descendants of Poles coming as workers to the Ruhrgebiet or the Slav minorities of the Wendland and the Sorbs. In stark contrast to their treatment of the Jews.
I think it is plain stupid to to look at history with the morals of today. It is a laudable progress that we look with a better moral at human beings than yesterday but the people of the past also lived by the morals of the day. By the way, our modern thinking is in accordance with Immanuel Kant who ascribed reason to all mankind with no distinction. The idea of genocide is a new one – in the past there was pure enmity, arrogance and the superstition that the superior group prevails rightly. The American settlers didn’t kill the Apache because they were Apache but because they wanted the land and the Apache was the enemy and it would be a better use of the land by them than by the Apache. No different to other migrations in the past – just read the Old Testament.
I think it is worthwhile to discern between truth and reality. Truth it the set of of beliefs which direct the behavior of the individual in his social group. Therefore exist as many truths as there are social groups but there is only one reality. A Christian, a Hindu or a Muslim have distinct truths but if they fall out of the window they all fall according to the same law of motion. That’s reality. You may just discuss which truth is nearer to reality.
According to my remark comparing your mode of thinking to another historical example there is a grave misunderstanding. I say your kind of argument follows the same myth building mode as theirs while your content is just the opposite. But I am fully aware that in your truth I am the ugly German justifying the crimes of the Nazis. I have to live with this.
No, Heinrich,
I would never label you as a Nazi and I understand that it is very hard for many Germans to live with that kind of heritage. I condemn Daniel Goldhagen’s generalisation. However, there is a Germany that is acceptable to me (GDR), the one that’s partly acceptable (FRG) and others that are generally unacceptable. Sorry, nothing I can do about it.
So, if the Slavs come back to claim what’s rightfully theirs and kill off all the Germans, is that justified by the Old Testament? Just another migration?
All you need to do to start feeling better is publicly condemn (here if possible) the detestable German imperialist behaviour of the current government. That’s it – I’m not asking much, am I?
Dear Mr. Leslie,
indeed, you are asking too much. I don’t subscribe to the catholic invention of the original sin. I also don’t subscribe to the inheritance, genetically or cultural, of a bad character. I only feel responsible for decisions which I could influence at least in theory and I know me being in accordance with the philosophy of the enlightenment. I am not able to change the past. Even if there may be a philosophical theory which means that this could be possible. As every broken egg demonstrate there is no reversal in time. That’s reality.
The world is just the way it is because the past was as it was. You’ll never know whether the world today would be a better place if the Slavs would still live where you want them to live. Here as a human being using his own reason and standing on the tradition of the enlightenment I can and will not follow you. In my opinion every generation has to make the best out of the conditions it finds. I myself born immediately after WWII had to cope with the situation and my parents had to roll up their sleeves and clear the ruins. Everybody had to whether he was pro or contra the Nazi regime being in the GDR or in the BRD. They paid the price for the war because they hat in principle the means to avert it. That’s all and more can’t be demanded. And that’s the only proposal to avoid the vicious circle of the vendetta.
Looking forward I do everything in my reach to prevent the demonizing of Russia, oppose the color revolutions in Ukraine and in Belarus and comment negatively every opinion which in my view is “völkisch”. By the way, this is one reason why I read this website and recommend it to my friends.
You see we both have different truths which are too precious to us to convert. I hope that you in earnest want to have peace and you are not an agent provocateur who tries to provoke hatred between East and West. Then we have at least one thing in common.
see 25.20
History repeats itself all the time, and will never change, until SHTF.
Thank you, MJagger,
I publicly apologise to Herr Steinmeier for calling him a cold, reptilian Nazi Slav convert whose father “was affiliated with the Church of Lippe” and whose mother was a Slav convert from Silesia. I promise never to call him that again. Perhaps a cold, reptilian, ruthless Nazi Slav convert…
To the low, disgusting traitors of humanity:
This is one provocation too far. Your interests are a legitimate target from now on. To that end,
I am calling for the formation of the Northern Slav Republic (or Northern Slavia) which comprises all the territories currently inside Germany that have once belonged to the Serbs/Wends.
I am inviting the German authorities to facilitate this and not try to oppose it. If they do, Northern Slavia will be established with the help of Russian and other Slav arms as a just recompense for the innumerable wars of aggression against the Slavs that have originated on the territory of today’s Germany.
I am also inviting German government to start planning for a reduction and eventual dissolution of the European Union and return of what is left of Germany to its republican status quo ante. As the examples of Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt and Erich Honecker show, there is no reason why Germany should not live in peace and harmony with the rest of Europe.
I am asking all right-thinking Slavs, Germans and Balts to support this noble and peace-enhancing idea.
Sorry, Mr. Leslie,
ad hominem removed .. mod Will you bring back the Celts being expelled by the Germanic tribes? And the Slav are settling now where the Germanic tribes have been before: wouldn’t it more rational to move the Germans to the east? Will you reverse the era of migration? Are you really certain to open this box of pandora? Are you really convinced to serve the peace on earth?
ad hominem removed … note we are here to discuss the ideas and issues of the day not to attack others … mod
Germanic tribes did not live across the banks of the Elbe and Sala. Full stop. Everything else was invented by Germanic Intelectual elite in their dream map “drang nach osten”. The Germanic people are a mix of Proto-Balkan Group I(look at the comments above) and R1B Celtic Group from the area of Lower Sweden and Lower Norway, Denmark. Full stop. From there you descended to Britain, to the Netherlands, to the banks of the Rhine, and through the Teutons, the Saxons, and the germanized Celts aka Bavarians, to the east. Full stop. Frankish border before that was on Limes Sorabicus.
All I am asking from you is to show a modicum of humanity and empathy for the millions of innocent lives lost to the German sword and torch since 8th Century till today.
Second, I am asking you to condemn the actions of the crypto-fascist German government which is working in cahoots with its enforcers (the USA and Britain – who are prepared to shed blood) to push Russia into the corner.
And you are right to be worried. I have just articulated what many feel and know but are afraid to… articulate.
@ [Romanians’] willingness to become a nuclear testing area just in order to spite the Russians.
Believe me, many Romanians are as upset as you are. This is not to say that Romanians cannot make stupid political choices. But that cannot justify the suggestion that Romanians committed a ‘cultural genocide’ (or a ‘holocide’ as you like to call it) against the Serbs, or ‘Slavs’ for that matter. Exaggerating in that domain (demonstrably untrue) cannot enhance you argument of the German ‘holocide’ of the ‘Slavs’. It actually weakens it.
OK, please find examples of Serbified Romanian surnames (and no, the Vlachs do not count). I can find many many examples of the reverse.
Unlike some Romanians, who are laying claim to the Vlachs, I am not laying claim to anything – may Romania prosper (I could talk about Ceausescu years – perhaps next time) – I just want justice – I want people to acknowledge an old culture that has been swallowed up.
No nationalism, revanchism etc. Respect to everybody.
Also, please understand,
My arguments are not directed against the Romanian (or German or Polish) people but against the powerful force which is currently leading them towards their own destruction by making them complicit in a millennial crusade against the East. I am trying to prevent that.
Dear Mr. Leslie,
in this everybody can follow you.
But the real problem of our time is the fact that the propaganda of this powerful force has been improved by 75 years of sociological and psychological research. And the people has not developed a kind of immune system for that. Even the hope that the internet could be a balance becomes fainter now regarding the power of Google, Facebook, Twitter et al..
Dear Heinrich,
There is a spark of the divine in all of us – I am not interested in hatred, we have enough of that.
This latest crusade against the non-Catholic East (this includes China) must be the last. It is up to all of us to stop it.
Thank you
How dare you offend the sensibilities of these aggrieved Germans and members of made up ethnicities , whose propagandized history is shattered by asking the simplest of questions?
You see Ken, most of them know that their culture is rooted in Killing and theft. But now that they’ve found humanity and are fat off the pillage and rape of others, they feel entitled to pontificate to their victims. What’s funny is that some are diehard racists, while most are of the social justice variety, parroting the lies and sick justifications of their racist kin .
How could these pseudo-intellectual , virtue signaling cowards, possibly associate with the wholesomeness of their Germanic tradition, if they were to question their own illogical and monstrous past?
Ken, count me among your front lines, in the war to come. It’s time to go on the offensive and shout to the world, enough! Enough with your lies, enough with your savage conquest. We, the defenders of truth and decency, whose ancestors bravely sacrificed everything for the right to live free, must stop cowering in shame. To all those Serbs, Russians and other Slavs , whose ancestors have always fought the barbarous monsters of humanity, learn your people’s true history and demand an end to the filth and lies.
Thank you Ken. No retreat, no surrender!
Dear Epithet,
Thank you – one true heart is enough to change the world.
This is the last weapon they have – appealing to their victim’s humanity.
Was it Roberto Duran who said “NO MAS”? Well, NO MAS – I am ready for them.
p.s. Watch this space!
So we never forget;
Thank you, Vladimir,
Indeed. All the grievances in this world have been catalogued and commemorated – except the greatest one.
Here, there is no ambiguity – some are on the side of humanity and the others serve darkness.
Eternal gratitude to the brave men and women (and children) of the Soviet Union for ridding the world of the evil of Nazism. Unfortunately, the struggle continues and is even more important this time.
The struggle continues, which is why we need the heroes and the saints, the thinkers and the fighters, to carry the battle to the enemy forwards until Our Kinsman Redeemer comes again.
Amen to that!
Let me thank everyone from the heart – especially the mods. Wonderful debate, only available on the Saker.
Such an amazing revelation! The official science seems to be misled.
Another proof is that the Wends (which was one of the old names of the slaveni) operated a trading network going from the Baltic sea, through Eastern Europe and into India. Numerous Scandinavians historians are also actively talking about how the wends colonized their lands and brought urban civilization (As is evidenced by the transfer of merchants and traders from the slavic city of Rerik located close to Denmark by the danish king Godfried in 808 to Hedeby in order to catch up with the success of the Slavic tribes next to him, also the islands next to Denmark were actively colonized by these Wends and Birka was a trading post operated by the Baltic Slavs during the Viking age) btw Reric is probably the city where Rurik his retinue and his brothers Sineus and Truvor came from. Also the Slavic languages and Russian have the closest similarities out of all the Indo-European languages to Sanskrit which is a northern indian language spoken in the supposed region where the initial Arians came from.
Here is a link to the Westminster review showing the cultural development of the Slavs relative to all the other tribes of the north :
Here is also a map of the haplpgroup R1a (The haplogroup most represented amongst the slavic population and probably the main carriers of the indo-european languages) and its migration routes as you can see it starts in siberia about 24000 years ago and moves towards India 15000 years ago and then crosses into Iran 11000 to 13000 years ago and then moves into Europe no more then 9000 to 10000 years ago into the region of veneto-illyria since the R1a migrations go directly into the territories mostly associated with indo-iran-europe and is the oldest haplogroup to enter Europe in predominance relative to all the others then they are the best candidate for being the original aryans and serving as the root culture for all the other Indo-European peoples.
In fact on iis migration toward Eastern Europe about 4500 years ago is the time the Aryan languages came into being and then spread to Northern India around 3500 years ago forming the upper cast of indian society (as is evidenced by the R1a haplogroups found during dna testing of the Northern Indian elites), who were known as the indo-Aryan peoples.