by Irinia Medvedva, Tatyana Shishova

‘Nash sovremennik’ 11, 2001 (source:

Translation, notes, and afterword by Edvin Buday

Note by The Saker: normally such a translation would belong into the “Speeches, Statements, Interviews” section, however, since the translator, Edvin Buday, also offered an important and interesting afterword, this I have decided to post this text in the “guest analyses” section even though the original Russian text was (obviously) not written for the Saker Blog (the translation was, of course).  I also have to confess that I did want to give this text a somewhat bigger visibility due to the importance of the topic and the quality of the translation.

Recently, the words ‘globalism’ and ‘globalisation’ sound more and more often from the most varied platforms. It will not be long that children will be using these terms without breaking a sweat. According to our observations, however, almost no one exactly knows the realities that lie behind these “bacterial words”, as the famous political scientist S. G. Kara-Murza [1] characterised a similar, deliberately vague ‘modern’ lexicon. We, of course, do not claim to know the entire picture, but we will try to at the very least sketch it out in general terms.

Once can say endlessly that globalisation is the creation of a “single economic and informational space”, an “open society”, a “world market”, but all of these terms are but euphemisms, a smokescreen. Actually, globalisation is about the creation of a world government with a single administration and a single army, common financial structures, laws, and a common culture. This project began to develop as far back as the 60’s and 70’s when international organisations like the UN began to acquire more and more authority and power and, on the other hand, the sovereignty, currencies, and traditional way of life of nations began to purposefully weaken. But while the Soviet Union existed, the essence of the globalist ‘project’ remained camouflaged. With the destruction of the USSR, America (its main carrier) had no one left to be scared of.

All under one law

It is unlikely that many of us recognised the extended meaning of that principle of the priority of international law over national legislation that was declared in the Russian constitution of 1993. And those who studied this document are in general likely to expound a similar priority in accordance with the old conviction that is an attribute of many of our human rights activists: something along the lines of “the foreigners will help us”. However, after the bombing runs against Serbia and the absolutely ineffectual attempts to turn to the International Criminal Court, our romantic illusions about the ‘foreigners’ diminished in strength. In the meantime, we have, however, not yet encountered any realistic images to replace these illusions.

The reality is that (according to our new Constitution) when Russian laws contradict international ones, the latter will have priority.

We will have a think now: national laws, what do they express? In general, they express national interests, national concepts of the good and bad, the admissible and inadmissible. And our international laws always the guardians of the national interests of one state or the other?

Of course not, seeing as different states have different concepts of good and bad. We will note, that America has not accepted the International Convention on the Rights of the Child to this very day. And do you know why? Because the U.S. would then have to annul the death penalty for young offenders that is codified in the legislature of some states. We, on the other hand, having declared the priority of international laws, are forced not to apply the death penalty even in the case of adult sadists who have committed dozens of savage murders.

Or, for example, a report about the “Position of Lesbians and Gays in the Member States of the Council of Europe” was heard in the EU Council Parliamentary Assembly in June 2000. And recommendations about the legalisation of “partner relations” (i.e. marriages) of homosexuals and the liberation of persons who had been imprisoned for seducing youths from fourteen years of age and older reached the Russian Duma. The Duma loyally lowered the threshold of culpability for the corruption of minors; now, the corruptor is only held accountable only in the case that his victim is under fourteen years of age. And if he or she is fourteen years or older, the perpetrator cannot be tried.

The following proposal was also suggested: “To undertake positive measures for the battle against manifestations of homophobia (a negative opinion of homosexuals. – AN.), especially in schools, medicine, the Armed Forces, and the police”. The selection of “positive measures” is clear: here we have the corresponding “sexual enlightenment”, the removal of homosexuality from the ranks of sexual pathology, and the criminalisation of the actions of those who dare to criticise pederasty. And if the globalist arrangement of the priority of international law is preserved, these “positive measures” will reach the level of school clubs for the support of sexual minorities. Just like in America, where membership of such school organisations is called social work and gives large advantages when applying to the most prestigious universities.

You ask: “but what about sovereignty and national independence? How are international organisations going to be teaching us how to live?”

But this is what it’s about, when during the construction of the world government national sovereignty consequently weakens and true power transfers to multinational corporations (MNCs) and international or supranational organisations. And look at how the interference of these globalist structures in the internal affairs of for the time being judicially independent states takes place. How bitterly the disobedient are punished, how government borders between the obedient are washed away. How national currencies are weakened: we all personally felt what they did to the ruble. And the fate of many other currencies is little better.

Common money for the new world

But the most important currency in the world to which all the others are bound, the dollar, is not as stable as the man in the street would like to believe. And in general, the circulation of hard, greenish ‘bucks’ in the US itself is diminishing more and more: paper money has already fundamentally been replaced by ‘plastic’. And now this financial revolution has also hit us.

“The Russian Central Bank is examining the possibility of releasing a new plastic card, an “electronic wallet”,” the director of the Department for Payment Systems and Accounts of the Russian Central Bank Natalya Kochetkova recently declared (“Metro”, 17 April 2000). It is true that the project she describes only accounts for the removal of small change from the Russian monetary circulation. But there also exist far more radical plans.

At the beginning of 2000, reports of a so-called “Muscovite Card” seeped into the press. It turns out that as far back as 15 December 1998, the Moscow City Government passed decree no. 962 “On the Creation of a System of Cashless Payments for Goods and Services through the Use of the “Muscovite Card”.” 202 million dollars were set aside for preliminary testing, and up until 2005 expenses ranging from one and a half to two billion dollars on these targets are projected.

Here we must really ask the question about who it was that showed so much favour to our Moscow government? After all, lamentations about the lack of money for basic necessities has become chronic in the last few years. And this does not look like a matter of paramount important. So who is this Maecenas?

As it turns out, it is the American holding “Oracle”. At the start of the year 2000, the emblem of this American sponsor appeared on the Internet: it is an upside-down pentagram (note that this is one of the main Satanist symbols). The emblem was later removed, but the essence of the project is unchanged.

Thus, after they have provided every inhabitant of Moscow with a “Muscovite Card”, all currency transactions will be executed only through this electronic card; people should no longer have cash. And at first glance, this is so comfortable! No need to count banknotes in front of the counter, no need to count change, no need to weigh our pockets down with silver… No headaches!

But this is only a first glance. It’s one thing when cash and credit cards exist in parallel. It is something entirely different when there is no cash at all. It becomes impossible to buy dill at a street market, nor to give alms, nor hitching a ride with a ‘private’ when you are late to something, nor having a blast at a banquet on a holiday. And there are many moments like these; the absence of ‘live’ money is a very serious limitation on our freedom.

— On the other hand, — they reply, — electronic money is secure. You can’t steal it.

It’s nothing like that, and how it can be stolen! How much has been written about people receiving phantasmagorical checks for telephone conversations that they either hadn’t held at all, or held for incomparably lower sums of money. And proving one’s right takes years when the telephone is down, and a good result is not guaranteed. If this scheme has already been tried out, then why not apply it to the “electronic wallet”? You can write some extra zeroes in someone’s account, or, the other way around, remove a couple. And when you go to get your right, they tell you that the computer does not make mistakes, we’re dealing with electronic technology here!

And suppose that your electronic account has been blocked. Why? — Well, maybe this is random, mistakenly. How are you going to live until everything has been rectified? Are you going to ask a friend for a loan? But want as he might, he cannot give you a loan because he also has no ‘live’ money, and it would be pointless to send you electronic money.

We are not talking about a simple misplacement of your card. And when it is restored, you will inevitably become dependent on the person who concedes to temporarily supporting you. This is fine if this is one of your loving relatives. But what if you don’t have those? Or if you have them, but they don’t live in Moscow?

But even your closest relative will not be able to get you to a doctor by using their “Muscovite Card”. Or help you to get into an agency where you have to present your passport. Because the “Muscovite Card” contains your electronic money and this is but one point on your itinerary. And there’s fifteen of them. We have only just mentioned passports and medical insurance, but in transport too you will have to pay in cash. And there’s your driver’s licence, your IRS number, your pensioner’s card, your photograph, your data about your marital status and place of work, and many other data about the owner of the singular Muscovite document.

Thus, practically our entire life will be under control. Wherever you may go, whatever work you may begin, everything is now absolutely ‘transparent’. Everything will become known and will be entered into a computer; after all, the electronic card only appears to be small, but as a matter of fact the amount of information contained in the dossier is enormous.

— Well, why not! Let’s go! We have nothing to hide. We are honest people!—many of our acquaintances stupidly cry once they hear about the Moscow government’s project. — We will pay our taxes regularly, and all the rest will be our own personal business.

We must confess that their naivete brought us to such a state of dumbfoundedness that we lost the gift of speech, which is why we do not answer them immediately, but on the longer term, right here in this article.

Our affairs will only remain personal in the sense that they will be forced onto all of us. The aforementioned decree no.962 already envisions the creation of a “Moscow Emissions Centre” that will receive information whenever a “Muscovite Card” is used. What is more, the possibility and even duty of the Centre to deliver information about the users of the card to government institutions and private persons “on a contractual basis”, i.e. for the corresponding price, is envisioned in the document.

Let us say that someone wants to know about your health, how your psychology, vaginal health or urine are doing. No problem! And your familial secrets (for example, you adopted a child) can be learned by anyone who wants to practically without any work. Thus, the concept of a private life itself (what the Soviet defenders of human rights fought for for so long) will be abolished.

And we need not lull ourselves into a sense of security by saying that there as of yet isn’t a single “Muscovite Card”. Actually, it already exists, but in an incomplete and ‘scattered’ form. Students have already gotten used to and eagerly use personal transport cards with photographs, seeing as they are cheaper than normal tickets. Now, a “student card” is being introduced to schoolchildren. A very interesting article recently appeared in the Moscow City Government newspaper “Tverskaya-13”: “Fingerprints will replace money” (no. 51, 20—26 Dec. 2000). It directly says that in the future it will be necessary to transition from an electronic card to the implantation of microchips under the skin that will contain information about their owner.

And in a series of Moscow schools (this is what one of the episodes of the programme ‘The Russian House’ was dedicated to) vending machines have been installed in which the student does not just have to enter his card, but also lay his hand on a panel. The vending machine reads his information, identifies him on the basis of a set of numbers and the lines on his palm, and the child gets a bun. The corresponding amount of money will be removed from his electronic account.

Truly, under the conditions of globalism data about all of us will not just become the property of the Moscow City Government. And everything will not even be limited to the federal government. The State Duma has already seen preparations for a law “On Information of a Personal Character” that envisions the trans-border transmission of data on Russian citizens’ private lives. And the “Law on the State Population Registry” will give each and every one of us (from babies to old fogies) a personal code which fully corresponds to the global system of personal identification.

It is only in the context of the building of a global government that it becomes clear why the American company “Oracle” is investing such money in the “Muscovite Card”, and why the World Bank (an indicative name, isn’t it) is investing so much in us receiving world-wide IRS numbers. Not just borders, finances, and income become transparent in the system of globalisation, but people as well. And the more you know about a person, the easier he is to control. And, of course, no money is too much when you can get control over such an enormous country.

The Earth is private, and not ours

But, of course, building a singular world government is impossible when a country (even with weakened sovereignty) still has its own territory. Removing territory can be affected through different ways: starting a war, or, by supporting separatism, chipping away at the country through so-called local conflicts. And it is also possible without the use of expensive military operations. How? — Well, for example, as they are doing in Russia now, where in record time (and with a practically full information blockade) chapter 17 of the Civil Codex “On the Right of Ownership of Land” and later the Land Codex were accepted. In accordance with these laws, massive territories will be able to be sold to whoever takes them; the dimensions of the land are not legally determined.

What is more, the rights of owners are practically limitless. For example, this is what you can extract on the basis of chapter 17 of the Civil Codex:

“The owner of a plot of land has the right to use everything located above or under the surface of that plot”… (art. 261, p. 3)

Further, — the construction of operating lines, electricity and communications lines, pipelines, water extraction and treatment facilities without the agreement of the land’s owner is forbidden (art. 274).

Thus, very soon foreigners (directly or through intermediaries, this is not very important) will own significant parts of our land. And we who have been born in this country will have to find passageways through two privatised territories. The concept of the sovereign state itself loses any and all meaning when a mass transfer of land to foreigners is made. What sovereignty is there when the sovereign owners of our lands dictate to us how we should live from New York, Brussels, or Berlin? And what will prevent the new masters of our land to level, shall we say, a cemetery if they want to build a parking lot or golf course in its place?

And finally, there is also an entirely legal way of cutting off communications. An allochthonous landholder wants that the Russian ‘cattle’ [2] on his property does not receive light, gas, or warmth; what gives, it’s his holy right. And even if it is now already impossible to reach Chubais from Primorye [3], then you will find it even harder to bring his foreign “beneficiaries” to justice.

Who is happy in Russia? [4]

The population of Russia is shrinking, and this is not just the side effect of the recent reforms (as many believe). After all, a shrinking of the native population is one of the most important tasks on the road to world government: only after having strongly reduced the number of native inhabitants can the concept of HOMELAND be rendered void. How can nation states be cancelled out otherwise?

Now, people are being reoriented towards quality of life in many different ways, that is to say, towards a fairly high level of personal consumption. And they state that this is the most important thing in life, its goal and meaning. If you cannot secure EVERYTHING for your child (notice that we are not speaking of the most important, but of everything!) then it is better not to give birth to him or her at all. And seeing as the overwhelming majority of our citizens can now not secure for themselves this “dignified quality of life”, the question of the continuation of our people is automatically off the agenda.

Just to be sure, our autochthonous globalists took up a politics of so-called “family planning” and opened similarly named services throughout the entire country. “Planning” boils down to the implantation of abortion, contraception, sterilisation, “non-traditional types of family” (in plain terms: homosexuality), “safe sex” propaganda (which is usually accompanied by epidemics of venereal disease), and “trial marriages” that usually end in a divorce. Truly, such “policies” greatly contribute to the population deficit.

For example, schools are introduced to “sexual enlightenment” (which might better be called seduction) under various covers. This is an education that is full of anti-pregnancy propaganda and is part of attempts to make female sterilisation mainstream. As far back as 1996 an attempt was made in the State Duma to pass a “Law on the Reproductive Rights of Citizens”. This law would have given full freedom to “family planning”, i.e. abortion at any term, sterilisation at 16, and the corruption of children in school. At the time the law was not passed, and those who fight for “reproductive rights” continued to act semi-openly, even though they were actively supported by the state.

However, our foreign masters (for example, the European Commission for Human Rights) are not satisfied with this. They want that everything is legal, because legalised monstrosity will begin to be seen by people as something good, just, and stable. This is why the bill on “Reproductive Rights” has been revealed from under the cloth again, and in the near future it will be pushed through the Duma again. Even in hearings about demographic policy this bill was not only discussed in reports, but also entered in advance in a resolution about continued efforts to pass it. Well, seeing as the new Duma is, to put it mildly, controlled, it is fully possible this essentially genocidal law will finally be passed.

Here, a natural question arises: “But who is going to live on such an enormous territory if the native population is reduced to a minimum?”

But from the globalist point of view, this isn’t really a problem: you can always import immigrants. They are modest, and, what is most important, they are uprooted and will not fight the single world state. Foreign land is foreign to them, and if they miss their own, well, there’s neither borders nor visas.

Yes, but why will immigrants go to our cold, northern country? The majority of the wants to live at home, and not abroad. Although… a lot depends on ways of life. And if someone has a house at all: in the most direct sense of the word, it is a “roof above one’s head”. Is it because the world sees more and more so-called “local conflicts”, conflicts that give birth to tens of millions of refugees who are ready to move to the ends of the earth if only to escape the nightmare of war?

War is a socio-ethnic mixer of enormous potency. Would millions of Caucasians have voluntarily left their vineyards, fruit gardens, beautiful houses, mountains, and sea, if they could have lived in any way in their Caucasian homeland? Well, what about the Chinese, who are more and more freely moving through our Siberia and who cannot have a second child at home (foreign credit for the realisation of the “Chinese miracle” was granted on the condition of the strict observance of the “one child policy”). And so they leave for Russia. At the end of 2000, the vice-president for the State Duma Security Committee, V. I. Ilyukhin, declared at a press conference that there existed a secret treaty between China and Russia, according to which 1,5 million Chinese would receive Russian citizenship.

But this is nothing. According to one of several scenarios developed by the UN, in the coming 50 years we will have to accept 253 million (!) immigrants. At the current moment, our country has around 147 million inhabitants. So even if the current depletion of the Russian population was stopped by some miracle, the “replacement migration” will digest the aboriginal inhabitants and their culture anyway. Our territory will remain, but there will be no Russia.

A medical breakthrough in a sparsely populated outback

However, the population deficit is still whipped up in any way possible. A reform healthcare reform is being prepared (and already partially executed), that would eventually boil down to the majority of Russian citizens losing their free, high-quality healthcare. On the one hand, this will bring Russian healthcare down to that of many other countries: such an “equalisation” is necessary for the creation of a unitary state. And on the other, the worsening of healthcare under current Russian conditions will inevitably lead to a sharp increase of the death toll, which even without the reform would have taken on the characteristics of an epidemic. According to some expert, under such a healthcare reform the population of our country can shrink by two thirds in the near future.

You say that this is unrealistic, alarmist? But there exists an official text of the healthcare reform project that has already been launched in the regions of Tver’ and Kaluga with money from the omnipresent World Bank. It is telling, that even for the experimental or “pilot” purposes the two regions with the worst demographic indicators of all Russia have been chosen; to put it bluntly, these are dying regions. And it has been decided to help quicken the process.

In short, the essence of the reform (it would have been more correct to call it a health-destruction reform) boils down to the following: qualified doctors will gradually be replaced by so-called “general practitioners” (GPs), essentially orderlies who apparently need 15 or 16 medical specialisations. It is not hard to imagine the medicinal effect. In addition, the reform envisions the closure of small maternity hospitals in rural areas, the purchase of laparoscopes (these are sterilisation instruments), the treatment of patients with venereal diseases directly by gynaecologists (so that not one normal pregnant woman would go there, and, consequently, not receive even the most primitive help).

And, of course, the large-scale training of “family planners” has been prepared for. The numbers are eloquent: in two years, Tver’ oblast will see the training of 12 obstetricians and 1200 (!) “family planning specialists”, who are supposed to force contraceptives on women and persuade them to have abortions while dressing all these procedures up with disingenuous reasoning like “the child should be wanted” (“unwanted” children should then, consequently, be killed). In short: there should be a hundred times more agents of death than proponents of life.

Under the auspices of this “genocide with a human face” the third angle of the reform also handsomely finds a place: on the background of the mass impoverishment of people and price hikes for medicine, the reformists propose the development of large-scale propaganda for “healthy lifestyles”, high-quality nourishment, proper rest, the battle against stress etc. It’s as if they say “well, we have warned you how you should live. If you didn’t listen, well, that’s your choice. Every person has a choice between life and death.”

Apparently, more and more people are making this “free” choice in Kaluga oblast: in 2000, the death rate was seven times higher than the birth rate.

The most important reform

It is also interesting to examine the globalist view on the proposed reform of Russian education.

From all other points of view, this reform is totally absurd. Tell us, why do you want to cut down on Russian language classes and at the same time up the number of English classes? Why emphasise foreign history while sacrificing its national counterparty? Why remove “Eugene Onegin” from the curriculum, while advocating Tolkien in Pushkin’s stead? Why do you want to introduce strange books on government into school, books in which an image of some kind of society that does not correspond to our culture and our reality, a society where the main virtue is the correct payment of taxes and service in the military, on the contrary, is an outdated preconception? In which only the insane become monks and normal people preach “safe sex” and “family planning”…

“Why introduce twelve-years of education in modern Russia, a country in which many cannot study until the tenth grade because they have to materially support their families?” – one of us asked education minister V. M. Fillipov at a press meeting and in the presence of many journalists.

The minister, although he did not pronounce the world ‘globalisation’, nonetheless honestly answered the question: “I am in total agreement with you. But we are forced to introduce twelve years of education, BECAUSE ALL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE ALREADY TRANSITIONED TO SUCH A SYSTEM”.

Through his answer he told us, that Russia will gain no benefit from this transition. The benefit is beyond its boundaries: it is the unification of education, a unification that is being executed in the interests of the developing world government. And the English language is introduced in the first grade in any school, because it is precisely this language that is to become the main lingua franca IN “THIS COUNTRY”. And knowledge of the culture of one’s country is only of hindrance to “world citizens” (this, by the way, is the name of one of the educational programmes that UNESCO is actively propagating in different countries). Just like a high level of education.

After all, overly educated people with a developed intellect are contradictory to a system of totalitarian control. And the single educational system of the future world government presupposes a single educational level for different regions. And why do would Russian schools develop children into intellectuals when the majority of African tribes does not have any writing system, and slightly under two thirds of all teens in the US can barely spell? Globalist equality means the construction of bamboo huts in African jungles where they will teach children English, and our schools will see the introduction of so-called “competency education” (another “bacterial word” from the liberal newspeak): traditional school subjects will be abolished. They will be replaced by some kind of “integral disciplines”.

This means that instead of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, which gave students a fairly fundamental introduction to these sciences, there are plans to introduce a synoptic course on natural science or life sciences. It is precisely such an education that is called “competency education”; just like the creators of the healthcare reform hold that GPs will be far more competent in all of the 16 disciplines of medicine than specialised doctors.

At the basis of global unification lies the idea of the single final examinations; our bureaucrats are not even hiding that this is done to adapt everything to a world-wide standard. This is all so that students in California as well as Voronezh will be tested by the same kinds of miserable matrices that go something like this: “Choose the correct answer: Moscow is the capital of what country? a) Guinea; b) the U.S.; c) Russia; d) China; e) Australia”.

All conversations about testing being a more precise and objective way of checking knowledge than a traditional exam during which the student must coherently explain a large amount of material, answer additional questions, be ready to defend his point of view etc. are all very funny. Although, of course, testing is more technological and lightens the examiner’s workload. But that which is more technological is absolutely not guaranteed to be of better quality. Are pies that are baked in a factory tastier than those prepared at home in an oven? And is a manual stitch not blatantly less technological than one made with a machine?

This unified exam will place a bomb under our education, which few now suspect of even being there. It is placed under the most fragile and unsteady place: under our children’s thirst for knowledge.

Even in Soviet times, hundreds of monographs were dedicated to the problem of developing scientific curiosity among students. And not one egghead hit a dead end when contemplating how to stimulate interest in learning. But today, at the beginning of the 21st century, the majority of our children do not even have that desire to learn that their forefathers had, who were farmers’ children who took the possibility of education as a great good, as the realisation of their own, perhaps wildest childhood dream. And now, the cult of knowledge has been replaced by a cult of consumption. And those few who like to read pop-science books are labelled with the semi-disdainful nickname of ‘geek’ by their compatriots.

So, what can move children to study in such a situation?

— If you don’t study, you won’t pass your exams, — parents threaten. — You won’t get into university, you’ll go to the army, become a market stallholder, work as a janitor… — etc. etc., depending on the ideas of the individual family about the least enviable fate in life.

Thus, motivation becomes purely pragmatic. In these conditions, testing that significantly simplifies passing exams robs children of their final stimulus to work. “Why,”- it is asked, – “why should we bother by doing something extra when we can get a “full O.K.” without these hardships?” This tendency was already noted when it was made possible by decree no.9 of the State Education Committee of 27.12.1995 to change the essay needed to enter a university with a recital, or… (like in first grade) with a dictation. As a result of this, the prestige of courses like literature sharply fell. And as we know, national literature is a living link to national history, to tradition. And it is impossible to replace its educational effect on children with anything else.

Thus, whichever of these reforms is accepted, we will get the following (to paraphrase Mayakovski): “we say reform, but mean degradation”.

Advocates of the process

Rotten wares always need strengthened and exquisite commercials. Here is but a single illustration. Recently, there appeared a richly edited monograph by V. Zhirinovsky and V. Yurovitsky named “New Money for Russia and the World” [5]. Having read the book, you understand who is really hidden under the mask of the Duma hell-raiser. However, we’ll give him the word:

“Currently, we are living in the end of the Great Paper Civilisation… For the time being, we cannot imagine the coming world in all its detail: it is the world of electronic information. But that it will be a fundamentally different world, that it will be a different one from the world of paper information no less than the world of paper is different from the world of clay… this looks to be doubtlessly so… And the fact that it is precisely the electronic carrier of information and money that has the future – what kind of doubts can there be about that? …The buyer puts his finger in a groove, the computer identifies him by his fingerprint and does whatever is necessary in an electronic system”.

Truly, the total control society is depicted by the authors of the book as a world of all-encompassing wellbeing: “The first, most important civilisation-forming factor of electronic money is their world-wide character. And this will mean a total destruction of the modern financial world order, for the special role of several states as owners of certain national-world currencies will disappear. All privileges of these states disappear (well, yes, these privileges will be under the sole control of the world government and its affiliate structures. – AN). A single currency creates a single world, a world that is not divided into states (plots of Land), into plots of first, second, or third rates, because everyone has the same money and any person, whether he is from Africa or America, will be equally wanted as a payer or buyer using that very same money”.

So, if we are to believe Zhirinovsky, we will have freedom, equality, brotherhood, and happiness. Crime will disappear in the 21st century, because “hiding will be practically impossible. All people will be counted by bank account, numbered, and entered into the computer. The size of the population is known precisely, up to the individual, all over the world and at any time… Theft, thievery, and the extortion of money will be totally impossible. (For a small fish. But the strong of this world will receive, on the contrary, unlimited opportunities for theft and manipulation: go and see what operations are executed in those computer networks! – AN.) It will be impossible to illegally acquire neither narcotics (all the more because they will be legalised before then, a good beginning has already been made on “soft” drugs in the Netherlands and Switzerland. – AN.), nor weapons, nor other dangerous objects without a special licence or permission. It will be impossible to dodge taxes, because taxes are collected automatically… In the system of electronic money, it will be impossible to hide. Wherever he might go, the trail of his account will stretch from hotel to hotel and into his bank… Actually, the human being will be able to do as he pleases. But everything that is unacceptable or forbidden he just won’t be able to do. To use a metaphor, you can take a walk in the park, you won’t see any prohibition signs anywhere. But you just won’t be able to enter any places you shouldn’t; these places will be barricaded by a high fence or dense, impassable hedges”.

The hedges might be dense, but the metaphor is transparent: a concentration camp with electrified barbed wire.

On the other hand, the advocates of the new world order console the reader with images of a world without war: “First, why would you wage them? For land; but everyone has the right to live where he pleases”. Waging war will become impossible. “If some state will be declared to be an aggressor, all financial networks that link that state to the surrounding world will be cut off. After all, every state is financially tied to the whole world by one or several channels of financial networks, and one flick of the switch disconnects it from the whole world. And this will be such a blockade, that all current blockades will look like a children’s game that you can find in a candy wrapper. It will be impossible to acquire neither weapons nor ammunition (to say nothing of food) from abroad, absolutely nothing. And how long can a large state that has been cut off from the world last? It is unlikely that it will hold out for more than ten days. And once war becomes impossible, weaponry will simply cease to be produced, armies will be disbanded, and we will enter the world without war that Russian and Soviet leaders from Nicholas II to Khrushchev called for”.

A true idyll will begin in the concentration camp. And quality of life will be at a maximum. “When a person is born, he or she will receive a bank account, and this account will receive money from a social fund each month. The family can spend the money on child-rearing, but no more than half. The other half is immediately transferred to a special savings account for the child. The young person will gain control of this account upon reaching adulthood. During this time, a significant sum will aggregate”.

Well, in order so that readers definitely swallow the bait, the authors try to play on patriotic feelings: “Now, Russia is once again in a state of general existential crisis. It is precisely for this reason that Russia should take a vanguard role in the new world-wide currency revolution, in the rejection of the cash component, and in the transition to purely countable, cashless money that through a natural process will technologically become electronic. However much the opponents of Russia might laugh and rage, it is exactly her duty to once again show the world the way of the future. Russia must do this, whether she wants to or no. Because there is no one left… History is calling on Russia to do this for her own survival at the beginning of the 21st century”.

Zhirinovsky’s and Yurovitsky’s book would not have deserved so much attention, were it not that voices proclaiming that globalism is an evil, but an inevitable one were not heard more and more often. Where will we run off to? We must strive for inclusion. Or even better: ride the progress, get Russia an honourable (or ideally, a leading) place in the global world… Practically all the rest will be like the two cited authors described it.

Incompatible with life

There are also similar voices not just among our pro-Western “liberals”, but also in the circles of the most “patriotic” among us. After all, after the fall of the Soviet Union many are dreaming of a new, great (or perhaps even greater) state. And how strongly do they miss order…

That is not to say that order is bad. And the desire for it is, especially in our situation, a very understandable one. But it is always good to ask ourselves the question of whose order it is. In the name of who or what is it developed? Who runs the ball? It is on this very subject that the Russian philosopher V. Solovyov wrote a story about the Anti-Christ [6]. Its main hero first appears to do everything properly and correctly: he has created ecumenical peace, fed the hungry, invested money into culture… But he did not do all this for Christ, which is why that story ended very badly for many.

It is now a good time for us to list the main ideologues of globalisation. We do not know all of them, of course, and we will name but a few. A large part of the globalist initiatives (the infiltration of tax numbers, education and healthcare reforms) are being realised with money from the World Bank, which for a long time had Robert McNamara as its president. During the Vietnam War, he was the US Secretary of Defence and became “famous” for deploying napalm and burning Vietnamese villages, along with their inhabitants. After the war, he was possessed by the idea of destroying the “surplus” part of humanity. He was part of the Satanist “Lucifer Trust”, which later masked itself by being renamed to the “Lucis Trust”.

Another character is Margaret Zanger, the founder of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). She worked hard during the battle against Christianity and the satanisation of mass consciousness. She was part of the same “Trust”, preached and ferociously enforced openly fascist views on the selection of employees on the basis of racial and social characteristics. She propagated debauchery (including versions involving children), abortions, and sterilisation, having declared contraception her religion. By the way, the Russian Association for “Family Planning” (RAFP), which executes the role of a method center for lowering the birth rate in our country, is an IPPF branch. And the CEO of the RAFP, I. Grebesheva, is part of the governmental socio-demographic committee, an institution with enormous competencies.

Jacques Attali, another major globalist, was president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He developed an idea of world government, calling such a structure a “financial civilisation”. In his books, he propagates the destruction of the family, the transformation of people into goods (including “spare parts”) for others, and creating nations of “new nomads” without a homeland, home, or normal human attachments.

Should such a kind of “globalists” win, we will find ourselves in a world where good and bad have changed places. People who preserve their loyalty to traditional values will be marginalised and made out to be “criminals”, “fundamentalists”, “isolationists”, etc. Principally other “values” that presuppose a total and joint legalisation of drugs, paedophilia, homosexuality, and other perversions will reign supreme. They will allow for the murder of the elderly, the sick, and plain inconvenient people under the cover of euthanasia. They will turn orgies of cruelty, sadism, and all kinds of sorcery into normalcy. At the end of 2000, an attempt was made in Russia (thank God it failed) to pass a law about faith healers that would have given sorcerers carte blanche. Therefore, under the cover of triumphant progress it is actually regression that will reign, a return to dense paganism and monstrous inhumanisation.

Lately, our “world citizens” have become noticeably more active; we have even seen the creation of a special group of inter-fractional supporters of globalisation in the State Duma. But without agreement from the people, the creation of a world government is impossible. This is why globalist reforms must be combatted on all levels. Do not believe those who promise Russia an “honourable place in the global space”.

…Recently, we conversed with an American political scientist. He spoke about the horrific consequences of the globalist project, including for its own creators.

— “But what, then, is their logic?” — we wondered. — “Why did they think this up?”

— “It’s not worth it to look for human logic in the actions of Satanists and degenerates”, — the American answered. — “Their logic is different, it’s their own. And it is, as the doctors say, “incompatible with life”.”

Translator’s notes:

[1]: Sergey Georgyevich Kara-Murza is a noted Russian historian and political scientist known for his anti-liberal and anti-globalist views.
[2]: The original Russian word, “быдло”, is descended from the Polish “bydło” and initially meant cattle. Later, however, it received the added meaning of “scum”, “street trash”. Thus, the sentence can also be translated as “when he wants that the Russian scum on his land do not get gas, light, or water…”
[3]: A reference to the notoriously weak Russian communications systems of the 90’s and early 2000’s. Primorye is the extreme east of Russia, and Anatoly Chubais was deputy prime minister of Russia and a chief architect of the liberal economic reforms of the 90’s. The joke here is that communications have become so bad, that the inhabitants of Primorye cannot even reach Chubais to complain about them.
[4]: A reference to poet Nikolay Nekrasov’s Who is Happy in Russia? (Кому на Руси жить хорошо?), an unfinished poem about a group of peasants who set off to find someone who is truly happy in Russia. All they encounter is utter misery in the countryside and despondent administrators and aristocrats in the cities.
[5]: Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a nominal opposition politician and leader of the right-wing, hyperpopulist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. He became infamous in the 90’s for his absurd policy suggestions (free vodka for all who want it, a Russian empire stretching to the Indian Ocean), showmanship, and political (sometimes physical) fights with fellow politicians. Despite all this, the LDPR is highly loyal to Putin’s United Russia party and Zhirinovsky is often accused of being a Kremlin puppet. Vladimir Mikhailovich Yurovitsky is a Russian academic who specialises in electronic monetary systems.
[6]: Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov was a noted religious philosopher who is credited with creating the first comprehensive system of Russian philosophy. His main studies focussed on the study of divine wisdom (which he personified into a ‘Sophia’), for which he was later anathemised by the Russian Orthodox Church. The work referenced here is A Story of Anti-Christ, which is accessible here.

Afterword: the logic of globalism seventeen years on

It is clear that the world has changed significantly from the times in which Medvedeva and Shishova wrote. It is important to understand, that Russia of early 2001 was radically different from the Russia of the last few years. Indeed, it seemed as if the country was slowly crawling back up from the brink after the Asia Crisis and the resulting deficit, and although some doubted several decisions that were taken by president Yeltsin in his second term, it seemed as if Russia was, at long last, “becoming a normal country” (to cite Andrei Shleifer’s 2005 book). However, as time would go on to show, the course of the country, as well as that of the entire world, was to change radically in a direction that the globalists would rather not have seen. Therefore, I consider it important to examine the developments of the last seventeen years, both in Russia and the wider world. I will examine each of the main points made by the authors and evaluate their current manifestations in the world.

Although the euro has become the main currency for a large part of the world, we have still not seen the introduction of an absolutely universal, global payment system. The closest thing we have to that is the SWIFT system, which is employed as a threat against Russia and any other country that dares not to toe the globalist line. However, the Russian Federation has recently found itself in a leading role against financial monopolies and related fiscal bullying. As a matter of fact, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich recently declared that Russian banks are ready to work with an alternative to SWIFT if the need arises. Other financial and economic developments of note are continued Eurasian integration and the formation of a Eurasian Economic Union as a counterweight against the globalist EU and WTO, the latter of which Russia might leave over sanction rows. Lastly, we have seen continuing economic cooperation between Russia and partners such as China, India, Iran, Pakistan, South-East Asian and African nations. Continued Russo-Chinese economic cooperation even led to a sale of Russian government bonds in Yuan. Lastly, the despicable regime of sanctions against the Russian Federation and its citizens have shown the world how low the globalists will stoop in order to silence any and all opposition. As a result, Russia has experienced a new wave of support from anti-globalists all over the world as they rally under the flag of the bear.

Thankfully, the mass sale of Russian land to foreign businessmen and governments has not come to pass. Although there are worries about Chinese colonisation attempts in the Russian Far East, there have as of yet not been any massive sell-offs of land to foreign investors. Lastly, the major influx of refugees and immigrants into Russia has not taken place. Although there are many labourers from Central Asia in Western Russia, they are mostly there for remittances and usually do not place down long-term roots.

One of the major blows struck against globalism in Russia are renewed and strengthened laws against gay propaganda, sexual ‘minorities’, paedophilia, and pederasty. What is more, Russia has seen a strong increase in the influence of the Orthodox Church, which by itself is doing a great deal to prevent Western and globalist perversion of the Russian people and youth. Sadly, abortions are still easily available. As a result, the demographic crisis facing Russia is still severe, although government investments and policies might have blunted the crisis somewhat. Whatever the case may be, Russia is sure to go down fighting and will not let the globalists walk over it without a struggle.

On the educational front, the proposed reforms turned out to have been significantly less damaging (and they were also much less widely implemented) than was first thought. Recently, Russian elites have started constructing their own schools for their children. What is more, the Russian government has pursued successive policies to improve both the general level of education and imbue Russian schoolchildren with a strong patriotic spirit. These decisions have, of course, come under heavy fire from globalist watchdogs (read: lackeys), but this has not stopped the government in pushing through. The slow disappearance of liberal and globalist voices from Russian national discourse is also a very welcome development. Instrumental in this change was the Law on Foreign Agents, which requires any organisation that receives foreign donations and engages in political activity to register as a foreign agent. All these changes caused the Soroses and Attalis of this world great consternation, and their trolls were quick to condemn Russia as a ‘new dictatorship’.

In general, the nightmarish future described by Medvedva and Shishova in 2001 has not come to pass in Russia. However, this does not mean that the country has nothing to be worried about. The demographic crisis continues to be a problem, and fifth and sixth columns continue to actively operate, both inside and outside of government. All in all, Russia does have a chance to permanently escape the globalist system and prevent the creation of a unipolar world order, but it will require all of its efforts, intelligence, and strength (as well as a dose of luck) to do so.

We can now turn to the rest of the world. In general, globalism saw significant successes in the early 00’s, only for those successes to turn into a string of defeats all over the world. The American empire rumbled forward into the deserts of the Middle East to create the necessary “local conflicts” that would drive great amounts of rootless refugees all over the world. However, as historical laws would have it, all was not well for the eagle. Uncontrolled speculation led to a housing bubble which spectacularly burst. Although this was an opportunity for the globalists to rejigger their structures and put a new, even more transnational government in place in the US, the crisis put an enormous amount of strain on the world’s financial systems and slowed America down by a couple of notches. However, the supporters of the New World Order could not afford to have their plans hit a delay and pushed forward with renewed vigour.

The new plan was to destabilise the remaining Middle Eastern regimes that were friendly to Russia and China, primarily Libya and Syria. Thus, the US and co launched expensive, highly complex destabilising operations in the countries under the codename of the Arab Spring. Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq were plunged into devastating civil wars with horrendous civilian and military casualties. It seemed that the globalists’ plan had worked. However, the powers that be had not accounted for one small thing: that the world can only take so much hypocrisy before it snaps. The US’ and EU’s actions in the Middle-East had finally shown how untrustworthy and ruthless these globalist pawns were, and the more or less sovereign nations of the world (Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and several others) began to settle their own affairs. And this is where the eagle started to choke.

It choked on Crimea, which it couldn’t start a war to reclaim. It choked in the South China Sea, as it couldn’t directly assault China and avoid crippling trade damage. It choked on the Philippines, were a president said no to the American fuelled drug wars. It choked on Venezuela, which started to untangle itself from US interests. It choked on Brexit, as it couldn’t stop the UK’s departure from the sinking EU, no matter how many stories of economic and political chaos it threw against the Brits. It choked on Syria, as Russia launched an intervention of its own and crushed ISIS. It choked on Iran, which, when it came under threat of renewed US imperialism, rejected the propaganda package that was the nuclear deal. It choked on the populist movements in Europe, which blamed America for many of the troubles that Europeans are facing today. It choked on North Korea, which decided to make overtures to its long estranged southern brother without US mediation. Lastly, the eagle choked on something else entirely: domestic opposition and a non-globalist leader, despite the insane, multi-billion-dollar efforts of the globalist political establishment, the country’s economic sector, universities, and the media. Although Trump has shown himself to be far weaker on many issues, he remains an important wrench in the gears of globalist planning.

Although the eagle might be choking on the massive bone that is the emergent multipolar world order, it is far from dead. Indeed, it might not be as dangerous when it is fit and fiery, but rather when it is in its death throes. And even after its death we must be careful. The thing about globalists is that they are truly international: no matter where they end up, they always manage to twist the local population to fit their needs, make local inhabitants dance to their tunes. This is the result of their being utterly divorced from all reality, but also from all philosophies and religions. These intellectual chameleons do not care what puppets they control one moment, for they will just as easily change colours and drift over to another group. This is not to say that they are invincible, far from us. Globalists still remain flesh and blood (at least, for the time being), and everyone can bleed. Everyone can die. Everyone can be conquered. And by the grace of God, we will prevent the nightmare of Medvedeva and Shishova from ever coming to pass, and we will conquer.

Translation, notes, and afterword by Edvin Buday.